what strain of marijuana can i grow in 40 degrees weather


Answer 1


to can calculate for popolation destiny it is imporative to divide rhe number of popolation bt the number size of the area


read book thats im my hope

Answer 2
Northern lights, blackberry, super skunk

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What is the purpose of state law for pharmacy law


The purpose towards the state law for pharmacy law is that it provides requirements and processes that pharmacies must follow in order to protect individuals (patients) from receiving harmful or dangerous drugs etc..

Zellweger syndrome. This disorder results from the inheritance of two mutant genes for one of the receptors (PXR1) needed to import ___________ into the peroxisome.



Zellweger syndrome. This disorder results from the inheritance of two mutant genes for one of the receptors (PXR1) needed to import _PROTEINS_ into the peroxisome.

Have a happy day!

could anyone help me answer this?



Most likely A


In logic, equivocation is an informal fallacy resulting from the use of a particular word/expression in multiple senses within an argument.

(If I am wrong please tell me)

Which of the following would occur in a healthy person if there was a sudden drop in blood pressure to the brain, say, upon standing from a seated position?


they would instantly fall over

46. Explain three reasons for the increase in ASCs since 1970.



Safe and high quality services, ease of scheduling, greater personal attention and lower costs are among the main reasons cited for the growing popularity of ASCs as a place for having surgery.

disclosure of pricing informationTechnological advancement: faster-acting anesthetics, less invasive techniquesmore affordable with free-standing, because FS-ASC aren't allowed to markup surgical implants

physicians were looking for a better way - and developed it in ASCs.

Physicians have led the development of ASCs. 30 years ago, virtually all surgery was performed in hospitals. Waits for weeks and months were not uncommon.

two physicians who saw an opportunity

to establish a high-quality, cost-effective alternative to inpatient

hospital care for surgical services.

Non-economic factors

Physicians gain the opportunity to have more direct control over surgical practices. Scheduling procedures more conveniently, assembling better quality and skilled team members, ensure equipment and supplies are best suited to their technique. AUTONOMY over their work environment and quality of care.

Faced with frustrations like

scheduling delays, limited operating room availability, challenges in obtaining new equipment due to hospital budgets and policies,

Learn more about Non-economic factors



What information is entered into Block 4 on the CMS-1500 claim for a workers' compensation case?



Enter the insured's address and telephone number. If Block 4 is completed, this field should be completed. The first line is for the street address; the second line is for the city and state; the third line is for the zip code and phone number.


Enter the insured's address and telephone number. If Block 4 is completed, this field should be completed. The first line is for the street address; the second line is for the city and state; the third line is for the zip code and phone number.


oxygen is one of the important elements in our body. why is oxygen to the blood and to the cells


because oxygen is needed to burn the fuel [sugars and fatty acids] in our cells to produce energy.) ... (Oxygen is brought into the lungs via breathing, where it is transported by red blood cells to the entire body to be used to produce energy.
Cells need oxygen for metabolism. Oxygen helps blood restore cells that wear out.

What two things are necessary to prove an exposure occurred with bloodbourne diseases


Answer:Health care workers are potentially exposed to these diseases in one of two ways: A percutaneous injury in which a health care worker is injured by a sharps object. A mucocutaneous exposure incident with contact of a mucous membrane or non-intact skin with blood, tissue, or other potentially infectious bodily fluids.

Explanation: i no it

In which ancient civilization was healthy living and exercise very important



Ancient Greece



The idealism of physical perfection was one that embodied ancient Greek civilization.


The appreciation for beauty of the body and importance of health and fitness throughout society is one that is unparalleled in history. The Greeks believed development of the body was equally as important as development of the mind.

