The reason why the mayans were able to expand is because they what


Answer 1


For obvious reasons, and amog them the two most important where the increasing population, and the war for religious reasons.

They needed to have more land in order to feed the growing population. But this is not the whole story, the construction of the Maya empire also have historical political and religious connotations.

Mayan culture, like so many others cultures at that time, including the Greek, was characterized for being formed by several independent kingdoms. The social structure of the Maya was a mixture of politics and religion. The kings took their peoples to war in the name of the gods and the consequences for the losers where generally brutal. As the Aztecs did several centuries later, the Maya performed ritual human sacrifices to "pay" that blood debt that the people had incurred at the time of creation.

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Related Questions (More Answers Below)

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As president, John Quincy Adams?
1.)was an inept politician
2.)was sensitive to the mood of public opinion
3.)eloquently aroused public support for his programs
4.)opposed federal support for internal improvements


4. Opposed federal support for internal improvements

What made the civil right act of 1886 significant?



It is notable for being the nation's first civil right laws and equality of all men before the law” and prohibited racial discrimination in public places and facilities such as restaurants and public transportation.

6. The
was the alliance of Germany,
Italy, and Japan during World War II.
O A. Iron Curtain
O B. German Pact
O C. Allied Powers
O D. Axis Powers


Answer: D. Axis Powers

Pls help!! Its rlly important. I would PREFFER A LINK to WORD OR POWERPOINT ONLY. thanks! :) 50 pts
03.02 Lesson Summary and Assessment
What Do I Have to Do?
The Aztecs were a fierce and powerful culture in ancient times. They made many important strides in art, religion, and medicine as a thriving culture. Their economic tribute system helped to support military operations. The tributes also helped rulers and leaders to stay wealthy. However, the Aztec empire did not last forever. The empire fell in the early part of the 16th century.

Task: You will create a storybook about the origin, growth, and fall of the ancient Aztec culture. The storybook will have five sections and should be written like you are telling a story from start to finish. It is up to you to decide what five aspects of Aztec history you will present in your story. However, it is important that you remember to tell about the origin, growth, and fall of the Aztecs. Each section of the story must also have an image that goes along with it.

Audience: Imagine that you are making this book to read to a group of fourth graders and the goal of the book is to teach them about the rise and the fall of the Aztecs.


Your storybook must have five sections. Each section should explain a unique part of the Aztec story.
Your storybook must specifically tell about their origins, how the civilization expanded, and what factors led to their collapse.
On each page should be the text of the story along with an image that goes along with the story.



The life of an Aztec.

Who are the Aztec?

The Aztec were very industrious. Like the Ancient Egyptians, the Aztecs were also great builders. They built pyramids and temples. The temples were where the sacrifices were held. The person was taken to the top of the temple and sacrificed there. It was believed that the height of the temple made them closer to their Gods. Housing varied on your social status. The Emperor lived in a lavished two-story house. While the general public lived in adobe houses. Can you believe that the Aztecs had steam rooms? They had a special room where the walls were heated by fire. When the wall was hot, they would throw water on it which created steam. They thought it was good for their health. The same holds true for today.

The Aztecs were a small and nomadic tribe. They traveled northwestern Mexico. Then in 1116 CE, Huitzilopochtli the God of War and the Sun told the tribe to move south. The God said to look for their new home, it will have a sign. The sign will be a eagle sitting on a cactus eating a snake. 100 years went by, and they still haven't found the sign. Until one day when they were in the Valley of Mexico, the priest found the sign! The sign was in the middle of a shallow lake. The lake is called Texcoco. But it was already inhabited by other tribes. The other tribes were not willing to share the land, the only place left was a swampy area. But the Aztecs were willing to make it their home.

And finally...

There were multiple reasons that led to the down fall of the Aztecs. It is believed that when Hernando Cortes discovered the Aztecs in 1519 CE, he brought disease with him. Because the Aztecs had never been exposed to these diseases they had no immunity. Small pox was thought to wipe out 70% of the population. There was also a slaughter by the spanish soldiers. There are still ancestors living in Mexico and in the surrounding areas. Over all the Aztecs had a quick accession and even quicker down fall.

Spanish explorer

Hernando Cortes.

Making it their home.

The Gods.

The Aztecs practiced polytheism. Polytheism is a belief in many gods. Their main God is Huitzilopochtli. He is the God that helped them find their home. The Aztecs believed in human sacrifices, that it made the Gods happy and it allowed them to stay alive. The sacrifices were done by taking a persons heart out while they were still alive. They would kill women and men, girls and boys. Including members of their own tribe.

