According to Girard's analysis, which statement about the character of
Hamlet is true?
A) Hamlet struggles with killing Claudius because he does not fully
believe in revenge.
B) Hamlet subconsciously imitates the example of Laertes because
Laertes is his older brother.
C) Hamlet's mood changes from one of passion to one of calm because
he is exhausted by the speech he makes to Laertes.
D) Hamlet finds the sight of Fortinbras' army depressing because he
realizes they are dedicated to a worthless cause.


Answer 1




i hope it helps

Answer 2

According to Girad's analysis, the statement that is true regarding Hamlet is given in option (D): "Hamlet finds the sight of Fortinbras' army depressing because he realizes they are dedicated to a worthless cause."

What is Girad's analysis of Hamlet?

According to Girard, the reason why Hamlet does not exact revenge right away is that he takes a long time to come to believe in the cause.

In revenge theatre, it happens without a doubt, but Hamlet ponders the value of seeking revenge and takes his time coming to a decision.

Shakespeare's Hamlet, according to Girard, displays Shakespeare's own disgust with the social pressure that encourages violence and demands vengeance.

He provides illustrations of models that illustrate how everyone is still caught in a never-ending cycle. Hamlet sees Fortinbras leading his men across Denmark toward Poland on his approach to England.

When he confronts a captain, he discovers that the Norwegians intend to fight for a useless piece of land in Poland. Therefore, option (A) is the correct answer.

Check out the link below to learn more about Girad's analysis;


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it is necessary that to come with us





Hope this helps you :)




it is necessary that you are able to come with us

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it is a complex sentence

which unit is more difficult: Stock market or accountancy and auditing? Why?


We can consider that the Stock market unit is more difficult because it tends to instability more easily.

We can arrive at this answer because:

The stock market is a very sensitive, variable, and unstable system.This is because the stock market is linked to many factors, which act individually or together and can act in very diversified ways.Even international factors, which are completely beyond analysts' control, can interfere with the stability of the stock exchange.All of this causes the stock market to have many different elements to analyze and many data being established at the same time, which can make it more complicated than other matters.

Although the difficulty is something very relative, accountancy and auditing tend to be less dynamic and have fewer elements as diverse, so they can be considered easier.

More information:

Choose the sentence with correct punctuation and capitalization.

A) The small world pen pal society has offices in Toronto, Canada and Tokyo, Japan.

B) The small world pen pal society has offices in Toronto Canada and Tokyo Japan.

C) The Small World Pen Pal Society, has offices in Toronto Canada, and Tokyo Japan.

D) The Small World Pen Pal Society has offices in Toronto, Canada, and Tokyo, Japan.



D) The Small World Pen Pal Society has offices in Toronto, Canada, and Tokyo, Japan.


please mark me brainliest

Share ur unpopular opinion…


that furries are okay and theyre just doing what they like. yeahh some of them are like really weird but yk just let them do what they wanna do, like them being furries doesn’t affect you so just stop being rude for no reason :/

In conclusion more people should eat at home because?



so u wont spread the corona virus

Eating at home is much more comfortable than having dinner or lunch in a public place. At home, we can be more relaxed than in a restaurant. We can wear comfortable, casual clothes; even pajamas. We can sit in a comfortable position on our favorite chair, on the sofa, or the floor. If we wish, we can watch TV or a video, or listen to a radio program. None of these can be done at a restaurant. Furthermore, at home, we do not have to worry about disturbing other diners and can talk and laugh as loudly as we want without fear of upsetting people sitting nearby us. In conclusion, it is my opinion that for reasons of comfort, cost and health, eating at home is preferable to eating in a restaurant or at a food stand. Although I enjoy eating out now and again and usually do so about once a week, it is not something I could do every day. Sitting in my comfortable clothes, in front of the TV, and with a good, home-cooked meal in front of me, I am happy and that is why I like eating at home more than eating at a food stand or in a restaurant.

please help me plsssssssss!​



where the question ??


Answer: For number 20 you would need to add an s


To make the answer grammaticly correct the s would be added since frogs usually dont live alone and might be more nearby :)

The children outwit the evil adults.They escape unharmed


B is your answer, that title made me laugh

Which one of the following sentences is a run-on sentence?

Taylor has three ideas to share with her group about the next presentation.

Taylor has three ideas for the next presentation and she cannot wait to share them with her group.

Taylor is excited about sharing her three ideas with her group.

For the next group presentation, Taylor has three new ideas.



Taylor has three ideas for the next presentation and she cannot wait to share them with her group.



The answer here is Taylor has three ideas for the next presentation and she can not wait to share them with her group.


My friend Betsy blank late for rehearsal. I blank her to make sure she was not sick.

Choose the verbs that make these sentences correct.

will be / call

was / call

was / called

is / calling



the answerto your question is c.

What are the features of a myth?


Features of myth :

Myths teach a lesson or explain the natural world. Myths teach a lesson or explain the natural world. Myths have many gods and goddesses. Myths teach a lesson or explain the natural world. Myths have many gods and goddesses. The gods and goddesses are super-human.Characters are often non-human and are typically gods, goddesses, supernatural beings or mystical “fist people.”

