Does anyone have an idea on a the first sentence should GRAB the reader in an introduction paragraph? My introduction paragraph is below

There are many reasons why people of all ages are happy or unhappy in life. One of the common reason for people’s unhappiness is obesity. Commonly, obese people have a hard time walking or getting around, can be required to use a walker, cane, scooter, or wheelchair. They also need assistance with taking care of their basic needs. Often obese people snore, experience shortness of breath, have serious health problems, are not able to participate in some activities, are bullied, and live with many other issues which includes challenges like social, emotional, and physical problems in life.


Answer 1


One of the most common reason why people of all ages are unhappy in life is because of obesity. Often, obese people have a hard time doing their daily actions and need assistance with the help of a device like a walker, scooter, etc. Many have serious health issues and face social, emotional, and physical challenges in their life.


i hope this helps! im just trying to help no hate <3

Related Questions

Which phrase is an example of an oxymoron in this passage?
Here's much to do with hate, but more with love.
Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate,
O anything of nothing first create!
O heavy lightness, serious vanity,
Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms,
Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health
Still-waking sleep that is not what it is!
-William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet Act I, Scene i, lines 180-186.
O A. sleep that is not what it is
O B. Here's much to do with hate
O C. cold fire
O D. well-seeming forms



C. Cold fire


According to the Oxford dictionary an oxymoron is "a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true )." So the phrase a "cold fire" is an oxymoron because it is directly contradicting itself.

An explanation of the format, organization, and structure of a problem and solution text.



The organizational structure of your business refers to the way management levels are established, and the way decisions are made and implemented to achieve your desired goals. As a business owner or company leader, it’s your responsibility to decide whether the organizational structure that underlies your business is formal or informal.

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Where's the question?

Carina loved running, and she loved winning too. She was the captain and star athlete of her track and field team. Although Carina wasn’t an excellent runner when she first joined the team two years earlier, she practiced all the time and soon began to win almost every race in which she competed. Carina was doing so well that she thought she might become the winningest track and field athlete in her school’s history!

2One afternoon at track practice, Coach Winder nabbed everyone’s attention to introduce a new athlete. “This is Roberto," he said. "He just transferred to our school from Greensboro Middle School. Please welcome Roberto to the team!”

3The members of the team clapped and jostled each other as they tried to shake Roberto’s hand. As the team captain, Carina shook Roberto’s hand first. She introduced herself and told Roberto that she was excited to have another team member. Roberto told Carina that he had been reluctant about joining the team, but Carina assured him that he would have a marvelous time.

4The next day, the members of the track team stretched before running some sprints. Carina told Roberto that he could race with her. “Don’t worry,” she said. “I’ll go easy on you because it’s your first practice.”

5Carina and Roberto lined up at the starting blocks. When they heard the CRACK of the starting pistol, Roberto and Carina started. After a short distance, Carina realized that Roberto was no longer beside her. She turned to see how far behind he had fallen, but to her amazement, Roberto was not behind her. She looked up and saw Roberto surging ahead. His feet moved as fast as lightning! When Carina realized that she was about to lose, she ran as vigorously as she could; however, it wasn’t enough. Roberto triumphed. Carina seemed almost paralyzed with shock, but she managed to smile and congratulate him.

6Over the next few weeks, Roberto became a phenomenon on the track. No matter how hard Carina trained, she could never beat Roberto.

7One evening after a track meet, Carina was desolate. Roberto had won first place, and Carina had come in third! She considered hanging up her running shoes and quitting the team. Just as she was about to call Coach Winder, her father entered the living room. Carina explained her situation to him.

8“If winning is so important to you that you can’t merely have fun being a member of the team,” said Carina’s father, “then I guess quitting is your only option. But, before you make your decision, think about why you originally joined the team.”

9The next day, Carina walked into Coach Winder’s office and handed him a slip of paper. Coach Winder’s eyes widened as he read it. Then, he closed the note and shook his head approvingly.

11“That’s right,” Carina said with a smile, “I’d like Roberto to serve as co-captain of the team.”

What is a THEME for this story?

A) Having fun is more important than winning.

B) When someone does better than you, practice more so you can beat them.

C) Never settle for second place.

D) If someone is better than you at something, you should just quit.​


Answer: I believe the answer is A


The answer is a hope this helps

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Shakespeare in pop culture: pop culture is what we refer to as the cultural activities or commercial products reflecting, suited to, or aimed at the tastes of the general masses of people. pop culture can be films, television, music, artwork, video games, etc. Shakespeare frequently appears in pop culture. your task is to find a minimum of [3] pop culture references to Shakespeare to discuss in class. use this sheet to record your findings, and please feel free to think outside the box (the discussion will be much more interesting if we come in with different examples).



