What is meant by due process of law? Where in the American legal system are guarantees of due process found?


Answer 1


Due process of law is a constitutional guarantee that prevents governments from impacting citizens in an abusive way. Over time, courts in the United States have ruled that due process also limits legislation and protects certain areas of individual liberty from regulation.


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Based on the fourth amendment if a person was pulled over driving a motor home that they lived in would the government have to treat it like a house or like vehicle?


yes that is true that they would have to treat it like a home

e. Write the difference between input device and output device​


.......hope it helps.......

& Define hydrophytes. Write any three adaptational characteristics of aquatic animals.​



The plant which grow only in or on in water is called hydrophytes.

The three adaptational characteristics of aquatic animals are :

Their body is streamlined and hence, they can swim easily.

They have gills as the respiratory organs.

They have fins as the locomotory organs, Various types of fins are present in fishes such as dorsal fins, pectoral fins, caudal fins etc.

PLEASE ANSWER: Consider the following law from the Code of Hammurabi. How does it differ from the principles in the Bible? Explain. "If a man put out the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out." [ An eye for an eye ] See Exodus 21: 23-25; Leviticus 24: 19-21; and Matthew 5: 38-42


Answer:    because the principles  from the bible are basiclly  Jesus died for our sins so its basiclly  . hurt no man


pls help Who was prosecuting Ernesto Miranda? (Hint: what government entity is bringing the case against the defendant?)





Please help me I can't seem to remember the order no matter how much I look over my things :(



signal to move, speed up or down, check over should, check mirror,smoothly steer to next lane

Based on the graph, which statements are correct? Check all that apply.
Voters age 55–64 were more likely to use nontraditional voting methods than people age 45–54.
Voters age 65 and older were more likely to use nontraditional voting methods than all other age groups.
Men were more likely to use nontraditional voting methods than women.
Voters with less than a high school education were less likely to use nontraditional voting methods than voters in all other educational groups.



Based on the graph, which statements are correct? Check all that apply.

Voters age 55–64 were more likely to use nontraditional voting methods than people age 45–54. {{{{{CORRECT}}}}} Voters age 65 and older were more likely to use nontraditional voting methods than all other age groups.{{{{{CORRECT}}}}} Men were more likely to use nontraditional voting methods than women. Voters with less than a high school education were less likely to use nontraditional voting methods than voters in all other educational groups.


October 2021 CORRECT on EDGE

The correct statements from the graph are 1. Voters aged 55–64 were ... and 2. Voters aged 65 and older were ...

The graph suggests that the likelihood of the 55–64 aged group using non-traditional voting methods is 69.7 against 65.9 scored by the 45–54 age group.  

Based on the graph, the age group with the highest likelihood to use non-traditional voting methods is voters aged 65 and older with 77.7.  

Thus, the graph shows that age influences voters to choose non-traditional voting methods over traditional methods.

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can you get a ticket in virginia for aggressive driving



Aggressive driving is a class 2 misdemeanor which carries a punishment of confinement in jail for up to six months and a fine of up to $1,000 or both. Aggressive driving with the intent to injure another person is punished as a class 1 misdemeanor and warrants the attention of a Virginia aggressive driving attorney

pls help true or false, Kramer is sitting on his porch one day when he sees Jerry go into his house with a new television set. Kramer decides
that he must have Jerry's TV so he puts together a plan to steal the set. That night, after Jerry has left his house, Kramer
crosses Jerry's lawn and climbs up to Jerry's back porch. Kramer then wraps his hand in a towel and puts his fist through
a window. As soon as the window breaks, Jerry's alarm goes off and the police arrive. Kramer is arrested and charged
with Burglary. If Kramer argues that he did not commit burglary because he never entered Jerry's house, he will probably
be acquitted:





Burglary  does require an entering into the dwelling of another,the smallest entry into the dwelling by any part of the defendant's body is enough to qualify as entering.Kramer's hand entered Jerry's house when he broke the window.

