

Answer 1

Related Questions

Which detail from the passage best explains why Susan B. Anthony claimed that bicycling helped free women?
O 1. Bicycling allowed women to enjoy the fresh air,
2. Bicycling was popular with both men and women,
O 3. Women no longer had to depend on men for transportation,
04. Women bicycle riders became a common sight on the roads,


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The benefits of starting school later
No one likes having to wake up early for school and as kids grow into their teenage years, they are forced to wake up even earlier as they move on from elementary school to middle school and high school. When students get older, it gets even harder to wake up and it leads to many obstacles that can be avoided by starting school at later times. By starting schools later, students have been shown to improve academically, be more productive, not skip school, and maintain better health. A later start time should be incorporated into schools everywhere, especially high schools, for the benefit of teenage students.
Grades are a very important aspect of education to many high school students, and grades are immensely dependent on adequate sleep. Later start times would allow for a greater quantity and quality of sleep. Poor sleep has a negative effect on a student’s academic performance. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Adolescents who do not get enough sleep are more likely to perform poorly in school”. Students who are not afforded the opportunity to get in the sufficient sleep they need will have a harder time focusing in school and doing well on exams. If schools were to push back the starting times in order to allow students to have a finer capacity of sleep, then the academic performance would improve, thus contributing to the common interest of all students.
Many teenagers fall victim to car accidents and poor attendance records. Later start times would mean an improvement in attendance and safety as fewer students would sleep in or fall under the risk of driving to school in drowsy conditions. Enabling students to sleep more would cause more students to come to school on time and make them less likely to drive to school in a fatigued state. The Science Daily revealed that “[...] later school start times were associated with a significant drop in vehicle accidents involving teen drivers”. This could be tied to the fact that teens are in a more rushed mood to get to school on time from waking up late or that they are driving while tired, which can lead to many dangers. By starting schools at later times, the risks of teen car accidents would be reduced and the overall attendance would improve, thereby allowing for the betterment of students in all places
Even with all the benefits of starting school at later times, there still remain those who challenge the idea. A common counterargument from the individuals in opposition to pushing back the schools’ starting times is that students should just sleep earlier. However, research has demonstrated that teenagers are biologically more likely to fall into a deeper sleep at later times. Science advocates say that “young people's body clocks may shift as they reach their teenage years - meaning they want to get up later not because they are lazy but because they are biologically programmed to do”. The biological clock of a teen does not correspond well with the schools’ starting times, and when a student is forced to wake up too early they are neglecting crucial parts of their sleep. In order to align better with teenagers’ internal clocks, schools should start at later times, which in return would result in the improvement of learning, concentration, and health.
Students commit a large portion of their day towards school and it would be a more enjoyable process if schools were to start at a more seemly time. For the general welfare of students in public education, the school start times should be moved to later times. The benefits include better grades, fewer absences, safer roads, and increased attentiveness. There is additional potential to starting schools later, such as the reduction of risk in athletics, less depressive symptoms, and a decrease in the likelihood of participating in violence. The further possibilities can only be explored as more schools start pushing back their start times and in the idealistic future, schools will hopefully start to implement a delay to start times as it is better for everyone.



The benefits of starting school later

No one likes having to wake up early for school and as kids grow into their teenage years, as they are forced to wake up earlier as they move from elementary school to middle school and then high school. When students get older, it gets even harder to wake up and it leads to many obstacles that can be avoided by starting school at later times. By starting schools later, students have been shown to improve academically, be more productive—not skip school—and maintain better mental and physical health. A later start time should be incorporated into schools everywhere, especially high schools, for the benefit of the students.

Grades are a very important aspect of education to many high school students, and grades are immensely dependent on adequate sleep. Later start times would allow for a greater quantity and quality of sleep. Poor sleep has a negative effect on a student’s academic performance. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Adolescents who do not get enough sleep are more likely to perform poorly in school”. Students who are not afforded the opportunity to get the sufficient sleep (they need) will have a harder time focusing in school and doing well on exams. If schools push back the starting times in order to allow students to have a finer capacity of sleep, then the academic performance would improve, thus contributing to the common interest of all students, and teachers alike as they want their students to succeed.