Festivity, the carnivalesque, and reinvention and appropriation of Shakespeare by popular culture in certain cultural contexts to assert international and national values.


The festive background of Elizabethan England obviously had a great impact on its dramatic productions. Very much aware of the popular demands and eager to cater for them, companies and their playwrights were keen to draw their productions and inspiration from legends, traditions, and myths linked to celebrations from the calendar festivals. Drama, was primarily the most popular medium of entertainment, in comparison to poetry and prose, and the location and design (next to wh*rehouses and bear and bull-baiting arenas, or other animal fighting pits, which could take place even inside the theatres) of the playhouses tell us much about the kind of relationship they bore with popular crowds. “It is also clear that the theatre was not necessarily first and foremost a temple of high culture, but might be primarily a place for having fun, rather than an instrument of privileged communication” (Laroque 180).

In 2012, thirty-seven companies from thirty-seven different countries intend to perform their own Shakespeare versions at the Globe. The tone is of celebration, as the direction states on the first page of the festival program: “The Globe to Globe festival is a carnival of stories” (2012:1). The related themes of festivity and the carnivalesque, so essential in Shakespeare’s time and extensively discussed by François Laroque, are rescued and privileged side by side with the issue of translation. Translation has gained such importance and value that the program opens with an article entitled “Flexible Shakespeare - Dennis Kennedy considers the gains to be made in performing the Bard without his language.” We must also remember that the program is not aimed at scholars, but at ordinary spectators, either with little or with considerable academic knowledge of Shakespeare, which shows how translation and cultural diversity have now become part of everybody’s life.

Because of Shakespeare’s flexible status, of the fluidity of shifting categories, and of the possibilities of reinvention, appropriation, and adaptation, my position towards the concepts of culture, the popular, and their connection with Shakespeare is one that does not regard these relationships on the basis of levels, superiority, evaluation, and categorization of cultural expressions as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. These are instances of language, of social constructions, in constant exchange, shift, and negotiation.

High or erudite culture will be used corresponding to a sum of discourses based on academic criteria, literacy, formal higher education, privileged financial means, and therefore as belonging to a minority, generally holder of economic, social, and political power. Popular culture will refer to other than formal sources of knowledge, including traditional practices, folklore, customs, and oral transmission of memory, to communal values and essentially shared practices, as well as to a site of identification and vindication of identities.

Resource I Used:

Back to the roots: Shakespeare and Popular Culture in the 20th and 21st centuries

Website: Open Edition Journals

I hope this helps you in any shape or form.

Della wants to buy a gift for her husband that is "fine and rare and sterling." In this context, which of the multiple meanings of sterling applies?

A. of superior quality
B. payable in British money
C. strengthened silver
D. a wealthy heiress





For each of the scenarios below, describe what the unconditioned stimulus (UCS), unconditioned response (UCR), the conditioned stimulus (CS), and conditioned response (CR) are.
1.) Opening a can of pet food with a can opener leads your pet to start jumping around.
2.) Smelling a perfume you wore during a great party makes you smile and feel good.
3.) Walking by the gym where you hurt yourself working out makes you wince.
4.) You cringe when you pass the intersection where you nearly had a car accident.
5.) A song reminds you of a former friend or romantic partner.


The given stimulus response for the given scenarios are given below:

Opening a can of pet food with a can opener leads your pet to start jumping around.

The Unconditional Stimulus (UCS)

Smelling a perfume you wore during a great party makes you smile and feel good.

The Unconditional Response (UCR)

Walking by the gym where you hurt yourself working out makes you wince.

The Conditioned Stimulus (CS)

You cringe when you pass the intersection where you nearly had a car accident.

The Conditioned Response (CR)

A song reminds you of a former friend or romantic partner.

The Conditioned Response (CR)

The Unconditional Stimulus (UCS)

This has to do with behaviors that triggers a response that is not learned but happens naturally and instantly.

One example of this is the smell of a delicious meal which gives the feeling or sense of something pleasant

The Unconditional Response (UCR)

In this type of stimulus, there is an unlearned reaction to stimulus in any organism or living thing.

One example of this is the salivation of a nice meal.

The Conditioned Stimulus (CS)

This happens as a result of a stimulus which links a a neutral stimulus to one that is unconditioned and leads to a conditioned response.

One example of this is linking the smell of food to a means of dispelling hunger.

The Conditioned Response (CR)

This is a classical conditioning that puts together a learned response to a conditioned stimuli

One example of this is a shark salivating at the smell of blood

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Who is the main character in the story of the Miller his son and the donkey



the miller


If a paragraph does not explicitly state its thesis, but rather suggests an overarching point, it may be advancing an

open thesis statement
closed thesis statement
topic sentence
implied main idea
open or closed thesis statement



open or closed thesis statement


If a paragraph does not explicitly state its thesis, but rather suggests an overarching point, it may be advancing an implied main idea. So, the correct option is D.