The chart compares how men and women voted in presidential elections from 1972 to 2012. This chart demonstrates that ??
A. men and women are more likely to support Democratic candidates going forward.
B. women and men were equal in their support of Democratic candidates.
C. men were more likely to support Democratic candidates than women.
D. women were more likely to support Democratic candidates than men.


The chart above shows that when it comes to those who vote Democrat, D. women were more likely to support Democratic candidates than men.

From the chart we see that:

From 1976, there has been a general trend women are voting more and more for the democratic partyThe number of men voting for the democratic party fluctuates Most women (more than 50%) have been voting Democrat since 1994

The graph shows that women prefer to vote democrat and this is most likely because of the liberal policies of the Democratic party in supporting the rights of minorities.

In conclusion, more women vote democrat than men do.

Find out more at https://brainly.com/question/24970316.





What made the creation of the Constitution a radical document?
o it heralded the sovereignty of King George
O it was written and adopted after America established independence from England
O it focused on the limits of power and not on crime and punishments
O it bore no resemblance to the Magna Carta



O it was written and adopted after America established independence from England

and mabye

O it focused on the limits of power and not on crime and punishments



it focused on the limits of power and not on crime and punishments



How is an appeals court set up differently than a county/circuit court? What are two possible
outcomes of an appeal court?



1. The court can reverse the decision of a lower court and order a new trial.

2. Affirm the decision of the lower court,


You are a member of the legislature of a large Midwestern state. Your state is running short of money to carry out some much needed pro-grams. As a possible solution you suggest that the state government issue its own currency to people who work for it. The currency can be exchanged for dollar bills at a rate that is to be fixed by the state the first of every month. Is your idea constitutional? (be sure and use evidence to make your claim- hint (what does the constitution say about making money?)


Considering the situation described in the question, the idea is unconstitutional. The idea does not align with the United States Constitution under Article I, Section 8, Clause 5.

This part of the Constitution is often referred to as coinage power, and it states that "The Congress shall have power... to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures."

Thus, given that the power to create money and determine its value is only vested in the US Congress, my idea as a state legislature to create and issue money is unconstitutional.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that it is only the United States Congress that can create and determine the value of the currency.

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ill give brainlyist!! true or false Kramer is sitting on his porch one day when he sees Jerry go into his house with a new television set. Kramer decides
that he must have Jerry's TV so he puts together a plan to steal the set. That night, after Jerry has left his house, Kramer
crosses Jerry's lawn and climbs up to Jerry's back porch. Kramer then wraps his hand in a towel and puts his fist through
a window. As soon as the window breaks, Jerry's alarm goes off and the police arrive. Kramer is arrested and charged
with Burglary. If Kramer argues that he did not commit burglary because he never entered Jerry's house, he will probably
be acquitted: true or false?





He DID actually never enter his house. He stuck his fist through Jerry's window, but never went in.




Although burglary does require an entering into the dwelling of another, even the smallest entry into the dwelling by any part of the defendant's body is enough to qualify as entering. In this case, Kramer's hand entered Jerry's house when he broke the window. This is enough to satisfy the entering requirement for burglary and so Kramer can be convicted. Therefore, FALSE is the correct answer.

can you file married filing separately after filing jointly





O don't think you. I think u have to wait a certain amount of time to do so.

Which type of democracy best explains the American government?






Republic best explains the American government




Explain what the courts mean by 'aggravating circumstances. How are aggravating
circumstances used to determine conviction and punishment?



Aggravating circumstances are elements that enhance the severity or culpability of a criminal conduct. Typically, the existence of an aggravating factor will result in a higher sentence for a convicted offender.

Some commonly recognized aggravating factors include the heinousness of a offense, a lack of regret, and a previous conviction for another crime. The recognition of specific aggravating circumstances differs by jurisdiction.

d. Write any 4 differences between simple and modern technology.​



- In simple technology, a plough was used to dig a field whilst in modern technology we use a tractor

- Paintings were used to capture people in simple technology whilst we use cameras to portray ourselves today

- To draft letters, it was traditional to use ink & paper or a typewriter whilst we now we use an app or our devices to send letters

-  In simple technology, people used horses and carriages or simple boats to be taken from one point to another whilst we use transport such as cars, trains, bus, ships and aeroplanes today.

