Langston Hughes's poem "Mother to Son" uses an extended metaphor of a stair to say that life has been a difficult journey. Would the extended metaphor be more effective or less effective if it were a long path through the woods? Explain your answer. Ap-ex Ill give brainlest if right


Answer 1
Personally I believe the extended metaphor could be more effective since it provides more info and meaning to the poem itself
Answer 2
the extended metaphor gave the poem much more detail for the author to explain why life is never perfect and should always be tough

Related Questions

PART A: Which statement best describes the relationship between livestock owners and lions?

A. Livestock owners want the lions to all die or become extinct so that they no longer have to worry about their livestock being attacked.

B. Livestock owners have retaliated against lions in the past, but in general, they want to find a way to protect their livestock that does not involve killing the lions.

C. Livestock owners want to get rid of the Nairobi National Park so that lions will be removed along with the park and will no longer attack local farmers’ livestock.

D. Livestock owners want a complete lion-proof fence around Nairobi National Park to stop lions from wandering off and attacking livestock.
PART B: Which phrase from the text best supports the answer to Part A?

A. “Lions are the top tourist attraction to Kenya, especially in the Nairobi National Park... Lions are also considered critically endangered in Kenya.” (Paragraph 3)

B. “One of the main causes of their demise, ‘is that people kill them in retaliation for lions attacking their livestock,’ says Paula Kahumbu” (Paragraph 4)

C. “‘There have been a lot of efforts to try to protect the lions,’ Kahumbu says. ‘It’s a crisis and everyone is looking for a solution.’” (Paragraph 10)

D. “One idea was land leases, another was lion-proof fences.” (Paragraph 10)


Answer: B

Explanation: The article mentions how people would kill Lions in retaliation, but now this use of "Light" is a new way to protect livestock without killing the lions. Hope this helps!


I believe the answer is B


How does seeing the release from Jonas’ point of view impact your understanding?


Answer: It is in Chapter Nineteen that Jonas learns the true nature of the word "release" in his community. You would do well to re-read this chapter and consider how the author reveals both to us and to Jonas what actually happens when somebody is "released." Key to note is how, not sure if this is right.


Which sentence best demonstrates onomatopoeia?

A. with a " fump," Sara closed the book

B. does debbie deliver doughnuts downtown?

C. the ocean aimed its anger at the beach

D. " you dont understand," Wanda said


A , because it has the word “fump” which is imitating the sound of a book closing
The answer is a bc fump is a sound

I need this this done now!!! Please help me !!!!!!!

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Answer: hey do you have like any text or reading that i can lookat im a bit puzzled also i need help with my homeowrk too im in 8th grade and its about math and functions


HELP ME ASAP its really confusi nf to me


it’s c i took this type of test today look

A note from a French army officer accompanied the package. He told the scholars that the stone had been unearthed in an old fort near the town of Rosetta, thirty-five miles north of Alexandria. French soldiers were tearing down a ruined wall in the fort when they came upon the slab. The top right and left corners were missing, as was the bottom right corner. The soldiers had gone over the rest of the wall carefully in hopes of finding the missing pieces embedded in it, but with no luck.

—The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone,
James Cross Giblin

According to the passage, what caused the Rosetta Stone to be unearthed?

1. A note led the soldiers to the spot.
2. Three corners were missing from the slab.
3. The soldiers went over the wall carefully.
4. The wall was ruined and was being torn down.


The statement which accurately describes a cause-and-effect relationship described in this excerpt is:

C. Because the French soldiers are tearing down a ruined wall in a fort, they discover the Rosetta Stone.

A relationship of cause and effect implies that we have two events. One event is the consequence of the other or, if we invert the reasoning, one event causes the other.

In the paragraph, we do not know the relationship between Napoleon's departure and the French army's decision to stay. The author does not make it clear.

However, the relationship between the discovery of the stone and the wall in a fort is made clear in the following excerpt:

". . . the stone had been unearthed in an old fort neat the town of Rosetta. . . French soldiers were tearing down a ruined wall in the fort when they came upon the slab."

