the dominant intellectual movement of the renaissance was called


Answer 1

Based on the historical account, the dominant intellectual movement of the renaissance was called Humanism.

This is because the renaissance period, which lasted between the 14th century and 17th century, was characterized by many humanism ideas.

During this period, the major ideologies were the following:

Curiosity to learn new knowledge;A free mind among the people;Belief in good taste both in material wealth and artistic;Belief in the human race.

All of this ideological movement was centered around humans. Hence, it is called the humanism movement.

Therefore, in this case, it is concluded that the renaissance period was centered around humans.

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Answer: Monarchs did not have a divine right to rule. 2) Monarch's must have consent to suspend laws, levy taxes, and maintain army. 3) Monarch can't interfere with parliamentary elections or debates.


I need help it's for religion class plz helppp me

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Answer:The major religions of the world (Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Confucianism, Christianity, Taoism, and Judaism) differ in many respects, including how each religion is organized and the belief system each upholds. Other differences include the nature of belief in a higher power, the history of how the world and the religion began, and the use of sacred texts and objects.

Types of Religious Organizations

Religions organize themselves—their institutions, practitioners, and structures—in a variety of fashions. For instance, when the Roman Catholic Church emerged, it borrowed many of its organizational principles from the ancient Roman military and turned senators into cardinals, for example. Sociologists use different terms, like ecclesia, denomination, and sect, to define these types of organizations. Scholars are also aware that these definitions are not static. Most religions transition through different organizational phases. For example, Christianity began as a cult, transformed into a sect, and today exists as an ecclesia.

Cults, like sects, are new religious groups. In the United States today this term often carries pejorative connotations. However, almost all religions began as cults and gradually progressed to levels of greater size and organization. The term cult is sometimes used interchangeably with the term new religious movement (NRM). In its pejorative use, these groups are often disparaged as being secretive, highly controlling of members’ lives, and dominated by a single, charismatic leader.

Controversy exists over whether some groups are cults, perhaps due in part to media sensationalism over groups like polygamous Mormons or the Peoples Temple followers who died at Jonestown, Guyana. Some groups that are controversially labeled as cults today include the Church of Scientology and the Hare Krishna movement.

A sect is a small and relatively new group. Most of the well-known Christian denominations in the United States today began as sects. For example, the Methodists and Baptists protested against their parent Anglican Church in England, just as Henry VIII protested against the Catholic Church by forming the Anglican Church. From “protest” comes the term Protestant.

Occasionally, a sect is a breakaway group that may be in tension with larger society. They sometimes claim to be returning to “the fundamentals” or to contest the veracity of a particular doctrine. When membership in a sect increases over time, it may grow into a denomination. Often a sect begins as an offshoot of a denomination, when a group of members believes they should separate from the larger group.


All religions, with the exception of Confucianism, which some academics categorize as an ethical philosophy as opposed to a religion, promise eternal salvation in one way or another. Islam, Judaism, and other religions all believe in a single, all-powerful deity.

What is religion?

Despite the fact that there is no scientific agreement on what exactly qualifies as a religion, religion is typically characterized as a social-cultural system of predetermined behaviors and practices, values, beliefs, worldviews, texts, sanctified locations, prophecies, ethics, or organizations. The divine, sanctity, faith, and a supernatural person or beings are all elements that differing religions may or may not include.

Although there are about 10,000 different religions in the globe, almost all of them have regionally specific, modest followings. Over 77% of the world's population belongs to one of the four major faiths, with 92% of people in the world practicing one of them: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity.

Learn more about religion, from:


How successful were the British in expanding their control over Indian
territories between 1750 and 1850? Explain your answer. /14



the went at war with them and took every piece of land


What cultural element was not shared by all Greek city-states?




Because i guess wink wink

The mouse is a primary consumer and a secondary consumer because it is which type of consumer????????

a) Omnivore

b) herbivore

c) decomposer

d) carnivore


i think its omnivore ‍♀️

1. Summarize How did the early Muslim leaders help Muslims deal with

Muhammad's death?



