why does cell division occur in sexually reproducing organisms?


Answer 1


to produce a complex multicellular individual


hope this helps

Answer 2

Cell division occurs in sexually reproducing organisms to maintain the organisms growth and development. Cells have a particular life cycle after which they die. These cells need to be replaced constantly.

What is Cell division?

Cell division is the fundamental process to all living organisms and required for the growth and development of organisms. It is an essential means of reproduction for all the living things, cell division allows organisms to maintain their number and to transfer their genetic material to their offspring.

The role of this process in sexual reproduction is to produce sex cells (gametes) and to repair the genetic defects in germ line cells (sex cells). Both sexual and asexual organisms go through the process of mitosis. However, sexual reproduction also includes meiosis which maintains the number of chromosomes in off-springs.

Learn more about Cell division here:



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The cephalopods appear to be very different from other mollusks, but physiologically they are similar. Cephalopods, like most mollusks, have a mantle, a mantle cavity, a radula, and a U-shaped digestive Cephalopods have two kidneys and three hearts, which pump blue blood.


I hope yo have a nice day and please mark me(;

In this graph, what are the independent and dependent variables?



Wing beats are independent and the mass of hummingbird are dependent.


Because the y-intersept is independent and the x-intersept is dependent.

Brainliest please!

organelle that manages cell functions in eukaryotic cell




Use the table above to fill in the chart

Structure/Function Cell Part

Organelle that manages or controls all the cell functions in a eukaryotic cell Nucleus

Contains chlorophyll, a green pigment that traps energy from sunlight and gives plants their green color Chloroplast


in what part of the cell does transcription occur?





The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) collect vast amounts of data. For this activity, we want you to use their Natality Information database to test various hypotheses about birth. For the following five issues, please create a hypothesis and then use the database to collect information about the issue. Once you the data is displayed, record it and indicate whether your hypothesis was supported by data.

The database functions in this manner:

Upon going to this website, you will need to comply with the CDC requirements for using the database. Because this is a school activity, you will be fine. Click I Agree.
The top section (Section 1) of the query engine will allow you to determine how your data sets will be displayed. You will want to Group Results by State for the queries you will perform.
Be sure to select the correct measure for your question/hypothesis. Select only one measure for each query.
Section 2 allows to select individual states or multiple states for comparison. If you have selected states in Section 1, you can run multiple data sets here and see them displayed by state. If you did not, the only way to see individual state data is to run the query one state at a time.
The remaining sections include the conditions you can use for comparison. You will need to find the appropriate section for the condition you are testing for. Once you have found it, go ahead and run your query by clicking Send.
Let me talk you through the process. Seriously, watch this video explanation of what you're doing.

Here's an example. Which state, Utah or New York, has the highest average age for mothers giving birth?

Hypothesis: New York has the highest average age for mothers giving birth.
Data (based on the following settings)
Section 1: Group Results by State; Measure: Average Age of Mother (years)
Section 2: Select Utah and New York

Run the report (click Send) and the data says that New York's average age of mothers is 30.26 and Utah's is 28.59
Supported hypothesis: Yes
Data Questions
Now run the data queries for the following questions and record your hypothesis, data, and whether your hypothesis was supported.

Which state, Wyoming or Texas, has the highest fertility rate?
In which state, Hawaii or Illinois, is the mother's education the highest?
Pick two states and determine which state has the most births in May. (For this question and the next two, don't forget to make a hypothesis about which one you think it is.)
Pick two states and determine which state has the most twins.
Pick three states and determine which state has the most babies with Down syndrome.



Texas saw 382,050 births in 2017 the total fertility rate was 1,884 for whites, 2107. for black 2263

hawala............ higher education rank #21

Which form of heat transfer takes place when you touch a hot stonea. convectionb. subductionc. conductiond. radiation


It should be the radiation
it should be radiation if i’m correct

during which phase do the chromosomes make copies of themselves so that there are two of each one?



The beginning and majority of the time is known as Interphase. Interphase is 80% of the total cycle and is where the cell does most of the work in replicating organelles, chromosomes, and preparing to undergo Mitosis which is the actual splitting process where one cell becomes two. During Interphase there are 3 major steps, G1, S, and the G2 phase.


How does peer review of scientific articles and replication of test results contribute to the development of scientific theories?


Answer:Careful evaluation of research results by other scientists ensures that only solid and legitimate research results are published, and helps prevent faulty research or false claims from being viewed as scientific fact.

Explanation: it guards against fault science contaminating the literature on which all scientists rely. a hypothesis must be tested repeatedly and those tests must produce the same results before the scientific community will accept the hypothesis.

