What does it mean when a journalist describes a speech as a “political rhetoric”? What does that mean? Is it a negative word or a positive word?


Answer 1


If you have an idea about what is “rhetoric” means before, then you will easily get the idea about “political rhetoric”.

“Political rhetoric is the topic that concerns the strategies used to construct persuasive arguments in the formal public debates and everyday political disputes”, mentioned by Condar in his paper. This special rhetoric sometimes is tricky and used in a bad aspect. Many political rhetorics are used in writings and speeches that are related to the public. There is a newspaper titled "Just how unique is the political rhetoric of the Donald Trump era?" In this newspaper, writers list several presidents in the USA and compared them with Trump. It's a nice article, maybe you can get more ideas about "Political Rhetoric".

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what is electronics?



Electronics comprises the physics, engineering, emission, flow and control of electrons in vacuum and matter.


Electronics are the branch of physics and technology concerned with the design of circuits using transistors and microchips, and with the behavior and movement of electrons in a semiconductor, conductor, vacuum, or gas.

Jane and Peter
am notisn'taren't



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Identify the sentence with correct punctuation and grammar.

A) I can’t wait to see the new dinosaur movie.
B) Although they no longer exist.
C) You would think they still existed my little brother thinks they do.
D) Move very realistically.



(A) is the most high ytwkgtammwrkwr.

What's is the meaning of the word chivalry ?


Answer: the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code.


The medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code is meant by Chivalry.

The collective knights, noblemen, and horsemen of the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, as well as social code. The word, which dates back to Middle English, derives from the late Latin caballerias, which meant "horseman," via Old French chevalerie and medieval Latin.

A religious, moral, and social code that was ingrained in the medieval knightly system dates back to the Dark Ages. The oaths and pledges made at the knighthood rituals of the Middle Ages and Mediaeval era reinforced the values outlined in the Code of Chivalry.

Learn more about the medieval knightly system here:



4. Why are the animals uneasy about Napoleon's dealings with Mr Whymper?



there are uneasy because it seems to betray everything they believe and everything they've ever worked for.


hope this helps if it did plz mark brainiest

If you get it right i will make you you the brainly thing
Fill in the blanks to describe
how Heba's feelings change
on the way to the store.
At first, Heba is excited to 1.
. She is 2
when she sees
they are going to a thrift shop. When
they enter the store, Heba
her feelings.
1. Look for treasure, be with Nora, buy new clothes
2. Disappointed, confused, angry
3. Shares, hides, forgets



1. buy new clothes 2.disappointed3.hides

Which symptom would NOT lead to a diagnosis of asthma?A)wheezingB)coughingC)headachesD)breathlessness

ill give branlist



I think the answer should go to D breathlessness

I think the answer should be option c headaches

hi! please help quickly

Which of these is an example of a theme?

the reasons why a young boy hates sports
the importance of being there for your friends
the set of challenges that a blind child faces
the problems faced by a stray pup



the answer would be the 2nd option! (the importance of being there for your friends)


themes can usually fall under an umbrella of categories, like that one! but the other options are too specific to just one story

Lady Macbeth (Act 1; Scene V):
Lady Macbeth (Act 1; Scene V):

Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be
What thou art promised: yet do I fear thy nature;
It is too full o' the milk of human kindness
To catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great;
Art not without ambition, but without
The illness should attend it: what thou wouldst highly,
That wouldst thou holily; wouldst not play false,
And yet wouldst wrongly win:
thou'ldst have, great Glamis,
That which cries 'Thus thou must do, if thou have it;
And that which rather thou dost fear to do
Than wishest should be undone.' Hie thee hither,
That I may pour my spirits in thine ear;
And chastise with the valour of my tongue
All that impedes thee from the golden round,
Which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem
To have thee crown'd withal.

Macbeth (Act 1; Scene VII):

Use the excerpts from Macbeth to complete the following task:

Write an essay of at least three paragraphs, supporting the assertion that the character of Lady Macbeth is passionately ambitious while the character of Macbeth is more cautious. Be sure to include evidence from the text to support your answer. Remember to clearly state your main point and use correct citation in your response.



