All of the following are examples of print media except:


Answer 1


im afraid your question isnt complety finished.. what are the examples they gave you?


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This map shows what was happening during the
A. colonial era
B. Civil War era
C. Second industrial Revolution

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A. American Revolution
B. Colonization of the americas
C. Exploration of the Americas

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A. Africa
B. Europe
C. North America

The map helps demonstrate the
A. Effects of slavery
B. Events leading to the civil War
C. effects of being enslaved


Answer: Introduction

When the United States gained independence from England, the new nation's economy was overwhelmingly agrarian. Small-scale industrial production increased substantially during the first half of the nineteenth century, however, and by 1870 the United States was second only to Great Britain among the world's industrial powers. Nonetheless, most Americans still worked on farms through the decade of the Civil War. But between 1870 and 1930, a much more explosive era of industrial growth took place. This module presents three key indicators of that new era, two in graph form and one as a map. The first graph displays the number of people employed in agriculture as compared to the number of people employed in industry. A second graph displays the industrial production of the United States in comparison with other nations. Finally, the map shows those areas of the United States most intensely involved in industrial production in 1900.


Which act marked the beginning of the Korean War?



When the "North Korea invaded South Korea, this marked the beginning of the Korean War.



A massive artillery barrage from the North signals the beginning of the Korean War.


i am really good at this

What capital resources
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it is use to pick things like stones etc

Early Greek pottery most often depicted scenes from Greek mythology​





HELP PLS Which accurately defines Petrarch?
A. Italian architect who designed St. Peter's Basilica
B. Italian banker who was a patron of Renaissance artists and authors
C. Italian scholar and poet who was one of the earliest Renaissance humanists
D. Italian painter and sculptor nicknamed the Renaissance Man​






IT is c Italian scholar and poet who was one of the earliest Renaissance humanists


Is the correct one ^_^

Do you think Lum May's statement is a credible source about the events of
November 3, 1885, in Tacoma? Explain why or why not.


According to the contents of the statement, Lum May's position can be considered as credible.

Why should Lum's Statement be Considered Credible?

In the statement, Lum quoted Army General and other notable personalities such as General Sprague. He is also quoted as having made refenced to an incident that at least 1000 people witnessed.

This means that the statement is verifiable.

Another evidence of the authenticity of the statement is that it was accepted by the Department of State, under the National Archives and Records Administration. Hence, the authenticity of credibility of his assertions.

What is a credible source?

A reputable source is free of bias and supported by evidence. It was authored by a reliable author or group. There are several sources available, and it might be difficult to determine what is reliable and what isn't at first look. Evaluating the reliability of sources is a critical information literacy skill.

Learn more about Credible Sources:

Answer: i also need the answer


i need some milk or what you can help

Why did the Articles of the Confederation establish a weak national government?

A. It was an accident.

B. To protect state power.

C. Thomas Jefferson did not trust state governments.

D. The British government wanted it set that way.





i did this once

2. How would having a thriving port in Charleston affect South Carolina's African




South Carolina's giant slave population was largely due to the lowcountry's suitability to rice culture. Rice was both incredibly labor intensive and incredibly profitable. So not only did rice planters need more help than other planters, they could afford it.

Explanation:hope this helps

Who Wanted to purity the Church of England


Puritans and Separatists

Near the end of the 1500s, a number of groups began to form in England with renewed interest in trying to establish different church practices. One of these groups was called "Puritans" because they wanted to make the existing Anglican church more "pure" and simple.

What are the theories used to explain migration patterns




While Early theories include Thomas R. Malthus, William Farr and Earnst G. Ravenstein.