Peer review of scientific articles and replication of test results are essential processes that contribute significantly to the development and refinement of scientific theories. They help ensure the accuracy, credibility, and robustness of scientific knowledge. Here's how they contribute to theory development:

1. **Quality Assurance:** Peer review involves subjecting a research paper to critical evaluation by experts in the field before publication. This process helps ensure that the research is of high quality, methodologically sound, and contributes meaningfully to existing knowledge.

2. **Identification of Errors and Flaws:** Peer reviewers scrutinize the methodology, data analysis, and interpretations presented in the paper. If there are errors, inconsistencies, or weaknesses, reviewers can identify and point them out. This process helps prevent flawed or misleading research from being published.

3. **Enhancement of Clarity:** Reviewers provide feedback on the clarity of the paper's writing, organization, and presentation of results. This feedback helps authors improve their communication, making the research more accessible to the broader scientific community.

4. **Strengthening Hypotheses and Arguments:** Reviewers assess the logic and coherence of the research's hypotheses, arguments, and conclusions. Constructive feedback from peers can lead to refining hypotheses, modifying experimental designs, or reevaluating conclusions based on the evidence.

5. **Contribution to Scientific Discourse:** Peer-reviewed articles become part of the scientific literature, where they contribute to ongoing discussions, inspire new research directions, and serve as building blocks for future studies and theories.

**Replication of Test Results:**

1. **Verification of Findings:** Replication involves conducting the same or similar experiments to confirm the validity of previously reported results. If multiple independent researchers can replicate the same results, it enhances the credibility of the findings and supports the robustness of the theory.

2. **Identifying Errors and Biases:** Replication attempts may uncover errors, biases, or confounding factors that were not initially identified. This process helps filter out inaccurate or biased results, ensuring that only reliable findings contribute to the body of knowledge.

3. **Assessment of Generalizability:** Replication studies conducted in different settings or with different populations help assess the generalizability of findings. A theory that holds up across diverse conditions gains stronger support.

4. **Refinement of Hypotheses:** In cases where replication produces inconsistent results, researchers may need to revisit their hypotheses, experimental design, or methodologies. This process encourages critical thinking and refinement of theories to better explain observed phenomena.

5. **Building a Cumulative Body of Knowledge:** Replicated results provide a foundation upon which subsequent researchers can build. As more replications occur, a body of consistent and reliable evidence accumulates, contributing to the establishment of well-supported scientific theories.

In summary, peer review and replication play vital roles in the development of scientific theories. Peer review ensures the quality and accuracy of research before it enters the scientific literature, while replication confirms and strengthens the validity of findings. Both processes foster a dynamic and self-correcting scientific community that continuously refines and advances our understanding of the natural world.

To know more about scientific articles :



The stages of growth that take place after a forest fire are known as ______.


Answer: secondary succession


what types of organisms would you expect to perform fermentation?



Many bacteria and yeasts


Many bacteria and yeasts carry out fermentation. People use these organisms to make yogurt, bread, wine, and biofuels. Human muscle cells also use fermentation. This occurs when muscle cells cannot get oxygen fast enough to meet their energy needs through aerobic respiration.


Many bacteria and yeasts carry out fermentation. People use these organisms to make yogurt, bread, wine, and biofuels. Human muscle cells also use fermentation. This occurs when muscle cells cannot get oxygen fast enough to meet their energy needs through aerobic respiration.Explanation:

AP Science Practice Question
A particular enzyme has an optimal temperature of 37°C and begins to denature at 45°C. During
denaturation, entropy increases (the protein loses much of its organization). The protein also
increases its energy content (energy must be absorbed from the surroundings to break the
numerous weak bonds that reinforce the native conformation). Thus, for denaturation, AS and
AH are both positive. Using the free-energy equation (AG = AH - TAS), explain why
denaturation becomes spontaneous at a certain temperature.


Denaturation becomes spontaneous at a particular temperature when TΔS >  ΔH therefore ΔG becomes negative.

An enzyme is a biological catalyst that promotes various reactions in the body. Enzymes are proteins. There is an optimum temperature within which proteins functions effectively. Beyond this limit, the ability of the protein to function effectively is greatly hampered.

The free energy equation is ΔG =  ΔH - TΔS. Since the energy absorbed increases, the entropy increases and the temperature increases, it follows that a point comes when TΔS >  ΔH therefore ΔG becomes negative and denaturation becomes spontaneous at a certain temperature.

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/857770

Step 1: Click touch here to begin the app. You want to move to the "Choose Your

Challenge!" menu. From the menu choose “Build a Membrane!" Dr. Vial has a vile weapon

(note the play on words) that destroys plasma membranes. Without the plasma



cells of living things will die because they are unable to





Well, what kind of answer are you looking for? These answers you have are correct.


If this isn't the question could you please show he correct one?

Without the plasma membrane all cells of living things will die because they are unable to maintain homeostasis.

What are the different functions of these cell organelles?

