Which medication form is commonly prepared for administration by parenteral routes?


Answer 1

Powder and solution are the medication forms commonly prepared by medical practitioners for the administration of parenteral routes

Parenteral relates to the route by which medication enters the body. Parenteral medications are administered through the circulatory system and tissue via injection. Injection medications are more quickly absorbed and are administered to nauseated patients, throwing up, are unable to take oral fluids, or struggling to swallow.

When prepared and given correctly, parenteral medications may be effective and safe. However, since they are intrusive and quickly absorbed into the human body, there are multiple risks associated with using them.

To learn more about parenteral routes: brainly.com/question/13470295


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The nurse uses a variety of therapeutic communication skills when working with clients. which is a therapeutic goal that can be accomplished through the use of therapeutic communication skills?


The nurse uses a variety of therapeutic communication skills when working with clients. Assess the client's perception of a problem is a therapeutic goal that can be accomplished through the use of therapeutic communication skills.

A group of methods known as therapeutic communication put the patients' physical, mental, and emotional well first. While maintaining a level of professional distance and objectivity, nurses support and enlighten patients.

Therefore, the goal of therapeutic communication is to support clinicians in establishing trust with patients while also assisting patients and clinicians in working effectively and efficiently together to promote the patient's physical and emotional welfare.

When the same nurse asks the patient if they have any questions or concerns, explains why they are completing the chores, speaks in a friendly and inviting tone, and shows the patient through body language that their opinions are appreciated, that is an example of therapeutic nursing communication.

Learn more about therapeutic communication here:



Patient experiencing trouble breathing first concern is to rule out the presence of


Patient experiencing trouble breathing first concern is to rule out the presence of is Hypoxia.

What exactly are breathing issues?

When your chest feels constricted, your breath is short or you feel as though you are being suffocated, you have breathing issues.

If you are fat or have just engaged in vigorous activity, you can have shortness of breath. Extreme temperatures or being at a high altitude might also cause it.

If you experience breathing issues for any other cause, it is likely an indication of a medical condition.

What further symptoms may I have?

You can also have a cough, fever, sore throat, sneezing, blocked or runny nose, and overall congestion if your breathing issues are brought on by a cold or chest infection.

You may have nausea, lightheadedness, and chest discomfort if the issue is with your heart. Take your medicine exactly as prescribed if you have been given an angina diagnosis. Take a second dosage after waiting five minutes.

You could also have a lot of mucus, make a wheezing sound when you breathe, and your symptoms might grow worse with activity or at night if you have asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

You may also have a rapid heartbeat and perspiration if a panic attack is the cause of the issue. and trembling, queasy, woozy, and a feeling of imminent doom or peril.

Learn more about  Hypoxia https://brainly.com/question/14570337


A patient with arthritis is on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (nsaid) therapy. what should be evaluated by the nurse to determine the effectiveness of nsaid therapy?


An arthritic patient is receiving nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAID) treatment. The success of NSAID therapy should be assessed by the nurse based on better mobility.

What is NSAID?

The medications known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are frequently used to treat pain, lessen inflammation, and lower a high body temperature. They are frequently used to treat arthritis, headaches, painful periods, sprains, strains, colds, and other chronic pain conditions. NSAIDs are available as tablets, capsules, suppositories (capsules placed into the bottom), lotions, gels, and injections. NSAIDs are widely used, but they're not right for everyone and can occasionally have bothersome side effects. While some require a prescription, others are available over the counter in pharmacies.

To know more about NSAIDs, visit:



When providing medication teaching to a client who has been prescribed spironolactone, what foods should the nurse instruct the client to avoid?


Answer: Bananas


Which of the following resources on the BON web page would assist a nurse in determining his or her scope of nursing practice?


The continuing competency info sheet would assist a nurse in determining his or her scope of nursing practice.

The Board's continuing competency rule, Board Rule 216, outlines all requirements in full detail.

All nurses who want to keep their Texas licenses active must show they are still competent in order to renew them.

This is in line with the Texas Board of Nursing's (BON or Board) purpose to safeguard and advance the welfare of Texas residents by ensuring that every nurse holding a valid license in the state is qualified to practice safely.

Additional qualifications apply to APRNs, or advanced practice registered nurses. Additionally, some nurses have focused on continuing education needs. The choice and participation in suitable continuing competency exercises fall on each individual nurse.

