if I lend you my book I promise I will give you back when I'm done reading is it a simple or complex or compound​


Answer 1
compound is the answer because it only has independents
Answer 2


The most voted sentence example for promise is When I make a promise, I keep I can't promise you we'll never fight, or that I'll never take a drink.

Explanation:hope this helps.

Related Questions

Popcorn is something you often eat when you watch a movie at a
cinema. It is very easy to make perfect popcorn if you follow the
correct process. The first step is 3 tablespoon of oil
in a large pot. Next, the pot
(place) on the stove and the
(heat) on a high flame. Next, one kernel of popcorn
(add). After kernel pops, a quarter cup of popcorn
(put) into the pot. The pot
(cover) with a
lid. In the next stage, the flame
(reduce) and the pot
(shake) gently until the corn pops.
Then the pot
(remove) from the stove.
Finally, the popcorn
(empty) into a large bowl, where melted butter and sat
(add). Enjoy your movie and your popcorn!



What are we supposed to answer?


Which one of the following sentences is a run-on sentence?

Because Mason wants to do well on his next essay, he makes an appointment with the ILC Writing Center.

Mason makes an appointment with the ILC Writing Center because he wants to do well on his next essay.

Wanting to do well on his next essay, Mason makes an appointment with the ILC Writing Center.

Mason wants to do well on his next essay he makes an appointment with the ILC writing Center.



Mason wants to do well on his next essay he makes an appointment with the ILC writing Center.


"Mason wants to do well on his next essay he makes an appointment with the ILC writing Center." is a run-on sentence because it results from two complete sentences being combined together without any necessary punctuation. In this case, we need a semicolon between essay and he, or a period after essay and capitalize the "h" in he.

Throughout her speech, Kelley repeatedly references specific US state’s primarily to



how children nationwide under sixteen years of age work long hours during the night and how these work conditions are not appropriate for children



Emphasize that child labor is persuasive problem in the US


Got it right on Edge

Write a thesis statement in response to the following prompt.

Prompt: Read the letter to the editor "I, Too, Have a Dream." How does the writer use structure and language to persuade her readers and support her feelings about immigration?

Dear Editor,

I have never taken the time to write a letter to the editor, but something happened that lit a fire in me. Last week, as my best friend Areliss and I headed to class, a group of college protesters blocked our path. Their signs read "GO HOME" and "ILLEGALS LEAVE." They shouted, "Send them home!" These protesters couldn't have known what Areliss felt as they shouted and waved pamphlets in our faces like tattered flags. But, I know their words were bullets to Areliss's heart. I wanted to fire back to the protestors: Where are your ancestors from?

Areliss came to the United States illegally, but she didn't do it intentionally. She was a baby. Her parents, seeking a better life, failed to follow the established immigration procedure, and they slipped into our country undetected. Once here, they raised Areliss, who would grow up never knowing any other home but America.

Under DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), Areliss has been granted the temporary opportunity to remain here while she completes her college education. DACA ensures, at least for a while, that she will not be deported to a country she has never visited in her entire life.

The term "DREAMers" refers to an act that would have protected these immigrant children if they attended college or served in the military. The DREAM Act did not pass, but its name has remained. DACA recipients have a dream: they dream that their lifelong contribution to the United States will one day be recognized, and they will be permitted to stay in the country they have always called home.

Now, DACA is ending. Those who oppose DACA say it encourages illegal activity, weakens our borders, and goes against the Constitution. I understand their concerns. In an era of heightened security, we must do our utmost to keep this great nation safe. That includes establishing a healthy monitoring system for immigration.

But, those who oppose DACA, who wield protest signs and who want to build walls, have never felt the dreaded doom of deportation. They forget that our long and colorful history has been built by many immigrants—including the immigrants who fought for and founded our country. They forget that Lady Liberty stands as a beacon, asking for the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. We have a responsibility to them.

To send DREAMers away is to deny that responsibility. Programs like DACA exist to keep the American dream alive.

Yes, Areliss is a DREAMer. But I, too, have a dream. My dream is that DACA will be reinstated. My dream is that Areliss will be invited to stay in the country she has known as home since she was a baby and live out her dreams in the country she loves.


