boys education should be more encouraged than girls education


Answer 1


I partly agree with that only because I hate school

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Henry started doing puzzles with Davis in one corner ______
Alex and Daniela
began constructing a block tower in another.
1 although
2 while
3 because





It just makes the most sense.

Match the relationship in the second pair of
words with that of the first pair.
mindful : inconsiderate :: frugal :
A. economical
B. extravagant
C. thrifty





which is an example of a literary theme
A.Corin falls in love
B.Hamid's first love
C.Jon loves Sara conquers all





A literary theme is a theme in a story. A, B, and C are not themes. D is the only reasonable answer.

Can somebody help me



b I think : her us seeing signs that he should

can someone whose read stephen king’s essay ""now you take bambi or snow white - that’s scary!"" tell me what strategies he uses?


By reading this essay, we can see that Stephen King uses ethos as a strategy to persuade readers.

We can reach this conclusion because:

Ethos is a rhetorical strategy that encourages readers' ethics.In this case, by using ethos in an essay, the author reinforces the idea of ​​right and wrong within society. In addition to appealing to the authority, he or she represents.Stephen King is a renowned author. He is known for his horror books, which makes him an authority on the subject.In the essay, he reinforces the idea that children should not be spared from all the horror and violent movies and books.He claims that some of these movies and books should be banned from children when they present very controversial narratives.However, there are many of these works that should be allowed for children, since fairy tales present subjects as dark and frightening as some of these stories.

In this case, we can see that he reinforces the idea of ​​what is right and wrong about the films that children have access to, in addition, he uses the authority he represents on the subject to give credibility to the text.

In this case, we can see the use of ethos.

More information:

Drag each label to the correct location on the chart.
Identify the approach of each passage.
- has a scientific approach
- is formal
- discusses history
- discusses product engineering

Passage 1

Our Amazing Solar System
by NASA and STScI (adapted excerpt)

Very little was known about Neptune and its atmosphere until Voyager 2 arrived at the planet in 1989. Voyager revealed a banded cloud structure and a storm that was called the Great Dark Spot. Neptune's axis is tilted similar to Earth's. Neptune therefore exhibits seasonal changes. However, the seasons on Neptune last for decades, not months as on Earth. In fact, Neptune has only completed one orbit of the Sun since its discovery in 1843. It is remarkable that Neptune exhibits any evidence of seasonal change at all, given that the Sun, as viewed from the planet, is 900 times dimmer than it is from Earth. Still, Hubble, a deep space telescope, has been able to observe such changes.

Hubble's near-infrared capabilities allow the telescope to observe high-altitude clouds on Neptune that are useful for tracking seasonal changes. In fact, Hubble images taken in the late 1990s showed that cloud bands on Neptune were getting wider and brighter were considered the first observational evidence that the planet undergoes a change of seasons.

In 2002, astronomers using Hubble noted that the abundance of high-altitude clouds increased the planet's brightness from observations made in the late 1990s. Astronomers consider this brightness increase a sign of seasonal change. Hubble studies show that Neptune has a nearly constant brightness at low latitudes (near the equator). This supports the idea that the observed changes are seasonal in nature, because seasonal effects would be minimal near the equator and most evident at high latitudes.

Passage 2

About the Hubble Space Telescope
by NASA and STScI (excerpt)

Orbiting 360 miles above Earth, the Hubble Space Telescope is positioned high above the blurring effects of the atmosphere. From this vantage point, it captures images with 10 times the typical clarity of any ground-based telescope and views not only visible light, but also wavelengths1 of near-infrared and ultraviolet light that cannot reach Earth's surface. To operate from orbit, the observatory works like any other scientific or imaging spacecraft; it converts the optical data it collects into electrical signals that are transmitted back to Earth. It must also withstand the airless, high-radiation, and harsh thermal environment of space.

Unlike most other spacecraft, however, Hubble was designed to be serviced periodically by astronauts and so was built with modular components that are astronaut-friendly to handle and replace. This design strategy has enabled it to operate longer than ordinary spacecraft and to benefit from the technological advancements of the last two decades. Astronauts have visited the telescope five times to upgrade its computers, mechanisms, and instruments. These servicing missions have kept the observatory at the forefront of discovery by providing it with increasingly sensitive and accurate components. The last of these servicing calls was in May 2009.

1. the distance between one light wave from any one point to the next point of corresponding phase



took test


see pic below

Passage 1 discusses history, passage 2 discusses product engineering.

How does passage 1 discuss history?The passage describes how our knowledge about Neptune and its atmosphere was developed.It describes about the seasonal changes of Neptune.

How does passage 2 discusses product engineering?