*Will mark as brainly*

In the following list of words, the accented syllable is shown in capital letters. The vowels need a long or short
mark added. As an exercise in how familiar you already are with medical words, add the diacritical marks to the
vowels. Check the answers at the end of the chapter.
6. anemia (a-NE-me-a)
7. angioplasty [AN-je-o-plas-te]
8. bursitis [ber-SI-tis)
9. disease (di-ZEZ]
10. hemoglobin (HE-mo-GLO-bin)
11. lymphoma (lim-FO-ma]
12. neuritis (nu-RI-tis)
13. osteoporosis (OS-te-o-po-RO-sis)
14. paraplegia (par-a-PLE-je-a)
15. pulse (puls]
16. radiation (ra-de-A-shun)
17. reflex (RE-fleks)
18. retina (RET-i-nal
19. rheumatism (RU-ma-tizm]
20. sciatica (si-AT-i-kal
21. septum (SEP-tum)
22. sinus (SI-nus)
23. therapy (THAR-a-pe]
24. typhoid (TI-foyd)
25. vaccine IVAK-sen]



See below


6. a is short, both Es are long, last a is short

7. a is short, i sounds like long e, o is long, a is short

8. u is like short e, first i is long, second i is short

9.  i is short,  e is long

10. e is long, o is long, 2nd o can be long or short, i is short

11. y is like short i, o is long, a is short

12.  u more like a short e, i is ling, 2nd i is short

13.  o is short, e is long, o is long, o is short, o is long i is short

14.  a is short, a is short, e is long, i is like long e, a is short

15.  u is short, e is silent

16.  a is long, i like long e, a is long,  tion like shun

17.  e is long, e is short

18.  e is short, i is short, a is short

19.  e is silent, u is more like oo, a is short, i is short

20.  i is long, a is short, i is like long e or short, a is short

21.  e is short, u is short

22.  i is long, u is short

23.  e is short, a is short, y is like long e

24.  y is like long i, oi is same as oy as in toy

25  a is short, i is like long e, e is silent

What does the sandwich generation mean


a generation of people who are typically around 30-40 years old (mostly millennials) and a taking care of their own children and caring for their aging parents.

What part of the brain stem exerts the greatest control of respiration?


Medulla oblongata Part of the brain stem that controls respiratory and cardiovascular functions.

The part of the brain stem that exerts the greatest control of respiration is the Medulla oblongata.

What is the Medulla oblongata?

The Medulla oblongata (also simply known as medulla) is a brain region linked by the pons to the midbrain.

The Medulla oblongata is located in the lowest portion of the brainstem region.

This region of the brain (Medulla oblongata) is responsible for controlling respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

In conclusion, the part of the brain stem that exerts the greatest control of respiration is the Medulla oblongata.

Learn more in:


aclare la importancia de la mision preventiva de la medicina deportiva


El entrenamiento atlético abarca la prevención, el examen, el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y la rehabilitación de lesiones y afecciones médicas emergentes, agudas o crónicas. El entrenamiento atlético es reconocido por la Asociación Médica Estadounidense (AMA), la Administración de Servicios de Recursos de Salud (HRSA) y el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS) como una profesión aliada del cuidado de la salud.


Explain the mechanism for cell mediated immunity



the answer c


Use the Internet to research vital signs, the pulse, and blood pressure. Discuss your findings and include these points:
Describe what blood pressure and pulse are and why they are used.
Identify the normal ranges for blood pressure and pulse for adults.
Identify three reasons why a patient would have an elevated pulse.
Describe five risk factors for high blood pressure.
Identify two classifications of drugs used to treat high blood pressure.
Identify two pieces of medical equipment needed to check a patient’s blood pressure.

Discuss these medical terms in your report:





Reyna is a patient who has had trouble with a generic form of a drug. Her doctor writes her a prescription for the name brand to see if it will work better, but does not write a prior authorization. Why was it important for Reyna to have the prior authorization? Reyna’s claim will be delayed, and she will have to take the generic form in the meantime. Reyna’s claim will be delayed, and she will be dropped from her insurance plan. Reyna’s claim may be rejected by her insurance company, and she will not receive the medication she needs. Reyna’s claim may be rejected by her insurance company, and the drug would be expensive.



Reyna’s claim will be delayed, and she will have to take the generic form in the meantime.


the doctor has to authorize the prescription

write a paragraph on the principle of justice telling what it is and it's main points (at least 5 complete sentences)

please no plagiarism or bots



The principle of justice could be described as the moral obligation to act on the basis of fair adjudication between competing claims. As such, it is linked to fairness, entitlement and equality.


sorry that it is not as much


The principle of justice could be described as the moral obligation to act on the basis of fair adjudication between competing claims. As such, it is linked to fairness, entitlement and equality.