The hard working Aztecs made the best of their swampy home. They called their new home Tenochtitlan. They built canoes and other things and other things that could be used for hunting and fishing. They also built Chinampa which are floating gardens. Aztecs used these to grow their food. The Aztecs grew maize, beans, and other food items. It is thought the Chinampas contributed to 50% to 66% of the cities food.


This is Huitzilopochtli.

Taking over.

The Aztec population began to grow, it grew very quickly. They founded their capital city as Tenochtitlan in 1250 CE. As the population grew they spread to the Gulf of Mexico and to the Pacific Ocean. The Aztecs are known for war. They would invade other cities and take it over and whoever survived had to pay tributes. A tribute is a tax. Sometimes, they married into other tribes and got their land that way. Not only would they take their land, but they would take anything else they needed or wanted. Like building materials or any valuables. They also took slaves.


Why can the Haitian Revolution, even more so than the American Revolution and the French Revolution, be seen as a turning point in the history of the Atlantic World?



A general slave revolt in August started the revolution. Its success pushed France to abolish slavery in 1794, and the Haitian Revolution outlasted the French Revolution.

(50 POINTS!!!!!!!) PLS HELP
During the Catholic Reformation, reformers mainly focused on

political power.
church policies.
money collection.
Protestant relocation.


I think B I hope this helps




What does men" mean to the 260 women and 40 men present at Seneca Falls



What does 'men' mean to the 260 women and 40 men present at Seneca Falls? Seneca Falls was a convention where people who believed women should have the same legal rights as men gathered. So the people at that convention all believed that women should have exactly the same rights as men under American law.

All those present at the Seneca Falls Convention, regardless of gender, are referred to as "men" in the context of the Seneca Falls Convention.

A key moment in the early American struggle for women's rights, the conference took place in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848.

There were 260 ladies and 40 men present during the meeting. The males who attended the convention supported the cause of women's rights, supported gender equality, and supported women's suffrage.

They understood how crucial it was to fight for women's rights and were prepared to collaborate with women to bring about social and political changes.

Learn more about Seneca Falls here:


_____ was a _____ stronghold in _____under______

If you don't know don't answer​



Chanderi was a Rajput stronghold in Malwa under Medini Rai.


During Battle of Chanderi, Babur was challenged by Medini Rai in 1528 CE.After this battle,no Rajput cheif was dared to challenge Babur's authority.Almost all rajputs perished during Battle of Chanderi in the battle followed.

Based on historical perspective, the Chanderi was a Rajput stronghold in Malwa under Medini Rai.

Medini Rai Regime

Under the rulership of Medini Rai, there was a Battle of Chanderi that pitted Babur of Mughal Empire against Medini Rai in 1528 CE.Following the battle of Chanderi, where Medini Rai was killed, no Rajput chief was willing to challenge Babur's authority.

Therefore, all Rajputs perished during the subsequent Battle of Chanderi.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the Chanderi was a Rajput stronghold in Malwa under Medini Rai.

Learn more about Mughal Empire here:

What is the purpose of an exchange rate?

to determine how many trade barriers are needed

to determine how much one currency is worth compared to another

to determine how much currency a government should print

to determine how many imports to allow into the country



to determine how much one currency is worth compared to another


mark me brainliest

Can someone paraphrase this please

The legislative branch is made up of the House and Senate, known collectively as the Congress. Among other powers, the legislative branch makes all laws, declares war, regulates interstate and foreign commerce and controls taxing and spending policies.



The House and Senate, collectively known as the Congress, make up the legislative branch. The legislative branch is in charge of making all laws, declaring war, regulating interstate and international commerce, and controlling taxing and spending policies, among other things.

Many natural resources, including fossil fuels, minerals, and lumber, have been __________ in Europe.
overused and depleted
unusable due to quality



C. overused and depleted


Resource depletion occurs when the renewable and non-renewable natural resources become scarce as a result of high demand.

This occurs because of the resources are being consumed much faster than it can be replenished.

Why did the political fortune of the Nazi party diminish from 1924-1929.




28 June – German company Daimler-Benz was founded. 3 September – Funkturm Berlin radio tower is opened to the public. 8 September – Germany officially joins the League of Nations. 1 November – Joseph Goebbels is appointed Nazi Gauleiter of Berlin.