What is Thesis?

The central idea of ​​an essay or research paper is summarized in a sentence or sentences known as a thesis statement. It usually appears at the beginning of the piece and establishes its tone and main points. The main argument or point of an essay is revealed to the reader in the thesis statement, which also directs the writer.

A compelling thesis statement is specific, controversial, and makes clear what the author's position is on the subject. The thesis statement is often located in the first paragraph of academic writing. If a paragraph does not explicitly state its thesis, but rather suggests an overarching point, it may be advancing an implied main idea.

So, the correct option is D.

Learn more about Thesis, here:


daily/Ali/his/cleans/car (Rearrange to make Sentence)


Ali daily cleans his car....

Which of the following lines contains onomatopoeia?

He ran to the kitchen

She slept through dinner

Her heels clacked on the floor

He dropped the napkin



Third one


Onomatopeia Is sound From the nature...

What is the most important idea in this section of the passage



Facial recognition should be used along with typed passwords for best possible security

I need help with this!!!






D. third person omniscient


Our narrator is absolutely all-knowing in the truest sense of the word. He sees and hears just about everything, and instead of narrating events from the point of view of just one two people, he opts to follow almost one hundred different characters on their adventures throughout the course of the story.

This strategy allows him to give a comprehensive tale of not just Arthur or those close to him, but of the whole Round Table. For example, when he narrates the Grail Quest, he does so in episodes, following Galahad for a while, then Gawain, then Launcelot, then returning to Galahad, etc. He can interweave the characters' stories, as when Percyvale, Bors, and Galahad emerge from their separate adventures during the Grail Quest to set sail on a mysterious ship together and achieve the quest.

For example, when the people of England defect from Arthur in favor of Mordred, the narrator launches into a long diatribe about the lack of loyalty of the English people, which he compares to the "new fangill"-ness of the modern English people (680.25&ff). Likewise, the narrator puts the devoted love between Launcelot and Gwenyvere on a pedestal in comparison to that of lovers "nowadayes" who lack "stabilyté," or faithfulness (625.3&ff).

I hope this helps you in any shape or form.

what does Elizabeth Proctor mean when she says “I do not judge you. The magistrate that sits in your heart judges you.” Crucible



what does Elizabeth Proctor mean when she says “I do not judge

any 3 uses of honey








Wounds and ulcers

Which detail from the passage best explains why Susan B. Anthony claimed that bicycling helped free women?
O 1. Bicycling allowed women to enjoy the fresh air,
2. Bicycling was popular with both men and women,
O 3. Women no longer had to depend on men for transportation,
04. Women bicycle riders became a common sight on the roads,


G g g g g gg g g g g g g g g g gg gbgbgbt g

Use correlative conjunctions to combine the two sentences.
The puppy cannot sit for very long.
The puppy cannot stay for very long.


I believe it’s

The puppy cannot sit, or stay for very long.

can someone help with these



Q5: B (Simile)

Q6: (not sure about this one, haven't read it)

Q7: D


For Q5 and Q7 notice how it's worded.

a simile is a comparison using like or as. For example: The snow is as white as a cloud! / She's sly like a fox.

a metaphor is a comparison that does not use like or as. For example: His heart of stone surprised me. / Laughter is the best medicine.

Sorry that I can't help with Q6! :( hopefully someone answers this and you get the answer!

Which theme is not explored in Sonnet 55?



The theme is the main idea promoted in a text. The theme that was not explored in William Shakespeare's Sonnet 55 is;


In this sonnet which is a romantic poem, the poet addresses a certain love interest whom he says will outlive the span of time.

The theme of war was addressed because the poet said that even when war destroyed statues, his love interest will survive.

Her memory will last forever. Thus, he explores the theme of immortality.

The only theme that was not explicitly discussed in this poem is the theme of marriage.

Learn more here:

Help ASAP with this please


The answer is put out


it is puts out

hope this helps


D) According to the passage, what
could scientists learn about from
studying yawns?
D ways to listen to boring stories
D secrets to becoming a hero
Dreasons why we get sleepy
cures for serious illnesses



reasons why we get sleepy  cures for serious illnesses


I hope this helps you in any shape or form.


Cures for serious illnesses

Wattpad suggestions?


Answer: dude read smut

Explanation: if you like harry potter those are best


writing or reading?



find a topic then think of the plot







or what seem interest to you

When Justine is arrested, what does the priest threaten her with?