Learn more about BON here:


An antacid has been added to the treatment regimen for a client on multiple medications. when is the best time for the nurse to administer the antacid?


An antacid has been added to the treatment regimen for a client on multiple medications. At bedtime the best time for the nurse to administer the antacid.

What is antacid?

Stomach settling agents are a class of medications that kill corrosive in the stomach. They contain fixings like aluminum, calcium, magnesium, or sodium bicarbonate which go about as bases (salts) to balance stomach corrosive and make its pH more unbiased. A stomach settling agent is a substance which kills stomach causticity and is utilized to ease acid reflux, heartburn or a steamed stomach. A few stomach settling agents have been utilized in the treatment of clogging and the runs. Advertised stomach settling agents contain salts of aluminum, calcium, magnesium, or sodium. A few arrangements contain a mix of two salts, for example, magnesium carbonate and aluminum hydroxide.

Learn more about antacid, refer:



What are non-digestible carbohydrates that promote gi health, increase satiety, and reduce risks of heart disease, diseases, and some cancers?.


fiber is the non-digestible carbohydrates that promote gi health, increase satiety, and reduce risks of heart disease, diseases, and some cancers.


Explanation:fiber is the non-digestible carbohydrates that promote gi health, increase satiety, and reduce risks of heart disease, diseases, and some cancers.

Which information would the nurse provide to the client who is being prepared for a contraction stress test (cst)?


Before the test starts, the fetal heart rate will be tracked for around 20 minutes.

Prior to the CST, the fetal heart rate (FHR) is monitored for around 20 minutes to establish the baseline variability and check for any unrelated changes in the FHR. During three to five uterine contractions spaced out over a ten-minute period, the fetal heart rate is being monitored as part of the test. A urine sample is unnecessary. The semi-Fowler position with a left-sided tilt is the position of choice.

What do you mean by contraction stress test?

An examination for pregnant women is called a contraction stress test (CST). Throughout uterine contractions, it monitors your baby for indications of stress. Your doctor administers a hormone that causes your uterus to contract during the test. Although they resemble labor contractions, these contractions usually don't lead to the onset of labor.

Your baby's blood and oxygen levels temporarily fall during labor contractions. Most babies can cope with this reduction. Even after the contraction is ended, however, the heart rates of some infants decrease. To see whether your baby can withstand the decrease in blood and oxygen, a CST simulates labor contractions.

To learn more about the contraction stress test, Visit: https://brainly.com/question/28026536


Areas that have a large prevalence of malaria, such as africa, have a high frequency of children who have sickle cell anemia or are carriers of the trait. What role does the concept of natural selection play in this trend?.


Being a carrier of, or having sickle cell anemia is adaptive in this region, because it protects against malaria. Subsequently, children born with sickle cell anemia are less likely to die from malaria.

What is malaria?

A parasite that frequently infects a particular kind of mosquito that feeds on people can result in the severe and occasionally deadly illness known as malaria. Malaria often causes severe disease, including high fevers, shivering chills, and flu-like symptoms. Humans are infected by Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae, four different types of malaria parasites. Additionally, P. knowlesi, a kind of malaria that infects macaques naturally in Southeast Asia, infects people as well, resulting in malaria that is transferred from animal to human ("zoonotic" malaria). The kind of malaria known as P. falciparum is the most likely to cause severe infections and, if untreated, may be fatal.

To know more about malaria, visit;



The nurse is preparing to administer medications to a group of clients. one of the medications is atropine, an anticholinergic drug. this drug is contraindicated in which client?


The nurse is preparing to administer medications to a group of clients. one of the medications is atropine, an anticholinergic drug. This drug is contraindicated in client with glaucoma.

Anticholinergic Drug- A neurotransmitter called acetylcholine (ACh) works at synapses in the peripheral nervous system. Chemicals called anticholinergics (sometimes known as anticholinergic medications) stop the action of neurotransmitters. The parasympathetic nervous system is suppressed by these medications because they specifically prohibit ACh from adhering to its receptor in nerve cells.

Atropine- Atropine is a naturally occurring tertiary amine (alkaloid) produced from Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade). It includes hyoscyamine's d and l isomers. It is a non-selective inhibitor of muscarinic receptors.

To know more about the Anticholinergic drug, click on the below link,



How do the scientific attitudes three main components relate to critical thinking?



