In the late 1800s and early 1900s many areas in the mountains and riverbeds of several Mountain and Pacific states were permanently damaged ecologically by what commercial activity? " "


Answer 1
The Union rail road and the pacific rail road companies were in a race to finish their half first and had to go through mountains

Related Questions

what is inscribed on the tablet held by the statue of liberty?



Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.


Provide 4 example of checks and balances in our government?


here are 5 examples :

election of senators. direct election of senators by popular vote.
veto power. pres can veto congressional decisions while congress can override veto by 2/3 vote.
separation of power between branches. ...
congress bust declare war. ...
judicial review. ...

and here is a summary :

The President in the executive branch can veto a law, but the legislative branch can override that veto with enough votes. The legislative branch has the power to approve Presidential nominations, control the budget, and can impeach the President and remove him or her from office

The best example of checks and balances is that the president can veto any bill passed by Congress





Answer: where’s the question tho??


Do you have a picture or something??

Why did great Britain change its policy towards the colonies?



for more power



to receive more power


The Declaration of Independence states, "To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world." Which central idea is expressed by this quote?

A government has a social contract with the people it governs.

There is evidence of harmful policies by Britain toward the colonies.

Government is only lawful when people consent to it.

All people are equal and should be treated that way.



There is evidence of harmful policies by Britain toward the colonies.

GRAPHIC ORGANIZER #3: Creating a Spider Concept Map Directions: Read John 14:6. Create a concept map that outlines the verse, who is speaking, who the audience is, and the meaning of the verse. To insert in text to the graphic organizer, click in the circles to type. You should fill in the empty purple circles. John 14:6 Verse says Verse Speaker Verse Meaning Verse Audience A Bible Verse with Similar Message​


According to Biblical evidence, using the New International Version of the Bible, John 14:6

The verse says: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Verse Speaker: The Verse Speaker is Jesus Christ.

Verse Meaning: The meaning of the verse is that people can only understand the truth of their situation through believing in Jesus and His word.

Thus, when Jesus spoke to the disciples and Gentiles, He let them understand that they can only know and understand God through His teachings and believing His message.

Verse Audience: The Verse Audience is Jesus' disciples, Gentile believers in Jesus, and seeking unbelievers.

A Bible Verse with Similar Message: There are many Bible verses similar to John 14:6, one of them is:

John 10:9:- "I am the door: by me, if any man enters in, he shall be saved and shall go in and out, and find pasture."

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that John 14:6 is one of the fundamental verses in the Christian religion and faith.

Learn more here:

what was one advantage of the Portuguese caravel?



The caravel gave the Portuguese a distinct advantage in exploration and trade. The lateen sails gave her speed and the capacity for sailing to windward (beating). the largest port city in Indonesia, the name derives from the Arabic malakat, meaning "market"


PLEASE HELP DUE TODAY! How did the Nazis dehumanise prisoners in the labor camps including Auschwitz?


Nazis dehumanised prisoners by taking away their rights and ability to see the outside world. The prisoners were viewed as none human and were made to work in hard living conditions. They were given the bare minimum of food or water. Also the prisoners were not referred to by their real human names and were instead called by a number. Many prisoners were beaten or executed in the camps and many caught diseases because of vitamin deficiency and died.

what was an impact of World War I on Latin America



The war provoked strong divisions in public opinion in Latin America, creating a rift between the belligerent sides; it also reactivated the national question, contributed to new reflections on national identity, and stimulated a firm and growing anti-imperialism.The war caused significant panic in Latin America over economics as a large portions of economy of the region depended on the European investment capital, which was shut down. Latin America tried to stay neutral but the warring countries were endangering their neutrality.


ayudenme por favor Hay una forma singular de talento que se reconcentra en los abismos interiores sin dejar de otear el mundo, y haciéndolo rompe todos los límites. Ajeno a los oropeles y halagos, la mirada hacia adentro se complementa en la observación minuciosa del detalle exterior.. Todo lo que ocurre o deja de ocurrir parece destinado a plasmarse tarde o temprano en un texto, tras pasar por el incandescente filtro de una imaginación contenida o del todo desbocada. Pero, lógicamente, habrá de hacerlo con disciplina inquebrantable y con oficio.Nada le es ajeno a este tipo de creador de mundos, salvo la precisión de las palabras mismas con las que habrá de convivir para poder expresar sentimientos e ideas, temores y esperanzas, ansia de salvación ante los embates de un mundo fundamentalmente indiferente y básicamente hostil al ser profundo. En estas condiciones, el verdadero artista sólo tendrá de su lado la fuerza abrumadora de un lenguaje propio, originalmente articulado, con el que, inclaudicable en su visión de mundo, habrá de plasmar toda suerte de vivencias y fantasías cuando ya no sea capaz de contenerlas palpitando oblicuamente o a mansalva en la frágil piel de su alma.3. Explique la utilidad o ventajas de llevar a cabo un seminario *


La B porque es la más obvia

2. How did the court loosely interpret the Constitution in this case?
In the gideon v. Wainwright case




As the final arbiter of the law, the Court is charged with ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law and, thereby, also functions as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution. The Supreme Court is "distinctly American in concept and function," as Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes observed.