Lady Macbeth:

She is a very confident woman, which is obvious from the way she thinks and fights for her husband. She is very ambitious and wants Macbeth to have a more prominent role in the kingdom. At times, she curses his lack of ambition and confidence and wishes she was a man so that she could do all of these things on her own instead of relying on her husband.

On the other hand, when she and Macbeth commit their first murder of Duncan, she loses that confidence and starts not only doubting herself and their cause, but also feeling great guilt that drives her to madness.



On the other hand, Macbeth initially lacks confidence and ambition. He relies on his wife to tell him what to do and how to fight for what he (or rather she) wants.

However, as time goes by, he becomes more and more confident, especially after the prophecy from the witches and the killing of Duncan. After his first murder, he cannot seem to stop and is driven by crazy ambition, which results in everyone's death.


The best evidence from Macbeth that proves that Lady Macbeth does not trust Macbeth to live up to his ambition is the constant belief that he is weak and has not the aspiration to become great her own wife conveys. This is explicitly shown when her wife helps him carry out Duncan's murder. She even goes as far as doubting him because of his fear and nature which she depicts as kindness.


Lady Macbeth was very ambitious and confident in herself, which would lead her to do anything in her power to obtain something she really wanted. She sometimes even wishes to be a male in order to take care of business herself, instead of counting on her husband. Afterwards, when Macbeth and herself take action in their first murder, she loses all that confidence she had at the beginning. This leads her to the point of taking on her own life, since she cannot handle the blame she feels.

On the contrary, Macbeth did not have the same confidence that Lady Macbeth had at the beginning and he wasn't ambitious. He only let himself get manipulated by his wife in order to take action. In contrast, Macbeth becomes more confident of himself and becomes more ambitious than before. Since he felt alive when he killed the king, this idea took over his head and killed anyone who could testify against him and blame him for the death of the king.

Which factor is a drawback to high-speed?

Speed or cost?





i think that the answer

Integrate and assess how effective the national government’s efforts are protecting our environment from overexploitation which is caused by man’s greed?


An assessment of the effectiveness of the Philippines national government in protecting the environment is shown below:

The Philippines's national government under the leadership of President Rodrigo Duterte has made decisions to improve the environment. The closure of Boracay Island is one such decision. The Enhanced National Greening Program is another effort by the government to reclaim the environment. However, critics believe that these efforts are not enough.

The leadership of the Philippines' government has made strides to resolve environmental concerns in the nation.

The President intends to close Boracay Island which has been a source of pollution. He also intends to reclaim Manila Bay. Critics believe that there are loopholes in these policies.

For example, the reopening of 23 mining sites that were formerly closed by Environmentalist Gina Lopez reveals that the government was not really committed to its reclamation efforts.

Learn more here:


What effect does a first-person narrator have on the reader in the short story “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allen Poe


In “The Black Cat,” Poe created a narrator who lacks remorse, empathy, and a conscience, a character who deceives and manipulates those around him because of an impulsive, egocentric personality known as psychopathy.


The narrator has major issues. This unnamed character is an abusive bully and a murderer. He made home a living hell for his wife, pets, and himself. He's writing to us from his prison cell, on the eve of his scheduled death by hanging.

(I read that book one week ago UvU

i need to write a story about whatever i want, but i dont have any ideas, can someone help me-

im just looking for ideas, but if you can make up a story thats great, even if its bad i just need it quickly




An undercover agent, who is retired.


A heiress, who is a lover of taxidermy.


It's a whodunit story about confronting reality. It kicks off at a beach house with a missing child.

(Note that: someone in the story has amnesia.)

And there's a twist! Someone also faked a death

put the words in order to make sentences start with the wordsin boid.beijng,we,Fahd,all,mono,people, my.​



Exercise 3: Choose the best answer.