This passage discusses about the Hubble Space Telescope, its design, its location, servicing, etc.

What kind of passages are both?

Both passages has a has a scientific approach and is formal.

What is a formal passage?

A formal passage is a passage that is written for business or academic purposes.

What is the meaning of product engineering?

"The process of creating, designing, developing, testing, and deploying a  product is known as product engineering."

To learn more about history, product engineering and formal passage here,


100 points, I need an essay written with a proper Introduction, thesis statement, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Whos up for the challenge?

WRITE a literary analysis discussing how the author’s use of metaphors, allusion, or symbolism reflect the choices people make.

Gatsby’s house was still empty when I left — the grass on his lawn had grown as long as mine. One of the taxi drivers in the village never took a fare past the entrance gate without stopping for a minute and pointing inside; perhaps it was he who drove Daisy and Gatsby over to East Egg the night of the accident, and perhaps he had made a story about it all his own.
5 I didn’t want to hear it and I avoided him when I got off the train. I spent my Saturday nights in New York because those gleaming, dazzling parties of his were with me so vividly that I could still hear the music and the laughter, faint and incessant, from his garden, and the cars going up and down his drive. One night I did hear a material car there, and saw its lights stop at his front steps. But I didn’t investigate.
10 Probably it was some final guest who had been away at the ends of the earth and didn’t know that the party was over. On the last night, with my trunk packed and my car sold to the grocer, I went over and looked at that huge incoherent failure of a house once more. On the white steps an obscene word, scrawled by some boy with a piece of brick, stood out clearly in the moonlight and I erased it, drawing my shoe raspingly along the stone. Then I wandered down to the beach and sprawled out on the sand.
15 Most of the big shore places were closed now and there were hardly any lights except the shadowy, moving glow of a ferryboat across the Sound. And as the moon rose higher the inessential houses began to melt away until gradually I became aware of the old island here that flowered once for Dutch sailors’ eyes — a fresh, green breast of the new world. Its vanished trees, the trees that had made way for Gatsby’s house, had once pandered in whispers to the last and greatest of all human dreams; for a transitory 20 chanted moment man must have held his breath in the presence of this continent, compelled into an aesthetic contemplation he neither understood nor desired, face to face for the last time in history with something commensurate to his capacity for wonder.
And as I sat there brooding on the old, unknown world, I thought of Gatsby’s wonder when he first picked out the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock. He had come a long way to this blue lawn, and his dream 25 must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him, somewhere back in that vast obscurity beyond the city, where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night.
Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter — to-morrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And one fine morning ——
30 So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.



15 Most of the big shore places were closed now and there were hardly any lights except the shadowy, moving glow of a ferryboat across the Sound. And as the moon

Why is word choice especially important in poetry?

A. Poets have stronger vocabularies than prose writers.

B. Poets are not interested in description and detail.

C. Poems use few words, so every word matters.

D. Poems are about language rather than ideas.


i could be wrong tho




When a writer deviates from the expectation to set their scene in a location well-suited to the scene they are working on and instead sets the
scene in an unpredictable location, what literary technique are they most likely using?
A. disillusion
OB. juxtaposition
OC. twist





disillusion is the answer

Sentence Scramble

Directions: The sentences below are jumbled. Reorganize them into the
correct order to reveal the history of Flamin' Hot Cheetos.

Richard took those Cheetos home and topped them with chili powder. Soon afterwards, he pitched his idea for a spícier
version of Cheetos to company executives.

Hot Cheetos were created by a janitor, Richard Montanez,
who had been working in the Frito-Lay plant in California
since 1976.

Flamin' Hot Cheetos are one of the most popular snacks
among students today, but do you know the history of these
tasty chips?

His idea was accepted, and he is now in charge of the
Frito-Lay Hispanic marketing team.

One day, a machine at the factory malfunctioned and some Cheetos were not dusted with the famous orange powder.


Flamin' Hot Cheetos are one of the most popular snacks

among students today, but do you know the history of these

tasty chips?

Hot Cheetos were created by a janitor, Richard Montanez,

who had been working in the Frito-Lay plant in California

since 1976.

One day, a machine at the factory malfunctioned and some Cheetos were not dusted with the famous orange powder.

Richard took those Cheetos home and topped them with chili powder. Soon afterwards, he pitched his idea for a spícier  version of Cheetos to company executives.

His idea was accepted, and he is now in charge of the

Frito-Lay Hispanic marketing team.

Prompt: Edgar Allan Poe includes many symbolic references in his story "The Masque of the Red Death," including the seven rooms, the ebony clock, and the Red Death. Describe how at least one of these is relevant to the story and what the symbolle meaning communicates to a reader.​



The ebony clock symbolized that passaage of time and the fact that no one was immortal and that everyone was getting closer to death.