Essays, articles, and speeches are all works of nonfiction. Which of the following is
an accurate statement about the authors of nonfiction?

a) They are always real people.

b) They usually focus on retelling historical events.

c) Their tone is objective.

d) Their style is always full of figurative language.



I think it is B and D If not then it is my fault


Extremely Need Help ASAP). Answer If You Have Read Either Story). Write a Character Analysis: 1- 5 --> State the characteristics of a good character analysis. Then choose a work of fiction that you have read recently in the course. Review the story and any notes you took about it -- especially, notes you took about characters. Now, choose one important character about whom to write an analysis. To prepare to write it, answer the questions about the char. Question 1) What are the character's main traits? What evidence in the text shows these traits? ( Question 2: Is the character the protagonist? What details in the text show the character in that role? ( Question 3: Is the character flat or complex? How does the character show complexity or flatness in the story? ( Question 4: Does the character change during the story? Explain, supporting your answer with evidence from the text). Now Write an Analysis of the Character. Write a two-paragraph analysis of the character you chose. ( Look at the picture for the instructions to what it wants you to describe.) Will Mark Brainliest if completed correctly. ( Only Choose One Story That I Have Listed Here: ( 1) "The Day I Got Lost" By Isaac Bashevis Singer). 2) " Everything That Rises Must Converge" By: Flannery O'Conner). [ Has to be turned in this afternoon Please can someone help me].​




Values, Morals, and Beliefs Character Traits








give details of an interesting incident that happened during a flight you were on?



The left flight

Which of these is a type of source Eshelman used in the process of researching and writing her book?

a.) travel narratives
b.) video recordings
c.) magazine articles
d.) newspaper clippings

quick please?<3 20 points!!


A that’s the answer

Which answer choice best describes the speaker’s tone in these lines?

What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore Meant in croaking, “Nevermore.” This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom’s core;






Read the passage.


­­­­­What is an earthship?

An earthshi­­­p is a home designed to make use of recycled materials and increase energy conservation. Ideally, by living in an earthship, a person can have a home that is “off the grid.” People who live in earthships do not depend on outside sources for electricity, food, or water. Building an earthship may be an attractive choice for those who want to use fewer of our planet’s non-renewable resources.

The Foundation

First, the foundation is built by firmly packing dirt inside recycled tires. Then, the tires are placed in a pyramid-like stack going as high as needed. Next, cement is spread and smoothed between the tires to create a solid wall. When this is finished, the walls are sealed with a protective coating and painted. Some interior walls are built using recycled cans and cement, also sealed with a protective coating.

Solar Energy

Solar panels give enough stored energy in batteries to provide electricity for appliances, lighting, and electronics. However, solar-powered batteries hold about one-third the charge of energy used in a regular household wired for electricity. This means that people either buy more batteries or intend to use less electricity than a conventional household. Ideally, earthships are built in places where there is an abundance of sunshine year-round.

Floor-to-ceiling windows on an earthship’s south wall also allow plenty of sunlight. It is important that no trees block the light on this side of the house. The sunlight shines directly onto a brick floor, which then absorbs the heat. This provides enough warmth to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house for the rest of the day. This method of heating the home is called passive solar. Most earthships also have either a wood stove or a heater that uses propane, a type of natural gas. These heat sources are useful on cloudy days. During the summer, the combination of the cool temperature of the earth beneath the floor plus the thick walls can keep the house comfortable without the use of air-conditioning.

Recycled Water

Gutters on the roof collect rainwater that then trickles down into large storage barrels. The water is used for taking showers, doing dishes, and flushing the toilet. It is also filtered for drinking. People sometimes build a greenhouse to grow their own food. Water that has been used for dishwashing or showers can be saved if the soaps are chemical-free. This recycled “gray” water can be used yet again to water the plants in the greenhouse.

Potential Problems

Earthships have been around since the 1970s. Now, ­­long-term studies have revealed some problems. For one, without sufficient sunlight during the winter, large amounts of natural gas known as propane and/or wood are used to heat the home. Propane use can be costly, and unless one has planned far ahead, a wood supply can be quickly depleted.

Another problem is that tires used in the foundation walls can, after a long period of time, begin to crack, releasing a toxic gas that has built up over time in the walls. The use of cement, which is a porous material with many small holes and spaces, allows the gases to leak into the air. The type of gas emitted is not detectable by smell but can make people sick. To address this problem, the walls of the home needs to be resealed every year.

Cost can also be a significant challenge. Some earthship building companies claim that it is far cheaper to build an earthship because only recycled materials are used. Also, a contractor’s license or training is not needed to build one. This, though, is true if it is built 100% by the owner, which could take years to complete. Additionally, the cement, plumbing, and electrical components, as well as the cost of installing solar panels, can be expensive. Just as with the construction of a conventional home, proper permits are often needed to build an earthship.