1. A coat made of wool is a ______.

A. Coated wool

B. coat wool

C. wooled coat

D. wool coat

2. Shoes made of leather are ______.

A. Shoe leather

B. leather shoes

C. shoes leather

D. leathers shoes.

3. This is the ranch of my ______  

A. Bother-in-law    

B. brother-in -law

C. brother’s-in-law

D. brother-in-law’s

4. ______ clothes are always diverse styles and colors.

A. Woman

B. woman’s

C. women’s

D. womens’

5. The cup used to make tea is called ______.

A. Tea-cup

B. tea of cup

C. teacup

D. tea’s cup

7. Horses used to compete in horse racing at annual festivals are ______.

A. Race-horse

B. race horses

C. racing horses

D. races horses

8. The person who does housework is ______.

A. Housewife

B. house-wife

C. wife-house

D. house’s wife

9. Our center has a lot of ______.

A. Exercise of book

B. exercise’s book’s

C. exercises-books    

D. exercise-books


three main components of the right mindset for reasoning


The main components are curiosity, accuracy, and openness.

We can arrive at this answer because:

The mentality components that are focused on reasoning have the function of optimizing logical thinking and promoting the discovery of something or someone.Within these components, curiosity is focused on the search for concepts, beliefs, ideas, and opinions that are always presented with evidence.Accuracy refers to the analysis and consideration of a large amount of data that will lead to correct and accurate information that allows the assessment of possibilities.Openness is linked to impartiality in the analysis of concepts, data, information, beliefs, and evidence, avoiding the existence of bias.

The three components support objective reasoning and should be encouraged whenever necessary.

More information:


discuss the factors that influence children individual differences ​



Lots of factors can influence child development from ages 2 to 5. Some of these influential factors are external, like the environment the child is raised in or the experiences they have. Other influential factors are innate, meaning that the children are born with them. These innate individual differences might include health, heredity, physical characteristics, and temperament. In the debate about whether nature (genetics) or nurture (upbringing) has more impact on child development, these innate individual differences would represent the ''nature'' side, while environment and experience illustrate what we mean by ''nurture.''


i cant...work in all this noise​



Ok………..? I mean, not much I can answer here……

Which sentence includes a dependent clause? A. After practicing for many months the drama club was ready to perform the play. B. The students walked down the hallway and into the auditorium. C. The class voted on their favorite project and the winner received an award. D. I will begin writing my essay once I have made an outline



After practicing for many months the drama club was ready to perform the play

Which is written correctly?
Amber, wants to be a hospital volunteer
Amber wants to be a hospital volunteer
Amber wants to be, a hospital volunteer
Amber wants to be a hospital volunteer


B and D appear to be the same. If one of them has a period at the end, choose that one.

"He-y come on Out!" what is the theme of the story?



The narrative "He-y, Come On Ou-t" is about how people's issues that they try to erase & overlook will ultimately come back to remind them.


According to the text, what was one of the most surprising connections of the American revolution era?
A. The connection between African American poet Phillis Wheatley and the commander in chief of the American forces, George Washington.
B. the connection between African American poet Phillis Wheatley and her former
master's family, the Wheatleys
C. the connection between the commander in chief of the American forces, George
Washington, and his staff officer Joseph Reed.
D. the connection between French abolitionist Henri Gregoire and black British writer
Ignatius Sancho.


C the connection between

If you will become a clinical instructor classroom instructor, what midwifery subject would you love to teach and why?


Because teach will give you the way you are yes because they way

Ok so here is my question.
You're going to make a choice today that will have a direct impact on where you are five years from now. The truth is, you'll make choice like that every day of your life. The problem is that on most days, you won't know the choice you make will have such a huge impact on your life in the future. So if you want to end up in a certain place in the future, you need to be careful of the choices you make today.
His parents continued to question him. He didn't know what to say to them since they refused to believe the truth. He explained again and again, and they dismissed his explanation as a figment of his imagination. There was no way that grandpa, who had been dead for five years, could have told him where the treasure had been hidden. Of course, it didn't help that grandpa was roaring with laughter in the chair next to him as he tried to explain once again how he'd found it.
He wondered if he should disclose the truth to his friends. It would be a risky move. Yes, the truth would make things a lot easier if they all stayed on the same page, but the truth might fracture the group leaving everything in even more of a mess than it was not telling the truth. It was time to decide which way to go.



