who benefits from the caste system


Answer 1


Who did the caste system benefit?

Previously Caste system benefited the learned, skilled, and the most promising people of our civilization. Later it morphed into something that is benefiting the greedy, cunning, and the moral pit-holes of a people.

Caste system was not intended to benefit anyone. It is simply a structure of social order based on merit. Initially, it was based solely on the qualities and the conduct of the peoples. And anyone can move up and down the ladder of social hierarchy based on how they conduct themselves. Many noted sages, especially few of the top most like valmiki, and ved vyas, were born not into the noble households; yet they did not face any obstacles in achieving greatness. Over time people in power became greedy and did not want to let go of their positions. Under greed, the collective Intelligence of people averages out to the lowest possible point; people become willing to overlook the truth as long as it benefits them.

Like the famous movie quote ‘structures become shackles.’ The interesting, and functionally advantageous ‘caste system’, under the pressure of apathy, greed, and fear, turned into one of the greatest shackles of our society.

I repeatedly quoted this many times, “Caste system is there in every country, and through all ages. It is just being called by different names in different places. Only the name is different, but the content is the same.”

The western civilization came to prominence much later than ours. Initially they championed equality. But now people are debating the problems of inequality in every walk of life - especially in top countries like USA. We have much worse problems than the western civilization. But i think this suffering is a part of the civilization life cycle. Nothing can stay on the top forever. Nothing can stay at the bottom forever. We have a lot to do to improve ourselves.

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he would be 54 jsjjabsban

Help me thank u !!!!!!!



The answer is C


Hope this helps <3

have a nice day and can you mark me brainliest plz? :)

Another name for the Loyalists would be the Whigs. The Whigs wanted to stay with Britain. So, in turn, your answer here would be C. Have an amazing day!!

Why did religious groups found colonies



religious groups, such as the Puritans,  were looking to escape from religious persecution in their home country, and find a  they could worship God in their own way. Catholics, Quakers, and Jews later came to the colonies seeking freedom of worship. and as they arrived in the colonies and promptly established their own form of religious persecution.


I hope this helps !!!!!

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Which of these is the BEST assessment of the Declaration of Independence? 0) A) It was a statement of the start of war against Great Britain. B) It created the first truly democratic government in world history It created the institutions that would initially make up the first federal government of the United States of America it let the Great Britain and the rest of the world know that the British colonies considered themselves free and independent of colonial rule​


The best description of Declaration of Independence is that its let the Great Britain and the world to know that the America considered themselves free and independent of colonial rule​.

What is the Declaration of Independence?

This was a declaration among the 13 States of U.S. who pronounced that they are free from the British rule.

Hence, the declaration let the Great Britain and the world to know that the America considered themselves free and independent of colonial rule​.

Therefore, the Option D is correct.

Read more about Declaration of Independence



Can someone give me advice please..I'm having a panic attack because a car hit my car when i was turning on a yellow arrow and it was clear but this brown jeep speeded to hit my car. how do i fix it without my dad knowing. i am willing to pay a lot to fix it but i just don't want to get in trouble and I don't want him finding out :(​


Do you have pay your own car insurance?


I guess your car is registered in the police station as it was an accident


he will surely find it out

What did Lincoln hope to do about voting after the Civil War?
A. Stop all Southern men from ever voting again
B. Extend voting to Native Americans living in the West
c. Limit voting to a small portion of African Americans
D. Introduce a bill in Congress on women's right to vote





its C

Religious toleration was guaranteed in which of the following English colonies?


Answer:Religious freedom was encouraged in the Puritan colony of Massachusetts. The Toleration Act of 1649 was passed in Maryland because the Protestants outnumbered the Catholics.


will mark brainlist
How did American independence affect women?

It gave women rights equal to those of men.

It gave women a larger role in government.

It failed to give women rights or protections.

It guaranteed that women would be protected from mistreatment.




The  answer is C.

You should look up Abagail Adams and her  letter to John Adams as he wrote the Constitution (late 1700s). It is scathing: she was way ahead of her time. The spelling and grammar left something to be desired, but the thinking did not. I would have been trembling in my boots if I were Adams and he had come home after not addressing any of her concerns.

Women had no political rights until 1920 when the 19th amendment was ratified by congress. That was 3 years behind Canada.

Why is the creation of the league of nation an important step is achieving lasting peace between different countries



The creation of the league of the nation is an important step in achieving lasting peace between different countries because it would guarantee the territorial integrity and political independence of member states, authorize the League to take “any action…to safeguard the peace,” establish procedures for arbitration and create the mechanisms for economic and military sanctions.


