Who won the capture of savannah?


Answer 1


the capture/ seige of savanna was won by the british

Answer 2


On December 29, 1778, British Lieutenant Colonel Archibald Campbell and his force of between 2,500 and 3,600 troops, which included the 71st Highland regiment, New York Loyalists, and Hessian mercenaries, launch a surprise attack on American forces defending Savannah, Georgia.


Related Questions

What tools made exploration easier in the fifteenth century?



the quadrant, astrolabe, cross staff, hourglass, compass, map or nautical chart, and other devices.

what clause expands the power of the federal government?

A: Necessary And Proper Clause

B: Direct Clause

C: Supremacy Clause

D: Monarchy Clause



C: Supremacy Clause


The supremacy clause is a part of the constitution. It was an idea supported by the federalists, led by Hamilton. The Federalists were on the side of the federal government and believed that it should have more power. So, the supremacy clause was made which stated that federal laws overruled any state laws. This meant that if a state law contradicted a federal law then it would have to be removed.

Assessment you will compare and contrast the views of John Quincy Adams and his rival Andrew Jackson. Write three paragraphs comparing and contrasting their views. Your paragraphs should describe the views of each on at least five topics. You may choose topics from the example list below, or your own topics of choice. Make sure to support our work with details found in your course readings. If you use outside sources they should be cited in your work.

Example Topics:

The role of the common man
Native Americans
Government’s role in the economy


In the year of 1807, the way that Native Americans elected a president changed. through out previous elections, only the rich men were able to vote which as an outcome whoever promised more wealth was elected for president. When the common man was now able to vote in 1807, the type of candidate to win the election changed. As seen in the election of 1828 the person who was more relatable to the people, won because the common man was able to vote and so they used that opportunity and elected whoever they thought was going to help them. Overall the people preferred Jackson over Adams because Jackson was able to relate to the people better, and because he was a symbol of the American dream.

The upbringing of Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams, were very different. Andrew Jackson’s parents were immigrants form Ireland who were forced to raise him in poverty, but through this Jackson learned very important lessons in hard work. The only schooling that Jackson received, was in a local elementary school and than later reading about law to become a lawyer. On the other hand, John Quincy Adams was born into a wealthy family, and his father was John Adams, a founding father of America. John was taught in many ways from the time he was young, his mom taught his to be fluent in French, Dutch, and Germany and he was able to use those skills in government roles in the economy as a lawyer he fought for what was right

Jackson is know for as being a strong and handsome person and was respected by the role of the common man because he believed in slavery and gained his position from hard work. On the other hand, Adams grew up in a wealthy family and did to have to work as hard as Jackson to get his position. He had better morals and did not back down on his beliefs to get a better position, but the only problem was that the common person could not relate to him which caused him to lose the election because he was unreliable, and big headed due to his wealth even though he was much smarter, and could have made a much better position the Americans wanted a promising ruler.


How did the Iroquois Confederacy differ from the Albany Plan of Union?

a.The Iroquois Confederacy forced Native Americans to join or die, while the Albany Plan allowed colonists to vote on joining.

b.In the Iroquois Confederacy, chiefs appointed their sachems, while in the Albany Plan, people elect their governor.

c.The Iroquois Confederacy was able to persuade the Native American groups to work together, while the Albany Plan was unable to persuade the colonies to unite.

d.The Iroquois Confederacy kept women from being involved in government decisions, while the Albany Plan gave women more important roles in government.


The answer should be c

Answer: should be C???

Explanation: ????????????????????????

Briefly explain how one specific historical event or development in the colonies reflected the views of Roger Williams


On 28 June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife were assassinated by a Serbian-backed terrorist. During the crisis that followed, Europe's leaders made a series of political, diplomatic and military decisions that would turn a localised conflict in south-east Europe into a global war.

Austria-Hungary, with German encouragement, declared war on Serbia on 28 July. Russia's support of Serbia brought France into the conflict. Germany declared war on Russia on 1 August and France on 3 August. Germany's violation of Belgian neutrality and British fears of German domination in Europe brought Britain and its empire into the war on 4 August.

