People who migrate from place to place are called


Answer 1


Migration is the process of the population shift from one place to another due to better economical opportunities. Those who shift from one place to another place are called migrants.

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6 cities that were epicenters
help asap



Tokyo, japan, jakarta, indonesia, manila, philipines.

plz mark brainliest

Is the 1518 account of Martin Luther more reliable than his 1535 account?


Perhaps yes it’s a completely thing to say that it’s a yes when it’s a yes including the fact that Martin Luther king is brilliant woah congrats

what modern form of entertainment was also enjoyed in ancient egypt?



Rowing and swimming competitions, as well as wrestling and javelin-throwing, were equally popular spectator sports. Men enjoyed watching women's gymnastic dance competitions, pageants, swimming, and rowing in the same way they do today.

What were the main elements of the Market Revolution? How did this revolution affect the lives of Women, African Americans, and Workers?


Answer:1.Key Components of the Market Revolution – Transportation, Mechanization, and Commercial Farming. Following the War of 1812, the country looked to expand into the western territories in order to take advantage of the economic opportunities there as new markets opened up.

2.he Market Revolution affected the lives of workers by giving them jobs. Women still had less freedom than men and still were under the idea of coverture. Poor women worked in factories.


pls brainliest

please help me! thank you so much in advance​



no C. the structure of the Iroquois League

4.Is it possible to have a completely objective opinion on an issue? Explain. Please provide a minimum of 3 reasons to support your stance.



ok lol no pop lol


no no lol can

What was the impact of the Dust Bowl on American agriculture?
O Word of the Dust Bowl brought thousands of Americans to the southern Great Plains with hopes of cashing in on the abundant fertile soil
O The Dust Bowl led to the mass exodus of nearly half a million farmers from the southern Great Plains due to the lack of farmable soil.
O The Dust Bowl led to a boom of African American farm ownership in the southern Great Plains.
The Dust Bowl enticed thousands of women to become farmers in the southern Great Plains


What was the impact of the Dust Bowl on American agriculture?

O Word of the Dust Bowl brought thousands of Americans to the southern Great Plains with hopes of cashing in on the abundant fertile soil.

O The Dust Bowl led to the mass exodus of nearly half a million farmers from the southern Great Plains due to the lack of farmable soil.

O The Dust Bowl led to a boom of African American farm ownership in the southern Great Plains.

O The Dust Bowl enticed thousands of women to become farmers in the southern Great Plains.

ʜ ɪs ʜʟ


it had effect on Farmers in the Great Plains states


Please help me and thx this is due tomorrow and I will mark you brainiliest
Write an argumentative essay on any topic related to social studies. It can be current events, history, or anything from the past.

You need to write three paragraphs to get full credit.

First, you need to write an intro

- introduce the topic you chose (5pts)

- give background info on it (2-3 details, 10pts)

- create an argument/ Thesis with 2 main arguments you will support later with evidence (5pts)

Paragraph 2

- Body paragraph 1 - your first many argument (5pts)

- 4-5 details/ evidence/ support to prove your argument (10pts)

Paragraph 3

- Body paragraph 2 - your first many argument (5pts)

- 4-5 details/ evidence/ support to prove your argument (10pts)



ok ill help what topic do you want to write about. then i also need your em.ail so that i could share the go.ogle docs with you.


The ongoing debate surrounding the legalization of marijuana has been a contentious issue for many years.

What is legalization of marijuana ?

While some argue that marijuana has medicinal benefits and should be legal, others claim that it is a gateway drug that leads to the use of more dangerous substances. This essay will examine the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana and provide evidence for the argument that it should be legalized for both medical and recreational purposes.

Background Information:

Marijuana has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years, but its legal status has been the subject of much controversy. In the United States, marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug, which means that it is illegal under federal law.

However, several states have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use, and public opinion on the issue has shifted in recent years. While some people believe that marijuana is a harmless drug that should be legal, others argue that it is a dangerous substance that can lead to addiction and other negative consequences.


Marijuana should be legalized for both medical and recreational purposes because it has proven medicinal benefits, it can generate significant tax revenue, and it is no more dangerous than alcohol or tobacco.

Body Paragraph 1:

Marijuana has several proven medicinal benefits that make it a valuable treatment option for people with a variety of medical conditions. For example, it can alleviate chronic pain, reduce nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, and improve symptoms of anxiety and depression. In addition, marijuana has been shown to be effective in treating seizures in children with epilepsy. These medical benefits provide strong evidence for the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes.