Gideon v. Wainwright (1963), the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution requires the states to provide defense attorneys to criminal defendants charged with serious offenses who cannot afford lawyers themselves.


How many branches are in the military



The Military is made up of six branches. they are Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force and Coast Guard.



El país más grande es Russia

India has a government chosen by its people, and not based on any religion, so it is



Representative democracy, also known as indirect democracy, is a type of democracy founded on the principle of elected persons representing a group of people, in contrast to direct democracy. Representative democracy places power in the hands of representatives who are elected by the people.

Why might drama and theatre have always existed?



Drama will always exist because life is full of it  and theatre improves verbal and nonverbal communication, but it is worth stating that this benefits young people through their life. It improves vocal projection, articulation, tone of speech and expression, and it also makes the shows, act, movies better with drama and conflict.




Here’s the answer (may or may not be right, but your choice if you want to use it)


Drama: It seems obvious to say that drama, theatre and the performing arts improves verbal and nonverbal communication, but it is worth stating that this benefits young people through their life. It improves vocal projection, articulation, tone of speech Any expression

Theater: Theatre teaches us how to express ourselves effectively. It helps develop our ability to communicate our thoughts and feelings to others, improving our relationships

Samuel took shortcuts in building a new house for the mayor of his city. He wanted to
make a bigger profit and did not think the shortcuts would be noticed. Not long after the
house was finished and the mayor and his family had moved in a giant windstorm blew
through the city destroying the mayor's house and killing the mayor and his wife. Samuel
was sued in court and found guilty of building the structure below standard code. What
punishment would he receive under Draconian law?





Draconian law was known as being extremely harsh. People found guilty of a crime usually got the punishment they caused another or worse.


Death (took the quiz)


Draconian law was so strict that if a home builder did not do a sufficient job and his workmanship caused the death of the homeowner then, the home builder could be sentenced to death.

Why would colonists be upset with the British Government after the French and Indian War?


With the French and Indian War over, many colonists saw no need for soldiers to be stationed in the colonies. Britain also needed money to pay for its war debts. The King and Parliament believed they had the right to tax the colonies. ... They protested, saying that these taxes violated their rights as British citizens.

Aztecs and Mayans practiced human sacrifice. Why?



Sacrifice was a religious activity in the Mayan culture, which involved the killing of humans or animals, or the shedding of blood by members of the community, in rituals supervised by priests.


human sacrifice, the offering of the life of a human being to a deity. The occurrence of human sacrifice can usually be related to the recognition of human blood as the sacred life force. Bloodless forms of killing, however, such as strangulation and drowning, have been used in some cultures. The killing of a human being, or the substitution of an animal for a person, has often been part of an attempt to commune with a god and to participate in divine life. Human life, as the most valuable material for sacrifice, has also been offered in an attempt at expiation.

a record-breaking number of americans left their jobs in august, according to the u.s. bureau of labor statistics. how many quit their job?



Last week, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that 4.3 million Americans, or 2.9% of the entire workforce, quit their jobs in August


This land use is where farmers raise crops or livestock to sell:
What is it?



Agriculture is the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops and raising livestock. It includes the preparation of plant and animal products for people to use and their distribution to markets.


Who do you think Brown and Hamilton were? What details from
the reading make you think this?


Answer: i ddon't know but just know i am here for you


why did some founding fathers insist on maintaining slavery


Because their wealth was dependent on slavery… hope this helps

How does the declaration of independence differ from John Adams defense during the trial after the Boston Massacre





what sort of question is this???????

como se divide el gobierno en mexico??



El gobierno federal representa a los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y está dividido en tres poderes: ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial, según lo establece la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, publicada en 1917.


why was the heart left in the body during mummification


Becasue it would decompose and wasn’t nessisary to remove
They believed it to be the center of a persons being and intelligence.

Does the committee system encourage or stifle the spirit of democracy in our political system?


The committee system could be described as an avenue where members are selected to oversee a project or investigation and come back with a report of their finding. Hence, it encourage the system of democracy.

When a committee is set up, it is usually to take care of an issue and thus involves the selection of members to handle such task.

These committee members perform their task and come back with a report of their finding or project.

The democratic system preaches an inclusive government and the way a committee runs, encourages democracy.

Therefore, since committee members do not act alone and do not impose rules or actions on members, then it encourages democracy.