These actions reflect the fears, anxieties and ambitions of the European powers. The decisions for war were made in the context of growing nationalism, increased militarism, imperial rivalry and competition for power and influence. Europe's leaders were willing to go to war to defend or extend national interests and their choices were shaped by a combination of long and short-term foreign policy goals, political pressures at home, previous crises, and the system of opposing alliances that had developed over the previous 35 years

What was the United States claim to the organ territory based on



The U.S. claim was based on the explorations of Lewis and Clark and on the establishment of trading posts set up by John Jacob Astor's Pacific Fur Company, such as Astoria at the mouth of the Columbia River. Great Britain based its claim, in part, on James Cook's exploration of the Columbia River.


Why did Germany want to make sure and let Russia and France be allies



wanted each country to have allies during the war

What are some ways that you use or are exposed to music in daily life that someone from Ancient Greece would recognize? Are there ways that we use music today that an Ancient Greek citizen would find strange?​


The some ways of the music life that I have use know are days is: Musical artist almbum,CD,Casert,,Flash drive,Soft wave,utube, whatapp ,Tv Life, EMTIV,Mobile Phone,Computor,Memory Card,News Paper or Midea,Internet,Sheterlit,Tawer,TV Disic,Transmission waves,

I will make you brainliest if you answer this correctly! plzzzzz help

In two or three sentences, explain the lasting economic impact European expansion had on North America



I'm really bad at writing but I wanna help the best I can


if you got to the website


it will give you some key terms on the subject and some information!

I hope this helps

8. How did most children learn to read and write?


Through education systems
they first learn to listen and speak then use these skills to learn to read and write OR learn from the functions of literacy through observing and participating in real experiences.

Help me with this for 8000 pionts asap book called Jason Reynolds stamped


Answer:Stamped:  Racism, Antiracism, and You


16. How did Indian culture spread?



Have a good night/day!


Supporters a free trade argue that it creates which economic benefit


Lowered costs because it caused more competition and increased the size of the economy as a whole.

Someone please help me :(


Answer: I'm not a doctor


10 POINTS!!!!
Being a citizen of the United States grants a person certain rights. But it also comes with responsibilities. By using those
rights, every person can influence US politics and society.
For each of the following rights, list one or two responsibilities that go along with using that right:
• freedom of speech
• freedom of the press
• freedom of assembly (the right to hold public meetings, protests, and demonstrations)



freedom of voting & freedom of moving


Freedom of speech: People must act responsibly when using their freedom of speech. For example, they should not cause people to panic without reason. They also should not make false statements that would damage the reputations of others.

Freedom of the press: The press, or the media, should tell the truth. It should not attempt to sway opinion with anything other than facts or supportable opinions.

Freedom of assembly: Public meetings and protests should be peaceful and not harm people or property.

Which Native American groups created alliances with the English and the French


Answer:  The Iroquois Confederacy created alliances with the English and the French

Explanation: I hope this helps:)!

how did reforms change working conditions in the progressive Era​



Progressives addressed workplace efficiency and safety standards, child labor, workmen's compensation, minimum wages, and working hours for women. Improvements at home included an increased emphasis on education, helping immigrant families, Prohibition, curbing prostitution, public health, and municipal services.

What is the biggest export for the Native Americans?



Plants that are very important in the world today. Some of them are white and sweet potatoes, corn, beans, tobacco, chocolate, peanuts, cotton, rubber and gum. Plants which were used for dyes, medicines, soap, clothes, shelters and baskets.

This could be tobacco but also crops that they them self cultivate

Using the text, identify three differences in the legislative branches characterized by the US and Ohio Constitutions.

Name of Chief Executive, Courts of Appeals, Term limits in Ohio

Bicameral legislature, two-year terms for House, Establishes Supreme Court

Name of legislative body, Term limits in Ohio, Shorter length of term for state senators.

General Assembly, Term limits for Congress, Longer length of term for state representatives






Based on the text given, the differences between the Ohio Constitution and that of the U.S. in terms of the legislature are:

Shorter length of term for state senators.Term limits in Ohio.Name of legislative body.

One difference between the Ohio legislature and the U.S. is that state senators have a term limit of four years compared to the six years of U.S. senators.

Ohio has term limits on state representatives in that they cannot run for four successive terms whilst both U.S. Representatives and Senators have no such limits.

The U.S. legislative body is called Congress and that of Ohio is called the General Assembly.

In conclusion, there are several differences between both Constitutions.

Find out more about the Ohio Constitution at https://brainly.com/question/18917070.

President James K. Polk is perhaps the president most associated with the idea of Manifest Destiny. Read his official White House biography and this brief biographical essay. Think about his linking of the issues of Texas and Oregon and about the Democrats’ use of the campaign slogan Fifty-Four Forty or Fight. How do you react to these positions on expansion? Write President Polk a letter in which you outline your views.