Body Paragraph 2:

Legalizing marijuana for recreational purposes can also generate significant tax revenue for states. In states where marijuana is already legal, such as Colorado and California, the revenue generated from taxes on marijuana sales has been substantial. This revenue can be used to fund education, healthcare, and other important public services. Moreover, legalizing marijuana can reduce the burden on law enforcement and the criminal justice system, allowing them to focus on more serious crimes.


In conclusion, the legalization of marijuana is a controversial issue that has both supporters and opponents. However, the evidence suggests that legalizing marijuana for both medical and recreational purposes would be a positive step for society. The medicinal benefits of marijuana, the potential tax revenue, and the reduced burden on law enforcement all provide compelling reasons for legalization. It is time for lawmakers to recognize the benefits of legalizing marijuana and take action to make it a reality.

Learn more about legalization of marijuana here


How could you describe Cubism art?



you could describe it as a style of painting and sculpture developed in the early 20th century, characterized chiefly by an emphasis on formal structure, the reduction of natural forms to their geometrical equivalents, and the organization of the planes of a represented object independently of representational requirements.


Should i answer your question or you dont know?

2. Does prehistoric man deserve as much credit for his inventions as man today for
his? Explain.





If it weren't for them, we would not have any tools to use.

4. How does the Ten Commandments differ from the Code of Hammurabi?
A. The Ten Commandments does not include a "then statement, or punishment.
B. The Ten Commandments does not describe the crime-only the punishment.
C. The Ten Commandments was passed down through oral tradition, rather than written down.
, .
D. The Ten Commandments is believed to be written during a time of war rather than peace.



A. The Ten Commandments does not include a "then statement, or punishment.

Please answer

Working conditions in English factories, the hours you work, opportunities for breaks, the average wages workers are paid, safety on the job, ages of those you work with (including children), health and healthcare, and what you will do when you are too old to work

Your thoughts on the problem:

Some solutions:

Types of laws that might be passed to address your concerns, including measures that factory owners should take to improve conditions, or steps the government could take to protect workers and insure better living conditions

Your thoughts on the problem:

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Ideas you have for improving urban life such as city planning, technological innovations, sanitation, schools, hospitals, and law enforcement

Your thoughts on the problem:

Some solutions:

How the government’s actions can affect England’s future, including the health, education, and welfare of its citizens

Your thoughts on the problem:

Some solutions:



According to the Declaration of Independence, what is the role of the government in relation to the people’s rights?



–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on ...


Does the government have the right to restrict Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Expression, and/or Freedom of Association during a time of crisis? Why or why not?


Answer: No

Explanation: 1st Amendment duh.

Which of the regions had the lowest population density?


I really want to help you :{ , but I am unsure on what region of what had the lowest population. If you give me the region of the place, or a image of the map. I may be able to help you :}

Document A
How can you use the map to argue that Alexander was not great?



you didnt attatch a map man theres no way someone can answer


Certainly! Considering the land that was ruled by Philip II of Macedon extended far less, his son (Alexander) managed to conquer the middle east, Southeast Europe and a profound part of West Asia by 23! In addition, during his time, no other empire had stretched so far at all. He is a short-lived great of the history of Conquers...


The empire of Alexander the Great was so vast that  reached borders with India. That was a complete milestone  comparing the land extension of other Greek emprires such as the Athenian's. It also covered iconic territories such as Egypt and city of Jerusalen. Certainly he did not conquered everything but his military campaings did pay off for him. It is true there has been bigger empires anf  Macedon's, but we can say that the title of Alexander as The Great is well deserved.

The cost of caring for refugees is causing tension between eastern and western European countries True or False



In some ways yes.. True.


Which of the following was one reason why the Georgia colony was established?
a. to provide religious freedom
b. to block the Spanish and the French
c. to prevent slavery from spreading help slavery gain a foothold


The answer is B. “To block the Spanish and the French” :)

Predict how you think the American Colonists might react to these laws and taxes that they had no say in? (give at least 2 examples)


Answer: Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre


Someone pls help me I will make you you brain



C) Oaxaca


The Zapotec civilization originated in the three Central Valleys of Oaxaca in the late 6th Century BCE. The valleys were divided between three different-sized societies, separated by no-man's-land in the middle, today occupied by the city of Oaxac

Hope it Helps

Peace out

^^ ^-^ :) ;) ~-~



Explanation: The Zapotec civilization originated in the three Central Valleys of Oaxaca in the late 6th Century BCE. The valleys were divided between three different-sized societies, separated by no-man's-land in the middle, today occupied by the city of Oaxaca.