I hope this helps you in any shape or form.




the buddy and I am just asking for a few

The government announces a new state religion. All citizens will have to attend the state church. What amendment has been


shot up bro like shot bro

icbguydcgucv uy dgiysau vchkwuegv bghybv bghjuihbv bhjuhb

A hot sun warms the surface of a lake on the grande what happens to the cold water at the bottom



The warm water at the top will sink down and mix with the cold water at the bottom. The cold water will remain at the bottom and will not mix with the warm water at the top.

The manor system provided peasants not only protection from invaders but also



The Manor System or Feudalism provided little to no protection to peasants from invaders, but they were obligated to work and fight for his Liege Lord, regardless of his choices. There was no liberty for the peasants.


The Feudal System is very unequal, unfair and exploratory of its subjects. Most of them worked hard on the fields, with no pay and only the guarantee of a roof and food on his table.

The endless taxes and obligations that feudal subjects need to oblige, to make the life of the nobility so high standard and so lush, with endless food and resources for construction of castles, to waging wars and conquests.

In war times, the peasants are not taken into protection, as vividly as the ones in the upper class. Priority goes all to the nobility and the clergy. Those who are at the top, survive the raids, sacks and horrors of battle, while the peasants suffer and die at the hands of the attackers. Armies are, most of the time, arranged in a way that the first ones to battle and die are the peasants. They are called “cannon fodder” now a days. “Cannon Fodder” meaning expendable soldiers.

The Feudal system served to maintain the culture of Kings, Queens and Empires, exploring the minorities and destroying/conquering its neighbors and “inferiors”, to soul serve its particular economic and status interests.

Your answer should be ???→  not only protection from invaders, but also. ease and relaxation.

Is that right

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where are the pictures/options?


What is the pelopnnesian War!
What was the significance of the Peloponnesian War. 4 sentences



It was an ancient Greek War fought by the Delian League (led by the Athens) against the Peloponnesian league (led by Sparta). the major cause of it was the Battle of Sybota. this war marked the end of the Golden Age of Greece and the fall of Athens which was once the strongest city-state in Greece. Athens was then absorbed into the Spartan Empire causing the power in Greece to shift dramatically. hope this helped!

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Sediment is the correct answer

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that helped fertilize the soil *



Water and soil brought by the Tigris and Euphrates

Explanation:After season flooding in Mesopotamia, large deposits of.

that helped fertilize the soil

Do you think America is an experiment? If so why?


To be honest, I think it is. Due to the fact that we've had all of these wars and governments and rebellions, what if it was all just a test to see if America could withstand the pressure of other countries attacking it.

How are the ideas of John Locke & the Carta evidenced in the concept and practice of town hall meetings?


Answer: Modern republics and democratic processes can trace their lineage in many ways to the philosophies and ideas of John Locke, and to the core tenets of the Magna Carta.

John Locke popularized the "social contract" theory, which posits that all human beings possess "natural rights" (basic safety, freedom of choice, etc.), and that government is more or less a "necessary evil" that governs human behavior through one simple mechanism:

According to Locke, governments (ideally) exist in order to protect the natural rights of their citizens. In exchange, their citizens willfully give up some liberties and freedoms, since the government is not functional unless citizens consent.

This leads to the second major concept, which is that the above-mentioned mechanism is a type of "contract" between governments and the governed. The government agrees to guarantee basic natural rights, and the citizens agree to adhere to basic laws and rules. If either party reneges on their half of the contract, the opposing side may take certain punitive actions.

When a person breaks the law and is caught, the government can enact the part of this "social contract" where they are allowed to imprison and surveil this person - a huge violation of "natural rights" under other circumstances. This is because that person has not held up their end of the bargain. Thus, they are not entitled to the natural right of freedom.

On the other hand, if the government has begun to abuse its power by not protecting the natural rights of its citizens (due to corruption, neglect, etc.), then the citizens may revoke their consent to be governed. This is when you see revolutions or coups.

It's important to note that the social contract theory is a type of unwritten law - it refers to the basic, implicit agreement between people who live in a society and the people who create and enforce the rules for that society.

The Magna Carta, on the other hand, is one of the first major documents in modern European/"Western" history to so explicitly put the concepts of "natural rights" and the "social contract" into writing, thus setting a recorded standard for behavior on the part of citizens and on the part of the governing class.