Image result for President James K. Polk is perhaps the president most associated with the idea of Manifest Destiny. Read his official White House biography and this brief biographical essay. Think about his linking of the issues of Texas and Oregon and about the Democrats’ use of the campaign slogan Fifty-Four Forty or Fight. How do you react to these positions on expansion?

Polk eventually achieved all his goals. He was a champion of manifest destiny–the belief that the United States was fated to expand across the North American continent–and by the end of his four years in office, the nation extended, for the first time, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean


In the 1844 Presidential election, James K. Polk won nearly entirely on a platform of supporting manifest destiny and gaining additional land. Polk quickly persuaded Texas to join the Union in 1845.

Why was Manifest Destiny so important to Polk?

Polk gained the support of many Americans who believed they had a divine right to dominate the territory to the west. This Manifest Destiny was portrayed as granting the United States authority to do whatever it took to conquer those lands. As a result, the United States declared war on Mexico's northern half.

He was a proponent of manifest destiny, the concept that the United States was fated to spread across the North American continent, and by the end of his four years in office, the country had extended from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans for the first time.

Learn more about Manifest Destiny here:



PLEASE HURRY IM BEING TIMED How did the plague affect trade?

O Trade declined throughout the outbreak of the plague.

O Trade increased throughout the outbreak of the plague.

Trade grew at the start of the outbreak and then declined toward the end.

Trade declined at the start of the outbreak and then grew toward the end.


D the last one I would assume but not positive

The "elastic clause" in the US Constitution:

A ) Expands the power of congress
B ) Expanded suffrage in the United States
C ) Outlines the power of the executive branch
D ) Established a federal system for the United States

Im guessing it's gonna be A


I think it’s gonna be A)

what 2 things made the Portuguese exploration successful?



Under the leadership of Prince Henry the Navigator, Portugal took the principal role during most of the fifteenth century in searching for a route to Asia by sailing south around Africa. In the process, the Portuguese accumulated a wealth of knowledge about navigation and the geography of the Atlantic Ocean.


Under the leadership of Prince Henry the Navigator, Portugal took the principal role during most of the fifteenth century in searching for a route to Asia by sailing south around Africa. In the process, the Portuguese accumulated a wealth of knowledge about navigation and the geography of the Atlantic Ocean.

Under the leadership of Prince Henry the Navigator, Portugal took the principal role during most of the fifteenth century in searching for a route to Asia by sailing south around Africa. In the process, the Portuguese accumulated a wealth of knowledge about navigation and the geography of the Atlantic Ocean.

The Seven Years’ War took place in three main regions of the world: Europe, North America, and which of the following?
A: Latin American
B: Australia
C: India
D: Africa



The Seven Years' War (1756–63) was the first global war, fought in Europe, India, and America, and at sea.


Answer: India

The Seven Years’ War took place in three main regions of the world: Europe, North America, and which of the following?
A: Latin American
B: Australia
C: India correct answers
D: Africa

Which letter on the map indicates the location of China?



The correct answer is C

Formal discussions include both facts and opinions. Sort the characteristics of facts and opinions into the correct categories.

Facts : Opinions

can be shown to be true

do not change

are objective

can change

are based on a person's ideas

are subjective




Can be shown as true

Do not change

Are objective


Can change

Are based on a person's ideas

Are subjective


where were the biggest and earliest known neolithic communities located?



The biggest and earliest known communities have been found in Southwest Asia.


What is the best definition of total war?



total wrap jeans a war which is unrestricted in terms of weapons used, the territory of combatants involved or the objectives to pursue,especially one in which the accepted rules of war are disregarded

so C

Who ruled England before the arrival of Anglo-Saxons?



By the year 600 Britain had been divided into 7 main Ango-Saxon Kingdoms: Northumbria, Mercia, Essex, East Anglia, Wessex, Kent and Sussex

How does England start to build momentum in the French and Indian war?


Answer: By winning the war, Great Britain gained control over all of North America east of the Mississippi River and expanded the British empire around the world. But the conflict also created serious problems between the British government and the American



Great Britain began the war with a series of unsuccessful attempts to take French forts. However, momentum shifted in favor of Great Britain when the British military was able to claim Fort Carillon, later named Fort Ticonderoga, and take Quebec.


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