Many teenagers fall victim to car accidents and poor attendance records. Later start times mean an improvement in attendance and safety as fewer students would sleep in or fall under the risk of driving to school in drowsy conditions. Enabling students to sleep more would cause more students to come to school on time and make them less likely to drive to school in a fatigued state. The Science Daily revealed that “later school start times were associated with a significant drop in vehicle accidents involving teen drivers”. This could be tied to the fact that teens are in a rushed mood to get to school on time from waking up late or that they are driving while tired, which can lead to many dangers. By starting schools at later times, the risks of teen car accidents would be reduced and the overall attendance would improve, thereby allowing for the betterment of students in all places

Even with all the benefits of starting school at later times, there still remain those who challenge the idea. A common counterargument from the individuals in opposition to pushing back the schools’ starting times is that students should just sleep earlier. However, research has demonstrated that teenagers are biologically more likely to fall into a deeper sleep at later times. Science advocates say that “young people's body clocks may shift as they reach their teenage years - meaning they want to get up later not because they are lazy but because they are biologically programmed to do”. The biological clock of a teen does not correspond well with schools’ starting times, and when a student is forced to wake up too early they are neglecting crucial parts of their sleep. In order to align better with teenagers’ internal clocks, schools should start at later times, which—in return—would result in the improvement of learning, concentration, and health.

Students commit a large portion of their day towards school and it would be a more enjoyable process if schools were to start at a more seemly time. For the general welfare of students in public education, the school start times should be moved to later times. The benefits include better grades, fewer absences, safer roads, and increased attentiveness. There is additional potential to starting schools later, such as the reduction of risk in athletics, less depressive symptoms, and a decrease in the likelihood of participating in violence. The further possibilities can only be explored as more schools start pushing back their start times and in the idealistic future, schools will hopefully start to implement a delay to start times as it is better for everyone.


I proofread it for you, and changed some things. I hope you find it useful!

Shakespeare in pop culture: pop culture is what we refer to as the cultural activities or commercial products reflecting, suited to, or aimed at the tastes of the general masses of people. pop culture can be films, television, music, artwork, video games, etc. Shakespeare frequently appears in pop culture. your task is to find a minimum of [3] pop culture references to Shakespeare to discuss in class. use this sheet to record your findings, and please feel free to think outside the box (the discussion will be much more interesting if we come in with different examples).



Festivity, the carnivalesque, and reinvention and appropriation of Shakespeare by popular culture in certain cultural contexts to assert international and national values.


The festive background of Elizabethan England obviously had a great impact on its dramatic productions. Very much aware of the popular demands and eager to cater for them, companies and their playwrights were keen to draw their productions and inspiration from legends, traditions, and myths linked to celebrations from the calendar festivals. Drama, was primarily the most popular medium of entertainment, in comparison to poetry and prose, and the location and design (next to wh*rehouses and bear and bull-baiting arenas, or other animal fighting pits, which could take place even inside the theatres) of the playhouses tell us much about the kind of relationship they bore with popular crowds. “It is also clear that the theatre was not necessarily first and foremost a temple of high culture, but might be primarily a place for having fun, rather than an instrument of privileged communication” (Laroque 180).

In 2012, thirty-seven companies from thirty-seven different countries intend to perform their own Shakespeare versions at the Globe. The tone is of celebration, as the direction states on the first page of the festival program: “The Globe to Globe festival is a carnival of stories” (2012:1). The related themes of festivity and the carnivalesque, so essential in Shakespeare’s time and extensively discussed by François Laroque, are rescued and privileged side by side with the issue of translation. Translation has gained such importance and value that the program opens with an article entitled “Flexible Shakespeare - Dennis Kennedy considers the gains to be made in performing the Bard without his language.” We must also remember that the program is not aimed at scholars, but at ordinary spectators, either with little or with considerable academic knowledge of Shakespeare, which shows how translation and cultural diversity have now become part of everybody’s life.