The early Muslim leaders helped Muslims deal with Muhammad's death by using the Quaran. When people converted it helped the Muslim culture and religion. Why were the Umayyad caliphs successful? They all had known Muhammad and they used Qur'an and Muhammad's sections as guides to leadership.


hope it helps

mark me brainliest pls

which description best fits the term bushido?
A: the laws of daimyos required loyalty to the emperor and the study of shintoism
B: members of the royal court followed the code which called for scholarship and skills in conversation and the arts.
C: the way of the warrior required devotion to duty and absolute bravery and loyalty
D: the rules for the warfare made no provision for honesty or honor on the battlefield


C because it’s more understandable


c- the way of the warrior required devotion to duty and absolute bravery and loyalty.


I took the test and it's c

12. How many blocks of limestone and granite did it take to build the Great Pyramid of Giza?



2.3 million trust me


which continent was greek civilization located on?


Greek civilization was located on Europe

What tools made exploration easier in the fifteenth century?



the quadrant, astrolabe, cross staff, hourglass, compass, map or nautical chart, and other devices.

According to the article, what was the cause of the major race riots in the North during the early 20th century?


Black workers faced virulent racism on the job as well. In June of 1943 , white workers halted production to protest the promotion of their African American co-workers. Other factories faced habitual slowdowns by bigoted whites who refused to work alongside African Americans.

not really sure if this is the exact answer you were looking for , I don’t know if 1943 is the exact date . but i Hope this helps !

Why was William Johnson's marriage to a Mohawk woman important to British interests?



The marriage helped the British become allies with the Iroquois. The Iroquois and Mohawks were allies against the British.


16. How did Indian culture spread?



Have a good night/day!


Describe the environment in which free African Americans were living,
including where they settled and the difficulties they encountered.



They were living in a hot and dry area


Các cuộc đấu tranh tiêu biểu cuối thế kỉ XVIII, nửa đầu thế kỉ XIX,cuối thế kỉ XX


Tên nước, Thời gian, Các cuộc đấu tranh tiêu biểu, Kết quả. In-đô-nê-xi-a, 1905-1908, Thành lập công đoàn xe lửa, Hội liên hiệp công nhân ...

8. How did most children learn to read and write?


Through education systems
they first learn to listen and speak then use these skills to learn to read and write OR learn from the functions of literacy through observing and participating in real experiences.

What is the best definition of total war?



total wrap jeans a war which is unrestricted in terms of weapons used, the territory of combatants involved or the objectives to pursue,especially one in which the accepted rules of war are disregarded

so C

For what reasons would Native Americans decide to side with the British Army?
A. Britain promised to defend their land
against colonists.
B. They no longer wanted to be allies with
C. They hoped to gain British citizenship.
D. They wanted to use British technology.





they sided with the british because they wanted to safeguard their tribal lands

I will make you brainliest if you answer this correctly! plzzzzz help

In two or three sentences, explain the lasting economic impact European expansion had on North America



I'm really bad at writing but I wanna help the best I can


if you got to the website

it will give you some key terms on the subject and some information!

I hope this helps

People moved to California to find gold during the _____ _____.



Gold Rush.


The Claifornia Gold Rush began in January, 1848, when a man named James Marshall found gold at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California. News of gold in California brought over 300,000 people from across the nation.

What is one MAJOR difference between the feudal system in Europe and the heirarchy in Haiti?



What is one MAJOR difference between the feudal system in Europe and the heirarchy in Haiti



How did the Declaration of Independence end?

A. with a list of grievances against King George III

B. with an overview of colonial beliefs

C. with a solemn pledge by Congress to uphold the ideas stated

D. with a definition of independence



Resolution of Independence

The most important and dramatic statement comes near the end: “That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States.” It declares a complete break with Britain and its King and claims the powers of an independent country.

Assessment you will compare and contrast the views of John Quincy Adams and his rival Andrew Jackson. Write three paragraphs comparing and contrasting their views. Your paragraphs should describe the views of each on at least five topics. You may choose topics from the example list below, or your own topics of choice. Make sure to support our work with details found in your course readings. If you use outside sources they should be cited in your work.