List of power that the national government should have and the states should not have.


The national government should have Exclusive federal power, Concurrent power, and and Exclusive state power. Three thing they shouldn’t have are the coin money, can’t enter into alliance, and no state shall lay any imports on exports or imports


laws i think all laws should be the same for every state not some of thoose silly laws that dont get enforced or broken anyways. with an exception to higher dangers in that area


Hi! I was wondering how I could talk to a brainly admin? I got a reply disabled for citing where I got the answer (person after me replied the exact same thing, however, they simply copied and pasted with no citation or credit to the actual article where the info originated) I just wanted to see why so I don't make the 'mistake' again.


if your trying to ask like one on one you have to go to messages and press add new on brainly and you can pick someone to talk to

What are the five reasons Congress can hold an investigation?



1. gather infromation useful to congress in the making of some legislation.

2.iversee the operation of various executive branch egensies.

3.focus public attention on a particular subject from the drug war to movie violence.

4.exposes the questionable activities of public officials or private persons ; and /or

5.promote to particular interest of some members of congress.



Current Practice

Hearings are most commonly held for three reasons: to consider pending legislation; to investigate issues that may require legislation in the future; and, to investigate and oversee federal programs. They reflect the most important issues of the day and what occupies congressional attention. This means that Congress holds hearings on a variety of issues, from steroid abuse in professional sports to the use of weather satellites.



the documented and unbroken transfer of evidence is a:



Chain of Custody


Chain of Custody is the documented and unbroken transfer of evidence; lists all the people who came into contact with an item of evidence.

How has AFIS changed criminal investigation?



It's alot easier for AFIS to scan a fingerprint and match through multiple different data bases than if you were to go through each persons file manually and that's only in your city. So I would much rather use AFIS that can see every crminals fingerprint records across the U.S instead of going through it myself.

Explain the difference between assault and battery.


I’m pretty sure you mean by physical violence? So, assault refers to the act which causes the victim to apprehend imminent physical harm, while battery refers to the actual act causing the physical harm.
assault - make a physical attack on.
battery - the crime or tort of unconsented physical contact with another person, even where the contact is not violent but merely menacing or offensive.

Law and medical degrees are examples of



The Juris Doctor degree (J.D. or JD), also known as Doctor of Law or Doctor of Jurisprudence


Reforms to law enforcement in the 1930s were intended to _____.

give more power to police chiefs

increase educational and ethical standards to improve the quality of law enforcement

allow officers more freedom in interpreting the law

provide officers with more pay



Increase educational and ethical standards to improve the quality of law enforcement.


Its the right answer

what is the fifth amendment?



an amendment to the US Constitution that contains a number of provisions relating to criminal law, including guarantees of due process and of the right to refuse to answer questions in order to avoid incriminating oneself.




Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution


The Fifth Amendment contains these five basic provisions: right to be charged by a grand jury. freedom from double jeopardy. freedom from self-incrimination. (right to remain silent) right to due process in court. government's right of eminent domain.

the bill of rights was essential for protecting rights because the original constitution lacked any protected rights.


It is false that the bill of rights was essential for protecting rights because the original constitution lacked any protected rights.

This is because the United States Constitution has some basic rights granted to the people of the United States. Though these rights were fewer, nonetheless, they exist.

Some of the places in the original Constitution where the individual rights were granted are the following:

Article I, Sections 9 and 10Article III, Section 2Article IV, Section 2

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that it is False to assume that the original Constitution lacked any protected rights.

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/20185526

b. The length and breadth of the book is 50cm and 30 cm respectively. Find its area.​


Length of a book = 50cm

Breadth of a book = 30cm

l = lengthb = Breadth

Area = Length × Breadth

(Area = l × b)

Area = 50cm × 30cm

Area = 1,500cm

Therefore, Area of the book is 1,500cm

which law prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment and sexual violence, in any federally funded education program or activity?


Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
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