Brittany Taylor



In "I, Too, Have a dream" used appeals to emotions and imagery to make people want to help her reinstate the DADA.



hope i helped.

Identify the 25 adjectives in the story
On hot summer nights, Julio and the other boys slept out in the yard. They put up a tent in a dark corner, where the trees and bushes are thick. That way the boys can easily imagine they are in a wild, uninhabited country.
One evening Mike suggested that they tell ghost stories or tales of bear hunts. After a particularly spine-tingling story, Mike couldn’t sleep; he was too nervous. About midnight he saw something move in the shadows. “Yeow!” he cried out. “There is a big bear! It is really huge!”
In the sudden confusion, the small tent collapsed on top of the boys; each one seemed eager to go in a different direction. Anxious parents ran out of the nearby house. They found a coal-black dog. Like a bear, this animal was very curious. It was sniffing at the tangle of arms, legs, and bodies under the tent.






In what way is the text above an example of post-modern children’s literature?​


A the text can be an example of post-modern children’s literature based on the following ways:

In post-modern literature, the author is decentered.Post-modernism literature is non-hierarchical.Post-modern children’s literature consist of several pictures in order to attract the attention of the children.Also, children were made to fill ambiguity as they filled in gaps themselves.

Post-modern children’s literature is a form of literature that seeks to catch the attention of the children and engage them more. This is done through the use of more pictures in order to get the children's attention

Read related link on:


How do i diagram
The dog in the neighbors yard barked and barked and barked


Write a Letter to Your Neighbor About their Dog's Incessant Barking

Date the letter and save a copy. Never use all caps when writing as this can be viewed as shouting at the reader. Be specific about when their dog barks, note the days and times. Don't make assumptions. ... Avoid accusations or calling your neighbor names.


why brahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

what is the verb phrases in this sentence
you must attend this workshop on positive thinking ​



The verb is ¨attend¨


Attend is referring to an action.

PLS HELP I WILL GIVE BRIANLIEST Breakfast eaten and the slim camp-outfit lashed to the sled, the men turned their backs on the cheery fire and launched out into the darkness. At once began to rise the cries that were
fiercely sad-cries that called through the darkness and cold to one another and answered back Conversation ceased. Daylight came at nine o'clock. At midday the sky to the south
warmed to rose-colour, and marked
where the bulge of the earth intervened between the meridian sun and the northern world. But the rose-colour swiftly faded. The grey light of day that
remained lasted until three o'clock, when it, too, faded, and the pall of the Arctic night descended upon the lone and silent land
As darkness came on the hunting-cries to right and left and rear drew closerso close that more than once they sent surges of fear through the toiling dogs, throwing them into short-
lived panics
At the conclusion of one such panic, when he and Henry had got the dogs back in the traces, Bill said
"I wish they'd strike game somewheres, an' go away an' leave us alone
They do get on the nerves horrible, "Henry sympathized
They spoke no more until camp was made
What do the details about the length of the Arctic day add to the story? Please respond in three to five complete sentences Including specific lines from the excerpt to support your



The details in the passage show that the Arctic Day adds suspense and terror among the folk attended. This meaning it is dread upon whom are around to witness. As said "As darkness came on the hunting cries to right and left rear drew closer so close that more than once they sent surges fear through the toiling dogs - sending them into panic".


A car ..... me while I was crossing the road.
1 hit
2 hitted
3 was hitting
4 hitting​




is the correct one

have a beautiful day

1. Hit

this is because it is the only one that makes sense.

(look) cold when she entered the lecture hall. She forgot to
13. Astrid
bring her coat.
is looking
has looked


The words which can be best used to complete the sentence below are:

Astrid forgot to bring her coat. She looked cold when she entered the lecture hall

The word that can best complete the given sentence is "looked".

This is because, based on the rules of concord, the event "forgot" is in the past tense, so the following sentence about how she felt should also be in past tense.

With this in mind, we know that the other options are incorrect because they are not in past tense, rather they are in:

Present continuous tensePresent perfect tensePast perfect tense

Read more here:


Help Me Pls Im Stuck At This Question​




2 phrase​

3: joan loves to sing and dance

4: clause

5: clause


7:I can face tomorrow.