Thus, the relationship is clear: 1. the tearing down of the wall. 2. coming across the stone.

In conclusion, finding the stone is the consequence of tearing down the wall. Tearing down the wall is the cause of finding the stone. Letter C is the correct option.

Triangle ABC it’s translated 9 units to the left And 3 units up to create A’B’C’ ... what’s the answer

Explain how the connotation of a word in Emily Dickinson's "A Book" adds to the poem's message.



Juan wrote a loop to print all the prime numbers between 1 and 100. But instead of stopping at 100, it continues on and on forever until Juan forces the program to stop running. What has Juan unintentionally written? and btw why are you asking the same question over and over

It is also important to note that the speaker says that there is “no Frigate like a Book”. This means that she sees Books as being far superior to all ships. They are even better at letting one escape their day to day life than a ship. ... She uses personification to describe the pages of a Book of poetry as “prancing”.

How is their house an important setting in Darry’s and Ponyboy’s relationship?



I think its because its one of the only things they have left of their parents besides each other. i don't know if I'm correct


2.) Ponyboy thinks Darry is cold and distant.


Why is it important to be aware of different things that can blur reality?

Please have an reasonable explanation - please and thank you :)




the blur is supposed to keep you from doing something.

Because you may want to know that certain thing but it is a blur but if it is a blur that is to mean you should ask for someone’s help because if you have to let that blur to continue than if could lead to a negative and you are not to care but it is to also be important that is a good question.

yes m,am by Langston Hughes Question: why does the author italized this part of the text "roger looked at the door and went to the sink"





ummmmmm i do not know


In Chapter 6 of ‘The Outsiders’, how does the author use the fire scene to reveal a new side of Johnny’s character? Support your answer with evidence from the text and explain how each piece of evidence supports your answer.

Please type it it in and only answer if you’ve read the book


Answer: Johnny pulls out his knife and stabs Ponyboy to death to protect him from one of the attackers. The fire scene helps the characters—both Johnny and Ponyboy, as well as Dally develop by putting them in a situation where they must choose between acting in their own best interests and acting in the best interests of others.

Explanation: HOPE THAT HELPS

Johnny pulls out his knife

How does the allusion to William Shakespeare affect the meaning of the text?

It shows that Angelou identifies with the feelings expressed in Shakespeare's poem.

It reveals how much Angelou admires those who are not like herself.

It foreshadows Angelou's future career as a writer.

It suggests Angelou's desire to leave her surroundings and go elsewhere.


The answer most likely will be (A)

The allusion to William Shakespeare affect the meaning of the text is option A i.e It shows that Angelou identifies with the feelings expressed in Shakespeare's poem.

What  allusion  is created by  William Shakespeare in story?

Marguerite Annie Johnson, brought into the world on May 28, 2014, was an American artist, vocalist, memoirist and, social equality extremist, notable for series of her seven life accounts.

Angelou was enamored with Shakespeare and preferred his work 29, which she asserts, addressed her. According to she, I tracked down myself, yet track down myself, at whatever point I like, venturing once again into Shakespeare.

Whenever I like, I pull him to me. He composed it for me. According to she, When I was youthful, I believed that Shakespeare probably been a person of color.

By what other method might he at some point know precisely the way that she felt. As indicated by Angelou, verse has the capacity to unit.

It very well may be expressed that William Shakespeare was essential to Maya Angelou's diary since he assumed a huge part in her certainty and starting in the realm of imagination and getaway.

She said that he was her first love and she felt so related and associated with him and she even said in a meeting that Shakespeare may have been a people of color.

For more information about Shakespeare, refer the following link:


Which evidence from "Healing a Wounded Heart: Daniel Hale Williams" best supports the idea that Williams improved health care for black Americans?

"When Dr. Williams set up his medical practice, there were only three other black doctors in Chicago."

"He also provided medical care for children at a nearby orphanage and taught anatomy at the medical college where he had studied."