Here are different function or different department of every cell organelles and these are mentioned below:

Shipping department - Golgi apparatusFactory interior - CytoplasmVessels- Cellular package containing products such as proteinWarehouse for storage of products -Vacuole

The term cell organelles has been defined as the organ or part of the cell which has been considered as the part of the cell. Cell organelles are mitochondria, ribosomes, vaccuoles, cell wall, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleus and many more.

In the cytoplasm, tRNA, play major role in protein synthesis and tRNA brings amino acids to the ribosome according to the codon in the mRNA which is translating. tRNA contain anti-codon which recognize and bind to the codon as by base pairing  where they are linked to protein synthesis as well as tRNA is loaded by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase enzyme with correct amino acid, which they bring to ribosome for protein synthesis.

Therefore, Without the plasma membrane all cells of living things will die because they are unable to maintain homeostasis.

Learn more about cell organelles on:



A major misconception about natural selection is that this mechanism "gives organisms what they want or need so they can adapt to an environment". Explain why this is not correct.


A major misconception about natural selection is that this mechanism "gives organisms what they want or need so they can adapt to an environment". Why is this right or wrong? This is wrong because organisms can't will what they want or need.

Answer: Well, I know that this is later than usual but I believe that this is incorrect because...

Explanation: Not every organism can get what they need/want in an environment but they can give out genetic DNA within natural selection but they can't get the essentials for an adaptation of an environment.

Btw I love your pfp (profile pic), it looks cute!!

Which of the following is NOT a polymer?



Nucleotide ( monomer )      

Explained Definition:    

The classes of biological molecules may be grouped into the types of polymers they form and the monomers that act as subunits: Lipids - polymers called diglycerides, triglycerides; monomers are glycerol and fatty acids

1. The monomers of DNA are called nucleotides. Nucleotides have three components: a base, a sugar (deoxyribose) and a phosphate residue. The four bases are adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T). The sugar and phosphate create a backbone down either side of the double helix.

2. Polysaccharides, also called glycans, are large polymers composed of hundreds of monosaccharide monomers. Unlike mono- and disaccharides, polysaccharides are not sweet and, in general, they are not soluble in water. Like disaccharides, the monomeric units of polysaccharides are linked together by glyosidic bonds.

3. Fatty acids form more complex lipid polymers called triglycerides, triacyclglycerols or triacyl glycerides when each single-bonded oxygen molecule bonds to a carbon that's part of a glycerol molecule. ... Triglycerides are also commonly found in foods, especially animal products

4.  polymers are known as polypeptides; monomers are amino acids. Nucleic Acids - polymers are DNA and RNA; monomers are nucleotides, which are in turn consist of a nitrogenous base, pentose sugar, and phosphate group

in humans, how many chromosomes are in each gamete after meiosis?



If a cell has 15 pairs of chromosomes (n = 15), it has 30 chromosomes (2n = 30). At the

end of mitosis, the two daughter cells will be exact copies of the original cell. Each daughter

cell will have 30 chromosomes. At the end of meiosis II, each cell (i.e.,

please help me with this question please !



(C) is true


Sorry if I did it wrong

in humans, how many chromosomes are in each cell at the end of meiosis i? how many cells are produced?



23 chromosomes and 4 cells


Define classification.
(In biology)



the establishment of a hierarchical system of categories on the basis of presumed natural relationships among organisms.

hope this helps <3


Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

The function of photosynthesis is to use solar energy to make ATP; the primary function of respiration is to break down ATP to release energy.

Photosynthesis only occurs in heterotrophs, while cellular respiration only occurs in autotrophs.

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration occur in separate, specialized organelles, and the two processes cannot occur in the same cell at the same time.

Photosynthesis uses solar energy to create organic molecules; cellular respiration breaks down organic molecules to make ATP.


Answer: The function of photosynthesis is to use solar energy to make ATP; the primary function of respiration is to break down ATP to release energy.



The answer is A.

The function of photosynthesis is to use solar energy to make ATP; the primary function of respiration is to break down ATP to release energy.


I just learned abt this yesterday so your lucky! So I hope this helps!! Brainliest?? Anyways have a great day!! :))

Name four ways synthetic fibers are different from each other?

*forensic science*


Synthetic fibers can vary greatly from one another. The main reason they can have such varying characteristics is that they can be of four distinct types.

Synthetic fibers are those that cannot be found in nature, but rather are created by man. They can be of four types:

Nylon RayonPolyesterAcrylic

Rayon is one of the types of synthetic fibers created by man. One of the weaker fibers, It is commonly referred to as synthetic silk, having many properties similar to those of silk. It is the result of wood pulp being fused with cotton or wool and is commonly used to create beddings and other home decorations, in varying colors.