10: almost over you

hope this will help you <3

The juice was like pop without the fizz."

what figurative language is this?


Answer: simile





Simile uses "like", "as", "so", or "than". A simile is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the u.s government and the hawaiian islands



How did the US react to the annexation of Hawaii?

He also called American interference in the Hawaiian revolution "disgraceful". He recommend that the monarchy be restored was rejected by Congress. The House of Representatives voted to oppose the annexation, but Congress did not act to restore the monarchy.


i hope this helps!! (you didn't list the answer choices so idontknow.)

The BEST description of the relationship between the U.S. government and the Hawaiian Islands is 3. Hawaii was a wartime asset, ...

The United States government annexed the Hawaiian Islands in 1898 when Congress passed a simple majority for their annexation. But the natives, at various times, successfully opposed the annexation.

The Hawaiian Islands were never a peace offering to or from Spain. The Hawaiian Queen never declared war on the U.S. or imprisoned U.S. businessmen.

Answer Options:

1. The U.S. offered the Hawaiian Islands as a peace offering in a treaty with Spain.

2. The Queen of Hawaii declared war on the U.S. and was dethroned by America.

3. Hawaii was a wartime asset, so the U.S. acquired it despite disapproval from natives.

4. U.S. businessmen were imprisoned by the Queen of Hawaii for exploiting Hawaii's land.

Thus, the Hawaiian Islands were a wartime asset for the U.S. during the Spanish American War.

Learn more about the relationship between the U.S. government and the Hawaiian Islands here: https://brainly.com/question/13597188

1) complete with question tag: she went to school she went to school __________________________? They are here _______________________________?

2) which one is correct?
a ) I like fruit and so does she
b) I like fruit and her too



1 ....A no . didn't she ?

B no . aren't they?

2 no

A no . is correct

if u want to write your own answer then u can write

Either I or she like fruit ?

Who was the person trying to make the Beatles famous?


Answer: Brian Epstein


The person who was trying to make the Beatles famous was “Brian Epstein”

Choose the best definition for this term "Cause" . A) Prediction about what will happen. B) The reason for an event. C) The result of an event or happening. Question 2: Choose the best definition for this term . " Predict": A) To tell something that is not true. B) To give a shorter version of a story. C) To tell something that has not happened yet. Question 3: Choose the most likely outcome. Chipper the chipmunk left his tree home early that morning in search of food. The weather was turning cold, and he had to store food for the winter. A) Chipper will begin to hibernate today. B) Chipper will begin his search for food and begin to store it. Question 4: Choose the best definition for this term. "Outcome" A) A shorter version of a story, B) Something that causes something to happen, C) A final result. ( Will Mark Brainliest if all questions are answered).​


Hello mate ☺️,

These are the answers:-

• Choose the best definition for this term "Cause": B) "The reason for an event"

• Question 2: Choose the best definition for this term . " Predict": C) To tell something that has not happened yet.

• Question 3: Choose the most likely outcome. Chipper the chipmunk left his tree home early that morning in search of food. The weather was turning cold, and he had to store food for the winter . "B) Chipper will begin his search for food and begin to store it."

• Question 4: Choose the best definition for this term. "Outcome" C) A final result.

✍️ By Benjemin ☺️

Which of the following sentence is a fragment?



a response A eu acho pode ser a A



What are ''focus structures''?


Definition of focus structures:• They are the type of sentences that place certain elements of the basic version of the sentence (S+V+O) in different positions in order to make them more prominent. Cleft-sentences are a variation of basicdeclarative sentences.


Please brainlylist me


Pls real answers please points You will revise one body paragraph from your informational article and write a reflection paragraph in which you explain the revisions you made.

View the grading rubric as you complete your work. This is your guide to a super submission.

Choose one body paragraph from your informational article to revise.

Copy this paragraph into a new document.

Review your paragraph for coherence. Make sure you have a topic sentence and supporting ideas for this topic.

Combine two or more sentences in your paragraph for varied syntax.

Review your paragraph for correct English language conventions. Correct any errors.

Write a short reflection paragraph on the revisions you made, describing the changes you made and how these changes improved your writing.