Nutritional anemia what is the main term


results from inadequate intake or assimilation of materials essential for the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin— also called deficiency anemia?

The body's first line of defense is formed by the:


Answer: 1. The Epidermis. The epidermis is the water-resistant outer layer of skin and the body's first line of defense against environmental elements, ultraviolet, tradiation, bacteria, and other germs.30 ene. 2020

Mrs. Jones, a 65-year-old Caucasian female complained of night blindness that has been progressing over the past several months. She has a difficult time driving at night, and just attributed this to old age. She reports that her vision during the daytime is fine. She has no history of any visual problems in the past. She disclosed that she has been on a keto diet for almost a year, and dislikes vegetables and rarely eats fruits.
1. In your understanding of nutrition, what vitamin deficiency can this patient suffer from? Do you think her diet contributed to her symptoms?
2. What vitamin supplement do you expect the healthcare provider to prescribe?
Mrs. Jones consulted an ophthalmologist. To fully examine the retina and optic nerve, atropine ophthalmic (anticholinergic) to both eyes was ordered.
3. When Mrs. Jones asked what the eyedrops are for, and how will they help with the examination, how will you explain it to the patient?
4. Compare and contrast myopic and mydriatic drugs and uses of both.
5. What patient teaching is needed after the use of mydriatic drops?
A day after Mrs. Jones was seen at the ophthalmologist’s office, she came back with complaints of pruritus and burning sensation around the periorbital area. The skin around the eyes are swollen and red. The patient was told that the atropine drops may have caused an allergic reaction and has to be treated for contact dermatitis with a topical steroid.
6. What patient teaching should you include regarding the use of a topical steroid? Are there any special instructions for using topical steroid around the eye area? What are the adverse effects of this medication?
7. Using a concept map, provide a graphic representation of the relationships between all the symptoms presented, and the pharmacological agents that correspond to each. Include the diagnosis, the drug class, brand name, nursing considerations and adverse effects. A concept map template is provided for you. Edit it to fit the case scenario as you see fit.



Q1) Vitamin A deficiency.


An almost informal answer:

The diet may or may not contribute, there are mainly two types of ketogenic diets:

1. Dirty ketogenic diet.

The food might fall under ketogenic food, but it could be GMO, or includes some hidden processed ingredient that violates ketosis, or added sugar or high netcarbs...

Non organic or grass fed meat, vegetables, or fruit beries...

2. So called clean ketogenic diet or lifestyle.

Even if it's a clean ketogenic diet, does the dish include all the right amount of vitamins and minerals?

Green leaf is a key component in ketogenic lifestyle, Spanish is rich in Vitamin A (VA), however, if one consumes carrots which is also a good source for VA, but it is not keto...

Assuming the patient is consuming clean ketogenic food, then it should be a factor in VA deficiency, because ketogenic in theory has all the necessary nutrients from complex carbs to vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

VA also known as "retinol", plays a role in the transformation of the nerve cells impulses into images reflected on the retina.

BTW there are other causes of nyctalopia:

diabetes.glocuma.genetics factors...etc.


After blood test has taken place, we expect a VA deficiency, for that reason we would prescribe VA supplement and food rich with VA.

In addition:

Having said that from my personal experience with my patients I prescribe A-Z vitamins, and different minerals, and trace minerals because they are all interrelated, operate as one block.

Further more, I would recommend fasting assuming there are no underline conditions, and taking various factors into consideration.

to be continued

what is the ICD-10-PCS code for reduction, closed, for dislocation of the left knee joint?


ICD-10 is highly specific, so it changes the more you specify regarding the diagnosis. If we don’t know which bone is dislocated it’s unspecified. Therefore the ICD-10 code is S83.105A

The ICD-10-PCS code for reduction, closed, for dislocation of the left knee joint is 0SG80JZ, and the full code, 0SG80JZ, denotes a medical or surgical procedure performed on the body's lower joints.

What is ICD-10-PCS?

ICD-10-PCS (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Procedure Coding System) is a medical classification system used to code and classify procedures performed in hospitals in the United States. It is used to capture data on hospital inpatient procedures for billing, statistical analysis, and quality improvement.

