Which phrase best completes the partial outline below?
I. Achievements of the Incas
A. _____________________________
B. Kept records using quipus
C. Built stone structures without using mortar

a. Cast bronze statues c. invented a foot stirrup
b. created a system of terraced
a. Cast bronze statue b. created a system of terraced farming
c. invented a foot stirrup d. developed chariots


Answer 1
b; created a system of terraced farming was one of their great achievements
Answer 2

Answer: The major achievement of the Incas were their system of roads and bridges, centralized economy, social harmony, medicine, fortifications and buildings, accounting system, aqueducts and agricultural terraces


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what military advantages helped western nations dominate much of the world in the late 1800s?





is basket an noun or verb or either​



a basket can be a verb or noun depending on what your using it for



'basket' can be a verb or a noun. Noun usage: A basket of fake fruit adorned the table. Noun usage: The point guard drove toward the basket. Noun usage: The last-second basket sealed the victory.


1. How did the idea of Democracy impact the life of a citizen in a country?


Answer:Answer: hey girl hal is north west west of north west west north west of north north

Explanation: Answer: hey girl hal is north west west of north west west north west of north north

Step-by-step explanation:

Why did Congress also submit the Fourteenth Amendment in 1866 confirming citizenship for ex-slaves?

A The president could later successfully veto the Civil Rights Act.

B The Southern states' legislatures could nullify the Civil Rights Act.

C The Northern states' legislatures would not enforce the voting rights.

D The Supreme Court could not declare an amendment unconstitutional.



im not 100& sure but i think C but if im wrong sorry


Do you believe that there is still an effort to undermine the voting rights of people of
color? Why or why not?





THeres no point in living it will all end one day anyways and dont even go on about atleast 1 second of joy its cut out in a heardbeat

what was the central focus for the platform of the democratic party during 1800s



the republican party mostly held power in the south and wanted to solidify its hold there. This meant that they protected pro-slavery laws and the interests of whute southerners.

What were the two primary accomplishments of Chavez and the United Farm Workers in the 1960s and 70s as described in the article?



What were the two primary accomplishments of Chavez and the United Farm Workers in the 1960s and 70s


The UFW and Chávez had many accomplishments - establishing minimum wage standards, wage contracts, safer working conditions, child labor reform, and advancement in civil rights for Chicanos and other farm workers. Chávez's dedication to farm workers and civil rights grew out of influential childhood experiences.

( Chavez founded the National Farm Workers Association (later the United Farm Workers of America) and won important victories to raise pay and improve working conditions for farm workers in the late 1960s and 1970s)

What causes Athena to be angry with


To quote www.mvorganizing.org, "in spite of being blessed with excellent weaving skills, Arachne was too arrogant. This made Athena furious because she was one of the best in weaving skills. She became angry at Arachne’s foolishness at the beginning of the story."

What was a prevalent attitude among Americans regarding immigrants during the 1920s and 1930s?
A immigrants contributed to the cultural vibrancy of America,
Immigrants competed for jobs, worsening America's economic crisis.
Oc. Immigrants lacked religious faith, weakening American unity.
Immigrants improved the educational system in America.


Answer: Many Americans feared that as immigration increased, jobs and housing would become harder to obtain for a number of reasons: There was high unemployment in America after World War One. New immigrants were used to break strikes and were blamed for the deterioration in wages and working conditions.




ITS B they competed for jobs



En el texto que se presenta a continuación se puede leer una perspectiva de la globalización expresada por un ex presidente de Estados Unidos. ¿Qué podemos concluir sobre la visión del autor sobre la globalización? La globalización según Bill Clinton Ha llegado el momento de trabajar con esmero para derribar las viejas barreras comerciales y construir, ladrillo a ladrillo, los actuales pactos y la estructura de la nueva economía internacional. La tarea de hoy día es convencer a los pueblos de que la democracia y el mercado libre pueden proporcionar a todo el mundo la oportunidad de hacer sus sueños realidad, pero ya no sintiéndonos preocupados por un sistema político rival ni por los recuerdos de la guerra. Hoy más que nunca podemos contemplar las enormes posibilidades que tenemos ante nosotros. Una era llena de promesas, en la que todo el mundo será libre, podrá trabajar en cualquier parte de la Tierra, donde las fronteras estarán abiertas y se tendrá la oportunidad de contribuir al progreso creciente, a la seguridad económica, a la máxima realización del potencial individual y a hacer que los sueños se conviertan en realidad como jamás se había visto en toda la historia de la humanidad. Bill Clinton. (1996). Una economía sin fronteras







it is A


A because it is lease to gratest

What ruler united the local tribes and formed the Empire of Mali?
Shaka Zulu
Dinga Cisse
Mansa Musa
Sundiata Keita



Sundiata Keita


The Empire of Mali was formed when a ruler named Sundiata Keita united the tribes of the Malinke peoples

who controlled the middle east before the sykes-picot agreement


Answer: Under Sykes-Picot, the Syrian coast and much of modern-day Lebanon went to France; Britain would take direct control over central and southern Mesopotamia


Help plz (50 points)

1: how do you define foreign policy?