I don't have a paragraph so can someone please write a paragraph about jelly fishes it should have the problems that the animal causes, who it affects, and how the problems can be solved.



Jellyfish blooms, which were already bad enough, can even affect the political stability of a country. A power plant in the Philippines was shut off after the system was clogged by jellyfish and because of it, thousands of people were without electricity. The Philippine citizens were so upset that there was nearly a political upheaval in the country. What can be done about all these disruptions? These blooms affect many different countries and the effects are devastating.

(Is this good or do I need to explain because I am a little confused)


Moreover, jellyfish blooms can even affect the political stability of a country. This is true because a power plant in the Philippines was shut off after the system was clogged by jellyfish, and because of it, thousands of people were without lights or electricity. The Philippine citizens were so angry that there was nearly a political upheaval in the country. What can be done about all these problems? These blooms affect many countries, and the effects are devastating. Not to worry, there are some possible solutions to these blooms. People have come up with ideas like eating the jellyfish or even getting a different species of jellyfish to eat the jellyfish that are causing these blooms.

I changed some of the words in my paragraph to make it my own and combined sentences to make the writing sound smoother. I even added more transition words and made sure to correct any errors in my punctuation.


Ok, so this is an add-on of what the other guy said, and stop hunting him down to finish his answer. (yeah i know you said, "yeah i'm talking about english don't act lik eyou forgot)

I tried, and if this isn't good enough, then try to work with it, and make it better.

It’s question 11 I can’t decide



A (add a comma after complete)


A. Add a come after complete


B would be grammatical incorrect and C "dugouts" is a noun, if change to "dug outs" it would become a verb which wouldn't make sense as dugout serves as noun in sentence no. 14

(1) Prissy Baker was in Oscar Miller's store New Year's morning, buying matches — for New Year’s was not kept as a business holiday in Quincy — when her uncle, Richard Baker, came in. He did not look at Prissy, nor did she wish him a happy New Year’s — she would not have dared. Uncle Richard had not been on speaking terms with her or her father, his only brother, for eight years.

(2) [While in the store, Prissy overhears her uncle Richard explain that he is on his way to a neighboring town, Navarre, and that he has no one to make his New Year's dinner. Prissy decides to go to his house, make a surprise dinner for him, and leave before he returns. She acts on her plan, cooking a dinner at his house. As she prepares to dish it out, she suddenly hears a voice behind her.]

(3) Well, well, what does this mean?

(4) Prissy whirled around as if she had been shot, and there stood Uncle Richard in the woodshed door!

(5) Poor Prissy! She could not have looked or felt more guilty if Uncle Richard had caught her robbing his desk. She did not drop the turnips for a wonder; but she was too confused to set them down, so she stood there holding them, her face crimson, her heart thumping, and a horrible choking in her throat.

(6) "I — I — came up to cook your dinner for you, Uncle Richard," she stammered. "I heard you say — in the store — that Mrs. Janeway had gone home and that you had nobody to cook your New Year's dinner for you. So I thought I'd come and do it, but I meant to slip away before you came home."

(7) Poor Prissy felt that she would never get to the end of her explanation. Would Uncle Richard be angry? Would he order her from the house?

(8) "It was very kind of you," said Uncle Richard dryly. "It's a wonder your father let you come."

(9) "Father was not home, but I am sure he would not have prevented me if he had been. Father has no hard feelings against you, Uncle Richard."

(10) "Humph!" said Uncle Richard. "Well, since you've cooked the dinner you must stop and help me eat it. It smells good, I must say. Mrs. Janeway always burns pork when she roasts it. Sit down, Prissy. I'm hungry."

(11) They sat down. Prissy felt quite giddy and breathless, and could hardly eat for excitement; but Uncle Richard had evidently brought home a good appetite from Navarre, and he did full justice to his New Year's dinner. He talked to Prissy too, quite kindly and politely, and when the meal was over he said slowly:

(12) "I'm much obliged to you, Prissy, and I don't mind owning to you that I'm sorry for my share in the quarrel, and have wanted for a long time to be friends with your father again, but I was too ashamed and proud to make the first advance. You can tell him so for me, if you like. And if he's willing to let bygones be bygones, tell him I'd like him to come up here with you tonight when he gets home and spend the evening with me."