"And as a surgeon, he was bold enough to take risks but careful enough to ensure the safety of his patients."

"In fact, Provident was the first hospital in the United States in which black and white doctors worked together to care for all patients, regardless of race."



the answer is "In fact, Provident was the first hospital in the United States in which black and white doctors worked together to care for all patients, regardless of race."


Last option is the most accurate.

Identify three characteristics of the science fiction novel



1. Setting an AU (Alternate Universe)

2.  Including Non-human Characters (aliens, robots etc.)

3.  Mostly likely has some scientist in the mix of the fiction

Hope this helped, have a great day/night!




The classic elements of a science fiction novel include:

Time travel.


Mind control, telepathy, and telekinesis.

Can you put these vocabulary words in a sentence for me? Thank you :)

1. Unburthen - To unburden; to unload.
2. Expound - To make a detailed statement; to explain; interpret
3. Baroque - Extravagantly ornate, florid, and convoluted in character or style; irregular in shape.
4. Rigorous - Severely exact or accurate; precise: rigorous research
5. Inscrutability - Not easily understood; mysterious; unfathomable
6. Swooning - to faint; lose consciousness
7. Stupefied - Crazy, magnificent, unbelievable, amazing
8. Docility - Easily managed or handled
9. Sagacious - Having or showing acute mental discernment and keen practical sense; shrewd
10. Tinctured - to imbue or infuse with something.


i was happy to unburthen the heavy load of groceries from my hands.

i expounded my opinion on the matter.

the fashion style baroque is very ornate.

i conducted rigorous research on the civil war

he had a hard time understanding which made him nervous about his inscrutability

she swooned after she saw the blood

i was stupefied at the scene

some dogs have docility some dont

she had a very sagacious look on her face

she tinctured the box
1. After a sunny day, carrying numerous bags, I was pleased to unburthen them as soon as I entered the house.
2. Sarah was bound to expound the quadratic equation to her friend on the teacher’s request.
3. The bottle at the antique shop looked quite baroque thus, I didn’t purchase it.
4. Upon rigorous research, she found out that Oxygen had only 4 electrons.
5. My disappearance from the classroom remained inscrutable.
6. Upon the sight of the dead body, I was swooning.
7. The enormous castle made Ayla wide eyed and stupefied.

Which option is most clearly an example of medium
A. lamb
B. blog
C. adventure
D. theme



It would be a blog. Different types of media(such as a phone, computer, etc) are often called mediums.

I hope I helped! Have a great day.

It would be blog different types of media
(Phone, laptop ,!tablet) etc. are usually called mediums .. have. A great day

Which point of view is most likely to be unreliable in a story?

The third person point of view is most likely to be unreliable.

All points of view in a story are equally reliable.

All points of view in a story are equally unreliable.

The first person narrator is most likely to be unreliable.


Answer: The third person point of view is most likely to be unreliable





Third doesn't know all of the characters' feelings, but first does.

Pearl Harbor Speech, December 8, 1941

To the Congress of the United States

Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.

The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with the government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.

Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleagues delivered to the Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or armed attack.

It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.

The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. Very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.

Yesterday, the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya.

Last night, Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.

Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam.

Last night, Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands.

Last night, the Japanese attacked Wake Island.

This morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island.

Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation.

As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense.

Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us.

No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.

I believe I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make very certain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again.

Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger.

With confidence in our armed forces - with the unbounding determination of our people - we will gain the inevitable triumph - so help us God.

I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, Dec. 7, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.

Before the attack on Pear Harbor, how would people define the relationship between Japan and the United States?



C. Have a great day!

What might the people native to Georgia, the Creeks and the Cherokee, have experienced by living across the river from each other?
write narrative from the creek pov



The history of early Georgia is largely the history of the Creek Indians. For most of Georgia’s colonial period, Creeks outnumbered both European colonists and enslaved Africans and occupied more land than these newcomers. Not until the 1760s did the Creeks become a minority population in Georgia. They ceded the balance of their lands to the new state in the 1800s.

Read the excerpt from the introduction for "On Becoming an Inventor" by Dean Kamen.

