Which of the following systems of government is similar to a dictatorship?

parliamentary system
absolute monarchy​


Answer 1


absoulute monarchy


sorry if im wrong

Answer 2


absolute monarchy


it includes one person in charge and making all the decisions, much like a dictatorship

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Who was the first explorer to discover "new land" west of Europe and Africa



Bartolomeu Dias


Henry sent out ships to map and explore the west coast of Africa. They went further south than any previous European expedition and mapped much of western Africa for the Portuguese. In 1488, Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias was the first European to sail around the southern tip of Africa and into the Indian Ocean.

Answer: Henry he sent out ships to map and explore the west coast of Africa.

Explanation: Hope that helps

can  you tell me if i am wrong or right

Which decision by the British government made the colonies want to declare independence, according to the Declaration of Independence? Britain allowed the colonial legislatures to have too much power. Britain forced people to move to the United States. Britain enforced unfair taxes on the colonists. Britain refused to defend the colonies when they were attacked.


Answer:the American colonists were able to confirm an official alliance with the Government of France and obtain French assistance in the war against Great Britain.

Explanation: They wanted some freedom and independance

Answer: Why were the American colonies unhappy with the British government? By the 1770's, Great Britain had established a number of colonies in North America. The American Revolution was precipitated, in part, by a series of laws passed between 1763 and 1775 that regulating trade and taxes. This legislation caused tensions between colonists and imperial officials, who made it clear that the British Parliament would not address American complaints that the new laws were onerous. British unwillingness to respond to American demands for change allowed colonists to argue that they were part of an increasingly corrupt and autocratic empire in which their traditional liberties were threatened. This position eventually served as the basis for the colonial Declaration of Independence. Boston Tea Party

In 1763, the British government emerged from the Seven Years’ War burdened by heavy debts. This led British Prime Minister George Grenville to reduce duties on sugar and molasses but also to enforce the law more strictly. Since enforcement of these duties had previously been lax, this ultimately increased revenue for the British Government and served to increase the taxes paid by the colonists. The colonial governments of New York and Massachusetts sent formal letters of protest to Parliament.  The end of the war had also brought about a postwar recession, and British merchants began to request payment for debts that colonists had incurred buying British imports. Moreover, they wanted payment in British pounds sterling rather than colonial currency of more questionable value. The result was that the British Parliament passed the 1764 Currency Act which forbade the colonies from issuing paper currency. This made it even more difficult for colonists to pay their debts and taxes.  Soon after Parliament passed the Currency Act, Prime Minister Grenville proposed a Stamp Tax. This law would require colonists to purchase a government-issued stamp for legal documents and other paper goods. Grenville submitted the bill to Parliament for questioning, and only one member raised objections to Parliament’s right to tax the colonies.  

Please help im very bad at doing paragraphs and this is due by 12am ​


try talking about try talking about the economic depression during that time

Why is the Second Continental Congress significant?
Can someone help please
Also I’m suing you if you give me a link
A.It wrote the Declaration of Independence
B. It sent Benjamin Franklin to Britain to negotiate with King George .
C. It formed an alliance with Prussia against Britain .
D.It convinced King George to remove troops from the colonies .



A. It wrote the Declaration of Independence


On July 4, 1776, Congress issued the Declaration of Independence, which for the first time asserted the colonies' intention to be fully independent of the mother country. The Congress established itself as the central governing authority under the Articles of Confederation, which remained in force until 1788.

I hope this helps you in any shape or form.




i took the test

Who said it?:
"I appoint your judges!!"
O Legislative
O Executive
O Judicial
O TRICK QUESTION: not a check nor balance




Actually the president appoints judges and president is a part of legislative so that's why we chose option A here...

What is meant by the system of concessions in ancient China?


Concessions in China were a group of concessions that existed during the late Imperial China and the Republic of China, which were governed and occupied by foreign powers, and are frequently associated with colonialism and imperialism.

Brutus, author of the Anti-Federalist Papers, was concerned about the government taking away people's rights.