(13) "Oh, he will come, I know!" cried Prissy joyfully. "He has felt so badly about not being friendly with you, Uncle Richard. I'm as glad as can be."

(14) Prissy ran impulsively around the table and kissed Uncle Richard. He looked up at his tall, girlish niece with a smile of pleasure.

(15) "You're a good girl, Prissy, and a kind-hearted one too, or you'd never have come up here to cook a dinner for a crabbed old uncle who deserved to eat cold dinners for his stubbornness. It made me cross today when folks wished me a happy New Year. It seemed like mockery when I hadn't a soul belonging to me to make it happy. But it has brought me happiness already, and I believe it will be a happy year all the way through."

(16) "Indeed it will!" laughed Prissy. "I'm so happy now I could sing. I believe it was an inspiration — my idea of coming up here to cook your dinner for you."

(17) "You must promise to come and cook my New Year's dinner for me every New Year we live near enough together," said Uncle Richard.

(18) And Prissy promised.

Describe the story’s resolution. Add a comment to explain how the resolution of the plot affects the characters.


The story’s resolution is "You must promise to come and cook my New Year's dinner for me every New Year we live near enough together," .

What is a resolution?

Resolution can be defined as a part where an individual decides to act or to do something in a particular way or manner. For this he or she needs to take the decision on how they are going to act and are going to work accordingly.

In this uncle, Richard makes a Prissy promise that as she has cooked dinner for him on New Year's Eve she is going to cook for them for every new year if that is going to come.

This was the resolution that have affected the plot. as it is was made sure that the anger that was between her the father and uncle Richard was to come to an end. Prissy wanted to make sure that uncle was not starving as well as she could make his new year more astounding.

Learn more about resolution, here:



why are there is no accurate of the number of students with ADHD in this country​


Cos a lot of people are misdiagnosed with ADHD since many of its symptoms are also common In my other types of conditions.

Hope this helped you, have a good daybbro cya)


The accurate number an percentage of students that have adhd in the world is only 6.1 million (9.4%), it’s rare that most people have. I actually have ADHD myself.

I have so many… that I would like to
ask my teacher.



are questions





I have so many questions that i would like to ask my teacher

Put these word parts together to make a new word. Type the whole word and remember to spell correct
love + ing





Get rid of the E so the word is spelled correctly.

Answer: Loving.

Explanation: The only form of the word love to end in "ing" is loving, itself!

Indentify the weak syllables in the following words
- tomato
- table
- butter
- television
- information


Answer :


I …………Louisiana state University.

A.am attending


C.was attending



A or C I guess hehe^^

What is stereotyping?

when a writer tries to persuade a reader by using reasons that are supported by relevant evidence

when a writer makes a general assumption about a group and applies it to every group member

when a writer tries to make readers feel a certain way in order to convince them of an argument

when an author makes an overly exaggerated claim without using evidence to support that claim

What is the term for when an author supports a point by providing weak arguments?

This is known as stereotyping.

This is called faulty reasoning.

This is called emotional appeal.

This is known as a hyperbole.

Which of the following is an example of a secondary source?

an original and handwritten map

a biography of a famous person

a historical fiction novel on WWII

an autobiographical documentary

Why are primary sources useful for your research?

You see one perspective.

You get direct information.

You can get biased facts

You can find them easily..



1. when a writer makes a general assumption about a group and applies it to every group

2.  this is called faulty reasoning


A stereotype is a mistaken idea or belief many people have about a thing or group that is based upon how they look on the outside, which may be untrue or only partly true. Stereotyping people is a type of prejudice because what is on the outside is a small part of who a person is.  

Faulty reasoning occurs when the conclusion is not supported by the data. Three common types of faulty reasoning are: • Overgeneralization, or drawing a conclusion based on too little data. In overgeneralization, information about a limited number of situations or things is applied to a broad class.

What is faulty reasoning example?

DEFINITION: The writer reaches conclusions from a limited number of facts. ...

EXAMPLE: “I loved that movie we saw last night with Brad Pitt. ...