Lance Kenniston felt the cold realization of failure as he came out of the building into the sharp chill of the Martian night. He stood for a moment, his lean, drawn face haggard in the light of the two hurtling moons.

He looked hopelessly across the dark spaceport. It was a large one, for this ancient town of Syrtis was the main port of Mars. The forked light of the flying moons showed many ships docked on the tarmac—a big liner, several freighters, a small, shining cruiser and other small craft. And for lack of one of those ships, his hopes were ruined!

A squat, brawny figure in shapeless space-jacket came to Kenniston's side. It was Holk Or, the Jovian who had been waiting for him.

"What luck?" asked the Jovian in a rumbling whisper.

"It's hopeless," Kenniston answered heavily. "There isn't a small cruiser to be had at any price. The meteor-miners buy up all small ships here."

"The devil!" muttered Holk Or, dismayed. "What are we going to do? Go on to Earth and get a cruiser there?"

"We can't do that," Kenniston answered. "You know we've got to get back to that asteroid within two weeks. We've got to get a ship here."

Desperation made Kenniston's voice taut. His lean, hard face was bleak with knowledge of disastrous failure.

The big Jovian scratched his head. In the shifting moonlight his battered green face expressed ignorant perplexity as he stared across the busy spaceport.

"That shiny little cruiser there would be just the thing," Holk Or muttered, looking at the gleaming, torpedo-shaped craft nearby. "It would hold all the stuff we've got to take; and with robot controls we two could run it."

"We haven't a chance to get that craft," Kenniston told him. "I found out that it's under charter to a bunch of rich Earth youngsters who came out here in it for a pleasure cruise. A girl named Loring, heiress to Loring Radium, is the head of the party."

The Jovian swore. "Just the ship we need, and a lot of spoiled kids are using it for thrill-hunting!"

Kenniston had an idea. "It might be," he said slowly, "that they're tired of the cruise by this time and would sell us the craft. I think I'll go up to the Terra Hotel and see this Loring girl."

"Sure, let's try it anyway," Holk Or agreed.

With the Jovian clumping along beside him, Kenniston made his way from the spaceport across the ancient Martian city.

Read the following line from the text:

"We can't do that," Kenniston answered. "You know we've got to get back to that asteroid within two weeks. We've got to get a ship here."

What can be inferred about Kenniston from this line?

A. He has already been to the asteroid.
B. He has not already been on an asteroid.
C. Holk Or is his only friend.
D. Holk Or is not very helpful in these matters.


My answer is a. He has already been to the asteroid

please anyone who know…….


Here is the answer— ———————————————

Muriel started with the same recipe as Kelly used to make her fruit salad. Then Muriel added 1 cup of cherries and 1 cup of bananas, She put 2 cups of fruit salad into each bowl. How many bowls of fruit salad did Muriel make?


The total number of bowls of fruit salad made by Muriel using the recipe is 7 bowls

For Kelly :

Cups of apple = 6

Cups of oranges = 4

Cups of grapes = 2

Number of bowls = 6

Total cups of recipe = 6 + 4 + 2 = 12 cups

Cups of fruit salad in each bowl can be calculated thus :

Total recipe ÷ number of bowls

12 ÷ 6 = 2 cups of fruit salad in each bowl.

For Muriel :

Additional recipe = 1 cup of cherry and 1 cup of banana

Total cups of recipe = 12 + 1 + 1 = 14 cups

Cups of fruit salad per bowl = 2

The number of bowls of fruit salad made by Muriel can be calculated thus :

Total cups of recipe ÷ cups of fruit salad per bowl

(14 cups ÷ 2 cups) = 7 bowls of fruit salad

Therefore, Muriel made 7 bowls of fruit salad.

Learn more :

Read the sentences.

Taxi drivers themselves have to know nearly every street in the city. Paul drove himself around several neighborhoods to learn where the streets are since he wants to become a taxi driver.

Which choice correctly identifies two pronouns from the sentences?

himself (reflexive), he (intensive)

themselves (intensive), himself (reflexive)

themselves (reflexive), himself (intensive)

himself (intensive), he (reflexive)


Answer: Themselves (intensive) Himself (reflexive)



Themselves (intensive) Himself (reflexive)


The Cloud of One’s Life Worksheet


The question above wants you to comment and evaluate the difficulties you faced at school. How these difficulties are something personal. I can't write them for you, but I will show you how to write them.

To answer these questions, you must:

Think about moments and situations that harmed your academic performance.These difficulties may be related to school or your personal and family life.You should think about difficulties that hampered your stay at school and made you think that you should stop attending school.