Ravenstein:The Laws of Migration

S.A. Stouffer:Intervening Opportunities: A Theory Relating

Mobility and Distance

E.lee: Pull-Push teori

Peterson: Primiteve migration,Forced migration,Free migration,maas migrationexamines in 4 topics

On the other hand Contemporary Migration Theories:

lewis, todaro, harris and todaro by defended neoclassical teori,

The Hypothesis of the Mobility Transition,

Massey's dual Labor Market Theory

Samir Amin, Immanuel Wallerstein and Andre Gunder Frank'sCentral-Environmental Relations Theory

Mabogunje's Immigration Systems Theory

Stark, Harbinson, Sandell and mincel's New Economics Of Labour Migration- NELM

Behavioral Model

Social Systems Theory

Network Theory

Social Capital Theory

Corporate Theory

Cyclic Causality Theory

Transnational Migration Theory...

who were the three signers of the declaration of independence from georgia


People gather for an Independence Day ceremony at which Georgia's three signers of the Declaration of Independence - George Walton, Lyman Hall and Button Gwinnett - were honored Wednesday.

? Drag the items on the left to the correct location on the right
political and religious persecution
open immigration policies
moneymaking opportunities
lack of economic opportunities
the "American Dream"



push:   political and religious persecution

pull:     open immigration policies

push:   overpopulation

pull:     moneymaking opportunities

push:   lack of economic opportunities

pull:     the "American Dream"


who was president during the whiskey ring scandal A. Washington B. Jackson C. grant






C. Grant


How did humans progress from bands of hunter-gatherers to developing the great civilizations of the ancient world?



They started out hunting and gathering and evenually the more fit people traveled around Europe and to Autrailia. After that they began to start settling down and started dong agricultre and producing more things.


while Tokugawa Japan was able to reject western influence, which of the following eventually declined due to the economic interests of Americans and Europeans?

A. Qing Dynasty
B. Heian Japan
C. Han Dynasty
D. Gupta Dynasty


Considering the available options, the dynasty that declined due to the economic interests of Americans and Europeans was the "Quin dynasty."

This is because the Quin dynasty, which lasted between 1644 to 1912, began to have issues with the Europeans, particularly the British, through the trade of Opium in the 19th century

This economic interest from the British led to the Opium War, which devasted the dynasty.

Later the western forces engaged the dynasty in another war in Boxer Rebellion.

Finally, the Quin dynasty fell when western-educated revolutionary Sun Zhongshan formed the Revive China Society at the end of the 19th century, which later led to the end of the Quin dynasty in 1912.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option A. "Quin Dynasty."

Learn more here:

I need help with this question


the pope crowned Charlemagne.

spanish explorers searching for gold and glory in the americas during the 1500s were known as what?


- they were called Conquistadors

why did king ferdinand sponsor christopher columbus



King Ferdinand sponsored Christopher Columbus because he hoped the sailor would bring glory and riches to the Spanish crown by finding a faster sea What was Christopher Columbus's most important voyage? The explorer Christopher Columbus made four trips across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain: in 1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502.


hope this helps if it does plz mark brainliest


King Ferdinand sponsored Christopher Columbus because he hoped the sailor would bring glory and riches to the Spanish crown by finding a faster sea...

What are 3 goals President Bush was trying to accomplish in the 9/11 Address to the Nation?



The Bush Doctrine holds that enemies of the US use terrorism as a war of ideology against the nation. The responsibility of the US is to protect itself by promoting democracy where the terrorists are located so as to undermine the basis for terrorist activities.


50 POINTS. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is due tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Based on your research about the Catholic Church, what impact do you think the Reformation had on Enlightenment thinkers and their developing ideas? (4 sentences minimum)



In the mid-18th century, Europe witnessed an explosion of philosophic and scientific activity that challenged traditional doctrines and dogmas. The philosophic movement was led by Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who argued for a society based upon reason rather than faith and Catholic doctrine, for a new civil order based on natural law, and for science based on experiments and observation. The political philosopher Montesquieu introduced the idea of a separation of powers in a government, a concept which was enthusiastically adopted by the authors of the United States Constitution. While the philosophers of the French Enlightenment were not revolutionaries, and many were members of the nobility, their ideas played an important part in undermining the legitimacy of the Old Regime and shaping the French Revolution.


During the Reformation, the Catholic Church were having a difficult time controlling the thoughts and daily lives of the commoners and wealthy. So when the "Enlightenment thinkers" came about the Catholic church saw such thoughts or beliefs as a danger to their power over the people. Martin Luther was a very key influencer during this time period creating the Lutheran religion during his lifetime.