EXPLANATION: It is an imperfect judgment (or faulty logic!) to assume that you will love all Brad Pitt movies just because you loved one!

When I got the photos developed I couldn't help but wonder where my daughter"s eyes werewhat is the correct end punctuation for the following sentence ​


Could either be an exclamation mark or just a period. It depends on the context and only so little was given


A period and a question mark because this is an indirect question

What are you likes and dislikes about the following?. Make use of appropriate linguistic expression.

Social Media


Appropriate linguistic expression is the right use of grammar. Below are my likes and dislike about the following:

Weather: I dislike rainy weather because it causes the restriction of movements. The cold that comes with it puts me under the weather. I love the dry weather because it allows for free movement. Season: I prefer the summer season to the spring reason. The summer season is bright and ushers in healthy-looking plants that beautify the weather. I do not like the spring season because the environment is usually soggy and cold due to the rains. Architecture: I prefer bungalows and low-rise buildings to high-rise buildings scare me because I am afraid of heights. Social Media: I like social media but dislike the tendency to get addicted to it.Fiction: I like fiction because it helps me to imagine things, however, I do not like fictional stories that contain scary details.

Above are my likes and dislikes about the subjects mentioned. Appropriate linguistic expressions were also used to aptly describe them.

Subject + Verb + Object is the normal sequence.

Your preferences might differ but ensure that the rules of grammar are followed when writing your likes and dislikes.

Learn more here:


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when thomas jefferson said in 1801, "we are all republicans we are all federalists," he meant that y= tan(X-/5) tm tp xc nh ca hs Which two sentences in the passage contain misspelled words?When I was a boy, I lived with my grandparents. They would take me fishing every summer. There was nothing like getting out in the open air and catching some fish; but sometimes, it was enough just be out there making an attempt. We would start out at around three in the morning and fish all day, until the sun went down. Sometimes, not one single fish would make an appearrance. It didnt matter because we were having fun. We made sure to always pack a big lunch in case we got hungry, which we usually did. But it wasnt always that way. There had been a time when I was afraid to go out in a boat because I couldnt swim.As I got older, however, things changed. As an adolescant, I met a new group of friends. They were a good group, and I began going fishing with them in the spring and fall. But I always kept summers for my grandparents. Select from the drop-down menus to correctly complete the statements about the expression a8+6b .The expression a8+6b is a A. SumB. Difference. The term a8 is an added, but it is also a A. quotient B. Difference. The term 6b is an added, but it is also aA. SumB. Product the operating principle of float-type carburetors is based on the What is the primary difference between exponential and linear functions?A: The growth of an exponential function is proportional to the previous growth while the growth of a linear function is constant.B:The growth of a linear function is proportional to the previous growth while the growth of an exponentialfunction is constant.C:The growth of a linear function is proportional to the previous growth while the growth of an exponentialfunction is proportional to the quadratic growth.D:The growth of an exponential function is proportional to the quadratic growth while the growth of a linear function is constant. What is a good introduction for an essay about ,The Persian war. 2. Most early religions were?a. Polytheisticb. Monotheisticc. Democratic republicsd. Christian Enter the number 10.333333333333 rounded to the nearest hundredth (two decimal places): What did the American colonists who joined the British army discover about the British Help me hy gip ti Her new clothes _______ very fashionable.A. areB. isC. isn'tD. be In 2020, Americas murder rate rose by 25% to the highest numbers in 60 years.Answer the following analysis questions:1) In your own words, what does this evidence mean? 40 points and brainlyest to who ever answers this for me- please someone help me Convert -18 to radians Use mental math to find the sum.28 + 65 I'm trying to make aa show similar to charmed. How should it start off? Will choose brainliest. gen-tech sells merchandise on account for $4,000 to acorn company with credit terms of 2/10, n/30. within the discount period, acorn company returns $500 of damaged merchandise and a check for ________ to settle the account. Vi t cch l sinh vin trng i hc Ty Nguyn Anh/ch c trch nhim v ngha v g thc hin tt tm nhn, s mng gi tr ct li mc tiu chin lc ca Trng i hc Ty Nguyn ? if it takes 40 gallons of gas to drive 750 miles, then how many gallons are needed to drive 300 miles?