How did foreign changes present new challenges for the United States?
(from the 1980s )


Answer 1


There were lots of foreign changes that presented challenges for the US. I'll give you a few examples from different time periods. The first would be when England wanted to tax the Americans in the Revolutionary period. They did this to try and restrict America's freedom. Another example would be that Russia had spies during the cold war period. This was to gain intelligence of the US war plans. Also when Germany sent the Zimmerman Telegram to Mexico during the WWII period. This was to get Mexico to launch a surprise attack on the US.


Related Questions

pleaseee answer those 2 questionss



what two questions you didnt put any up


Select ALL the correct answers.
In which of the following categories did the Progressive Era make advancements?
O the welfare of children
O African American rights
Oopen immigration
O women's rights


The Progressive Era made advancements in the welfare of children and women's rights, while progress in African American rights was limited and the era saw increasing restrictions on immigration.

Option (a),(b),(d) are correct answer.

The Progressive Era, which spanned from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, was a period of significant social and political reform in the United States. During this time, various advancements were made in specific categories:

The welfare of children: The Progressive Era saw efforts to improve the well-being of children, particularly in terms of child labor laws and compulsory education. Progressive reformers advocated for limits on child labor, improved working conditions, and better access to education for children, aiming to protect their rights and ensure a healthier upbringing.

African American rights: While the Progressive Era did witness some advancements in civil rights, particularly in the North, progress was slow and uneven. While some progressives advocated for racial equality and voting rights for African Americans, many others were not actively involved in addressing racial discrimination and segregation.

Open immigration: The Progressive Era did not make significant advancements in terms of open immigration. In fact, during this time, there were growing concerns about immigration, leading to the passage of restrictive immigration laws, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act and the Immigration Act of 1907, which imposed literacy tests on immigrants.

Women's rights: The Progressive Era was a crucial period for the women's suffrage movement. Women activists fought for the right to vote, and their efforts culminated in the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920, granting women the right to vote.

Therefore, Option (a),(b),(d) are correct answer.

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Ano ang pagkakaiba ng mga tulang lumaganap noong panahon ng Hapones?​



Japanese poetry is poetry typical of Japan, or written, spoken, or chanted in the Japanese language, which includes Old Japanese, Early Middle Japanese, Late Middle Japanese, and Modern Japanese, as well as poetry in Japan which was written in the Chinese language or ryūka from the Okinawa Islands: it is possible to make a more accurate distinction between Japanese poetry written in Japan or by Japanese people in other languages versus that written in the Japanese language by speaking of Japanese-language poetry. Much of the literary record of Japanese poetry begins when Japanese poets encountered Chinese poetry during the Tang dynasty (although the Chinese classic anthology of poetry, Shijing, was well known by the literati of Japan by the 6th century). Under the influence of the Chinese poets of this era Japanese began to compose poetry in Chinese kanshi); and, as part of this tradition, poetry in Japan tended to be intimately associated with pictorial painting, partly because of the influence of Chinese arts, and the tradition of the use of ink and brush for both writing and drawing. It took several hundred years[citation needed] to digest the foreign impact and make it an integral part of Japanese culture and to merge this kanshi poetry into a Japanese language literary tradition, and then later to develop the diversity of unique poetic forms of native poetry, such as waka, haikai, and other more Japanese poetic specialties. For example, in the Tale of Genji both kanshi and waka are frequently mentioned. The history of Japanese poetry goes from an early semi-historical/mythological phase, through the early Old Japanese literature inclusions, just before the Nara period, the Nara period itself (710 to 794), the Heian period (794 to 1185), the Kamakura period (1185 to 1333), and so on, up through the poetically important Edo period (1603 and 1867, also known as "Tokugawa") and modern times; however, the history of poetry often is different from socio-political history.


Is there a theory about the revolving ramp pyramid


Answer: yes, there is that type of theory.

Explanation: it was the first theory that explained about a ramp that was built on one side of the pyramid and as the pyramid grew, the ramp used to move the blocks up to the top.

Hope it helps!

how were ancient mesoamericans able to live in the yucatan peninsula


The Mayan adapted to their environment by having deer and monkeys as food. ... The Mayan built structures such as large plazas for public gatherings, canals to control the flow of water, and shaped nearby hillsides into flat terraces to allow farmers to grow crops.

how did the development of universities in medieval europe strengthen



How did the development of universities in medieval Europe strengthen the Church and unify society? Universities grew up around cathedrals, and courses of study helped educate clergy. They supplied observers with information about European Christian beliefs.


If the electoral college were eliminated, what would be a likely outcome?


Answer: If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the Presidential election leaves the Electoral College process and moves to Congress. The House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most electoral votes. Each Senator casts one vote for Vice President.

how did the missouri compromise split the louisiana territory



In February 1820, the Senate added a second part to the joint statehood bill: With the exception of Missouri, slavery would be banned in all of the former Louisiana Purchase lands north of an imaginary line drawn at 36º 30' latitude, which ran along Missouri's southern border

Someone pls help me I will make you you brain





Question 9 (1 point)
Use the newspaper headline below to answer the following question(s).
United States Supreme Court rules Colorado search-and-seizure law unconstitutional
This newspaper headline relates to the principle of:
States' Rights
Direct Democracy
Judicial Review
Delegated Powers



Judicial Review


The Supreme Court has the authority to review the constitutionality of any law or legal action, both state and federal. By striking down a state law that they find unconstitutional, they are exercising this power of judicial review

The newspaper headline shows the principle of Judicial Review.

