Who is credited with writing an anonymous article about the Soviet expansion plans that was influential in the creation of the Truman Doctrine?

A. Churchill
B. Marshall
C. Kennan
D. Stalin


Answer 1


C. George F. kennan


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One goal of US economic sanctions against North Korea would be democratic change leading to humanitarian aid.



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here is an entire quiz
pls help this is overdue
Which are true? (Select 2 answers.)

Question 1 options:

Columbus's voyage was eventually financed by King John of Portugal, in an attempt to compete with Spain's trade routes around Africa to India.

Columbus's plan was originally refused by Spain and Portugal because they correctly believed he had made a mistake in calculating the size of the Earth.

Columbus's plan was originally refused by Spain and Portugal because they thought the Earth was flat.

Columbus's voyage was eventually financed by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, in an attempt to compete with Portugal's trade routes around Africa to India.

Question 2 (Mandatory) (5 points)
Which important events provide context for Columbus's voyage, and help explain the effects it had on Europe and the world? (Select 3 answers.)

Question 2 options:

Renaissance humanism and the beginnings of the Scientific Revolution meant that Europeans focused more on comfort and power in this world through technological control and exploitation of resources.

The abolition of slavery by the British Empire meant that they needed new resources to keep their economy running.

The fall of Constantinople meant that Greek learning was coming more into the west, at the same time as trade routes to the east were blocked.

The successful unification and re-conquest of Spain left the new Spanish monarchs with a desire to compete with Portugal for trade routes and wealth.

Question 3 (5 points)
In his letter defending himself against the accusations of Spain's investigator and replacement governor, Columbus argues . . . (Select 2 answers.)

Question 3 options:

. . . that he's being judged too harshly, because he was trying to rule very different and difficult people.

. . . that Spain ought to be more grateful for all the wealth his discovery allowed them to gain.

. . . that no atrocities were ever committed, and it was all a lie.

. . . that he had actually been the victim, since bad men had seized power.

Question 4 (5 points)
Bartolome de las Casas was trying to . . .

Question 4 options:

. . . defend Spanish honor by pointing out that they disciplined Columbus and his men.

. . . stop Spanish atrocities against Native people, and give the Natives protection.

. . . give Spain a bad name, so that the English could look better.

. . . defend Columbus against his accusers.

Question 5 (5 points)
Which are effects of the Columbian Exchange? (Select 2 answers.)

Question 5 options:

In many parts of North and South America, as many as 80-90% or more of Native people were killed by diseases over a relatively short period of time after European contact.

The Black Death was spread to Europe from the Americas, causing widespread death and destruction.

Europeans had access to horses for the first time.

It spread key plants and animals that revolutionized cultures on both sides of the exchange, like horses, sheep, cows, pigs, potatoes, tomatoes, chocolate, earthworms, sugar, wheat, coffee . . . .

Question 6 (5 points)
Which are true of the (lost) Roanoke colony? (Select 2 answers.)

Question 6 options:

We know that the colonists were all killed by a Native attack, since the colony was found burned.

The English were interested in founding a colony because they wanted wealth and a base to attack the Spanish.

The colonists all disappeared before more supplies could come from England.

The colonists never made contact with any Natives.

Question 7 (5 points)
Which are true of Jamestown? (Select 3 answers.)

Question 7 options:

Most of the colonists died of starvation or disease early on.

John Smith took over the colony, and required all the colonists to work for their food.

At first, the colonists relied on the Natives to survive.

The colonists were well-prepared, which contributed to their early success.

Question 8 (5 points)
The Jamestown colony was ultimately successful because . . .

Question 8 options:

. . . John Rolfe discovered that tobacco could be grown very successfully in the area.

. . . Pocahontas convinced them to join with the Natives and create a new society.

. . . they moved down the coast a ways to a better location.

. . . John Smith negotiated funding from Spain instead of England.

Question 9 (5 points)
Which is true of tobacco in the New World? (Select 3 answers.)

Question 9 options:

Tobacco requires a lot of work to grow, which led to indentured servants and slaves being brought in to work the fields.

The English were the first to bring the crop over and grow it in the Americas.

Tobacco is hard on the soil, so large amounts of land are needed to grow it.

The Spanish learned about tobacco from the Native Americans, and introduced it to Europe.

Question 10 (Mandatory) (3 points)
Pocahontas married John Smith.

Question 10 options:
Question 11 (Mandatory) (2 points)
The Virginia Company eventually went bankrupt, and the king of England took over the colony of Jamestown directly.

Question 11 options:



A and C


e) Que son los derechos humanos
f) Cuáles son las características de los derechos humanos, define cada una
g) Cuáles son los nuevos derechos
h) Que es la corte penal internacional y cuál es su objetivo.