Which statement did Brutus make?

Rights would be taken away because the government would be too weak to protect people.
Rights would be taken away if the nation was too small in size and population.
Rights would be taken away because larger states had more power than smaller states.
Rights would be taken away by the government if they had the power to raise large armies in peacetime.


Rights would be taken away by the government if they had the power to raise large armies in peacetime.

Please mark this as brainliest!

Rights would be taken away by the government if they had the power to raise large armies in peacetime. This statement Brutus makes. Therefore option D is correct.

What is Anti Federalist Paper?

The Anti-Federalists opposed the ratification of the 1787 U.S. Constitution because they believed that, in the absence of a bill of rights, the new national government would be overly powerful and threaten individual liberties.

The 1787 Constitutional Convention drafted the document, which required ratification by nine or more state conventions (and by all states that wanted to take part in the new government).

A conflict arose over ratification, with the Federalists supporting a strong union and the Constitution's adoption and the Anti-Federalists opposing the establishment of a powerful national government and rejecting ratification.

Hence, Rights would be taken away by the government if they had the power to raise large armies in peacetime.

To learn more about Anti Federalist Paper follow the link.



ano ang wikang ginagamit sa inyong pinakinggan



is the question, "what language you listen to?"


if so, English.

what was the year of establishing US?





In 1776, in Philadelphia, the Second Continental Congress declared the independence of the colonies as the "United States". Led by General George Washington, it won the Revolutionary War. The peace treaty of 1783 established the borders of the new nation.

please give brainliest plz follow


the year in which us establishing of US

is 4 july 1776....

How did the Great Compromise settle the debate over the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan?

A Each state would have the same number of senators and representatives, regardless of population.
B Each state would have the same number of senators, but representatives would be based on population.
C Each state would have the same number of representatives, but senators would be based on population.
D The number of senators and representatives would be based on the state’s population.


The Great Compromise settled the debate over the Virginia and New Jersey Plans by ensuring that B. Each state would have the same number ...


The Great Compromise provided for bicameral Congress.  The House of Representatives is where states are represented based on population.  The Senate is where representation is based on the equality of states (2 members from each state).


The Great Compromise was not reached based on the same number of senators and representatives without regard to state population. It was not reached based on equal number of representatives while the number of senators is based on state population

The Great Compromise was not reached based on having the number of senators and representatives determined on state population.


Thus, the Great Compromise reached in Connecticut allayed the fears of states with smaller populations by recognizing equal representation in the Senate.  It also gave states with larger populations higher representatives in the House of Representatives.

Learn more about the Great Compromise at https://brainly.com/question/19586578

What is supreme law of the land



The U.S. Constitution calls itself the "supreme law of the land." This clause is taken to mean that when state constitutions or laws passed by state legislatures or the national Congress are found to conflict with the federal Constitution, they have no force. Decisions handed down by the Supreme Court over the course of two centuries have confirmed and strengthened this doctrine of constitutional supremacy.

Final authority is vested in the American people, who can change the fundamental law, if they wish, by amending the Constitution or -- in theory, at least -- drafting a new one. The people do not exercise their authority directly, however. They delegate the day-to-day business of government to public officials, both elected and appoin

What are some of the the pros and cons of conquering more territory in the Byzantine Empire?



What were the disadvantages of the Byzantine Empire?

Over time, its economic and military might waned and along with it, the empire's capacity to seize an opportunity. Add in civil unrest, natural disasters and powerful enemies such as the Arabs, Seljuk Turks, Bulgars, Normans, Slavs, and Ottoman Turks, and you can see why the Byzantine Empire eventually crumbled.


Which number on the map marks the country of Columbia?






Answer: Im going to say its 3.

Explanation: I hope I helped u out in some way or form. Let me know if I am right.

it should be 3 sorry if I’m wrong

How does Madison compare federal and state powers?
Why does he say the latter would generally still
have the advantage?