If i was to make a choice today that would impact my future. First I would recite all the outcomes in my head, secondly I would make the choice. Good or bad, a choice is a choice and we all make them.


Things Fall Apart, Chapter 1
Text-Specific Questions:
1 What do the characters' actions and reactions reveal about them?



Okonkwo is a wealthy and respected warrior of the Umuofia clan, a lower Nigerian tribe that is part of a consortium of nine connected villages, including Okonkwo’s village, Iguedo. In his youth, he brought honor to his village by beating Amalinze the Cat in a wrestling contest. Until his match with Okonkwo, the Cat had been undefeated for seven years. Okonkwo is completely unlike his now deceased father, Unoka, who feared the sight of blood and was always borrowing and losing money, which meant that his wife and children often went hungry. Unoka was, however, a skilled flute player and had a gift for, and love of, language.


The root "Geo" means





the English definition of "geo" is Earth: ground; soil


earth, ground, soil


For example geographical means relates to features of an area in the Earth.  

after his oath taking as a professional teacher,he was congratulated and told " now you are truly a professional" what does mean?​



it means that he pledged to ba a teacher.


ue pledged to be a PROFESSIONAL teacher.

In modern life, writing is used to:
post to a blog or a social networking site.
bake a cake.
drive a car.
dance in a musical.


A. post to a blog or a social networking site.


Explanation: social media consumes our daily lives no more pen and paper.

Aaron is an independent journalist and content creator who specializes in long-form video essays that discuss economic concepts. He is thinking about taking an online course that teaches how to use a new video editing software. Explain the benefits to society and the costs for Aaron in taking this course.(1 point)

The benefits are that Aaron will be more productive, which will lead to more output, as well as increased human capital as a result of his videos. The costs to Aaron are the time and money to take the course, along with any forgone income that could have been earned during this time.
The benefits are that Aaron will be more productive, which will lead to more output, as well as increased human capital as a result of his videos. The costs to Aaron are the time and money to take the course, along with any forgone income that could have been earned during this time.

Aaron is the only one that benefits by an increase in his productivity and future earnings, so society does not benefit. The costs to Aaron are the time and money to take the course, along with any forgone income that could have been earned during this time.
Aaron is the only one that benefits by an increase in his productivity and future earnings, so society does not benefit. The costs to Aaron are the time and money to take the course, along with any forgone income that could have been earned during this time.

Aaron is the only one that benefits from an increase in his productivity and future earnings, so society does not benefit. The only cost to Aaron is the financial cost of taking the course.
Aaron is the only one that benefits from an increase in his productivity and future earnings, so society does not benefit. The only cost to Aaron is the financial cost of taking the course.

The benefits are that Aaron will be more productive, which will lead to more output, as well as increased human capital as a result of his videos. The only cost to Aaron is the financial cost of taking the course.



The benefits are that Aaron will be more productive, which will lead to more output, as well as increased human capital as a result of his videos. The costs to Aaron are the time and money to take the course, along with any forgone income that could have been earned during this time.


Which one of the following sentences is a sentence fragment?

The Unit 6 writing prompt is challenging.

Wanting to finish Unit 6.

Work to finish at least Unit 6.

Finishing all ten Units will be very challenging.



Wanting to finish Unit 6.


The second option is the correct answer because "wanting to finish Unit 6" is a dependent clause, meaning it cannot stand by itself. Dependent clauses are sentence fragments and need to be supported by an independent clause.

Briefly name seven steps in the Pattern of Violence. Beside each, write a short



Physical Violence. Physical violence occurs when someone uses a part of their body or an object to control a person's actions.

Sexual Violence. ...

Emotional Violence. ...

Psychological Violence. ...

Spiritual Violence. ...

Cultural Violence. ...

Verbal Abuse. ...

Financial Abuse.

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