The ICD-10-PCS code for reduction, closed, for dislocation of the left knee joint is 0SG80JZ. The code is broken down into seven characters, each of which provides specific information about the procedure being performed: The first character identifies the section of the ICD-10-PCS system, the second character identifies the body part ,  third character provides a qualifier for the body part.. The fourth character identifies the root operation that is being performed, the fifth character identifies the device being used, the sixth character identifies the approach direction for the procedure, and d seventh character provides additional information.

Hence, the ICD-10-PCS code for reduction, closed, for dislocation of the left knee joint is 0SG80JZ.

Learn more about the ICD-10-PCS here.



Carlos bought 10 packs of gum and paid a total of $12.50. What is the cost of a pack of gum, in dollars, if all the packs cost the same?


Qwisns wate sue’cu pi’temasgi hew
If you do 12.50 divided by 10, you will get 1.25. Hopes this helps

A bottle contains 70 milliliters (mL) of liquid medication. If the average dose is 0.5 mL, how many doses does the bottle hold?



140 doses


take 0.5 and multiply up to 70 and you get 140

The bottle can hold 140 dose.

How the bottle can hold 140 dose?

The available dose is given in terms of the concentration of the solution. In this section we'll look at how you can calculate the amount of liquid medicine to give a patient.

A bottle contains 70 mL of liquid medication

The average dose is 0.5 mL

Doses  the bottle  can hold =  140 dose

The answer is 140 dose.

Learn more about liquid medication division, refer:



Which of the following is NOT a function of integument? O Thermoregulation O Hormone production O Vitamin D production O Protection O Excretion of cellular wastes​



Excretion of cellular wastes​


excretion—hydrogen ions are moved from the skin into the urine.

Why might autoimmune diseases develop in the human body?



When the body senses danger from a virus or infection, the immune system kicks into gear and attacks it. its called an immune response. Sometimes, healthy cells and tissues are caught up in this response, resulting in an autoimmune disease.



Autoimmune diseases develop in the body because the immune system of the body fights against the health issues of the body.

What are autoimmune diseases?

Autoimmune diseases are diseases caused when the immune system of the body attacks the healthy cells of the body. Arthritis is an autoimmune disease.

When our immune system feels danger it attacks, but sometimes it attacks the healthy cells, which causes autoimmune diseases.

Thus, because the immune system of the body battles against the body's health problems, autoimmune illnesses begin to develop in the body.

Learn more about autoimmune diseases, here:



What is a mutator method? Explain why mutator methods usually return the value None.



Mutator method is used to modify the variable values. This method does not require to return any value. So, the return value of this method is none.

What Is an example of sleeping medicine?



Sedative hypnotics include benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and various hypnotics. Benzodiazepines such as Ativan, Librium, Valium, and Xanax are anti-anxiety medications. They also increase drowsiness and help people sleep


Seroquel, melatonin


blood vessels expand and blank every time the heart beats


Answer:that is correct


Do all of the volatile chemicals in the nose stimulate smell receptors?



To stimulate the olfactory receptors, airborne molecules must pass through the nasal cavity with relatively turbulent air currents and contact the receptors. Odorants can also be perceived by entering the nose posteriorly through the nasopharynx to reach the olfactory receptor via retronasal olfaction.


answer found from: go ggle

All of the volatile chemicals in the nose stimulate smell receptors and it happens as follows:

The chemical senses that respond to variations in the external environment have been divided into three categories:

Gustatory receptors or taste.Smell receptors.General chemical receptors.

Smell receptors have high sensitivity and specificity to very dilute volatile substances; they are described as "chemical distance receptors".

These primary receptors are located in areas of tissue, called olfactory neuroepithelium, located in the uppermost portion of the nasal passages.

Odorous substances are volatile chemical compounds that must contact the smell receptors for the perception of odor to occur.

In relation to the classification of odors, it is taken into account that the more volatile a substance is, the more effective it is as an olfactory stimulus.

The odorous molecules are trapped and then diffuse through the mucus to bind to the cilia at the ends of the smell receptors cells.

Therefore, we can conclude that smell receptors, which respond to all of the volatile chemicals, these volatile molecules must first pass through a layer of aqueous solution, before they reach the smell receptors.

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/14451921

Which is true about electronic prescribing systems and written prescriptions?


Please provide the given multiple-choice answers to your question! :} I am sure it will help out others and you to complete your request!
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