Which most accurately describes events in the life of explorer Sir Walter Raleigh?

O Raleigh was the first European explorer to navigate the coast of present-day California.

O Raleigh led four voyages to the Americas from Spain, exploring the Caribbean islands.

O Raleigh led major expeditions to America, including the ill-fated Roanoke Colony.

O Raleigh is best known for establishing the colony of New Mexico for Spain.


Answer 1
The second one is the correct answer.

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help i need an answer its for science but i just put history





because it its the producer

what were the approximate latitude and longitude boundaries of the united states after the Louisiana Purchase?



eighty eight degrees forty nine W to ninty four degrees 03 W

What does this passage reveal about the role American Indians played in the disputes between the British and the French?

Colonial governments relied on the Indians for support during conflicts.
American Indians refused to take part in conflicts between Europeans.
Indian tribes frequently switched loyalties from one European power to another.
Conflicts often were sparked by disagreements that involved Indian tribes.



Colonial governments relied on the Indians for support during conflicts.





Until the mid-1800s, how did Japan control foreign influence?


Answer: The history of Japanese foreign relations deals with international onies, including Formosa and Okinawa. The rapid advances in Japanese military prowess stunned the world in 1904–1905 when it decisively defeated Russia and gained recognition as a world power. Imperialism continued as it took control of Korea, and began moving into Manchuria. Its only

the name of a group of people
who lived in the Southwest Desert



The Tohono O'odham


2. Why did the South African government not accept the list of demands in
the Freedom Charter?
(1 x 2) (2)


Answer: On 20 June 1950 the CPSA was forced to dissolve and the ANC took over the planning for a 'Day of Mourning' for thos who died in the May Day strike. They also called for the day to celebrated as freedom day in the Future. The three thousand delegates who gathered at Kliptown on 25 and 26 June 1955 were workers, peasants, intellectuals,women, youth and students of all races and colours. The congress of the people constituted the most representative gathering in the history of South Africa. It adopted the Freedom Charter a vision for United, Non-racial and democratic South Africa


A car travels 496 miles in eight hours how fast does a car traveling




308 mph

1. Use the patterns on the map to list
the states in order of their gold and
silver discoveries. Explain why you
put them in the order you did.



the image is blurry... but place them in the order with the year they were discovered.

Por qué hubo grupos políticos excluido durante el Frente Nacional


Answer:National Front (Spanish: Frente Nacional 1958–1974) was a period in the history of Colombia in which the two main political parties, the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party, agreed to rotate power, intercalating for a period of four presidential terms. The National Front Presidents were Alberto Lleras Camargo (Liberal), Guillermo León Valencia (Conservative), Carlos Lleras Restrepo (Liberal), and Misael Pastrana Borrero (Conservative).

The growing worries that the regime of the military dictatorship of Gustavo Rojas Pinilla (1953-1957) expanded to become a populist dictatorship and the creation of a third political party united both Liberal and Conservative parties against the regime. The Liberal Party was then headed by Alberto Lleras Camargo and the Conservative Party was led by Laureano Gómez. They both signed an accord on June 24, 1956 to begin the National Front.


in 1991 thesoviet union collaps mainly becauswe



“In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed mainly owing to the breaking out or erupting of a civil war in the southern Republics. ... This dissolution allowed self-governing independence to the Republics of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics officially.

War fought between the French &
for the rights to
won the war causing the colonists
to be taxed in order to pay for the
cost of the war.


1) British

2) French & Indian War

3) Own the Ohio River Valley

4) British

(The British won the war, but they were in debt as a result of their efforts in the war, and tried to solve this issue by taxing its colonists, which ultimately resulted in the French and Indian War)


How were Hernando de Soto and Francisco Coronado similar

A. Both founded a colony on Puerto Rico.

B.Neither found the gold they were looking for.

C.Both circumnavigated the globe.

D.Neither made it to the Mississippi River.



Like what the other user answered, it’s C


Match the four approaches that represent the democratic process of compromise, consensus building, negotiation, and persuasion.




consensus building

Buy homes in the neighborhood to force the residents to move away so that the airport faces less opposition.

Hold neighborhood meetings to encourage widespread support for the airport.

Run commercials explaining how the cost of the airport will be offset by the economic benefits that it will bring.

Build the airport as proposed despite the opposition.

Try and replace the members of the city commission with officials who support the existing plan without changes.