Este tipo de pinturas los seres humanos reprodujeron escenas de la vida cotidiana(como la



La pintura rupestre es el tipo de pintura de seres humanos que reproduce escenas de la vida cotidiana, como la caza, el baile y las luchas.

Esta manifestación artística surge en la prehistoria, en el Paleolítico Superior, con pinturas y grabados realizados en rocas, con la aplicación de pigmentos y el uso de piedras, cuernos y huesos.

El arte rupestre se encuentra en todos los continentes y su temática está relacionada con la vida cotidiana, con motivos abstractos y como ritual propicio para la caza.

Los materiales utilizados fueron los que se encuentran en la naturaleza, tales como:

ArcillaCarbónHuesosSangre animalResina vegetal

Las técnicas empleadas consistieron en trazos y representación de siluetas, como manos. También utilizaron pinturas policromadas con diferentes tonalidades de color.

Por tanto, el arte rupestre es una forma de expresión artística de los pueblos primitivos, y nos permite comprender su cultura, conocimiento y desarrollo humano a través del arte.

Aprenda más aqui:

In 30 words or fewer, why do you think Europeans were so eager to
use scientific racism?


Answer: An early scientist who studied race was Robert Boyle (1627–1691), an Anglo-Irish natural philosopher, chemist, physicist, and inventor. Boyle believed in what today is called 'monogenism', that is, that all races, no matter how diverse, came from the same source, Adam and Eve. He studied reported stories of parents' giving birth to different coloured albinos, so he concluded that Adam and Eve were originally white and that whites could give birth to different coloured races. Theories of Robert Hooke and Isaac Newton about color and light via optical dispersion in physics were also extended by Robert Boyle into discourses of polygenesis,[13] speculating that maybe these differences were due to "seminal impressions". However, Boyle's writings mention that at his time, for "European Eyes", beauty was not measured so much in colour, but in "stature, comely symmetry of the parts of the body, and good features in the face".[18] Various members of the scientific community rejected his views and described them as "disturbing" or "amusing".

Explanation: The term scientific racism is generally used pejoratively when applied to more modern theories, such as those in The Bell Curve (1994). Critics argue that such works postulate racist conclusions, such as a genetic connection between race and intelligence, that are unsupported by available evidence.[12] Publications such as the Mankind Quarterly, founded explicitly as a "race-conscious" journal, are generally regarded as platforms of scientific racism because they publish fringe interpretations of human evolution, intelligence, ethnography, language, mythology, archaeology, and race.

what is a "Treatment Era"



I hope this helps you.....

Is it true that fossil fuels are the source of more than half of Canadas electricity production



What is FALSE


More than half of the electricity in Canada (61%) is generated from hydro sources. The remainder is produced from a variety of sources, including natural gas, nuclear, wind, coal, biomass, solar, and petroleum.

Have a happy day! <3 Miss Hawaii

This is false it is not more than half

Some Historians have believe that it was used as a _______ by the __________ to summon ________ for prayers



Some Historians have believe that it was used as a minaret by the muezzin to summon muslims for prayers.


During the Turkish invasion In india, Qutb Minar was used as a minaret by the muezzin to summon muslims for prayers.


Here,muezzin means a man who calls Muslims to prayer, usually from the tower of a mosque.


Refer to the above answer

True or False
The Head of the Justice Department is called the
Secretary of Justice, but goes by the title Attorney


Answer: true


help meee I been stuck on this for the past week





im pretty sure it is c

The Rise of Jim Crow

Although it failed, the Populist movement and other multi-racial efforts made the white Southern elite afraid that the poor whites and Blacks might unite to challenge the power of the plantation owners. So, in all Southern states, various laws were passed by white Southern legislatures to segregate – split up – Blacks and whites in Southern society. This system of segregation was nicknamed “Jim Crow” after a popular song and dance routine by a white man making fun of Black people.
The laws were very extensive. Blacks and whites were forbidden from marrying each other. Blacks and whites had to have separate toilets, separate park benches, separate drinking fountains and restaurants. Blacks on streetcars (and later buses) were forced to sit in back and give up their seats if white passengers needed them. Of course, whites and Blacks had separate schools.
The Supreme Court endorsed this segregation in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, saying segregation was fine as long as it was “separate but equal”. But it was never equal. Black schools were always given less resources and less funding. Black toilets and drinking fountains were always of lesser quality. If a business could not afford separate services, they simply refused to serve Blacks. Blacks were barred from white restaurants, shops, hotels. At gas stations, Black people had to go into the woods to relieve themselves because they were not allowed to use the toilets. It was humiliating to Black people and meant to be.
And it was clear that the main purpose of this segregation was not just humiliation but making sure that Blacks and whites lived in separate social circles so they would not unite as workers or as poor people. All meetings, concerts, and church services were segregated by law. A Tennessee law even forbid Blacks and whites from playing checkers together. Obviously, they had to pass these laws because Blacks and whites were mixing in these ways and it had to be stopped because if they mixed socially, poor whites and Blacks could unite politically against the wealthy elite.
This situation made it difficult to form labor unions, hold strikes or demand better wages and working conditions in the South. Up until this day, the former Confederacy is the poorest part of the country. Welfare payments are the lowest. Services are the weakest. But taxes for the rich are also the lowest. This was the real purpose of Jim Crow. And although segregation itself ended after the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, the effects of this racist system remain today.