Because of Shakespeare’s flexible status, of the fluidity of shifting categories, and of the possibilities of reinvention, appropriation, and adaptation, my position towards the concepts of culture, the popular, and their connection with Shakespeare is one that does not regard these relationships on the basis of levels, superiority, evaluation, and categorization of cultural expressions as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. These are instances of language, of social constructions, in constant exchange, shift, and negotiation.

High or erudite culture will be used corresponding to a sum of discourses based on academic criteria, literacy, formal higher education, privileged financial means, and therefore as belonging to a minority, generally holder of economic, social, and political power. Popular culture will refer to other than formal sources of knowledge, including traditional practices, folklore, customs, and oral transmission of memory, to communal values and essentially shared practices, as well as to a site of identification and vindication of identities.

Resource I Used:

Back to the roots: Shakespeare and Popular Culture in the 20th and 21st centuries

Website: Open Edition Journals

I hope this helps you in any shape or form.

What is the most important idea in this section of the passage



Facial recognition should be used along with typed passwords for best possible security

Wattpad suggestions?


Answer: dude read smut

Explanation: if you like harry potter those are best


writing or reading?



find a topic then think of the plot







or what seem interest to you

Which sentence uses coordinating adjectives correctly?

A. The difficult, practice test made me study.

B. The big, scary bear ignored us and walked by.

C. The shallow babbling creek hurried past us.

D. The police rookie officer flashed her badge​






C. The shallow babbling creek hurried past us.


I need help with this!!!






D. third person omniscient


Our narrator is absolutely all-knowing in the truest sense of the word. He sees and hears just about everything, and instead of narrating events from the point of view of just one two people, he opts to follow almost one hundred different characters on their adventures throughout the course of the story.

This strategy allows him to give a comprehensive tale of not just Arthur or those close to him, but of the whole Round Table. For example, when he narrates the Grail Quest, he does so in episodes, following Galahad for a while, then Gawain, then Launcelot, then returning to Galahad, etc. He can interweave the characters' stories, as when Percyvale, Bors, and Galahad emerge from their separate adventures during the Grail Quest to set sail on a mysterious ship together and achieve the quest.

For example, when the people of England defect from Arthur in favor of Mordred, the narrator launches into a long diatribe about the lack of loyalty of the English people, which he compares to the "new fangill"-ness of the modern English people (680.25&ff). Likewise, the narrator puts the devoted love between Launcelot and Gwenyvere on a pedestal in comparison to that of lovers "nowadayes" who lack "stabilyté," or faithfulness (625.3&ff).

I hope this helps you in any shape or form.

This family faces a major dilemma. What do you think they should do?



they should sit down and talk about there problems and try to solve it.

When Justine is arrested, what does the priest threaten her with?



Explanation: In the end, Justine confesses to William's murder because her confessor (priest) pressures her to do so.

daily/Ali/his/cleans/car (Rearrange to make Sentence)


Ali daily cleans his car....

any 3 uses of honey








Wounds and ulcers

Use correlative conjunctions to combine the two sentences.
The puppy cannot sit for very long.
The puppy cannot stay for very long.


I believe it’s

The puppy cannot sit, or stay for very long.

The trouble with homework


Where's the question?

D) According to the passage, what
could scientists learn about from
studying yawns?
D ways to listen to boring stories
D secrets to becoming a hero
Dreasons why we get sleepy
cures for serious illnesses



reasons why we get sleepy  cures for serious illnesses


I hope this helps you in any shape or form.


Cures for serious illnesses

Write a free response 200 word essay that takes a stance on the following topic: "Digital media has greatly enhanced and improved the means by which to find and gain employment."

Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

Include the following vocabulary:
-digital media




sorry it might be more than 200 words

I tried to add my answer did not let me so just download this

What kind of writing is included in a historical narrative? (Select all correct answers.)
persuasive writing

fictional writing

subjective writing

objective writing​



fictional writing and i think something else to??


Explain which region you would have liked to live in during the Second Industrial Revolution and why. (North, South, West, or Midwest.)



During the Second Industrial Revolution I would want to live in the northern region. Advancements in manufacturing and production technology enabled the widespread adoption of technological systems such as telegraph and railroad networks, gas and water supply, and sewage systems, which had earlier been concentrated to a few select cities. This making me entitled to live in the northern part.


Which theme is not explored in Sonnet 55?



The theme is the main idea promoted in a text. The theme that was not explored in William Shakespeare's Sonnet 55 is;


In this sonnet which is a romantic poem, the poet addresses a certain love interest whom he says will outlive the span of time.

The theme of war was addressed because the poet said that even when war destroyed statues, his love interest will survive.

Her memory will last forever. Thus, he explores the theme of immortality.

The only theme that was not explicitly discussed in this poem is the theme of marriage.

Learn more here:


Which phrase is an example of an oxymoron in this passage?
Here's much to do with hate, but more with love.
Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate,
O anything of nothing first create!
O heavy lightness, serious vanity,
Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms,
Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health
Still-waking sleep that is not what it is!
-William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet Act I, Scene i, lines 180-186.
O A. sleep that is not what it is
O B. Here's much to do with hate
O C. cold fire
O D. well-seeming forms



C. Cold fire


According to the Oxford dictionary an oxymoron is "a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true )." So the phrase a "cold fire" is an oxymoron because it is directly contradicting itself.


"The Interlopers"



1. He notices that the roebuck are running in an unusual way.




1. He is keenly observant.




1. He says he cannot drink wine with an enemy.




1. He is stubborn and proud.







(I haven't read the story so I was searching to help you and this website has answers so search up the story and you should find them)

I'm sorry I can't do it myself I have to head to my next class.

Hope it helps though, good luck! :)

what does Elizabeth Proctor mean when she says “I do not judge you. The magistrate that sits in your heart judges you.” Crucible



what does Elizabeth Proctor mean when she says “I do not judge



Answer:I think the answer is c


The correct answer is c

Which statement is the best summary of the passage?





P sure the answer is B!! aka the second one

Is this a good into and thesis?



This is a very strong intro then the thesis probably needs to be little bit more stronger

What is Dialogic Reading



Dialogic reading is just children and adults having a conversation about a book. Children will enjoy dialogic reading more than traditional reading as long as you mix-up your prompts with straight reading, vary what you do from reading to reading, and follow the child's interest.



Dialogic reading is basically just children and adults having a conversation about a book.


Children enjoy dialogic reading better than traditional reading as long as you are following the child's intrest.


Why are steam engines important


Streams engine are important because:

The steam engine helped to power the Industrial Revolution.

Before steam power, most factories and mills were powered by water, wind, horse, or man. ..

The steam engine helped to power the Industrial Revolution.

Blue holes are caves that are (1) underwater / high up in the mountains. They were formed millions of years ago when (2) huge earthquakes happened / the land above them fell in and water entered the space. Blue holes are located on land or in the sea. Many of them are very deep and the water inside the holes is usually very (3) rough / calm. Although exploring blue holes is dangerous, many scientists still risk their lives to dive into them. They think that blue holes can tell us a lot about (4) ancient life forms / how the oceans were formed.


Answer:I think the answer is 3


Which are the three required parts of a text ad?



1. headline text

2. a display URL

3. description text


why is the bible "to be chewed and digested"



When you chew and digest something, you absorb the nutrients. Those nutrients become a part of you. Bacon is saying that only the most significant, truthful, useful, and worthy books should be chewed and digested. If they are superficial, practically useless, or lacking in truth, they should only be tasted.


Select 3 that have the longe sound


C. D. E. are the ones with a long e sound
Other Questions
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