Thus, town hall meetings in the context you have provided are the predictable outcome of new ideas of government which emerged in the Magna Carta, Lockean philosophy, Enlightenment political theory, and modern ideas of the purpose and function of government: Most Western societies have spent the vast majority of their histories under monarchical and/or hierarchical and/or hereditary rule where the consent of the governed was more or less a non-issue. The governed (particularly in lower classes, which is unfortunately stlll the case) had no real say. In the wake of the European Enlightenment, this changed.

Boom - town hall meetings. The reason these meetings existed was because fundamental Western concepts of government had shifted to be vastly more populace-friendly. It was by this point a widely-accepted idea that the governed should have some sort of say in the machinations of the government, PARTICULARLY if they were paying taxes.

Hope that helps you get started!

Why did Senators oppose joining the League of Nations in 1919?


The major reason for this was the fact that many Senators were afraid that membership in the League of Nations would reduce the sovereignty of the United States and its ability to have complete control over its own foreign policy and military actions.

The main reason for this was that many Senators were concerned that joining the League of Nations would reduce the United States' sovereignty and ability to control its own foreign policy and military actions.

What are the Senators?

The Senate is composed of two senators from each state (therefore, the Senate currently has 100 Members), and a senator must be at least thirty years old, a citizen of the United States for nine years, and a resident of the state from which he or she is elected.

The Senate's first order of business was to convene with the House to count the electoral votes that formally awarded George Washington the presidency.

Therefore, senators oppose joining the League of Nations in 1919 because many Senators were concerned that joining the League of Nations would reduce US sovereignty.

Learn more about the Senators, refer to:



Can you name three things sir Isaac Newton made when he was a boy


He made a windmill which could grind wheat and corn, and he made a water clock and a sundial.

Why is Anglicanism considered a “political” faith?



catholic and apostlic faith



The Federalist Papers were essays written in support of the Constitution,


groups of people with common political purposes are called:


the three-fifths compromise required the states to free ⅗ of their slaves.

freedom of religion means that the government cannot force people to follow any one religion.









1.The Federalist Papers was a collection of essays written by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton in 1788. The essays urged the ratification of the United States Constitution, which had been debated and drafted at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787.

2.A political faction is a group of people who have a similar political goal but vary from the rest of the entity in certain ways. A faction within a group or political party may contain fractured sub-factions, or "parties inside a party," which are known as power blocs or voting blocs. Members of factions join together to achieve these objectives while also promoting their agenda and status within an organization.

3.The Three Fifths Compromise was an agreement reached by the participants of the Constitutional Convention in 1787 that three fifths of a state's slave population would be counted against its total population, which was used to determine congressional representation and tax responsibilities.

4.The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment forbids the government from enacting any legislation "respecting an establishment of religion." This provision bans the government not only from creating an official religion, but also from taking measures that unfairly favor one religion over another.

• Which Georgian do you feel made an impact on the war and after the war.​



You can see the answers of your questions in this link


Is it okay to suspend civil liberties during times of crisis?



civil liberties during times of crisis

How did the French and Indian War lead to tensions between England and its
A. The colonists began charging England higher prices for war
B. England refused to protect the colonists in future wars.
C. England began taxing the colonists to pay for the cost of the war.
D. The colonists refused to buy manufactured goods from England,





The answer to this question is C

How did the arrival of Europeans most strongly affect the native peoples of the Americans



European conquest and disease decimated native populations.


Air is exhaled from a person's lungs into
a balloon and then the balloon is popped.
What best explains what happens to the
air after the balloon pops?
A. It returns to the shape of the person's lungs.
B. It stays in the shape of the balloon.
C. It becomes a liquid, then a solid.
D. It spreads out randomly into the atmosphere.


D. It spreads out randomly into the atmosphere

major reason for global terrorism?​



Causes of terrorism in the world:

Causes motivating terrorism:

Independence or separatist movements.

Irredentist movements.

Adoption of a particular political philosophy, such as socialism (left-wing terrorism), anarchism, or fascism (possibly through a coup or as an ideology of an independence or separatist movement



Causes motivating terrorism

Independence or separatist movements.

Irredentist movements.

Adoption of a particular political philosophy, such as socialism (left-wing terrorism), anarchism, or fascism (possibly through a coup or as an ideology of an independence or separatist movement)

hope this helps? <3 (:

how did the controversy over slavery become violent? Pls help muah<33


Slavery within itself was pretty violent so i’m not sure what this is really asking.
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