Make a concession to their opponents by offering to build the airport in a different location in the city.

Bring both sides of the issue together to try and settle differences through discussion.


Democratic processes involve seeking the consent of the people before making decisions that affect them. The four approaches that represent the democratic process of compromise, consensus building, negotiation, and persuasion are;

Consensus Building 2.  Hold neighborhood meetings to encourage widespread support for the airport.Persuasion 3.  Run commercials explaining how the cost of the airport will be offset by the economic benefits that it will bring.Compromise 6.  Make a concession to their opponents by offering to build the airport in a different location in the city.Negotiation 7.  Bring both sides of the issue together to try and settle differences through discussion.

Democratic processes are not achieved by force. They require the consideration of the feelings and opinions of others.

In consensus building, the aim is to have a common understanding among members of a group. So, when members of a neighborhood are being encouraged to support a project, we are building consensus.

In persuasion, people are given reasons why they should support a project.

Negotiation is the act of bargaining to reach an agreement. All of these processes are democratic in nature.

Learn more here:


What were the 4 main causes of the American Industrial Revolution?



the emergence of capitalism, European imperialism, efforts to mine coal, and the effects of the Agricultural Revolution.

(hope this helps you) :)


The following excerpt is the preamble to the US Constitution. Compare the preamble of the 1842 Choctaw Constitution with this text. How are the two similar? How are they different?

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

We, the people of the Choctaw Nation, having a right to establish our own form of Government, not inconsistent with the Constitution, Treaties and Laws of the United States: by our Representatives, assembled in Convention at Nanihwaiya on Thursday the tenth day of November, 1842, in order to establish Justice, insure Tranquility, promote the general Welfare, and secure to ourselves and our Posterity the right of Life, Liberty and Property: We mutually agree with each other to form for ourselves a free and independent Government.

And we do hereby recognize the boundaries assigned the Choctaw Nation by the second article of the treaty made and concluded with the United States of America at Dancing Rabbit Creek on the 27th day of September 1830: viz. beginning near Fort Smith where the Arkansas boundary crosses the Arkansas River, running thence to the source of the Canadian Fork, if in the limits of the United States, or to those limits, thence due South to Red River, thence down Red River to the western boundary of the State of Arkansas, thence North along that line to the beginning: the boundary of the same to be agreeable to the Treaty made and concluded at Washington City in the year 1825.



Beyond the broad concepts of democracy, how to structure a federal government, the rights of the individual and defining the public good, the Great Law of Peace and the U.S. Constitution are also similar in very specific details.


This coffee shop is an icebox!


The answer to this is Hyperbole
metaphor because it compares two things but doesn't use like it as --> that's a simile

8. What did it take to be a citizen in Sparta?


Answer: obliged to undergo military training as prescribed by law, as well as participate in, and contribute financially to, one of the syssitia.





The spartan education process known as the agoge was essential for full citizenship. However, usually the only boys eligible for the agoge was Spartiates,those who could trace their ancestry to the original inhabitants of the city. Those were two exceptioms

Which of the following
did NOT occur during the
time of the Articles of
A. states could impose taxes
B. interstate trade wars
C. financial stability


interstate trade wars are  NOT occur during the time of the Articles of Confederation.

During the time of the Articles of Confederation, which was the first constitution of the United States from 1781 to 1789, interstate trade wars did not occur. The Articles of Confederation established a weak central government with limited powers, and this system had several significant limitations. However, interstate trade wars were not one of them.

Under the Articles of Confederation, the central government lacked the authority to regulate interstate commerce or impose tariffs on goods moving between states. Each state had its own economic policies and could impose taxes on goods coming into their territories.

This lack of a unified trade policy and the ability of states to impose taxes on their own led to economic conflicts and hindered the establishment of a coherent national economic system. However, it did not escalate to the extent of full-blown interstate trade wars.

The central government struggled with inadequate revenue and was unable to effectively address the mounting war debts and financial obligations incurred during the Revolutionary War.

These financial difficulties were among the reasons for the eventual call to revise the Articles of Confederation, leading to the drafting of the United States Constitution in 1787.

for similar questions on Confederation.



Who wrote the constitution


James Madison wrote it in 1787 in Philadelphia

Jay’s Treaty
A. Set the southern boundary of the United States and gave Western farmers the right to transport goods down the Mississippi River to Spanish New Orleans.

