
Answer 1


Hope This Helps :DDD


Mrs. Mallard enjoys freedom and dies when she sees her husband alive inside an hour in Kate Chopin's The Story of an Hour. This takes place in the Mallards' home. This story's environment is metaphorical, as evidenced by the descriptions of nature and the dwelling."Birds, patches of blue sky, entrances, and Mrs. Mallard's room and window are among the symbols employed in Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour." Thats How They Represent It. That's Also How The Symbols Work.

Related Questions

What is the meaning of the idiom, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you"?
A)Do not judge based on appearances.
B)Do not worry about trivial issues.
C)Do not act against those on whom you depend.
D)Do not have high expectations for something.




It’s C your answer sorry if I’m wrong

Here are the two other questions. I posted the first and the story on my last post before this one.


Question #4:

In " The Elevator ", Martin is shown to let his fear of elevators get the best of him which is why he avoided taking it and used the stairs which in end, resulted in him fracturing his leg from falling. An example is, "He ran for the stairs. Luckilty, the unlit on which he fell was between sixteen and fifteen. He had only has to drag himself up one a half flights with terrible pain in his leg, His father was silent on the way to the hospital, dissappointed and annoyed at him for being such a coward and a feel". This story shows one of many outcomes of letting your fears control your actions and how this is shown in the story is when Martin, instead of making it easier on himself, decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator because of both his fear of the elevator and the fat lady that he encountered during the time he used the elevator. A good takeaway from this story is to face your fears and not to let your fears control you as by doing that, you can lead to making irrational decisions that end up in bad outcomes, like what happen to Martin, since he let his fear control his actions, he ended up taking the stairs again, which resulted in him fracturing his leg forcing him to take the elevator from now on until his leg has fully healed.

In High School English Grade 10 students can answer the question
Using the questions below, write a paragraph (7-8 sentences in length) that answers the following questions:



In the future, I wish to become a successful enough person in which I will be able to live comfortably. There are many issues I may face in attempt to achieve my dream. From financial to social issues, things such as lack of funding for higher education or being discriminated against based upon factors out of my control, achieving my dream will be a struggle. Others surrounding me may wish for me to fail simply due to jealousy or spite. With the current pandemic, the rate of conflicts I have or will face have become accelerated. For example, many people have lost their jobs or place of residency as a result of the pandemic. Though, there are many programs which have been implemented to help those, such as myself, who will need the abundant help.

Which is the best explanation for why Neiterkob is called the “Beginner of the Earth”?

Neiterkob keeps Enkai happy.
Neiterkob saves the cattle by creating a giant tree to shade them from the volcano.
Neiterkob is the connection between the tribe and the sky god.
Neiterkob cuts down the giant fig tree to keep the cattle on the earth.



Neiterkob is the connection between the tribe and the sky god.


He is one of the tribes leaders that Enkai has given him a stick because he trusted him with the sacred cattle. The cattle kept the Masai and Enkai connected.

Hope this helps

....frame of that picture is broken


That’s tuff rip 5 points

Can someone help me with this please:)



sorry i dont know


Read this excerpt from A Girl from Yamhill.

When I think of my parents together, I see them beside this staircase. My big father is leaning on my little mother. Sweat pours from his usually ruddy face, now white with pain, as he holds one arm in the other.

I am horrified and fascinated, for I think one arm has fallen off inside his denim shirt.

How does the narrator’s father’s injury affect the narrator in this excerpt?

It helps her understand why he has to leave home often.
It helps her understand why he works so hard.
It shapes the way she remembers the size of her home.
It shapes the way she remembers her parents.


It shapes the way she rememberers her parents

The quote “When I think of my parents together, I see them beside this staircase.” shows that this is how the narrator remembers their parents.


D. It shapes the way she remembers her parents.



1) Mr. Ahmed did not buy his house. It was (heritage - heredity - an inheritance - heir) from his parents.

2) My grandmother had a small (outcome - come in - overcome - income) as a cleaner, but she never had very much money.



an inheritance from his parents

outcome?not sure but cant be last 2


What is the relationship between the human rights outlined in the declaration and an individual's success in a society?



The relationship between the human rights outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the success of an individual in a society is outlined through the introducting Disclosure and through the Articles 22, 23, 25, 26 & 27; as it follows:

« (...) Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom (...) »

Article 22

Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

Article 23

1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.

2. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.

3. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. 4. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

Article 25

1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26

1. Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.

2. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

3. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.



Through the main Disclosure and the Articles displayed, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guarantees all individuals rights to have a worthy access to enlargement possibilities in an ethical way that may be equitable for each one and makes them able to walk through the path of progress.

____ verbs are helping verbs.

A. Linking
B. Auxiliary




Auxiliary verbs are also referred to as helping verbs.

II. Essay. Explain briefly why the following factors may affect or influence our eating habits. Write your answers at the back of your answer sheet. a. Culture (5 points) b. Religion (5 points) c. Economic (5 points) ​



a. Culture determines when you eat and what you are allowed to eat. for example in the islamic culture people are prohibited from eating pork

b. Religion will also dictate what you eat, Christians will traditionally eat a huge feast at Christmas. During Diwali Hindus will eat samosas and rice kheer

c. Economic status will determine what you can afford to eat and how much you can eat. people living in poverty might only eat one meal a day and its probably not that nutritious

What was the difference between the plot and theme.

A) plot is what happens theme is why it happens

B) plot take a long time to explain themes are easy

C) plot is where the story happens theme is what happens

D) theme is less important than plot



A) Plot is what happens. Theme is why it happens.


In the way that the answer explains it, a plot is the 'point a to point b to point c' part of the story.