There are clear advantages and disadvantages to these unique homes. As technology improves and new solutions are discovered, earthships may continue to be a wise way to live sustainably using minimal resources.

In the article, "Earthships," what does passive solar mean?

a clean-burning natural gas

a type of pollution resulting from cracking tires

the use of the sun's energy for either heating or cooling

a type of fossil fuel used for electricity
please help



The use of the sun's energy for either heating or cooling

hello mga ka branly please help me my question thank you for your answer SHUCRAN​


Number 1. 3, 15, 21, 33....

Sundan mo lang patterns ng pagbilang hehe

Describe how kites are important and hold a valued place in human history. discovering kites



Kites were first made to measure distances, providing information to aid moving large armies across difficult terrain. They were used to calculate and record wind readings, similar to ship flags at sea.

Kites were brought to Japan about the 7th century by Buddhist monks. They were used to avert evil spirits and to insure rich harvests. ... Kite flying became very popular in Japan during the Edo period. For the first time Japanese people below the samurai class were allowed to fly kites.

Here are some simple sentences that students wrote. Say them out loud. Some of them are cor-
rectly formed and some are not. Put a check (V) before the sentences that are correctly formed
and an X before the sentences that are not correctly formed. (FIRST COVER THE ANSWER BOX BELOW.)
1. It is a beautiful experience.
2. They speak to their parents every day.
3. We eating mangoes every day.
4. They close the store every night at dusk.
5. My grandparents smiling all the time at us.
6. The day was cloudy.
7. They spoken to us about their experiences.
8. The couple wanted three children.
9. I never forgotten my grandparents.
10. I stayed in bed till 10 AM
11. We will improve our writing in this class.
12. We to visit India next summer.
13. I will go to New York next winter
14. I to remember them always.


1. X

Select the three main parts of a paragraph. Make sure you check 3 boxes.
A Transitional phrases
B) Concluding Sentence
C) Title
D) Supporting Sentences
E) Thesis statement
F) Topic sentence​



f,d,b ,c


what I think are the answers but u can always look it up

aoqewgzxzc. j oin m ee t f or talki ng​





lemme join

are you alright ?? /gq

are the phrases "this is interesting to do" and "doing this interests me" and "I am interested in doing this" the same



Yes, they mean the same. These sentences are just different ways to say that something is interesting to you.

Hope this helps!!

Who are the top 10 most powerful character in The Crucible? 10 being the least powerful and 1 being the most powerful/influential. 1.) Thomas Putnam
2.) Abigail Williams
3.) Reverend Parris
4.) John Proctor
5.) Elizabeth Proctor
6.) Mary Warren
7.) Reverend Hale
8.)Ezekiel Cheever
9.) Rebecca Nurse
10.) Judge Danforth



1.) Thomas Putnam

2.) Abigail Williams

3.) Reverend Parris

4.) John Proctor

5.) Elizabeth Proctor

6.) Mary Warren

7.) Reverend Hale

8.)Ezekiel Cheever

9.) Rebecca Nurse

10.) Judge Danforth

Third person POV can only be limited, but not omniscient.



false, 3rd person can also be omniscient.
(omniscient is when you know how all the characters are feeling and limited is when you just know the basics, like sad mad of a few characters. but it doesn’t go deep in emotion.)

Questions to research: Are advertisements aimed at teenagers effective? And, are they ethical?



Topic: Clothing

Response: Yes, the advertisement aimed at teenagers is effective and ethical because it is a brand for fashion that a majority of teens wear. Vans made teens wear their clothing after creating designs that defined the character of a teen.



The advertisement is effective because it attracts teens due to their value and interest in the product/brand.


1.Do you know anyone who has a genetic disorder? What is life like for that person? What are his/her challenges?

2. Think about passive, active, and evocative gene-environment interactions. Give an example of each of these using information from your own life.

3. Think about the internets of people in your immediate family. Are you interests similar or different from theirs? How do you explain your answer?





What events does Mercutio's curse of a "plague" on the houses of the
Montagues and the Capulets foreshadow



Mercutio's line is, put simply, a curse on both the Capulet and the Montague families. Mercutio's curse is because he blames the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues for his death - and he realises that he is dying.


Please write 1 sentence about this image.


a cricket can represent the fragility in a boxing glove as if to say that everything good has something bad and that everything bad has something good then the strongest or rudest can actually express the opposite as well as the fragile or Libyan

What is implied when Chief Seattle compared the Europeans to grass while he called Native American, “a scattering of trees?


At the time Chief Seattle, who was a recognized native chief of the northwestern United States, compared the Europeans to grass while he called Native American a scattering of trees, this analogy refers to both a positive and a negative face regarding his vision of both groups.

Thus, on the one hand, he considered the natives as trees, these being stronger, imposing and valuable than simple grass; but these were far from each other, in a small quantity, while the grass as such was uniform throughout the land.

In this way, Chief Seattle implied that he recognized the value of the native peoples in the face of the white advance, but that he understood that given the dispersal of the natives, the white control of the territory was inevitable.

Learn more in

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