Learn more :


1. Which of the following explains the difference between Jamestown and Plymouth colonization?

a.Only Jamestown suffered high death rates, while Plymouth colonist flourished

b.Plymouth was inland away from the coast, while Jamestown was on the coast

c.Plymouth immigrants were entire families, while Jamestown was men from cities

d.Jamestown had to defeat natives to gain control, while Plymouth was aided by the natives

2. One major difference for the founding of Plymouth was:

Religious Freedom

Economic opportunity

Women’s rights

Political freedom

3. Which of the following was an agreement between the Puritan colonists that each man have a voice in the decision making of the colony?

House of Burgesses

Mayflower Compact

New England Confederation

Dominion of New England

4. What two key events led to King Philips War in New England?

Tobacco production and the landing of the Mayflower

Founding of Plymouth and the capture of Pocahontas

Praying towns and Blue Laws

Thanksgiving 1621 and the Capture of John Smith

The early relationship between the English Colonist of Jamestown and Powhatan Confederacy that was altered by the new arrivals to Jamestown was:


Favorable balance of trade

Establishment of churches

The Mayflower Compact

Part 2—For each of the following correctly match the item with the information on the right.

___1. Tobacco a. Promoted the concept of majority rule in New World

___2. Roger Williams b. Led the fight to end colonial expansion into native lands

___3. Mayflower Compact c. Helped to ensure the economic success of Jamestown

___4. Head Right System d. used to encourage the migration of a work force for the


___5. King Phillip e. led the fight for separation of church and state in Puritan

New England

Part 3-- for each colonial region listed ID the Concept below.

New England



___1. Representative Assembly ___2. Commercial Agriculture

___3. Diversity of Religion ___4. Indentured Servitude

___5. Cash Crop System ___6. Puritans

___7. Town Meetings ___8. Wage earners

___9. Deep Harbors ___10. Subsistence agriculture

Part 4 – For each of the following select the best answer.

___1. Loosely enforced policies that aided colonists in the development of economic autonomy (independence) and political institutions for self-rule most likely is associated with which of the following?

Middle Passage c. Navigation Acts

Mercantilism d. Salutary Neglect

___2. Ethnic diversity, pacifism, freedom of conscience and Quakers best indicates with colony?

New York c. Pennsylvania

New Jersey d. Massachusetts

___3. Navigation Acts imposed by England and Mercantilism are most closely related to what concept?

Favorable balance of trade c. imperialism

Joint stock company d. proprietorships

___4. Which of the following systems promoted the development of slavery in the Americas?

Commercial Agriculture c. Puritan Way

Subsistence agriculture d. cash crop system

___5. Fundamental Orders, House of Burgesses and Town meeting most likely led to which of the following?

Economic opportunity c. political representation

Religious tolerance d. social freedom



#1 d. #2b #3b #4b #5b


Imagine you were a Northern abolitionist when the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed. How
would you respond?



The kansas-Nebraska of northen lack electricity supply, and they seem to have a less fulfilling life.the bushmen of the kalchsri are non-liferate and they appear less intelligent. relatively, you view your own culture as superior to them,


that is answer

Abolitionists were outraged by the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. This Act effectively recognized Kansas as a slave state, despite the fact that it was located in a region where slavery was not meant to flourish, according to the Missouri Compromise of 1820.

What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

The Kansas-Nebraska Legislation of 1854 was a territorial organic act that established Kansas and Nebraska as separate states. Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas wrote it, the 33rd United States Congress approved it, and President Franklin Pierce signed it into law. On May 30, 1854, it became legislation.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act abolished the Missouri Compromise, established two new territories, and permitted popular sovereignty. It also resulted in the “Bleeding Kansas” revolt, in which pro-slavery and anti-slavery people surged into the territory to affect the vote.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed slavery to be established in the Kansas and Nebraska territories (marked in orange). Since 1820, the Missouri Compromise has stopped this from happening.

Learn more about the Kansas-Nebraska Act, refer to:


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The spirit of overcoming difficulties should be present in every human being. Because giving up never helps but the people who keep trying get success one day. In this process patience also plays an important role.

What was the motivation for the exchange of commerce along the Silk Roads, Sea Roads, and Sand Roads?

The acquisition of hard-to-find luxury items sustained trade along these
three exchange networks.
Imposing cultural traditions on new people motived the exchange of
commerce along these three networks.
The exchange of commerce along these three networks was motivated by
an opportunity to expand empires and take over new land.
Exchange of commerce was influenced by similar climates along the three
networks. This allowed for easier exchange of goods and ideas.



The desire of elites for hard-to-find luxury items from distant parts of the

Eurasian network, as well as the accumulation of wealth, especially among

merchants who participated in the trade, motivated long-distance commerce.

Sustaining the commerce were the support of empires and smaller states that

benefited directly from the trade

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