1. What was “Jim Crow”?
2. What was the purpose of Jim Crow?



Jim crow were a set of state and local laws that enforced racial segregation.

The whole purpose of Jim crow was to keep black people separated from white people. It was a form of anti-black racism.


you're welcome thank you ☺️

The anti federalists did not want states to ratify the constitution because it would

1 override the compromises made at the constitution convention
2 become the law of the land
3 override all states laws
4 weaken the federal government



override all state laws is the correct answer


think about the new national government would be too powerful and thou threaten individual liberties.

Which physical feature would be found near the "1" on the map?

1 Andes Mountains

2 Atacama Desert

3 Amazon River

4 Sierra Madre Mountains


Sierra Madre Mountains. If you need to memorize it for a test or quiz, I would recommend making up phrases in your head to make it easier to remember!

Sierra MADRE MOUNTAINS is in MEXICO. All the worlds beginning with M being linked to Mexico might be a helpful way to remember.

1. How did the Hundred Years' War affect the development of national identity?


emergence of a much greater sense of patroism and national identity

How did the environment enable agricultural societies to trade?

Early societies learned to rely on other villages for food when their crops failed.
Early societies developed crops to trade with to take control of new trade routes.
Early societies that developed a food surplus could trade with neighboring villages.
Early societies created trading posts out of temporary shelters for hunting and fishing. im giving 100 points



its C


How did the government response to Big Business change the manner monopolies are handled?



In response to a large public outcry to check the price-fixing abuses of these monopolies, the Sherman Antitrust Act was passed in 1890. 1 This act banned trusts and monopolistic combinations that placed “unreasonable” restrictions on interstate and international trade.

I'm supposed to make my own greek god but I cant think of anything can someone give me a idea?​


A god of all elements would be cool


a greek god for beginnings


only romans have a god for beginnings bit the greek dont. so make a god of beginnings. this god will comtrol the beginning of months, days, agricultural seasons and moon phases. you can name it απαρχές (aparchés) which means beginnings in greek or νέος (néos) (my personal favourite) which means new

Which branch of government is meant to enforce the laws?

A: Executive

B: Legislative

C: Judicial





it is the one that enforces the laws that are created. they are the courts

Answer: Executive

Explanation: The word "execute" itself can be interpreted to represent the phrase "to act upon". You're executing a plan, like you're executing a law -- in other words, carrying it out, or enforcing it.

Need help fast plzzzzz




Explanation: I am not postitive, but I feel like this is the best answer out of all the options.

Match the Native American tribes with the location they left before they migrated in the early 1800s.
the Red River valley
between the Arkansas River and Missouri River
eastern Oklahoma and Arkansas



The correct matches are:

Quapaw - between the Arkansas River and Missouri River;

Osage - eastern Oklahoma and Arkansas;

Caddo - the Red River Valley;

All three tribes mentioned have their origins in a single group of people that initially lived in Ohio. They all belong to the same language and cultural group of Native Americans, the Dhegian-Sinouan.

They started to differ slightly after the migration of their ancestors and the formation of separate tribes. All of them moved in certain areas because of threat from other tribes, in search of better hunting grounds, or expanded their territory through conquest. Before the invasion that came from the northeast by the Iroquois, these tribes ruled large portions of the Midwest, but they were not strong enough to push back the Iroquois and eventually lost their territory. That also led to their movement in other areas in which they still can be found today.

In what way did imperialism hurt rather than help European nations?



Hey! I'd be glad to help! But just a quick question..


What kind of imperialism are we talking about here? Religious, colony, protectorate, or economic imperialism?

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