Example Topics:

The role of the common man
Native Americans
Government’s role in the economy


In the year of 1807, the way that Native Americans elected a president changed. through out previous elections, only the rich men were able to vote which as an outcome whoever promised more wealth was elected for president. When the common man was now able to vote in 1807, the type of candidate to win the election changed. As seen in the election of 1828 the person who was more relatable to the people, won because the common man was able to vote and so they used that opportunity and elected whoever they thought was going to help them. Overall the people preferred Jackson over Adams because Jackson was able to relate to the people better, and because he was a symbol of the American dream.

The upbringing of Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams, were very different. Andrew Jackson’s parents were immigrants form Ireland who were forced to raise him in poverty, but through this Jackson learned very important lessons in hard work. The only schooling that Jackson received, was in a local elementary school and than later reading about law to become a lawyer. On the other hand, John Quincy Adams was born into a wealthy family, and his father was John Adams, a founding father of America. John was taught in many ways from the time he was young, his mom taught his to be fluent in French, Dutch, and Germany and he was able to use those skills in government roles in the economy as a lawyer he fought for what was right

Jackson is know for as being a strong and handsome person and was respected by the role of the common man because he believed in slavery and gained his position from hard work. On the other hand, Adams grew up in a wealthy family and did to have to work as hard as Jackson to get his position. He had better morals and did not back down on his beliefs to get a better position, but the only problem was that the common person could not relate to him which caused him to lose the election because he was unreliable, and big headed due to his wealth even though he was much smarter, and could have made a much better position the Americans wanted a promising ruler.


Explain why you think that France and England adopted a stance of non-intervention regarding the Spanish Civil War?


The adopted it because they feared that if they were to intervene it would escalate. Also because the non intervention would prevent a war from happening in the European side of the world.
(let me know if you need a more detailed explanation)

How do citizens experience economic freedom?

Petitioning the government

Electing representatives

Exercising religion

Owning property



owning property


in some countries only certain groups are allowed to buy property

8. Which group did Jiang Jieshi lead during the Chinese Civil War?
O A. Fascists
B. Communists
C. Socialists
OD. Nationalists



D. Nationalists

Jiang Jieshi served as leader of the Republic of China. He led the Nationalists against the rising Communist forces.


Commander in chief of the National Revolutionary Army (from which he came to be known as Generalissimo), he led the Northern Expedition from 1926 to 1928, before defeating a coalition of warlords and nominally reunifying China under a new Nationalist government.


for Penn Foster students

D. nationalists


just did exam please mark brainly

Which of the following is not a property of the Constitution?

sets limits on the government

applies to the government specifically

enumerates particular powers the government has and denies all other

allows absolute or arbitrary power


Answer: Among the given choices, only ALLOWS ABSOLUTE OR ARBITRARY POWER is not a property of the Constitution.

The United States Constitution establishes the national frame of government. It is the supreme law of the country.

Supporters a free trade argue that it creates which economic benefit


Lowered costs because it caused more competition and increased the size of the economy as a whole.

Describe opportunity cost using your own words



Opportunity cost is the cost of making one decision over another. This can come at the cost of our time, money, effort, or enjoyment. We make these decisions in our everyday lives without being conscious of it.

When we make a decision to purchase something, we consider several factors before making the final decision. This is done so often that it is subconscious. We are able to do this because our brain stores previously made decisions and uses that information in the decision process. Our brain best optimizes how much we value each factor such as price, time, and effort, and what the trade-off is between choices. We choose the best option and forgo the rest.


10 POINTS!!!!
Being a citizen of the United States grants a person certain rights. But it also comes with responsibilities. By using those
rights, every person can influence US politics and society.
For each of the following rights, list one or two responsibilities that go along with using that right:
• freedom of speech
• freedom of the press
• freedom of assembly (the right to hold public meetings, protests, and demonstrations)



freedom of voting & freedom of moving


Freedom of speech: People must act responsibly when using their freedom of speech. For example, they should not cause people to panic without reason. They also should not make false statements that would damage the reputations of others.

Freedom of the press: The press, or the media, should tell the truth. It should not attempt to sway opinion with anything other than facts or supportable opinions.

Freedom of assembly: Public meetings and protests should be peaceful and not harm people or property.

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