The scientific attitude equips us to be curious, skeptical, and humble in scrutinizing competing ideas or our own observations. This attitude carries into everyday life as critical thinking, which puts ideas to the test by examining assumptions, discerning hidden values, evaluating evidence, and assessing conclusions.


A patient asks the nurse what cardiac glycosides do to improve his condition. what is the nurse's best response?


The nurse's best response is that they help renal blood flow and increase urine output.

What is cardiac  glycosides?

Cardiovascular glycosides are a class of natural builds that increment the result power of the heart and lessening its pace of withdrawals by repressing the cell sodium-potassium ATPase siphon.

Their valuable clinical purposes are as medicines for congestive cardiovascular breakdown and heart arrhythmias; nonetheless, their overall harmfulness keeps them from being broadly utilized. Most normally found as auxiliary metabolites in a few plants, for example, foxglove plants.

Learn more about cardiac glycosides here:



Among patients with sickle cell disease, which disorder is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity?



acute chest syndrome

A client sustained second and third degree burns over 30% of the body surface area approximately 72 hours ago. what type of ulcer should the nurse be alert for while caring for this client?


A client sustained second and third degree burns over 30% of the body surface area approximately 72 hours ago. Curling's ulcer should the nurse be alert for while caring for this client.

What is Curling's ulcer?

Twisting ulcers are openings in the gastrointestinal parcel that foster after an individual encounters extraordinary actual pressure. The actual injury generally connected with twisting ulcers is a consume. Twisting's ulcer is an intense gastric disintegration coming about as an intricacy from serious consumes when decreased plasma volume prompts ischemia and cell corruption of the gastric mucosa. The condition was first portrayed in 1823 and named for a specialist, Thomas Blizard Twisting, who noticed ten such patients in 1842. While crisis medical procedure was once the main therapy, mix treatments incorporating enteral taking care of with strong acid neutralizers like H2-receptor bad guys or, all the more as of late, proton siphon inhibitors, for example, omeprazole have made Twisting's ulcer an uncommon entanglement.

Learn more about Curling's ulcer, refer:



The length of time recommended in the emergency response module to flush your eyes in an eye wash following an ocular exposure to a biohazard is?


The correct answer for this question is  15 minutes.

Biological compounds that endanger the health of living things, particularly humans, are referred to as biohazards, sometimes known as biological hazards. Medical trash or samples of microorganisms, viruses, or toxins (from a biological source) that may be harmful to human health are examples of this.

Flush the area with water if you have accidentally spilled potentially contagious liquids near your eyes, nose, or mouth. Alert the appropriate emergency services right away. Report the incident to your supervisor right away if it happened at work.

According to the emergency response module, we should flush our eyes in an eye wash for 15 minutes following ocular exposure to a biohazard.

Examples of biological hazards that fall under this category include parasites, fungi, bacteria, and viruses, biotoxins, samples from the environment.

To know more about Biohazards, click here:



a client is admitted with dehydration, which findindgs should the nurse expect the client to exhibit


A client is admitted with dehydration, the nurse should expect the client to exhibit a high heart rate, low blood pressure while standing up, and a sticky, paste-like coating on the tongue.

During dehydration, the heart rate rises in an attempt to sustain blood pressure. The blood pressure shows orthostatic shifts which are induced due to the reduced blood volume, and while standing up, the patient might experience dizziness because of inadequate blood flow to the brain. Changes in cognitive status might also occur. The oral mucous membranes, which are usually moist, turn dry and might be coated with a thick, colorless layer.

To learn more about dehydration here



A physician focusing on the general medical care of hospitalized patients is known as a.


A physician focusing on the general medical care of hospitalized patients is known as a hospitalist.

Physicians and surgeons deal with maintaining health as well as diagnosing and treating illnesses and injuries. In addition to conducting physical examinations and medical history inquiries, physicians also order, carry out, and interpret diagnostic tests. Patients frequently receive advice from them on food, cleanliness, and preventative healthcare.

Surgeons typically work in sterile locations where they can do surgery, while physicians typically work for private clinics, healthcare organizations, or hospitals.

Learn more about physicians here:



The order for the patient reads: ondansetron (zofran) 2 mg iv now. the vial of zofran on the floor contains 4mg/5ml. how many ml should be administered?


The order for the patient reads ondansetron (zofran) 2 mg iv now. the vial of zofran on the floor contains 4mg/5ml. 2.5 ml should be administered.

What is  ondansetron (zofran) injection?