2: Explain how foreign policy is determined, how foreign policy varies between developed and developing nations.



in foreign policy general objectives that guide the activities and relationships of on state in its interactions with other states.


the development of foreign policy is influenced by domestic considerations the policies or behaviors of other states or plans to advance specific geopolitical design:)

which american colony was based on shipbuilding and fishing



the New England colonies


Can someone pleasee help me with this!!





Definitely A hope it helps

help me please i really need this right now
MOST IMPORTANT AMENDMENT" and in a 4-5 sentence paragraph, make an argument for which amendment is most important and why?



Perhaps the most famous section of the Bill of Rights is the First Amendment. This right is so important, because it protects our rights to speech, press, petition, religion, and assembly.

The First Amendment is one of the most important amendments for the protection of democracy. Freedom of religion allows people to believe and practice whatever religion they want. Freedom of speech and press allows people to voice their opinions publicly and to publish them without the government stopping them.


What would happen if the 1st Amendment did not exist?

Assembly: With no First Amendment, protest rallies and marches could be prohibited according to official and/or public whim; membership in certain groups could also be punishable by law. Petition: Threats against the right to petition the government often take the form of SLAPP suits

i hope this helps you i just put a little more info tho

What skills are needed to participate in a civil society? *



endurance speed and strength


you will meed it in a fight

Place events that relate to Georgia's role in the American Revolution in the correct order



What happened in Georgia during the American Revolution? We hear a lot about events in Massachusetts or Virginia, but what were things like in the colony of Georgia during America's War for Independence?

In 1732, Georgia became the last British colony to be founded. Originally intended by founder James Oglethorpe to be a refuge for debtors and the 'worthy poor,' the colony was founded as a buffer zone to protect southern colonies from Spanish incursions. Georgia did not have a prominent role in the American Revolution the way other colonies like Massachusetts or Virginia did.

Bearing reference to King George II, Loyalist sentiment was common throughout the colony. Loyalists were those American colonists who did not desire independence from Great Britain but instead remained 'loyal' to the Crown. Sometimes Loyalists were also called 'Tories.' Loyalists tended to be more common throughout the South, where republicanism was not as strong and where British troops were regarded more favorably because they helped protect settlers from Native American tribes.

It's safe to say that on the eve of the American Revolution, anti-British sentiment was not nearly as pronounced in Georgia as it was in other colonies. For example, Georgia did not participate in the Stamp Act Congress in 1765 or the First Continental Congress in 1774 due to a lack of anti-British sentiment. Until the outbreak of violence at Lexington and Concord, most Georgian colonists were perfectly content to be British subjects. Georgia was probably the most pro-British of the 13 colonies, but this would not remain the case for long.


Why did Mexican officials arrest Stephen F. Austin?
He suggested that Texans form a new state government.
He insulted Santa Anna during one of their meetings.
He brought cholera to Mexico City.
He encouraged the United States to declare war on Mexico.


Answer: He suggested that Texans form a new state government


Believing that he was pushing for Texas independence and suspect that he was trying to incite insurrection, Austin was arrested by the Mexican government in January 1834 in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. He was taken to Mexico City and imprisoned. No charges were filed against him as no court would take jurisdiction.


A . He suggested that Texans form a new state government.

what is the system of manorialism and how did it develop in medieval europe?



It developed because people spread out, and the system was controlled by powerful warrior landlords. Landlords also leased out land in exchange for loyalty.Explanation:

the internet said so

A rubber ball is dropped from the top of a ladder. It bounces on the same spot on the ground several times, each time to a lesser height than the previous bounce, before coming to rest in place.
In one or two sentences, explain how the experiment shows the direction that gravity pulls an object, specifically showing that it does not pull an object parallel to the ground.




Here to help! :)


Firstly you need to know what is gravity?


The size of the gravitational force is proportional to the masses of the objects and weakens as the distance between them increases. Both objects exert an equal attractive force on each other: a falling object is attracting the Earth with the same size force as the Earth is attracting it.

Now you need to know why a rubber bounce?

