Please Help!!
Will Mark For Brainliest

1. Where did George Westinghouse first develop his talent for inventing things?

2. How did Westinghouse make it possible for trains to travel more safely at higher speeds?

3. Why did Westinghouse promote alternating current over direct current for delivering electricity to businesses and homes?

4. How did Westinghouse turn public opinion in favor of alternating current?

5. Together with a partner, explain the difference between direct and alternating current. Write your explanation as a short paragraph and include a diagram.

6. How did Westinghouse provide electrical power to the city of Buffalo, New York?

7. Ordinary trains in Westinghouse’s time were coal-powered steam engines. How were Westinghouse’s Manhattan elevated trains different?​


Answer 1


I attached a pdf with the answers. Hope this helps!!!


Please Help!!Will Mark For Brainliest1. Where Did George Westinghouse First Develop His Talent For Inventing

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Which text in this excerpt from Twenty Years at Hull House by Jane Addams demonstrates the lack of concern for poor immigrant communities that was frequently shown by politicians and others with influence?

[-One of the striking features of our neighborhood twenty years ago, and one to which we never became reconciled, was the presence of huge wooden garbage boxes-] fastened to the street pavement in which the undisturbed refuse accumulated day by day. The system of garbage collecting was inadequate throughout the city, but it became the greatest menace in a ward such as ours, where the normal amount of waste was much increased by the decayed fruit and vegetables discarded by the Italian and Greek fruit peddlers, and by the residuum left over from the piles of filthy rags which were fished out of the city dumps and brought to the homes of the rag pickers for further sorting and washing...

[-It is easy for even the most conscientious citizen of Chicago to forget the foul smells of the stockyards and the garbage dumps-], when he is living so far from them that he is only occasionally made conscious of their existence, but the residents of a Settlement are perforce constantly surrounded by them. During our first three years on Halsted Street, we had established a small incinerator at Hull-House, and [-we had many times reported the untoward conditions of the ward to the city hall.-] We had also arranged many talks for the immigrants, pointing out that although a woman may sweep her own doorway in her native village and allow the reuse to innocently decay in the open air and sunshine, [-in a crowded city quarter, if the garbage is not properly collected and destroyed, a tenement-house mother may see her children sicken and die-], and that the immigrants must therefore not only keep their own houses clean, but must also help the authorities to keep the city clean.

[- -] means those are one of the answers


The text in this passage that mostly shows a lack of concern was the refuse dump that was left in the neighborhood

According to the passage there were inadequacies in the method through which refuse was collected.

In this particular area, it was a big problem. The people that lived in the area were made to stay in such pitiable and foul environment.

The area was so bad that there was a fear of sickness and death from this issue. But although the problem was constantly reported to the politicians, nothing was done about it.



[-we had many times reported the untoward conditions of the ward to the city hall.-]


This is what i got, none of the other answers refer directly politicians or people with influence as well as the problems of bad living conditions.

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The Seven Years' War (1756–63) was the first global war, fought in Europe, India, and America, and at sea.


Answer: India

The Seven Years’ War took place in three main regions of the world: Europe, North America, and which of the following?
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Great Britain began the war with a series of unsuccessful attempts to take French forts. However, momentum shifted in favor of Great Britain when the British military was able to claim Fort Carillon, later named Fort Ticonderoga, and take Quebec.


Federalists and Anti-Federalists would most likely have disagreed about the answer to which of the following questions?
A. To what degree should slaves count toward a state's representation in Congress?
B. Should individual states have the right to pass laws without seeking national approval C. Should political power be divided among multiple groups in the U.S. government?
D. Would weakening individual state governments benefit the United States as a whole​


The answer is letter D

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Under the leadership of Prince Henry the Navigator, Portugal took the principal role during most of the fifteenth century in searching for a route to Asia by sailing south around Africa. In the process, the Portuguese accumulated a wealth of knowledge about navigation and the geography of the Atlantic Ocean.

Under the leadership of Prince Henry the Navigator, Portugal took the principal role during most of the fifteenth century in searching for a route to Asia by sailing south around Africa. In the process, the Portuguese accumulated a wealth of knowledge about navigation and the geography of the Atlantic Ocean.

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. Which of the following territories were key to a railroad line existing in the Southwestern United
mexican cession and gadsden purchase


Answer: The Gadsden Purchase (Spanish: la Venta de La Mesilla "The Sale of La Mesilla")[2] is a 29,670-square-mile (76,800 km2) region of present-day southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico that the United States acquired from Mexico by the Treaty of Mesilla, which took effect on June 8, 1854. The purchase included lands south of the Gila River and west of the Rio Grande where the U.S. wanted to build a transcontinental railroad along a deep southern route, which the Southern Pacific Railroad later completed in 1881–1883. The purchase also aimed to resolve other border issues.