Use the following statement to complete the statement:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

- The Declaration of Independence

The idea included in the excerpt from the Declaration of Independence can be attributed to:

a) Voltaire
b) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
c) John Locke
d) Montesquieu





the majority of immigrants who arrived in the united states between 1821 and 1880 settled in the:



Many newcomers initially settled in the North End and Fort Hill (near the present financial district), as older Yankee residents moved out.


I hope this helps!

Someone pls help me I will make you brain





The UK was forced to withdraw from NATO True or False




I believe the answer is False.

How does a seller maximize profit at marginal revenue being equal to marginal cost?



Firms will produce up until the point that marginal cost equals marginal revenue. This strategy is based on the fact that the total profit reaches its maximum point where marginal revenue equals marginal profit. ... If MR<MC, then the firm should produce less: it is making a loss on each additional product it sells.

what happened as a result of the boston tea party?



The effect of the Boston Tea Party was that the British passed the Intolerable acts, which were very harsh and cruel to the people of Boston.


write a 5 paragraph essay on Why did people demand and fight for change during the American Revolution?


You want somebody to write a 5 paragraph essay for u

Renaissance was the ancient rebirth of what?



The ideas of Ancient Greece and Rome


2. The Indus Valley civilization was



Oh, I have heard of the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC)! During the Bronze Age, mankind discovered this ancient civilization in the Northwestern regions of South Asia. The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was found in regions such as north-eastern Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Northwestern India.

who was the first writer?




The world's first known author is widely considered to be Enheduanna, a woman who lived in the 23rd century BCE in ancient Mesopotamia (approximately 2285-2250 BCE). Enheduanna is a remarkable figure: an ancient “triple threat”, she was a princess and a priestess as well as a writer and poet.



Enheduanna in 23rd century BCE in ancient Mesopotamia


brainliest ?

