Why are there fewer elements than there are compounds?


Answer 1

Compounds are 2 or more elements that are combined together to form a new substance. Why are there are more compounds than elements? Because elements can combine with more than just one element, thus creating a whole series of combination possibilities.

Answer 2
Because a compound is a combination of elements so you can have a variety of combinations of different elements with other elements, while an element is only 1. Therefore, an element is only account for 1 and a compound is made of 2 elements so there a multiple different combinations of compounds u can make making compounds higher in numbers than elements. Compounds are named of 2 or more elements while elements are just elements

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When a projectile reaches the highest point the vertical component of the acceleration is:
(A) Less than g (B) Greater than g (C) Positive g (D) Negative g



The acceleration is g.

Taking the upward direction as positive

V = Vy y - 1/2 g t^2

Taking the downward direction as positive

V = -V y + 1/2 g t^2

One can choose either direction as positive, but the acceleration is

the same as g (it is g) while the projectile is in the air.

When a projectile reaches the highest point the vertical component of the acceleration is negative g (acceleration due to gravity). Thus, the correct option is D.

What is Projectile motion?

Projectile motion is the motion of an object which is thrown or projected high into the air. After the initial force applied on the object that launches the object, the object only experiences the gravitational force. The object is called a projectile and the path of the object is called trajectory.

When a projectile reaches the highest point the vertical component of the acceleration is negative g (acceleration due to gravity). When the object achieves highest point, then the vertical acceleration of a projectile is zero meter per second square when it is at the peak of its trajectory motion.

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Learn more about Projectile motion here:



How many hydrogen atoms are there in all the reactants?



there are two hydrogen atoms in all reactants

someone pls helpp meeee



the first answer is correct

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Adog breed can be made smaller by breeding together only the smallest dogs.
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A dog breed can be made smaller by breeding together only the smallest dogs.

Identical twins are more likely to be about the same height than non-identical twins,


The neurotransmitter acetylcholine:
A. is chemically identical to heroin.
B. is found in all sensory neurons.
C. can cause hallucinations when present in abnormally excessive amounts.
D. is involved in muscle contractions and memory.



A. is chemically identical to heroin.

Compared to a 1-kg block of solid iron, a 2-kg block of solid iron has the same:
A. Density
B. Mass
C. Volume
D. Inertia


The Correct choice is :


3)(20pts) Un barco invasor se encuentra a 560m de un puerto de defensa, el puerto tiene cañones que
disparan con una velocidad de 82m/s. a) ¿Qué ángulo debe de tener el barco para poder golpear el
barco invasor? b) ¿Cuál es el tiempo de vuelo de las balas disparadas por el cañón utilizando el ángulo
de la respuesta "a"? c) ¿Qué tan lejos debe alejarse el barco invasor de la costa para lograr estar fuera
del alcance de los cañones?


a) Las balas de cañon disparadas desde el puerto deben tener una ángulo de 27.39° para que puedan impactar al barco, con una velocidad inicial de 82 m/s.

b) El tiempo de vuelo de las balas de cañon para alcanzar al barco que está a 560 m de distancia es de 7.69 s.

c) Sabiendo que el ángulo calculado en el inciso a) es para una distancia de 560 m, el barco debe estar a una distancia mayor para que las balas no lo alcancen.


Podemos usar las ecuaciones de tiro parabólico para encontrar el ángulo que permita derribar al barco invasor.

[tex]x=\frac{v_{i}^{2}sin(2\alpha)}{g}[/tex] (1)


v(i) es la velocidad inicial del cañon (82 m/s)α es el ángulo de tirog es la gravedad (9.81 m/s²)x es el desplazamiento total (560 m)

Lo que debemos hacer es depejar α de la ecuación 1






Por lo tanto, el ángulo para que el cañón impacte en el barco es de 27.39 °.


Sabemos que la componente de la velocidad en el eje x es constante, así que podemo usar la siguiente ecuación.