Egypt is southeast
of Mesopotamia.
True or false?



Egypt is southwest of Mesopotamia, and therefore this is false.


Hope this helps! :D




it is in the southwest

Constitutionally, the

is the

presiding officer of the U.S. Senate.



your sentence does not make much sense so i cant really give you an answer


American Government
Quiz Active
What do both the Senate and the House of Representatives require of people running for election?
They must be at least 30 years old.
They must be a resident of a US state.
They must have experience in state government.
They must have lived in the US as a citizen for 10 years.


They must be a resident of a US state

Why does Massachusettensis mention the purchase of New York from the Dutch and the recent war with Canada? *


Massachsettensis mentioned those events to reinforce the author's arguments against the rebellion of the colonists.

Massachusettensis was the name used by lawyer Daniel Leonard to publish his letters of loyalty to Great Britain in the Massachusetts Gazette between 1774 and 1775.

In these letters, Leonard mentions the purchase of New York and the War with Canada to emphasize the will of Great Britain to make the empire bigger by favoring her territory in America.

In these letters, he calls on the colonists not to rebel against the British Crown, arguing that he has endeavored to maintain his territory in America in a remarkable way.

Learn more in:

how many fossils have been discover on earth?


Answer: The first fossil ever found was an archaeopteryx (ahr-kee-op-tuh-riks) fossil. It was found in Bavaria in 1861. An archaeopteryx is a bird-like dinosaur that could be found 150.8 million years ago to 125.45 million years ago.


The president is not allowed to appeal directly to members of congress and cannot try to influence them to pass bills or resolutions?





which u.s. president proposed a decimal-based measurement system for the u.s.?


Answer: Thomas Jefferson

Explanation: Thomas Jefferson, then Secretary of State, proposed a decimal-based measurement system for the United States in his report Plan for Establishing Uniformity in the Coinage, Weights, and Measures of the United States.

Hope this helps :)


The following excerpt is the preamble to the US Constitution. Compare the preamble of the 1842 Choctaw Constitution with this text. How are the two similar? How are they different?

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

We, the people of the Choctaw Nation, having a right to establish our own form of Government, not inconsistent with the Constitution, Treaties and Laws of the United States: by our Representatives, assembled in Convention at Nanihwaiya on Thursday the tenth day of November, 1842, in order to establish Justice, insure Tranquility, promote the general Welfare, and secure to ourselves and our Posterity the right of Life, Liberty and Property: We mutually agree with each other to form for ourselves a free and independent Government.

And we do hereby recognize the boundaries assigned the Choctaw Nation by the second article of the treaty made and concluded with the United States of America at Dancing Rabbit Creek on the 27th day of September 1830: viz. beginning near Fort Smith where the Arkansas boundary crosses the Arkansas River, running thence to the source of the Canadian Fork, if in the limits of the United States, or to those limits, thence due South to Red River, thence down Red River to the western boundary of the State of Arkansas, thence North along that line to the beginning: the boundary of the same to be agreeable to the Treaty made and concluded at Washington City in the year 1825.



The Declaration of Independence was designed for multiple audiences: the King, the colonists, and the world. It was also designed to multitask. Its goals were to rally the troops, win foreign allies, and to announce the creation of a new country. The introductory sentence states the Declaration’s main purpose, to explain the colonists’ right to revolution. In other words, “to declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” Congress had to prove the legitimacy of its cause. It had just defied the most powerful nation on Earth. It needed to motivate foreign allies to join the fight.


The U.S constitution was for US Citizens I believe, but tribal is different, and were treated differently. The Choctaw Constitution was for the Tribal people to have their freedom and rights. It's the same in the aspect of freedom and rights and justice and tranquility part. But different in ways that one was more for citizens and one is strictly for people of a tribe.


this is my opinion. so it can be wrong, just use it if you care or not.

Which of the was not a key principle of the Mandate of Heaven


These are the four basic principles of the Mandate of Heaven: The right to rule is granted by Heaven (天 Pīnyīn: Tiān). There is only one Heaven therefore there can be only one ruler. The right to rule is based on the virtue of the ruler.

5. A(n)
is a scientist who studies the beginnings and
behavior of people.



Psychologists study human thought processes and how these affect the way an individual acts

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