Other Questions
q(x)= 1/2x - 3; q(x) =-4. Find the value of x Introduction: Place the events of Alvarez v. United States in the correct order.US Court of Appeals overturnedAlvarez was accused of violating Supreme Court declared "Stolen Alvarez claimed he was awardedhis conviction"Stolen Valor Act"Valor Act" unconstitutionalthe "Medal of Honor Matching questions1.the plural - masculine or feminine2. this are free psim from s S'y afin buys 12 cookies .He gives 3.1 of the cookies to his mother. He gives 6.1 of the cookies to his brother. a)How many cookies does he give to his mother? b)How many cookies does he give his younger brother ? which angles are alternate interior angles Sofia ________ al lado de Ana. * 1 point estoy ests est estamos estn100points Students were asked which night they plangoing to the school festival. The results of the surveyare shown in the table. If 18% of the students did notgo on Friday, and 15% of the students did not go onSaturday, how many more students went on Fridaythan on Saturday?Pls help An Excerpt from Optimismby Helen Keller1 Could we choose our environment, and were desire in human undertakings synonymous withendowment, all men would, I suppose, be optimists. Certainly most of us regard happiness asthe proper end of all earthly enterprise. The will to be happy animates alike the philosopher, theprince and the chimney-sweep. No matter how dull, or how mean, or how wise a man is, he feelsthat happiness is his indisputable right.2 It is curious to observe what different ideals of happiness people cherish, and in what singularplaces they look for this well-spring of their life. Many look for it in the hoarding of riches, somein the pride of power, and others in the achievements of art and literature; a few seek it in theexploration of their own minds, or in the search for knowledge.3 Most people measure their happiness in terms of physical pleasure and material possession.Could they win some visible goal which they have set on the horizon, how happy they would be!Lacking this gift or that circumstance, they would be miserable. If happiness is to be someasured, I who cannot hear or see have every reason to sit in a corner with folded hands andweep. If I am happy in spite of my deprivations, if my happiness is so deep that it is a faith, sothoughtful that it becomes a philosophy of life,if, in short, I am an optimist, my testimony tothe creed of optimism is worth hearing....4 Once I knew the depth where no hope was, and darkness lay on the face of all things. Thenlove came and set my soul free. Once I knew only darkness and stillness. Now I know hope andjoy. Once I fretted and beat myself against the wall that shut me in. Now I rejoice in theconsciousness that I can think, act and attain heaven. My life was without past or future; death,the pessimist would say, a consummation devoutly to be wished. But a little word from thefingers of another fell into my hand that clutched at emptiness, and my heart leaped to therapture of living. Night fled before the day of thought, and love and joy and hope came up in apassion of obedience to knowledge. Can anyone who has escaped such captivity, who has feltthe thrill and glory of freedom, be a pessimist?5 My early experience was thus a leap from bad to good. If I tried, I could not check themomentum of my first leap out of the dark; to move breast forward is a habit learned suddenlyat that first moment of release and rush into the light. With the first word I used intelligently, Ilearned to live, to think, to hope. Darkness cannot shut me in again. I have had a glimpse of theshore, and can now live by the hope of reaching it.6 So my optimism is no mild and unreasoning satisfaction. A poet once said I must be happybecause I did not see the bare, cold present, but lived in a beautiful dream. I do live in abeautiful dream; but that dream is the actual, the present,not cold, but warm; not bare, butfurnished with a thousand blessings. The very evil which the poet supposed would be a cruel6) Read the last sentence from the text.Only by contact with evil could I have learned to feel by contrast the beauty of truth and love and goodness.Explain how Helen Keller develops this idea in the text. Use specific details tosupport your answer. how did republicans respond to president obamas statement Could someone please help me answer this, please no spam, will give brainliest, thank you! (homework help) AYUDAAAAA..........Cuando uno compra un objeto tecnolgico nuevo,compra la ilusin ms importante de los tiempos modernos: la ilusin de la velocidad y dela ubicuidad.El objeto promete que, gracias a l, uno puede ser ms veloz y estar conectado con mspersonas en ms lugares y en diferentes tiempos. Cada objeto con que contribuya a anular mstiempos y distancias, es decir, que ofrezca una versin ms sintetizada del mundo, va aprevalecer. En un mundo marcado por la velocidad, solo los objetos porttiles, que se adosan alcuerpo, que se convierten en parte del cuerpo, tienen derecho a existir. Estos son los objetos quese cuelgan en nuestros cuerpos como un apndice y se convierten, en cierto sentido, ennuestros sirvientes y en nuestros amos. Ya se anuncian dispositivos que se conectarn a nuestrosistema nervioso y que permitirn acceder directamente, cuando lo queramos, a una pantalla atravs de nuestros ojos. Ser entonces cuando llegue la era en la que no usaremos las mquinas,sino que todos nos habremos convertido en una de ellas .1.Escribe tres preguntas relacionadas a lo ledo y dale respuesta.2.Escribe en una frase lo que dice el texto3. Cul podra ser el ttulo del texto?4. Cul es el sentido de la palabra ubicuidad en el texto5. Despus de ledo el texto Cul sera la idea principal?Porfa lo necesito para hoy Am i right on this one? round 487 to the nearest 10 Another name for the arrows in a free-body diagram is calling it a Please help me with this problem There are 4 consecutive integers that have a sum of 18. What is the value of the leastinteger? in which type of fracture does the bone completely break but does not pierce through the skin? Loneliness. Help BRAINLIEST. Only if question is right His weary palms cover his earsAs if they could stop his thoughtsFrom voicing the truth that hurtsUnder the shadow of the staircaseThe boy suppresses his fears and tearsHow can it be that in this worldNo one is quite like me?I speak their language but it seemsI am unheard, dismissedOh to be just a new fool at new schoolFor others, it is broad daylightHappy people climb the stairsTheir steps are jolly and slowThey know not hurry or worriesNor the crouched figure in the shadowIn the world, it is springFlowers bloom in gardensButterflies hover over themRaindrops dance with the windOblivious to the boy under the stairsThe boy sees a spider building a webFalling a thousand times and climbing againAlone but steady in its pathAnd he crawls out of the darknessHe will face the sun again11In this poem, what does the spider most likely represent? A. the boy's hobbies B. the boy's inspiration C. the school's mascot D. the stairs' structure Identify the sentences subject.The sun was shining brightly.SunTheBrightlyShining