When analyzing these moments of difficulty, you must identify the origin of these moments and what caused them, then you must show how you acted to face these difficulties and ensure your permanence in school and your academic success.

More information:

what is 8382 divided 66



8382/ 66 = 127


[tex]8382 \div 66 \\ \\ = 127[/tex]

your friend has informed you that his dad has decided not to look after him in school anymore. write to your friend's dad giving him at least 3 reasons why he should change his mind



Dear Friend's dad,

I have heard that you have decided not to look after your son in school anymore. I do not think that should happen because your son may only be succeeding in school because you are looking after him. You will also be unaware if your son does anything rash. I understand that he is not 12 anymore, but there is still much that can happen.

What is the main idea of chapter 1 in Joy Luck Club?



Suyuan comes up with the idea of the Joy Luck Club, a gathering of four women to fill each corner of her mah jong table.

in the leap how does Louise Erdrich uses literary devices and other elements to express the central theme that survival is highly dependent on one's ability to think quickly.



Louise Erdrich uses personfication and hyperboles.



You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The bar chart shows the percentage of adults who were overweight or obese (too fat or much too fat) in one country from 1965 to 2015.
The pie chart shows the proportion of adults who were overweight, obese or severely obese in 2015.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


Obesity is a medical disorder in which people accumulate greater amounts of fat in their bodies than they are physically able to tolerate, which leads to a significant increase in their body mass.

This, in turn, implies a series of risks to the health of the person, as said weight gain causes problems for the rest of the body, especially the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

In America, obesity is a notorious problem due to the enormous amount of super-processed foods that are consumed daily.

Thus, as early as 1965, 45% of the population had complications with their body weight, and that percentage has only increased. Thus, in 2015 71% of the population had these complications, of which 40% were considered obese.

This shows that more than half of the American population has weight complications that could affect their health in other ways.

Learn more in

Nick is falsely accused of being what profession?



a masseuse


If we meet at 9:30, we (have) _________________plenty of time.



If we meet at 9:30, we will have plenty of time.


we will have


we will have

What is one recurring theme in Lord of the Flies and which character does it affect most?



Loss of innocence was a reccuring theme between alot of the characters such as piggy and ralph. which rhetorically signifys them slowly going savage

The plot landed on the crest of the mountain. active or passive?



active I Believe hope this helps

Passive. It should not be Active. Passive is when a Subject doing a present work.

All changes saved You and your friend read a book about three animals that travel hundreds of miles to find their way back home. They face danger, illness, and injury, yet eventually arrive alive to greet their heartsick owners. Which of the following is the topic of this book? (5 points)

A. Three animals on a Journey

B. Three animals with super powers

C. Three animals run away for and adventure

D. Three animals risk their lives to return home ​


D. Three animals risk their lives to return home

Silence a feble by Edgar Allan Poe summary



The story is told by a Demon, who sits and observes the actions of a solitary man in a desolate, terrifying land. Through the tale, the Demon attempts to provoke the man.

Read Fattal's article " What Will Nationwide School Walkouts Accomplish?" and write a paragraph of one reason you would believe his article provide evidence from the text.



1. PART A: B.  Davis overcame the influence of a tremendously negative environment to achieve great success and intends to use his training to better the community in which he grew up.

2. PART B: A. ’Growing up, I was surrounded by so much negative peer pressure and negativity, it wasn’t long before I became a part of that fabric.’” ( Paragraph 4)

3. A. It illustrates how many people from underserved communities go down a negative path and it makes Davis’s ascent all the more remarkable by comparison.

4. C. To inform and inspire people by sharing the narrative of a hard-working, compassionate person who prevailed over alarming circumstances to realize great success.

5. Davis described the relationship between growing up in Newark and returning to the city as a physician as how education can make a difference in the lives of young people, as evidenced by the lines: “My calling was a bit different. It was important for me to come back and become a beacon of hope, if  you will, to show young people, especially, that education can change a life. It changed my life, and it  saved my life in so many ways.”


A; a deficit due to improving nationwide public transportation. Surplus in this case means that we have left over money. UwU+

____ in spanish means "lucha"​





What motive is there for people to increase their humor habits? Cite evidence from the article, and include your own ideas, in your response


The main motive for people to increase their humor habits is precisely because humor allows people to ease their worries, and generate distractions that contribute to improving the feeling of well-being and quality of life of individuals.

Humor is a very subjective phenomenon. What one person finds hilarious, is bland, inappropriate or incomprehensible to another. Individual differences play an important role, such as differences in culture, age and education level, although no general line can be drawn here either.

Learn more in

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