The Supreme Court is the custodian of the Constitution which means that it is their duty to ensure that all laws in the United States do not go against the Constitution.

This power that they have is known as Judicial Review and it means that when they find a law to be against the Constitution, they can declare that law unconstitutional as they did to the state of Colorado.

In conclusion, option C is correct.

Find out more on Judicial Review at

For this question, you will assume the role of two acquaintances living in different
countries at the end of the 19th century. First, write a letter from a British citizen to
an acquaintance in Japan, China, or Russia describing the industrialization of Great
Britain over the last 150 years. Then write a reply from the Japanese, Chinese, or
Russian citizen explaining how industrialization in that country has been different.
Be sure to acknowledge both positive and negative aspects of industrialization, and
support all claims with historical evidence.


Best of luck with this question. Make sure u use context, backed with opinions. Use factual info to support ur answer and most importantly, make sure it is preside. Use the provided info and use that.

Slide 7: What the Prez Says

1. Can the bill still become law?



The President has ten days to sign or veto the enrolled bill. If the President signs the bill, it becomes law. If the President vetoes it, the bill can still become a law if two-thirds of the Senate and two-thirds of the House then vote in favor of the bill.

me podrian ayudar con esta pregunta?

Porque es importante la alfarería en el desarrollo de una cultura?



Jarras , bacijas y platos de civilisaziones antiguas sirven para demostrar el desarrollo a las culturas a las que pertenecieron; porque en algunos casos se conservan los diseños de otros objetos pudiern haber destruido, como la arcilla es de facil para los alfareros.


1. How were the people of France impacted by the French Revolution?



hope I help you

please follow me

and mark as brainlist answer


The French Revolution impacted the people of France in many ways. For instance, depression, unemployment, high taxes/prices,  and social issues


How was the zhou dynasty simm=ilar to and different from the shang dynasty


-Shang ruled with a system of central governance
-Zhou established independent feudal states (giving power to local rulers)

pls help i'll mark you the brainlest
This image represents which cause of imperialism

Question 3 options:







B. Social


A social issue is an issue that impacts an impressive number of the people inside a general public. It is frequently the outcome of components stretching out past a person's social issue is the wellspring of a clashing assessment on the grounds of what is seen as an ethically simply individual life or societal request.

This image represents the Social cause of imperialism. Thus, option B is correct.

What is imperialism?

Imperialism develops and bolsters communication amongst two or more states, opening the door for future connections.

A social issue is one that affects a large number of persons in the broader public. It is frequently the consequence of factors that extend beyond a person's social problem that is the source of a conflicting judgement on the basis of what is considered a morally simple human life or communal request.

Due to its abundance of natural resources and ostensibly underdeveloped industries ripe for use, Africa arose as a prime area for colonization. In actuality, European colonialism wreaked havoc on traditional African civilizations and economy. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about imperialism, Here:


which of these events provided the final push towards statehood for New Mexico

A. hundreds of residents of New Mexico territory travel to Washington DC to fight for statehood

B. New Mexico residents fought bravely in the Spanish-American war

C. New Mexico's Native Americans and Hispanic residents campaigned tirelessly for statehood.

D. The west gained the reputation as a safe place to live


Based on the available options, the events that provided the final push towards statehood for New Mexico is that the "New Mexico residents fought bravely in the Spanish-American war."

This was evident during the Spanish-American War that occurred between 1898 to 1901.

During this period, New Mexico supplied the United States with young men for the war who were good shots and riders. Thus, the famous Rough Riders.

This support from New Mexico in the War proved their loyalty to the United States.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option B. "New Mexico residents fought bravely in the Spanish-American war."

Learn more here:

What branch confirmed a meeting Supreme Court Justice to replace Justice Scalia



Legislative Branch


The Senate specifically has the duty of advice and consent of all federal judicial appointments.

how did the market revolution change the nature of the american family?



better economy


As a result, the market revolution not only transformed the economy, but it also altered the nature of the American family. Gender roles were redefined as the market revolution pushed workers into new production systems. Families were integrated into a new cash economy by the market.

What is market revolution?American business and global trade were being transformed by a market revolution. Independent artisans were increasingly displaced by factories and mass production. Farms grew and produced goods for distant markets rather than local markets, shipping them via cheap transportation such as the Erie Canal.Technological advancements in modes of transportation, increased demand and employment in factory jobs, followed by increased urban migration, and an agricultural shift away from subsistence farming (for self-sufficiency) and toward commercial farming were key factors in this economic shift (for profits).Most American farmers living standards improved as a result of the market revolution.The market revolution was successful in exposing women to the labor force, moving them away from the colonial "cult of domesticity," which held that a woman's job was to watch over the household.