Nylon shares few, if any, characteristics with rayon. It is a strong and elastic synthetic fiber. In fact, nylon is stronger than steel wire, even though it is created from water, coal and air. Nylon can be found in tents, climbing equipment, toothbrushes, and many more everyday appliances.

Polyester is a stranger form of synthetic fiber. As its name implies, it is formed from the repetition of esters. Polyester is often used for dressing, given its wrinkle-free properties and resistance. However, many kinds of polyesters exist, leading to its use in bottles, wires and more.

Finally, Acrylic is the final kind of synthetic fiber. Acrylic is a fiber which is normally used to replace wool. Acrylic can be seen used in blankets and sweaters. It is also often used to create panels that will imitate glass, which shows exactly how flexible and useful synthetic fibers can be.

To learn more visit:


Which biome is likely to have the most species within a hectare of land?
C.tropical rain forest
D.temperate forest


D. Tropical


Tropical rain forest

The image below shows one muscle cell. Please choose the name of the structure that is labeled A.
1. Myosin
2. Actin
3. myoglobin
4. troponin


The name of the structure labeled as A is 'myosin'. Moreover, the name of the structure labeled as B is 'actin'.

A sarcomere is the basic unit of muscle contraction. This unit is defined as the region between two Z-lines.

Band A is a central band composed of the thick filaments of myosin.

Moreover, the sarcomere also has two halves of a band known as I-band, which consists of thin filaments of actin.

Muscle contraction is caused by the interaction between actin and myosin protein filaments in the sarcomeres.

Learn more in:


Which one of the following do allplants and animals need to survive?A.FoodB.DarknessC.LocomotionD.Light



I believe D. Light


Well, light is the main source of food for plants along with the addition of carbon dioxide.


a) food


IT is because animals and plants dont need darkness cause it is of no use to them. locomotion is only there in animals so it wont benefit both. and for light animals dont need it while plants do. so the only option that benefits both is option a food.


true or false? to make a person breathe in, the volume of the chest cavity must decrease, creating a higher pressure in the thorax


The thorax is a very vital and important organ in the human body.

It is a structure that serves as a protective covering for organs in the body such as the lungs, the heart, some vital blood vessels e.t.c

It is false that to make a person breathe in, the volume of the chest cavity must decrease, creating a higher pressure in the thorax.

When a person breathes in,  the chest cavity expands (the volume increases) and the pressure in the thorax decreases.

When a person breathes out, the chest cavity decreases in size, and the pressure in the thorax increases.

Therefore, we can see that the process of breathing in humans, follows the principle of Boyle's Law.

Boyle's law states that as the volume increases there is a decrease in pressure and as the volume decrease there is an increase in pressure.

Therefore, It is false that to make a person breathe in, the volume of the chest cavity must decrease, creating a higher pressure in the thorax.

To learn more, visit the link below:


Help please
Please help



The answer is protein


trust me , hope this helps you!, add me as brainlist

Which of the following is NOT true about the Law of Conservation of Energy?
A. It states that the total energy in the universe keeps increasing.
B. It applies to everything in the universe.
C. It states that energy is transformed from one form to another.
D. It states that energy is neither created nor destroyed.


It states that the total energy in the universe keeps increasing

I will mark brainliest I’m sorry if I put this in the wrong. Category
The image shows embryos from four different animal species in an early stage of development.
Fish Embryo,
31 Hours
Chick Embryo,
6 Days
Mouse Embryo,
11 Days
Human Embryo
41 Days
Which conclusion can be drawn from these data?
Choose the correct answer
#1Fish develop more slowly than chickens, mice, and humans.
#2Fish embryos cannot be distinguished from chicken embryos.
#3Mice and humans have no similarities during development
#4Humans are more closely related to mice than they are to chickens or fish



#4 Humans are more closely related to mice than they are to chickens or fish.


If you compare the human embryo with the mouse embryo, you can tell they look very similiar, like in the way they curl up and in their eye placement/size. With the other two- fish and chickens- they look extremely different in comparison to the human embryo. The comparisons that i used before (eye placement/size and formation) I'll use as an example. They look nothing similiar to each other, therefore the answer is #4.

Hope this helps :)

please solve fast 3 and 4​



3. Pathology

4.  HCN


Pathology is the study of the nature and causes of diseases.

What is soil? how does it support plant growth? What is special about those plants that grow on top of water which is not soil? PLEASE I NEED BIOLOGICAL FACTS


soil has minerals in it. You can search what the minerals are in goo gle. the plants that grow on top of water has some kind of structure that helps it to float. you can look for the structure in goo gle. the structure is supposed to be waterproof and light and airy.

Which statement describes a prokaryotic cell?

A.) An amoeba with a vacuole

B.) A blood cell from an animal

C.) A plant cell with chloroplasts

D.) A bacteria without a nucleus


D. A Bacteria without a nucleus
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