Answer: Madison then lists several reasons for why the state governments will continue to have significant power and relevance under the Constitution. He argues that, if anything, it is the federal government that is at greatest risk of being rendered feeble, as under the Articles.


Madison goes on to give a number of explanations for why the state governments will still be vested with substantial authority and importance under the Constitution. He contends that the federal government actually faces the greatest risk of becoming weak.

Madison believed that the structure of the government should include a system of checks and balances to ensure that no branch had more authority than the others.

Who is James Madison?

James Madison, America's fourth President (1809-1817), helped ratify the Constitution by co-authoring The Federalist Papers with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. He was considered the "Father of the Constitution".

James Madison laid the foundation for the United States Bill of Rights and contributed to its writing. He issued the War of 1812's initial proclamation of war against Great Britain.

Although many have criticized Madison's handling of the War of 1812, historians have largely rated Madison as an above-average president and one of the most significant Founding Fathers of the United States.

Learn more about James Madison, from:



Italians supported Mussolini because:
they believed he prevented a Communist revolution.
they resented not gaining territory from the Treaty of Versailles.
O he promised to protect private property while maintaining full employment.
O All of the choices are correct.


Answer:After serving in the Italian army during World War I, Mussolini returned home, looking for a way to unify the Italian people. In 1918, he began to deliver emotional speeches, calling for a dictator to head the country. He argued that only a strong leader could unite the people to overcome Italy’s postwar mass unemployment, chaotic political party conflicts, and strikes by socialists and communists.

In 1919, Mussolini organized his fascist movement in the northern city of Milan. He formed squads of street fighters who wore black shirts. His “Blackshirts” beat up socialists and communists and threw them out of local governments.

The communist revolution in Russia had taken place only two years earlier. Mussolini’s fascist movement quickly gained the support of anti-communist business people, property owners, and middle-class professionals like teachers and doctors.

In 1921, Mussolini formed the National Fascist Party. But he still lacked a clear fascist program. He only knew one thing for sure: He wanted to rule Italy.

In a speech before thousands of his supporters in October 1922, Mussolini declared, “Either the government will be given to us, or we will seize it by marching on Rome.” A few days later, he unleashed his followers on a massive march to Italy’s capital city. As tens of thousands converged on Rome, government leaders became so unnerved that they resigned.

King Victor Emmanuel had the constitutional duty to appoint a new prime minister, who would form the next government. With his Blackshirts and other supporters swarming the streets of Rome, Mussolini demanded that the king appoint him prime minister. The king gave in, and at age 39, Mussolini became Italy’s youngest prime minister on October 29, 1922.


What are the geographic characteristics of Africa?
Why is Africa considered the birthplace of humanity?



Africa is a tropical place filled with a variety of landscapes such as rainforests, tropical deserts, and savanna grasslands. Since scientists and archeologists have, over the years, found many more human-like fossils in Africa than anywhere else in the world (many of them being older than other fossils found in other regions) they have concluded that early humans have originated from Africa.

My personal thought for the second question, is that early humans (before modern humans) inhabited Africa long before they spread out to the other continents. They lived there, where some evolved into more "anatomically correct" humans, and thus Africa was not only the only known home of our early ancestors, but it was and can also be considered the birth place of modern day homosapiens. I assume this is already tying into what I said earlier, but I just felt like bringing it up. Anyways I hope this answer isn't too lengthy for ya :)

(Because, you really only need the top part.)

why did early humans begin to set up permanent villages? A. they had to protect themselves from flooding rivers. B. they started to farm crops for the first time C. They could no longer find animals to hunt for food. D. they were unable to gather plants due to changing weather


It’s B, they started to farm crops for the first time

How did the English Colonists treat the Native Americans?