Explanation: In the end, Justine confesses to William's murder because her confessor (priest) pressures her to do so.

Why are steam engines important


Streams engine are important because:

The steam engine helped to power the Industrial Revolution.

Before steam power, most factories and mills were powered by water, wind, horse, or man. ..

The steam engine helped to power the Industrial Revolution.

There is a big ________ that i will make it to the top.​


They way is the way of the way is the way


There is a big way that will make it to the top

Which are the three required parts of a text ad?



1. headline text

2. a display URL

3. description text


Read this line from stanza 9.

The world no longer let me love

The author most likely included this sentence to show that she -
A- is trying to protect herself
emotionally from loss
B- has rejected the value of
earthly things
C-is asking others to help her
through this
D-has realized she must leave
her old home behind


The Line from Stanza 9 of Anne Bradstreet's poem "Verses on the Burning of our House" is included to show that author B- has rejected the value of earthly things.

Anne Bradstreet's poem is a recollection of the event involving the loss of her house to fire in which she lost all her earthly possessions

She must live with the consolation that God is the owner of all things. God is also capable of replacing all the lost possessions.

Faith in God is required to sustain one's being in this life. No one can insure his life. Anne Bradstreet eulogizes the glory of the heavenly house that awaits the righteous.

Thus, earthly wealth must be evaluated from the point of view that they remain ephemeral, unlike heavenly wealth.

Read more:

My mom said I was a couch potato after realizing I'd
slept there and was in PJs all day.
O Oxymoron
O Metaphor
O Simile
O Idiom
Identify the figurative language!!


It is a metaphor because here you are being compared to potato but without the use of like or as.

what literary elements where used in the introduction, act 1 and act 2 of The Taming of the Shrew



Female SubmissivenessMarriage as an Economic Institution
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Help pleaseeeeeeeeee A basic commodity in every community is the sweetest of them all!" What Part of Speech is the word "A" in the sentence?1. noun/pronoun2. verb/adverb3. simile/metaphor4. article/determiner If a pair pf shoe is was discounted from an original price of 5,000 to 2800 what is the percent discount what is your approach to reading literature for a class? someone plz help meill give brainliest!!!! what is the estimate of 19,369 take a look at this picture. what can you say about it? There are 5 roses and 6 daisies in a vase. I need help.It measures 10 cm x 5 cm x 2 cm and has mass of 1,930g. What is the density of the gold bar? plsssssss help no nonsense pls Two cars traveled equal distances in different amounts of time. Car A traveled the distance in 2.4 h, and Car B traveled the distance in 4 h. Car A traveled 22 mph faster than Car B.How fast did Car A travel?(The formula RT=D , where R is the rate of speed, T is the time, and D is the distance can be used.)Enter your answer in the box. Which statements about the graphs of y = 1/2sin x and y = 1/2sin(x - /2) are true?Select all that apply.A) The graph of y = sin(x - /2) is shifted units /2 units left from the graph of y=1/2sin x.B) The graph of y = 1/2sin(x - /2) is shifted units /2 right from the graph ofy = 1/2 sin x.C)The period of y=1/2sin(x - /2) is /2, and the period of y = 1/2sin x is 2 .D)The amplitude of y = 1/2sin(x - /2) is half the amplitude of y = 1/2 sin x.E)The amplitude of y=1/2 sin(x - /2) is the same as the amplitude of y = 1/2 sin x. Find the slope of the line How does indexing compensate for inflation over time? Helpppp??? Plzzzz??? Graph the line that passes through the points (-5, 3) and (1,1) and determine the equation of the line. Answer using the steps: the 1st and 2nd term of a certain geometric sequence are 10 and -5 respectively. what is the 5th term of the geometric sequence Read the excerpt from Poes "The Fall of the House of Usher." Its evidence -- the evidence of the sentience -- was to be seen, he said, (and here I started as he spoke,) in the gradual yet certain condensation of an atmosphere of their own about the waters and the walls. The result was discoverable, he added, in that silent, yet importunate and terrible influence which for centuries had moulded the destinies of his family, and which made him what I now saw him -- what he was. Such opinions need no comment, and I will make none. Based on this excerpt, the narrator seems An equation is given.y=3x+cy=3x+c Create an equivalent equation by solving for x in terms of y and c.x= 3. Which ordered pair is a solution of the equation y = x - 4? (1 point)O (2,6)O (6,2)O(-2, 6)O(-6, 2) In the chemical formula for ammonia, NH3 , what does the subscript 3 represent? the number of ammonia molecules that will bond together the number of nitrogen atoms in each molecule of ammonia the number of hydrogen atoms in each molecule of ammonia the number of nitrogen and hydrogen atoms in each molecule of ammonia