When a rubber ball hits something, it absorbs energy and releases energy really fast, Zheng said. ... When it hits something, it stops, and the kinetic energy is stored inside the ball as internal energy. Then it can quickly convert the internal energy back into kinetic energy which allows the ball to bounce back

Now you want  to know why does a rubber bounce lower each time?

The rubber slows down, deforms temporarily and shoots back up. The air in the ball acts like a spring—it gets compressed and expands again. During the collision, some of the rubber's's energy is converted into heat. As a consequence, the ball shoots up with less energy than it had when it reached Earth.

If you think this was helpful give me brainliest please! Have a great day.

Gravity does not pull the object to the ground, but pulls it towards the object with the greatest mass.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Gravity is a force that is related to mass and distance between objects.In that case, the more mass an object has, the more will be the "power" of gravity over it.The object with more mass, then, can attract the object with less mass towards it, due to gravity.In this case, a rubber ball has less mass than planet Earth. For this reason, we can say that the planet Earth, through gravity, can attract the rubber ball with great intensity.

Therefore, the rubber ball is not being pulled towards the ground, but rather towards the planet Earth.

More information:


what did the treaty of paris do?



ended the French and Indian War/Seven Years' War between Great Britain and France, as well as their respective allies.

who was the first woman to be inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame



Aretha Franklin


What was one of the effect of the Columbian Exchange on the New World?
a. European populations decreased because of a shortage of food sources.
b. Native populations gained wealth from cooperation with explorers.
c. Native populations decreased from war and new diseases.
d. Enslaved Africans were given freedoms in the new settlements.



If you give me the wrong answer/incorrect answer I will report you.

Subject : History


The Columbian exchange is a term used to describe all the consequences in terms of biology caused by the discovery of America.
Potatoes and maize were introduced in Europe. So were turkeys and guinea fowls.
Horses and diseases such as smallpox(which killed 90% of the American indigenous population) were also part of the exchange and transfored the American continent.

) Briefly explain how ONE specific historical development represents an accomplishment of the national government under the Articles of Confederation. b) Briefly explain ONE specific argument critics used in the 1780s to support revising the Articles of Confederation. c) Briefly explain ONE specific way in which the United States Constitution addresses a criticism of the Articles of Confederation.


A) A historical event that represents an accomplishment of the national government under the Articles of Confederation is the follow-up that the Continental Congress made of this regulation from 1777 to 1781, when it became mandatory.

Thus, the Articles of Confederation served to unite the Thirteen Colonies under the same legal body, laying the foundations of their union as a nation in 1783.

B) An argument critics used in the 1780s to support revising the Articles of Confederation was the lack of capacity of the national government to regulate foreign trade and the issuance of currency, as these powers were reserved for the states.

Because of this situation, the national government could not establish a unified economic policy, which led to each state doing it individually and often leading to conflicts between them.

C) A specific way in which the United States Constitution addresses a criticism of the Articles of Confederation was through the creation of the figure of the President, a unified unipersonal executive power, where there were no representatives of each state as in Congress, but a representative of the nation as a whole.

Learn more in https://brainly.com/question/1101802

Answer: a) One pacific historical development represents an accomplishment of the national government under the articles of confederation is the northwest ordinance of 1787. The northwest ordinance of 1787 created a plan for admitting new states. b)Critics used Shays rebellion to support revising the articles of confederation because it showed the articles weaknesses. Shays rebellion was a rebellion that was caused by high taxes and cost issues with the farmers. This rebellion expose the issues in the articles as the national government could not

step in and stop the rebellion.


Please Help
Choose one person from the United States list and one person from the Mexico list. Understand their roles in the conflict and the feelings they have about the war. Be sure to also check the veterans’ site for images or documents that tell you more about the two people you have selected. Write a paragraph on each person to summarize what you found out. Include a reference to each person's primary contribution to the events surrounding the war.





Which reason contributed to the trend shown in this table? A) The number of factories using assembly lines decreased. B) A progressive movement worked to stop the use of child labor C) A political movement worked to lower taxes for businesses D) The number of people joining labor unions decreased



Can you include the table?


If I can see the table image I'll be able to see the trend and determine what the answer is.

4. As the 9/11 attacks happened, who were some of the key leaders and agencies that played a
role in determining the U.S. response?


Two weeks after 9/11, the Federal Bureau of Investigation connected the hijackers to al-Qaeda, a militant Salafist Islamist multi-national organization. In a number of video, audio, interview and printed statements, senior members of al-Qaeda have also asserted responsibility for organizing the September 11 attacks.

1. Who are the two publishers who were rivals?



who please write question properly

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