For the prevention of nausea and vomiting brought on by initial and subsequent courses of emetogenic cancer treatment, particularly high-dose cisplatin, ZOFRAN Injection is recommended. Patients must be at least 6 months old to use ZOFRAN. It is recommended to take Zofran Injection to stop postoperative nausea and/or vomiting. Routine prophylaxis is not advised for individuals in whom there is little likelihood that postoperative nausea and/or vomiting will occur, as is the case with other antiemetics. Even when there is a low likelihood of postoperative nausea and/or vomiting, Zofran Injection is advised for patients in whom it is necessary to prevent it. If a patient does not receive preventive Zofran Injection and develops postoperative nausea and/or vomiting, Zofran Injection may be administered to stop subsequent occurrences.

To learn more about ondansetron (zofran) injection , visit:



Which of the following is NOT a type of family or physician practice?

Question 4 options:

Massage therapist





The professional that is not a type of family of physician practice is a psychiatrist (option B).

Who is a psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor specializing in psychiatry, which is a branch of medicine that subjectively diagnoses, treats, and studies mental disorders and behavioural conditions.

According to this question, the following are the definitions of physician practice:

Obstetrician: This is a physician who specializes in childbirth.Dermatologist: This is person who is skilled in the study of skin and it's management. Massage therapist; This is a professional that is skilled in the therapeutic use of massage.

Therefore, the professional that is not a type of family of physician practice is a psychiatrist because it is not family related.

Learn more about psychiatrist at: https://brainly.com/question/14753317


All obstructive pulmonary disorders are characterized by?


All obstructive pulmonary disorders are characterized by resistance to airflow.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by an aberrant inflammatory response in the lungs and a poorly reversible airflow restriction. The latter describes the immune system's innate and adaptive reactions to repeated exposure to toxic substances, including cigarette smoke.

All cigarette smokers experience some pulmonary inflammation, however individuals who develop COPD react to harmful chemicals abnormally or more strongly than other smokers do.

This heightened reaction may cause tissue damage (emphysema), mucous hypersecretion (chronic bronchitis), and disruption of natural repair and defense systems, leading to inflammation and fibrosis in the small airways (bronchiolitis).

Here is another question with an answer similar to this about obstructive pulmonary disorders: https://brainly.com/question/9396313


After restoring a pulse in a cardiac arrest patient, you begin immediate transport. while en route to the hospital, the patient goes back into cardiac arrest. you should:_____.


While on route to the hospital, the patient goes back into cardiac arrest. You should tell your partner to stop the ambulance.

What is a cardiac arrest?

Unexpected heart failure is the sudden loss of heart capability, breathing and cognizance. The condition ordinarily results from an issue with your heart's electrical framework, which disturbs your heart's siphoning activity and stops blood stream to your body.

Unexpected heart failure isn't equivalent to a coronary episode, when blood stream to a piece of the heart is impeded. In any case, a respiratory failure can in some cases trigger an electrical aggravation that prompts unexpected heart failure.

Learn more about cardiac arrest here:



Under extreme emergency conditins when there is no time to determine abo group for a patient for transfusion, the technician should:_____.


When a patient needs a transfusion but there isn't enough time to determine their abo group, the technician should release O, Rh-negative red blood cells.

What is blood transfusion?

The procedure of putting blood components intravenously into someone's circulation is called a blood transfusion. To replenish missing blood components, transfusions are used to treat a variety of medical disorders. While early transfusions used complete blood, contemporary medical practice frequently just employs blood's constituent parts, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, clotting factors, and platelets.

Hemoglobin is found in red blood cells (RBC), which carry oxygen to the body's cells. Although white blood cells are not frequently used in transfusions, they are an essential component of the immune system and help the body fight illnesses. The "yellowish" liquid component of blood known as plasma serves as a lubricant and includes essential nutrients for the body's overall health.

To learn more about blood transfusion ,visit:



A recent medical study found that people who drink more than four cups of coffee a day have more heart attacks than people who drink less coffee or no coffee. This led some doctors to suspect that coffee may be a contributing factor in causing heart attacks. However, more careful analysis of the data showed that heavy coffee drinkers tend to smoke more than other people. This is an example of.


Answer: Confounding


A client with acute pancreatitis has been started on total parenteral nutrition (tpn). which action should the nurse perform after administration of the tpn?