La componente x de la velocidad es V(x) = V(i)cos(α) y sabiendo la distancia total de 560 m, el tiempo será:




[tex]t=7.69\: s[/tex]

El tiempo total de vuelo de las balas de cañon es de 7.69 s.


Sabemos que el ángulo calculado en el inciso a) es de 27.39 °, y ese valor fue calcualdo para una distancia de 560 m, por lo tanto el barco debe estar a una distancia mayor que esa para que las balas no lo alcancen.

Puedes encontrar más información sobre tiro parabólico aquí:


Espero te haya sido de ayuda!

at 30°c an almunium spher is 30cm³ long
the cofficen linear expansion is 24×10`⁶ if the final volume is 30.5cm³
what's the final temperatur of the almunium sphere​



Change volume / volume = .5 / 30 = .01666

coefficient of volume expansion = 3 * 24E-6 = 72E-6

Change in temp = .0167 / 24E-6 = 232 deg C

Final temp = 232 + 30 = 262 deg C

Change in volume / volume = 3 * coeff linear expansion * change in deg C

Help me with this please



for the secound one i think it would be 45.87 let me know if this is wrong I love to get my feed back


Help ,I wanna know if this is correct or not



it looks correct to me but im not 11% sure


PLz help Asap 10 POINT



Mars has a thin atmosphere


Okay, so this is going to sound crazy but bare with me. Mar's atmosphere is thin. There is little to no gravitational pull for the atmosphere to stay. Also, no, humans will not be able to live on Mars because the atmosphere, quite literally, contains 1% oxygen. Hopefully this helps! Earth's is thick because of the gravitational pull and gases in Earth's surface.

8. What is generated by the movement of tiny particles within an object? *
(2 Points)


Answer: Thermal Energy

Explanation: I know this answer is correct because I had to look in my notebook for the definition

In my own words: Thermal Energy is the energy coming from heat which means it is generated by the movement of tiny particles with different objects.

Hope this helps! :)

Let us remember your previous lesson on Physical Press Components! Directions: Analyze the folawna fitness components. Put a check in the box to which Physical Fitness belongs to Components Slab-Related Health Related 1. Power 2. Agility 3. Balance 5. Muscular Strength​



5 Muscular and strength

Two buildings near each other stand 40m and 60 m tall as measured from the ground to the rooftop. You are standing on the rooftop of the shorter building and observe that the rooftop of the taller building is 55o above the horizontal, as shown in the diagram below. Determine the horizontal distance (in meters) between the two buildings.




tanθ = opp/adj

adj = opp/tanθ

adj = (60 - 40)/tan55 = 14 m

Draw a free body diagram of an 6.4 kg ball falling towards earth. Calculate the weight of the ball.​



[tex]\setlength{\unitlength}{2mm}\begin{picture}(0,0)\thicklines\put(3,6){\circle{3}}\put(2.9,4.5){\vector(0,-3){2cm}}\put(-3.9,-10){\line(3,0){3cm}}\multiput(-3.5,-10)(0.8,0){18}{\line(1,-2){2mm}}\put(-3.7,0){$\sf\footnotesize 9.8 ms^{-2}$}\put(6,0){\vector(0,3){1.2cm}}\put(5.5,6){\line(3,0){2mm}}\put(5,-1.2){\sf\footnotesize height}\put(6,-2){\vector(0,-3){1.2cm}}\put(5.5,-8){\line(1,0){2mm}}\end{picture}[/tex]



[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Weight=mg[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Weight=6.4(9.8)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto weight=62.72N[/tex]

Helppppppppppppppp please and explain!


An EM with a short energy has more energy than a longer wavelength. the higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength and the higher the energy of the wave. yw


Newtons three laws of motion: describe the ______ between an object and the forces acting upon it, and it's motion in_______ to those forces


Relations with respect to


Laws of Newton are

An object remains at its position of rest or motion until or unless any external force applied.Force=Mass×Acceleration.The initial momentum and final momentum remains same.