Los derechos humanos son derechos inherentes a todos los seres humanos


A typical role of the patricians in the Roman republic was to



Ruling Class Families in Rome

Which of the following is a due process protection? (Select all that apply)
the right to a speedy trial, so that people aren't held in prison for a long time before a trial
the right to an attorney, so that people who can't afford one still have a lawyer that can provide legal advice
the right to hear a court's decision, even if they do not allow an appeal
the right to trial by an impartial jury, so that a group of citizens can decide guilt or innocence, rather than a single person, such as
a judge


Answer The Due Process Clause guarantees “due process of law” before the government may deprive someone of “life, liberty, or property.” In other words, the Clause does not prohibit the government from depriving someone of “substantive” rights such as life, liberty, or property; it simply requires that the government follow

The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees criminal defendants due process rights, options A, B, and D explains this.

What are the four due process rights?

The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees criminal defendants due process rights, including the right to a speedy and fair trial before an impartial jury of one's peers, the right to an attorney, and the right to know the charges and who has accused you.

So option A, B and D explains the due process protections.

Therefore, the above statement explains the due process protections.

Learn more about the due process protection here:


what are the errors did Burgoyne make as he headed to the Hudson River Valley



he had his own idea about how to win the war.

In what 2 ways was the War of 1812 similar to the 7 Years War and the Revolutionary War?



The war of 1812 and The revolutionary War were two bloody wars fought by two people of the different uniforms.


So what are the real similarities, well both of these wars had three major resemblances with a couple smaller likenesses. The first one was that the two fictions were fighting them, British and American.

how was the rosetta stone key to the legacy of ancient egypt



the Rosetta Stone became a valuable key to deciphering the hieroglyphs.

What does “all men are created equal” mean? *
the American colonists, as a people, had NO same rights of self-government as other peoples, and hence could declare independence, create new government
the American colonists, as a people, had the same rights of self-government as other peoples, and hence could declare independence, create new government



What he really meant was that the American colonists, as a people, had the same rights of self-government as other peoples, and hence could declare independence, create new governments and assume their “separate and equal station” among other nations


what ways have the freedoms within the 1st amendment brought about change



the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


How are state and federal appellate courts similar?



A. Both hear cases from lower courts.


The state and federal appellate courts are similar as Both hear cases from lower courts. Thus the correct option is A.

Cases appealed from lower courts are heard by both state and federal appellate courts. Within their various jurisdictions, these subordinate courts may comprise trial courts or other specialized courts.

The appellate courts examine these cases to see if there were any mistakes of law or process in the lower court's judgment. They have the authority to uphold, reverse, or amend lower court rulings.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about State Court, here:



when sports illustrated was founded in 1954, what was its original focus?


When Sports Illustrated was founded in 1954, its original focus was on providing in-depth coverage of sports news and events through a combination of high-quality writing, media, photography, and editorial content.

The journal sought to give in-depth coverage of a variety of sports, including professional leagues, college sports, and significant athletic events. In addition to highlighting athletes and their accomplishments, Sports Illustrated also explores the cultural and societal implications of sports in an effort to convey the thrill, drama, and human tales that surround sports. With its distinctive and engaging reading experience, it immediately became recognized as a top journal in the sports media sector.

Learn more about sports here:



Which of the following is an example of the "message power"?



The President outlining for Congress the specific items and amounts contained in the budget.

could someone tell me where to label the regions of the hebrews , Phoenicians , Sumerians , and egyptians



See explanation.


The Hebrews are in the region of modern day Israel and Palestine.

The Phoenicians were in the region of modern day southern Syria, northern Israel, and Lebanon.

The Sumerians occupied the region of southern Iraq in the modern day.

The Egyptians still occupy modern Egypt today.

Hope this helps! :) If you have a question about my answer, just comment!

King George II issued a charter to establish the colony of Georgia.

yes/ no

The Trustees surrendered the colony to the British government.


Slavery became legal in the Georgia colony.


Colonists bought large tracts of land and developed plantations.

yes/ no

Liquor was prohibited in the Georgia colony.


King George II appointed a royal governor to oversee Georgia's development.


James Oglethorpe designed the city of Savannah.


Georgia colonists established a colonial legislature.




1. Yes

2. Yes

3. Yes

4. No

5. Yes

6. Yes

7. Yes

8. No


1. George II signed the charter creating the colony of Georgia in 1732.

2. Georgia Trustees surrendered control of the colony to the British government ... He was also governor during the American Revolution.

3. The colony of the Province of Georgia under James Oglethorpe banned slavery in 1735. However, it was legalized by royal decree in 1751, in part due to George Whitefield's support for the institution of slavery.

4. During the colonial period, individual colonists acquired real property primarily through grants from the Virginia Company, headrights, treasury rights, and military warrants.

5. In 1907 Georgia became the first state in the South to pass a statewide ban on the production, transportation, and sale of alcohol. Prohibition in Georgia lasted until 1935, two years after the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment and the end of national prohibition (1920-1933)

6. King George II appointed a royal governor to oversee Georgia's development. The royal governor acted as the king's voice in the colony and performed administrative duties.

7. James Edward Oglethorpe laid out the city's first four squares. Uniquely, Savannah kept using the original city plan long after the Trustees stopped managing the colony.