I had just finished making a complicated piece of equipment that was to be used for a show opening in Philadelphia called "Fiorello." When the machine arrived they had trouble wiring it, so instead of going off to college that morning for an orientation, I spent several days at the theater fixing my light/sound equipment. The show received poor reviews, except for the mention by one reviewer of the "special effects," which, he wrote, were "outstanding."

Which detail from the excerpt proves that Dean created very good light/sound equipment?

He made a piece of equipment for a show named "Fiorello."
The show's crew had trouble wiring the equipment.
Dean spent several days at the theater fixing the equipment.
The equipment got great reviews, even though the show did not.



I had just finished making a complicated piece of equipment that was to be used for a show opening in Philadelphia called "Fiorello." When the machine arrived they had trouble wiring it, so instead of going off to college that morning for an orientation, I spent several days at the theater fixing my light/sound equipment. The show received poor reviews, except for the mention by one reviewer of the "special effects," which, he wrote, were "outstanding."


What is a Good name to name your child? (im doing a projet on names to see whats popular) 35 points!!


Aroura, Jersey, Elijah, Samara


The overall top 10 names for girls include Sophia, Olivia, Emma, Ava, Isabella, Aria, Riley, Amelia, Mia, and Layla. For boys, the top 10 include Jackson, Liam, Noah, Aiden, Caiden, Grayson, Lucas, Mason, Oliver, and Elijah.


But i would pick the name Kayziah because its a really rare name a only 5 i a million have this name and i am one of them

Read this excerpt from White Fang.

But when the frames of poles were made into tepees by being covered with cloth and skins, White Fang was astounded. It was the colossal bulk of them that impressed him. They arose around him, on every side, like some monstrous quick-growing form of life. They occupied nearly the whole circumference of his field of vision. He was afraid of them. They loomed ominously above him; and when the breeze stirred them into huge movements, he cowered down in fear, keeping his eyes warily upon them, and prepared to spring away if they attempted to precipitate themselves upon him.

What does White Fang’s interaction with the setting reveal?

It reveals how differently White Fang and the humans view their environment.
It reveals how excited White Fang is to be in a new environment.
It reveals how White Fang’s relationship with the humans is changing from one of fear to one of trust.
It reveals how White Fang has almost completely forgotten about his life in the wild.




It reveals how excited White Fang is to be in a new environment.


This is what I think I hop it is the correct answer

Answer: “It reveals how differently White Fang and the humans view there environment.”

Explanation: How he describes is it is different then how humans would. I hope this helps

20 points!
What is the Thesis statement of this passage?


i don’t think others can see the passage !
where is the page? it’s kind of hard to answer without it hahs

In Chapter 6 of ‘The Outsiders’, how does the author use the fire scene to reveal a new side of Johnny’s character? Support your answer with evidence from the text and explain how each piece of evidence supports your answer.


Answer: In Chapter 6 of ‘The Outsiders’, how does the author use the fire scene to reveal a new side of Johnny’s character? Support your answer with evidence from the text and explain how each piece of evidence supports your answer.

Explanation: This is the same question lol

I need more information to answer this question

Choose two pieces of text evidence that demonstrates the lengths Oyster took for his son.

a. "Oyster’s boy was prepared. I’m telling you, prepared! He had a good education and could do the work, black as he was."

b. "Well, sir, old man Oyster was proud as he could be of his boy. We was all proud. The church was proud. The white business school what graduated him was proud. Everything went fine for two or three years."

c. “But old man Oyster stood there and argued with the man for his son’s rights. That’s why I say he’s got gumption. He said, ‘I ain’t asking to be picking and choosing, and I ain’t asked nothing for myself. I’m speaking about that boy o’ mine."

d. "Now, old man Oyster ain’t never had no trouble of any kind in this town before, but when them cops started to put their hands on him and throw him out o’ that office, he raised sand."

e. "But he always did want to make something out of that boy o’ his’n, Charlie—little and runty as he was. He worked hard to do it, too. He portered, bellhopped, did road work, did anything he could get to do."