The first draft was signed on December 30, 1853, by James Gadsden, U.S. ambassador to Mexico, and by Antonio López de Santa Anna, president of Mexico.[1] The U.S. Senate voted in favor of ratifying it with amendments on April 25, 1854, and then transmitted it to President Franklin Pierce. Mexico's government and its General Congress or Congress of the Union took final approval action on June 8, 1854, when the treaty took effect. The purchase was the last substantial territorial acquisition in the contiguous United States, and defined the Mexico–United States border. The Arizona cities of Tucson and Yuma are on territory acquired by the U.S. in the Gadsden Purchase.

The financially strapped government of Santa Anna agreed to the sale, which netted Mexico $10 million[3] (equivalent to $230 million in 2019[4]). After the devastating loss of Mexican territory to the U.S. in the Mexican–American War (1846–48) and the continued filibustering made by New Mexico governor William Carr Lane in the zone, some historians argue that Santa Anna may have calculated it was better to yield territory by treaty and receive payment rather than have the territory simply seized by the U.S.[5]


Formal discussions include both facts and opinions. Sort the characteristics of facts and opinions into the correct categories.

Facts : Opinions

can be shown to be true

do not change

are objective

can change

are based on a person's ideas

are subjective




Can be shown as true

Do not change

Are objective


Can change

Are based on a person's ideas

Are subjective


Who are people that risk capital in order to organize and run a business?





Entrepreneurs are people who organize businesses and take great risks to do so.

Help me with this for 8000 pionts asap book called Jason Reynolds stamped


Answer:Stamped:  Racism, Antiracism, and You


Briefly explain how one specific historical event or development in the colonies reflected the views of Roger Williams


On 28 June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife were assassinated by a Serbian-backed terrorist. During the crisis that followed, Europe's leaders made a series of political, diplomatic and military decisions that would turn a localised conflict in south-east Europe into a global war.

Austria-Hungary, with German encouragement, declared war on Serbia on 28 July. Russia's support of Serbia brought France into the conflict. Germany declared war on Russia on 1 August and France on 3 August. Germany's violation of Belgian neutrality and British fears of German domination in Europe brought Britain and its empire into the war on 4 August.

These actions reflect the fears, anxieties and ambitions of the European powers. The decisions for war were made in the context of growing nationalism, increased militarism, imperial rivalry and competition for power and influence. Europe's leaders were willing to go to war to defend or extend national interests and their choices were shaped by a combination of long and short-term foreign policy goals, political pressures at home, previous crises, and the system of opposing alliances that had developed over the previous 35 years

Question: When did the Texas Revolution start?


I believe October 1835.

what clause expands the power of the federal government?

A: Necessary And Proper Clause

B: Direct Clause

C: Supremacy Clause

D: Monarchy Clause



C: Supremacy Clause


The supremacy clause is a part of the constitution. It was an idea supported by the federalists, led by Hamilton. The Federalists were on the side of the federal government and believed that it should have more power. So, the supremacy clause was made which stated that federal laws overruled any state laws. This meant that if a state law contradicted a federal law then it would have to be removed.

How did the Iroquois Confederacy differ from the Albany Plan of Union?

a.The Iroquois Confederacy forced Native Americans to join or die, while the Albany Plan allowed colonists to vote on joining.

b.In the Iroquois Confederacy, chiefs appointed their sachems, while in the Albany Plan, people elect their governor.

c.The Iroquois Confederacy was able to persuade the Native American groups to work together, while the Albany Plan was unable to persuade the colonies to unite.

d.The Iroquois Confederacy kept women from being involved in government decisions, while the Albany Plan gave women more important roles in government.


The answer should be c

Answer: should be C???

Explanation: ????????????????????????

What is the biggest export for the Native Americans?



Plants that are very important in the world today. Some of them are white and sweet potatoes, corn, beans, tobacco, chocolate, peanuts, cotton, rubber and gum. Plants which were used for dyes, medicines, soap, clothes, shelters and baskets.

This could be tobacco but also crops that they them self cultivate

What are some ways that you use or are exposed to music in daily life that someone from Ancient Greece would recognize? Are there ways that we use music today that an Ancient Greek citizen would find strange?​


The some ways of the music life that I have use know are days is: Musical artist almbum,CD,Casert,,Flash drive,Soft wave,utube, whatapp ,Tv Life, EMTIV,Mobile Phone,Computor,Memory Card,News Paper or Midea,Internet,Sheterlit,Tawer,TV Disic,Transmission waves,

Using the text, identify three differences in the legislative branches characterized by the US and Ohio Constitutions.

Name of Chief Executive, Courts of Appeals, Term limits in Ohio

Bicameral legislature, two-year terms for House, Establishes Supreme Court

Name of legislative body, Term limits in Ohio, Shorter length of term for state senators.