Your answer → They treated the native as inferior

2. The average temperature of the earth's atmosphere may rise as a result of​



Scientists believe that the addition of greenhouse gases from these activities has thrown the natural greenhouse effect out of balance, and that the atmosphere is trapping too much heat and causing the temperature of the Earth to rise. This is known as the enhanced greenhouse effect or global warming



introduced about settlement​



In geography, statistics, and archaeology, a settlement, locality, or populated place is a community in which people live. ... Settlements may include hamlets, villages, towns, and cities. Settlement refers to the cluster of houses over space which manifests the socioeconomic conditions and the environmental constraints.


as above


this is


mark me brainlist ok

Which statements correctly describe the Bonnet Carré Spillway? Check all that apply.

It was completed during the early 1910s.
It includes guide levees for nearly six miles.
It directs floodwaters into Lake Pontchartrain.
It has been opened 11 times over eight decades.
It was built in response to the Great Mississippi Flood.
It includes a major dam as part of the spillway system.



a c



Hope it helped you brainiest plz and thank you!!!!!!!1


Which statements correctly describe the Bonnet Carré Spillway? Check all that apply.

1.It includes guide levees for nearly six miles.

2.It directs floodwaters into Lake Pontchartrain.

3.It has been opened 11 times over eight decades.

What is an atom? science



The smallest particle of a chemical element.

In summary, an atom is the smallest component of an element and the basic foundation of all matter.

Briefly explain how the following quotation can be applied to Greek architecture:
"Nothing in excess, and everything in proportion."


They liked their buildings to be symmetrical/balanced, and beautiful with clean lines.

hope this helps have a great day
mark brainliest :)!!
Bsjsieb hsheis is heeey

Why are Pacs and Super Pacs Controversial



Pacs and Super PACs are controversial because they conflict with campaign contribution restrictions and they usher in opportunities for corruption.


You never specified that you need an essay written about this, so I hope this information helps you in any shape or form.

somone please help this is due soon drag and drop the tiles to match the topics to Supreme court cases​



que dices?



In Lochner v. New York (1905) = protecting workers rights

In Schenck v. United States (1919) =limits freedom of speech

In Northern = supports antitrust


it was right

L 3.4.2 Test (CST): Ancient Civilizations
Question 7 of 11
Why was the caste system important to Indian society?
A. It decided what jobs people could do.
B. It separated India from the rest of the world.
C. It made sure people were treated equally,
D. It forcadal
Whay was the caste system important to Indian society


Answer is (A. It decided what jobs people could do.)

Why were most teachers initially young, unmarried women?​


Answer and Explanation:

In these times, there was a overall and set in stone idea that woman were the ones that teach and do all the things men don't want to do, and men do the hard work and get time for themselves.

Girls were taught to become teachers at a young age (after learning all things necessary).

So, because of the social division that happened in the time period the women were in, young and unmarried women were teachers.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant and Water)

I hope this helps!

Will mark brainlist
How did American independence affect women?

It gave women rights equal to those of men.

It gave women a larger role in government.

It failed to give women rights or protections.

It guaranteed that women would be protected from mistreatment.



Women often followed their husbands in the Continental Army. These women, known as camp followers, often tended to the domestic side of army organization, washing, cooking, mending clothes, and providing medical help when necessary. Sometimes they were flung into the vortex of battle


i am not absolutely sure from the option therefore i sent this

please consider as brainlest if useful

Explain Byrd's Point of view about the first colonists and their expectations of life in North America.


The first settlers who arrived in North America from the British islands had, fundamentally, one objective: the establishment of a liberal society, especially in religious terms.

Thus, these first settlers, who arrived aboard the Mayflower ship, as the ones that arrived in later years, sought in America what did not exist in Europe: religious freedom.

It is that, in Britain, the conflicts between Catholics and Anglicans had led to the establishment of a kind of religious totalitarianism where minorities were persecuted and could not fully exercise their faith.

Therefore, these colonists had the expectation of creating more egalitarian and free societies, where these types of restrictions did not exist.

Learn more in https://brainly.com/question/6216725

The San Sabá mission failure marked the beginning of violent warfare between the Comanche and Europeans in the area.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided
True or false





please mark me as the brainliest answer




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