For example, a simple plot would be: A toddler named Kenny is playing with his toys. Another child named Darla comes and asks to play with Kenny's toy. Kenny gets angry. Darla cries, and Kenny feels bad for not sharing. So, Kenny gives her a toy anyways.

So, a theme for this would then be sharing, or learning how to share. This overall idea of learning to share is what drives the story. The plot is what literally happens.

Theme is the writer’s message about a certain perspective of something while plot describes the main sequence of a story….a key difference is that themes are often short and can be said in one sentence , whereas the plot of the story can be lengthy…..therefore I think the answer might be (B)

“On the whole” is this type of transition:


What do you mean by that?

Write a paragraph describing what Sarah is like and why she is feeling so sad in this passage.



The protagonist of the story, Sara is a wise, imaginative young girl. In spite of her wealthy background, she reacts with equanimity to the misfortunes and abuses that befall her after her father's death. Sara's emotional survival depends on her lively inner life, especially her fantasy of being a princess who helps those in need. She shares her stories and fantasies with friends, helping them to change their outlook on reality and to behave more generously. When she recovers her wealth and position of power, Sara uses her resources to help others.


what is luganda meaning



Luganda. / (luːˈɡændə, -ˈɡɑːndə) / noun.the language of the Buganda, spoken chiefly in Uganda, belonging to the Bantu group of the Niger-Congo family

Read the short speech.

Patriotism is often taught through school routines. Young Americans may stand to say, "I pledge allegiance to the flag.” They may attend special assemblies or programs honoring veterans. Career studies may include descriptions of armed service professions. Even the study of geography is an exercise in patriotism, as students learn the names of states and capitals.

The author includes an allusion to allow readers to

recall a familiar text.
consider famous veterans.
think of armed service professions.
remember the fifty states and their capitals.


The author includes an allusion to allow readers to "consider famous veterans." (Option B)

What is an Allusion?

An allusion is an expression that is inserted to reference something without explicitly stating it.

Hence it is right to state that The author includes an allusion to allow readers to "consider famous veterans."

Learn more about allusion at :

Answer: b

Explanation: cause i said so

What does Canada and climate change have to do together:
4-5 sentences



Over the years with increasing temperatures from centuries Canada's weather temps has increased highly. You see, Canada has always been a country with low temperatures. With global warming and carbon dioxide being reused for decades causes build-up in the atmosphere and since that reused carbon has been through the layers (of the atmosphere) it releases higher tempratures. Carbon can reach the thermosphere. But you may be wondering why Canada is still a cold place if the thermosphere is the hottest layer. That's because CO2 is the primary gas that radiationally cools the thermosphere, but at solar maximum, increases in other minor gases cause CO2 cooling to be less important. The "build-up" in the atmosphere gets released because that's how we are still alive.


When you think of gold, what ideas come to mind


when i think of gold, i think of fine riches. the atmost perfect palace and smiling people without a care or worry in the world since there isn't a need to.

I think of shiny jewelry, ancient Egypt, first place medals, and the Sun!

i need a opinuion essay on What are the effects of video games on our lives? What was the cause for this invention?



the answer is esy maybe kids want an escape and they love to play and it can sharpen your minds and the invention can be a propper utopia for people or maybe give them something to look forward to or enjoy


I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I have driven through the suburbs.   a low-income community.

the population in my town is 1000.  how many people in one area.

Like the montgomery boycott.    refusal to follow the rules.


Someone plz help me :(



I think C


The Neolithic Revolution describes the transition from hunting and gathering to farming and then to the onset of agrarian societies. This process, which relied mainly on the domestication of wild plants and animals, occurred independently in at least seven parts of the world from 10,000 BC.

How was pony boy when he was young?



he was nice and caring for the rest of the gang


Write a personal narrative that explores a time when you had to decide how to interact with others.


Answer: Ill explain this to you becuase this is a personal narrative.

Explanation: A personal narrative is a story from your past, a memory that you excperenced. Think of a time when there was a problem and you had to talk with others to find a soulution for that problem.

Why is it important to have all of a paragraph's sentences in order?because sloppy paragraphs can make readers laughbecause a sentence in the wrong place can confuse readersbecause sloppy paragraphs can lead to sloppy conclusionsbecause a sentence in the wrong place makes the paragraph boring



because a sentence in the wrong place can confuse readers



sentence in the wrong place can confuse readers


I got it right on my test so I know it's going to be right on yours

what are the descriptions given by the author about the characters in a story such as personality and habits called.

a) character details
b) character flaws
c) character traits
d) character cartoons ​


Answer: i am going to say C character traits

i hope this helps

if a man has no common experience in communication do you think their will be an underatanding among people in the world?​


Because the people 2anted to study the people and their recorces.


in need a pre- writing, rough draft, and a final draft!! only asking someone to do this because i need to finish my history that’s also due in an hour and don’t have time to do both.



The force of and outcomes of The Great Chigaco Fire devastated the many civilians of Chigaco.

It began in 1871 on the night of October 8th.  The fire resulted in a total of 200 million dollars in damage and left approximately 100,000 people homeless.  More than 17,000 buildings were burned down, and many people died. The fire eventually calmed down too days later on October 10th by the rain. The damages, however, were nothing they took lightly. This was a devastating moment for the citizens of Chicago.


This was not plagiarized. I know this can't be qualified for a full research paper, but this can help you in the right direction.




D. switching focus to sub-plot


Switching the focus to a subplot.


By focusing on a subplot you are no longer on the actual story so you are slowing down the pace.

1. A………... is a person or animal that lives in a particular place.A.resource B. Individual C. dweller D. Commuter





A dweller is a person or animal that lives in a particular place

Creating and distributing a questionnaire is a tool to _____.


The Answer is

Gather Details

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