General Assembly, Term limits for Congress, Longer length of term for state representatives






Based on the text given, the differences between the Ohio Constitution and that of the U.S. in terms of the legislature are:

Shorter length of term for state senators.Term limits in Ohio.Name of legislative body.

One difference between the Ohio legislature and the U.S. is that state senators have a term limit of four years compared to the six years of U.S. senators.

Ohio has term limits on state representatives in that they cannot run for four successive terms whilst both U.S. Representatives and Senators have no such limits.

The U.S. legislative body is called Congress and that of Ohio is called the General Assembly.

In conclusion, there are several differences between both Constitutions.

Find out more about the Ohio Constitution at

¿Cuál es tu percepción sobre el consumo o consumismo en nuestro país?


Consecuencias del consumismo

Se contribuye a la mala distribución de la riqueza. ... El consumismo impone la cultura de otras regiones, donde se manejan otros valores y otros niveles de consumo. Se promueve el deseo de consumir bienes de manera ilimitada en todas las culturas menospreciando la cultura propia de cada lugar.

The Louisiana Purchase was an exchange with which countries? (Choose two answers.) PLEASE HELP ITS TIMED

Great Britain
United States


The answer is United States and France.

Describe, in short, the relics found in Wari-Bateshwar of Bangladesh.



The Wari-Bateshwar region (Uari-Bôṭeshshor) in Narsingdi District, Bangladesh is the site of an ancient fort city. Based on the artifacts found here the city was active between about 2000 BC (or earlier) to 450 BC. [1] The ruins being unearthed near the old course of the Brahmaputra River are a major archaeological discovery in South Asia, which "challenges the earlier notions of early urban civilization in Bengal".

The discovery of a pit-dwelling is the first of its kind in Bangladesh. The pit-dwelling is a Copper Age or Chalcolithic artefact. Similar pit-dwellings have been found in India and Pakistan which are believed to be 4000 years old.

Later the area was part of the ancient region of Samatata, which was a region comprising modern day Greater Comilla and Greater Dhaka (above the Meghna) divisions.


what was the chief contribution that pericles made to athens?



What was the chief contribution that Pericles made to Athens? He directed the rebuilding of the city, which had lain in ruins. one-story structures built from mud bricks. You just studied 19 terms!

PLEASE HURRY IM BEING TIMED How did the plague affect trade?

O Trade declined throughout the outbreak of the plague.

O Trade increased throughout the outbreak of the plague.

Trade grew at the start of the outbreak and then declined toward the end.

Trade declined at the start of the outbreak and then grew toward the end.


D the last one I would assume but not positive

Which Native American groups created alliances with the English and the French


Answer:  The Iroquois Confederacy created alliances with the English and the French

Explanation: I hope this helps:)!

The "elastic clause" in the US Constitution:

A ) Expands the power of congress
B ) Expanded suffrage in the United States
C ) Outlines the power of the executive branch
D ) Established a federal system for the United States

Im guessing it's gonna be A


I think it’s gonna be A)

What was the United States claim to the organ territory based on



The U.S. claim was based on the explorations of Lewis and Clark and on the establishment of trading posts set up by John Jacob Astor's Pacific Fur Company, such as Astoria at the mouth of the Columbia River. Great Britain based its claim, in part, on James Cook's exploration of the Columbia River.


President James K. Polk is perhaps the president most associated with the idea of Manifest Destiny. Read his official White House biography and this brief biographical essay. Think about his linking of the issues of Texas and Oregon and about the Democrats’ use of the campaign slogan Fifty-Four Forty or Fight. How do you react to these positions on expansion? Write President Polk a letter in which you outline your views.



Image result for President James K. Polk is perhaps the president most associated with the idea of Manifest Destiny. Read his official White House biography and this brief biographical essay. Think about his linking of the issues of Texas and Oregon and about the Democrats’ use of the campaign slogan Fifty-Four Forty or Fight. How do you react to these positions on expansion?

Polk eventually achieved all his goals. He was a champion of manifest destiny–the belief that the United States was fated to expand across the North American continent–and by the end of his four years in office, the nation extended, for the first time, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean


In the 1844 Presidential election, James K. Polk won nearly entirely on a platform of supporting manifest destiny and gaining additional land. Polk quickly persuaded Texas to join the Union in 1845.

Why was Manifest Destiny so important to Polk?

Polk gained the support of many Americans who believed they had a divine right to dominate the territory to the west. This Manifest Destiny was portrayed as granting the United States authority to do whatever it took to conquer those lands. As a result, the United States declared war on Mexico's northern half.

He was a proponent of manifest destiny, the concept that the United States was fated to spread across the North American continent, and by the end of his four years in office, the country had extended from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans for the first time.

Learn more about Manifest Destiny here:


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