B. Was supposed to end the practice of the practice of impressing American sailors onto British ships.

C. Allowed American goods to be sold in Britain.

D.Opened the area west of the Appalachian Mountains and east of the Mississippi River to white settlement.


Answer: the answer is b

Was supposed to end the practice of the practice of impressing American sailors onto British ships.


Before a vote can be taken on a bill in either the house or the senate, ______?


Before a bill can become a law, it must be approved by the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, and the President.

In this discussion, give some ideas why the state of Oklahoma is the "Sooner State" and how the legacy of breaking the law has become something different today. Why do we still honor the terms Boomer and Sooner? If you had to propose a new nickname, what would it be? Why?


The Sooners were the settlers who received land in present-day Oklahoma from the federal government before 1889.

With the installation of white settlers in the area of present-day Oklahoma, the federal government established the Dawes Act in 1887, further developed by the Curtis Act in 1898. This law distributed tribal lands to Native American families and encouraged their agricultural development.

Half of the Amerindian lands were in fact opened for colonization or bought by the railway companies. The “Land Run”, in particular in 1889, started on a “first come, first served” basis. Those who did not obey the rules when entering the Territory before the official departure were called the sooners, a term which became the nickname of Oklahoma.

Learn more in https://brainly.com/question/13668562

the declaration of independence refers to the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as being unalienable. what does unalienable mean?


Answer:B indisputable


The Declaration of Independence backs up the point that John Lockes Theory “life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness” is A natural right and cannot be taken away or arguable.

What impact has social media had on large scale movements?



It has influenced alot of people to join those large scale movements through social media


3. How does the case of Lemon v. Kurtzman impact the areas of public education and government-sponsored events in today's society? Give an example and defend your answer.
4. Do you believe government-sponsored vouchers that could be taken to ANY private school are a good public education policy? Why would many argue that this is a violation of the First Amendment? Why would others argue that not providing such vouchers is a violation of their First Amendment rights? Which of the two sides has the more valid argument (in your opinion)? Explain and defend your answer.
5. Why was the Engel v. Vitale case so controversial (especially in today's political environment)? Give an example and defend your answer.
6. A young student refuses to salute the American Flag or to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Under what case is he/she protected on religious grounds? Is this a matter of free exercise or religious establishment? Explain and defend your answer.
7. Do you agree or disagree with the court's decision in the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case? How is this decision different from other First Amendment decisions that have been passed down by the courts since the 1950s? Defend your answer.



terjemahkan OI aku ga bisa Inggris tolong aku aku nyasar

Please do A S A P, will mark brainleist!


Answer: Download docx I did it :)


Please Help!!
Will Mark For Brainliest

1. Where did George Westinghouse first develop his talent for inventing things?

2. How did Westinghouse make it possible for trains to travel more safely at higher speeds?

3. Why did Westinghouse promote alternating current over direct current for delivering electricity to businesses and homes?

4. How did Westinghouse turn public opinion in favor of alternating current?

5. Together with a partner, explain the difference between direct and alternating current. Write your explanation as a short paragraph and include a diagram.

6. How did Westinghouse provide electrical power to the city of Buffalo, New York?

7. Ordinary trains in Westinghouse’s time were coal-powered steam engines. How were Westinghouse’s Manhattan elevated trains different?​



I attached a pdf with the answers. Hope this helps!!!


what was the first horror film to be nominated for best picture



The Exorcist


Widely considered the greatest horror movie ever made (or at least the most influential), The Exorcist took the world by storm throughout the winter of 1974. It even made movie history by becoming the first horror movie to be nominated for Best Picture, although it would eventually lose to The Sting.

How did people in Louisiana react to the French Revolution?
Spain returned control of Louisiana to French officials, avoiding military conflict with France.

French residents organized revolutionary bands based on the Revolution's principles and temporarily took control of New

The governor took steps, such as calling in the militia and expelling some Louisianan inhabitants, to prevent a similar
uprising in the colony.

French officials sold Louisiana to the United States to raise revenue for an impending conflict with France.



French residents organized revolutionary bands based on the Revolution's principles and temporarily took control of New



they were outraged

What language did the early settlers of Acadiana primarily speak?
O provincial German
O English mixed with other languages
O a Caribbean form of Spanish
O a dialect of French




They spoke french


Acadiana was a french speaking colony from the 17th century or something

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