8. Georgia became a royal colony in 1752. The trustees were unable to establish self-government and gave up before the 21-year charter had expired. They, therefore, did not establish a representative assembly, although every other mainland colony had one. The trustees made all laws for the colony.

Hope this helps you! :)

which of the following is not a benefit of federalism?



you need to list the "following" if you want an answer


if a colonist bought cloth from france, what happened to it under the navigation acts?


In the event that a colonist bought something from France, the Navigation Acts required that:

The cloth would go through England first where it would be taxed

The Navigation laws were designed such that:

Britain controls all trade to the colonies Other nations go through Britain to get to the colonies Britain gets rich at the expense of the colonies

Britain wanted to be the only one benefitting from the wealth in the colonies which is why they prohibited other countries from trading with them. In order for other countries to trade with the colonies, they would have to get taxed by the British first.

In conclusion, buying a cloth from France would have seen it passing through Britain first where it would be taxed before being sent to the colonies.

Find out more at https://brainly.com/question/2665741.

2. PART B: Which phrase from the text best supports the answer to Part

Commonlit the Missouri compromise



what did u put for part a

African American knew that they could not rely upon whites to end slavery, but they also recognize that the increasing divide between north and south and their battle is the phrase from the text best supports the answer to Part A. Hence, option C is correct.

When does the end slavery?

On December 18, 1865, the 13th Amendment was ratified and added to the US Constitution. The official abolition of slavery brought about by the amendment resulted in the immediate release of more than 100,000 slaves from Kentucky to Delaware.

End Slavery Now is an initiative of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. Your financial support enables us to continue motivating, enabling, and educating people to immediately put an end to slavery.

Although slavery was declared to be abolished on December 18, 1865, the situation of emancipated Black people in the South remained precarious after the war, and the Reconstruction era would be characterized by great challenges.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more details about end slavery, click here:



the jews believed that god had made a contract with them called a ...


Answer: covenant


The word covenant means agreement, such as a contract between two people. Jews see their relationship with God as a covenant, or an agreement. They believe that God asks them to do certain things, and in return he will take special care of them. The first covenant began between God and the founder of the Jewish people, Abraham.

identify each statement as biased or credible​


i think the first one is credible and the three other ones aren’t since they are opinions


See below


Biased: article written by historian

statement during historical debate

Credible: statement from student

blog post

Guys help with this question is due tomorrow

(It’s homework )

Help me fill in the chart please

And there’s the text





it help you with things like maps gloves and globes and all that you would love it

How did the development of the magnetic compass impact the Song dynasty?

A) It slowed the spread of diseases out of Europe.

B)It allowed travelers to navigate more accurately.

C)It prevented traders from entering the region.

D)It allowed Buddhism to become popular in the region.


Answer: B? I think


The Song dynasty was an imperial dynasty of China that began in 960 and lasted until 1279. The dynasty was founded by Emperor Taizu of Song following his usurpation of the throne of the Later Zhou, ending the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.  so I thinks its b

give ONE example of how the French Revolution brought positive REFORM (change) to France and ONE example of how the French Revolution brought/created TERROR. (Be specific!!!!)



The French Revolution was a period of radical political and societal change in France that began with the Estates General of 1789 and ended with the formation of the French Consulate in November 1799. Many of its ideas are considered fundamental principles of liberal democracy,while phrases like , reappeared in other revolts, such as the 1917 Russian Revolution, and inspired campaigns for the abolition of slavery and universal suffrage. Its values and the institutions it created dominate French politics to this day.

How might the spread of Buddhism have affected the interactions between different communities in the region?​



There were many trade routes.


https://en.unesco.org/silkroad/content/did-you-know-spread-buddhism-south-and-southeast-asia-through-trade-routes use this link for help! I wish you luck!

DACA and the Dream Act, What other immigration policies would you change? how would you change them?


Answer: This fact sheet provides an overview of the most recent version of the Dream Act and similar legislative proposals.


Was the American revolution virtuous ?



American revolutionaries were permeated with faith in the truth of libertarianism, or the ideology, encouraging them to give their lives and property against encroachments on their rights and freedoms by the Government of the British Empire



what happened in war war 1



The spark that ignited World War I was struck in Sarajevo, Bosnia, where Archduke Franz Ferdinand—heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire was shot to death along with his wife, Sophie, by the Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914.

Which was the provision to ban slavery from territories acquired from Mexico by the United States?

Calhoun Proviso
Polk Proviso
Lincoln Proviso
Wilmot Proviso



D) Wilmot Proviso

hope this helps <3




Eriksson and Columbus (topic sentence) Leif Eriksson and Christopher

Columbus had many similarities.



Eriksson and Columbus: But in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many people had a different problem with Columbus: They argued that the real credit for discovering North America should go to Erikson, who they believed arrived 500 years before Columbus. Plus, they favored Erikson because, unlike Columbus, he wasn't Italian or Catholic


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