Kelvin is a unit of temperature, whereas ampere is a unit of current.
True or False



Kelvin is a unit of temperature, whereas ampere is a unit of current.

True or False



Please help, I need this in by today


1.) Force of friction on the cart pointing towards the left
2.) The force of tension of the rope on the cart pointing towards the right
3.) Normal force of the surface on the cart pointing up
4.) Gravitational force of the Earth on the cart pointing downwards
5.) If the cart is not moving, then the friction force acting on the cart must be equal than the tensile force that acts on the cart.
This can be explained using Newton’s First Law: An object at rest will remain at rest, and an object an motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by another force.
(However you’re really only looking at the first part)

Hmm, it is a little difficult to see since the top of the picture is cut off.
There are a few things I will assume:
1.) There is a cart attached to a rope/string, with no other object present other than the weight on the right
2.) You are working with friction

Peering through a telescope could be considered Step 1 of the scientific method.


Because doing so can be used through scientific method<3

What is the Normal CSF for:

Leukocytes (per mm³)

% Neutrohils

Glucose (mg/dL)

Protein (mg/dL)

Please provide source if possible.


1. 5 WBC's per cubic millimeter.

3. 50 to 80 mg/100 mL

4. 15 to 60 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or 0.15 to 0.6 milligrams per milliliter (mg/mL)

If a test were to be performed here are normal results:

Normal values typically range as follows:

Pressure: 70 to 180 mm H2O

Appearance: clear, colorless

CSF total protein: 15 to 60 mg/100 mL

Gamma globulin: 3% to 12% of the total protein

CSF glucose: 50 to 80 mg/100 mL (or greater than two thirds of blood sugar level)

CSF cell count: 0 to 5 white blood cells (all mononuclear), and no red blood cells

Chloride: 110 to 125 mEq/L

(Source: https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003428.htm)

write two examples of chemical properties and explain what they are


Chemical Properties are properties of a substance that are seen during a chemical reaction. In other words, chemical properties cannot be found by looking/touching the substance. Those are its physical properties.



what’s 12cm in kilometers


0.00001 is the correct answer you have an amazing day







Help on these two thanks



8. Friction

9. Net force


Hope this helps you. Have a nice day. :)

A rocket traveling through space with a constant velocity of 10 m/s fires up a booster. The booster accelerates the rocket at a rate of 5 m/s. What distance in meters has the rocket traveled within 12 seconds after the booster is turned on?​


The distance traveled by the rocket after the given time period is 480 m.

The given parameters;

velocity of the rocket, v = 10 m/sacceleration of the rocket, a = 5 m/s²time of motion of the rocket, t = 12 s

The distance traveled by the rocket after the given time period is calculated from the second kinematic equation of as shown below;

s = ut + ¹/₂at²

s = (10 x 12) + (0.5 x 5 x 12²)

s = 120 + 360

s = 480 m

Thus, the distance traveled by the rocket after the given time period is 480 m.

Learn more here:https://brainly.com/question/23243663

what would happen to the weather if half of the human race just died off? would it get colder? why?


yes it would get colder because people help people learn through experiences with no one to help teach the world would be a cold lifeless place.

Someone pls help I don’t understand this



[tex]{ \rm{F _{ball \: on \: bat} = - F _{bat \: on \: ball} }}[/tex]


• This is due to the third newtons law of motion which states that "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction".

Question 6 (3 points)
A high school has a football field that is exactly east-west from end zone to end zone. Football fields are 53.333 yards wide. Starting at the
southwest corner of the field, you walk to the north end of the western 30 yard line. What is the vector (magnitude and angle) of your
displacement? Round to the nearest yard and nearest degree. Make sure you label the angle with the direction (N, S, NE, NW, etc.)
Blank 1:
Blank 2:
Blank 3:




[tex].. { {.y = 392.6. = }^{ + 36yjsss} }^{?} jmijjdrk{am \: {}{}s[/tex]

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im in hardvard dont cheat get amzing grades if you want to go here


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