The answers are C and E.


Because they are talking about the hardships Oyster went through so he can make something out of him, and all the jobs he did. Also how he stood up for his son's rights.

What is another way to say that Social media can blur the lines of what’s real and what’s not because it can cover the truth and control people’s opinions of the situation?



Social media can delete your post on something you have your opinion on or ban you from typing and posting.


social media has grown so much to the point where you can sometimes be fooled with fake news, the biggest celebrities have enough "clout" to change the opinions of their fans and those who are also on social media

Note any symbolism, similes, and/or metaphors you find in the poem."The Railway Train"



I like to see it lap the miles,

And lick the valleys up,

And stop to feed itself at tanks;

Complaining all the while-personification


Here the Poem:

The Railway Train by Emily Dickinson

I like to see it lap the miles,

And lick the valleys up,

And stop to feed itself at tanks;

And then, prodigious, step

Around a pile of mountains,

And, supercilious, peer

In shanties by the sides of roads;

And then a quarry pare

To fit its sides, and crawl between,

Complaining all the while

In horrid, hooting stanza;

Then chase itself down the hill

And neigh like Boanerges;

Then, punctual as a star,

Stop - docile and omnipotent -

At its own stable door.

PART A: Which of the following best identifies the central idea of the article?

Before Richard Turere’s invention attracted widespread attention, animal rights activists and local farmers in Kenya had given up on solving the lion crisis.

Richard Turere was inspired to build his invention by the work he had seen presented at past technology conferences.

Richard Turere developed a way to protect both livestock and lions with his invention, Lion Lights, which was more effective than many other complicated solutions.

The greatest danger faced by lions in Kenya today comes from humans who hunt lions as payback for trespassing on their property and threatening their farm animals.
PART B: Which phrase from the text best support the answers to Part A?

“Lions would jump in the shed and kill the cows, which are enclosed and an easy target.” (Paragraph 2)

“She has been studying the conflict between humans and lions, and her work led her to Richard.” (Paragraph 5)

“‘It’s a crisis and everyone is looking for a solution.’” (Paragraph 10)

“His simple solution was so successful, his neighbors heard about it and wanted Lion Lights, too.” (Paragraph 11)



part A paragraph.4 part B.paragraph5


i dont know

The central idea of the article is that Richard Turere developed an effective solution, Lion Lights, to protect both livestock and lions in Kenya, which was more effective (third option). The phrase from the text that best supports the answer to Part A is "His simple solution was so successful" (Paragraph 11) that is last option.

What is Richard Turere?

The central idea of the article is the key message or main point that the author is trying to convey. In this case, the central idea of the article is that Richard Turere developed a simple and effective solution, Lion Lights, to protect both livestock and lions in Kenya, which was more effective than many other complicated solutions. The phrase "His simple solution was so successful, his neighbors heard about it and wanted Lion Lights, too." Paragraph 11) best supports the answer to Part A because it demonstrates the effectiveness of Richard Turere's solution.

Hence, the central idea of the article is that Richard Turere developed an effective solution, Lion Lights, to protect both livestock and lions in Kenya, which was more effective (third option). The phrase from the text that best supports the answer to Part A is "His simple solution was so successful" (Paragraph 11) that is last option.

Learn more about Richard Turere here.


Which lines uses an iambic meter?
A. steamboats travel awfully slowly
B. captain sanchez steered the ship
C. to you the one i truly love the most
D. tell tales of war and love lost


I believe it's C, iambic is unstressed syllable, stressed syllabl, and so on and so forth.

You are asked to write a paper on killer bees. What step should you take to make sure your paper is accurate?






Hey there and thanks for using brainly!


One step you can use to make sure your paper is accurate is using reliable online resources

(like national geographic,museum websites,government websites)

Unreliable source example: Wikipedia is not reliable since it is made by anonymous authors

Hope this helps

Plz mark Brainliest

Dont forget to smash that heart at the bottom

Have a great day!

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