A client with acute pancreatitis has been started on total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Measure blood glucose concentration every 4 to 6 hours action should the nurse perform after administration of the TPN.

Use of enteral or parenteral nutrition may be advised. Along with administering enteral or parenteral feedings, the nurse examines the patient's blood glucose levels every 4 to 6 hours.

Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)- The digestive system is not used in the feeding method known as total parenteral nutrition (TPN). A precise formula given intravenously meets the bulk of the body's nutritional needs. The procedure is used when a person cannot or shouldn't take feedings or drinks orally.

The given question is incomplete, find below the complete question,

Q. A client with acute pancreatitis has been started on total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Which action should the nurse perform after administration of the TPN?

A. Monitor for reports of nausea and vomiting

B. Measure abdominal girth every shift

C. Measure blood glucose concentration every 4 to 6 hours

D. Auscultate the abdomen for bowel sounds every 4 hours

To know more about the TPN, click on the below link,



Blood on the right never mixes with blood on the left, once the heart is fully developed. True or false?.


The statement 'blood on the right never mixes with blood on the left, once the heart is fully developed' is true.

The heart can be described as the organ through which oxygenated blood travels to the whole body. It is also the organ where deoxygenated blood is brought from the whole body.

Once the heart is fully developed, the right and the left side of the heart are separated through a muscular wall. It is due to this muscular wall that the blood from both sides of the heart i,e the right side and the left side do not mix with each other.

The heart is made up of four chambers which are protected by valves to stop the backward flow of the heart. Hence, the proper separation of the left side and right side through a muscular wall helps to separate the heart sides.

To learn more about the heart, click here:



A patient has unexplained weight loss and the provider notes increased skin pigmentation on light-exposed skin folds along with darkened palmar creases. which laboratory tests will the provider order?


If a patient has the unexplained weight loss and if the provider notes of increased skin pigmentation on light-exposed and on the skin folds along with darkened palmar creases. then we order to have Serum ACTH test done

Serum ACTH this test measures the level of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in the blood. the ACTH is the hormone made by the pituitary gland, in a small gland at the base of the brain. the ACTH controls the production of the another hormone called as cortisol. Cortisol is made by the adrenal glands, and the two small glands which located above the kidneys A decline in the concentration of the ACTH in the blood leads to the reduction in the secretion of the adrenal hormones, the resulting in the adrenal insufficiency (hypoadrenalism). the Adrenal insufficiency leads to the weight loss, the lack of appetite (anorexia), weakness, the nausea, vomiting, and the low blood pressure (hypotension).

To know more about Serum ACTH visit:



A client has requested a translator to help understand the questions that the nurse is asking during the client interview. the nurse knows that what is important when working with a client translator?


When a client has a translator u have to act like ur talking to the client and not like your talking to the translator

The nurse wants to discuss the biotransformation reaction to a student. what is the best explanation by the nurse?


Biotransformation converts drugs from one form to another which can result in increased or decreased activity.

What do you mean by the term Biotransformation?

Biotransformation is the process by which chemicals that enter the body are transformed from hydrophobic to hydrophilic molecules to aid removal from the body. Typically, this technique produces compounds that have little to no toxicological consequences. Through a process known as bioactivation, hazardous metabolites can occasionally result from biotransformations. Phase I and Phase II biotransformations are the chemical processes that convert a lipophilic toxin into a chemical form. Based on the catalyzed reactions, the two groups are separated. Phase I reactions use oxidation, hydrolysis, or related processes to convert hydrophobic compounds into more polar products.

To learn more about Biotransformation, Visit:



What should the medical assistant do for an insurance claim pending more than 45 days?


Call the carrier to inquire about the status of the claim's processing and to confirm whether the claim was received.

What do you understand by insurance?

In an insurance contract, one party is indemnified by the insurer against losses resulting from particular calamities or hazards. It aids in against financial loss for the insured person or their family. Insurance coverage come in a variety of forms. Life, health, homeowners, and vehicle insurance are the most common varieties.

In the event of a tragedy, such as a fire, theft, legal action, or automobile accident, insurance works as a financial safety net to aid you and your loved ones in recovering. When you get insurance, you will receive an insurance policy, which is a contract that is legally enforceable between you and your insurance company.

To learn more about insurance, Visit https://brainly.com/question/15094642


Which disease or microbe is not transmitted across the placenta to the unborn fetus?


Ophthalmia neonatorum
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