To learn more about market revolution refer to :


Does technological advancement always result in social distruption industrial revolution?



Technological advancement doesn't always result in social disruption, or industrial revolution. We currently live in an era that heavily relies on technology, thus meaning that we have new technological advances on a daily. While some advancements can bring up some controversy, that small controversy alone isn't enough to create an uproar amongst society.


Which of these statements describe life after the Agricultural Revolution? Check all that apply.

Most farmland was controlled by the wealthy.
People moved to cities to find work.
Farms produced fewer crops.
More people lived and worked in rural areas.
Landowners put enclosures around land.


Answer: Most farmland was controlled by the wealthy, people moved to cities to find work, landowners put enclosures around land describe life after the Agricultural Revolution.


The following statements describe life after the Agricultural Revolution.

Most farmlands were controlled by the wealthy.People moved to cities to find work.Landowners put enclosures around the land.

The correct options are A, B, and E.

How did the agricultural revolution impact human health?

An examination of the skeletons from these early agricultural settlements reveals that the switch to agriculture had a general detrimental effect on oral health, increased the prevalence of infectious diseases and nutritional inadequacies, and resulted in a general decline in human size.

The effects of the agricultural revolution on people varied. It has been connected to a wide range of issues, including socioeconomic inequality caused by people's greater reliance on the environment and anxieties of scarcity), a loss in nutrition and an increase in contagious diseases brought on by domesticated animals.

Thus, the ideal selections are A, B, and E.

Learn more about the Agricultural Revolution here:


_____________ is the Brazillian festival that features brightly colored samba dancers and elaborate parades.

Question 17 options:

Mardis Gras


Day of the Dead

Boxing Day

Question 18 (5 points)
Bonus (it cannot lower your grade) Question: Match the clue with the best answer.

Marine Iguana

Galapagos Penguin


Spectacled Bear

Harpy Eagle

This animal spends the majority of its time in water due to its large size

Large bird of prey that hunts monkeys and sloths in the Amazon

Only type of this animal that can live in salt water

Only type of this animal that lives north of the Equator.

This animal has a beloved British children's book (and movie) based on it



1. Carnival

2. iguana

3. eagle


Carnival For the first questions

How did inflation in rome affect the citizens trying to pay taxes



It made them unable to pay there taxes


Question 4 (2 points)
A pamphlet is considered to be one of the earliest forms of
O religious literature
O protest literature
America's first dramatic literature
an Appeal to Authority/A Credible Source (Ethos)


A pamphlet is considered to be one of the earliest forms of _religious literature_.

✍️ By Benjemin ☺️

Who did the KKK target?


Answer: C.

Explanation: They Attack any african americans, Catholic groups and anyone opposing them

Any group who opposed them

Hi can someone plss help me with this!!!!

QUESTION: How did ALS impacted Stephen Hawking?



Hawking was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in his early twenties. This rare disease leads to gradual decline of the brain's ability to control muscles.

how can international intervention alter the course of civil wars?



That is a slippery slope


Let me start by saying that I hope this is an extended response question.

So lets start with the American Civil War. There was virtually no International involvement in this war, outside of the British half-heartedly trying to run Union blockades to give the Confederates weapons and recieve Reb cotton. At the battle of Gettysburg in July of 1863, Col. William Freemantle of Her Magesties Royal Dragoons (British Special Forces) was attatched to the Confederate Army with R. E. Lee to research the idea of the British supporting the confederates with troops. The lack of international intervention allowed America to fight a war that needed fought, end slavery, and preserve the Union.

Now, look at American involvement in the Syrian Civil War (starting in 2009). Not only did we not end the war, but we created an even larger rift in the country, created a void that ISIS was able to fill, and oh, by the way, the war is still going on.

Long story short, international intervention is not always the best answer when it comes to a Civil War.

The international intervention are bodies that advocates for states to have an obligation to protect their inhabitants from human rights abuses such as war crimes

The international intervention can help alter the course of civil wars by:

Helping to terminate the civil by providing a third party capable of enforcing a peace treaty through reassuring military groups that need to disarm.

Extending the civil wars through shifting the distribution of power among contending factions in the civil war.

Read more about international intervention

Someone pls help me I will make you you brain


The work of art by the Olmec Civilization that are considered the most recognizable artifacts are Massive carved stone heads. They are sculptures of heads that can be as high as 10 feet.

Please mark BRAINLIEST, please!!!

what message was the naacp trying to send americans with this poster from 1943?



in 1943 there was an attack the attack said hey naacp there is nothing you can do and they said nooooooooooooooo i need o see my momy PLEase



Identify 2 causes of the war.
french and Indian war


The cause of te French and Indian war was triggered by Britain and France wanting power of North America. Both, desired control over the Ohio Valley.

Through collaborative research and reporting activities, students will be able to identify and describe in detail five major causes of the French and Indian War: conflicting claims between Great Britain and France over territory and waterways, beaver trade, religious differences, control of the Grand Banks.

The French and Indian war also called the Seven Years War (1754-63) was fought between the British and France, each being supported by American Indian Allies. The cause of the War was specific issue of Upper Ohio River valley in North America.

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