4. In Harrison Bergeron, there are many different "handicaps" placed on people. In your opinion, what is the most interesting handicap given to someone has and why. Explain,


Answer 1


Harrison Bergeron wears handicaps including huge earphones, which transmit distracting sounds into his ears, spectacles with thick lenses, a red rubber ball on his nose, black caps on his teeth, and three hundred pounds of metal weights hanging all over his body.


Related Questions

Angelo-Saxon Boast EH4

Willing to pay to be correctly completed. I just have a lot to do and don't have time to do this, so if someone could write this for me that would be very helpful.

Preferably about being the best doctor or something, as for lineage you can just put a blank or something and I'll fill in the name myself.

I've attached the rubric that explains all of what needs to be included.


My own Angelo-Saxon is given below

What is the Angelo-Saxon style?

Listen, ye friends and foes, and hear my tale,

Of the greatest healer to ever set sail!

With my knowledge deep and my skills divine,

I conquer all ailments with ease every time.

My lineage, 'tis true, is not of great renown,

But my deeds and my wit shall bring me my crown.

For I have traveled the land and the sea,

Gathering wisdom, my skills honing endlessly.

In the depths of the night, when others may sleep,

I toil with my remedies, cures so discreet.

My gentle touch and my steady hand,

Can heal wounds that others cannot withstand.

With each patient, I leave them feeling so bold,

Their sickness is gone, their vigor retold.

My name echoes forth, my fame it resounds,

As I traverse the earth, healing all wounds.

I accept wyrd, that my path is set,

But I shall achieve all that I have not yet.

For I am a healer, a soother of pain,

A master of remedies, a conqueror of strain.

My skills are like a sea-road, wide and vast,

A beacon of hope in a world of the past.

I am the ankle-biter of ailments, small but strong,

With each cure, I show I am right and they are wrong.

My skills, they are unmatched, my fame it shall soar,

For I am the greatest healer, forever and more!

Learn more about Angelo-Saxon  from



See transcribed text below

The Anglo-Saxon Boast

Your task is to write your own boast (Anglo-Saxon style). You will type this assignment and you will perform this in class. You will be able to use your paper; however, your boast will be more effective if you are not strictly reading from your paper. Make sure that you practice!


*** You can refer to Beowulf's boasts in your textbook on pages 26-27 (lines 234-282) for inspiration. ***

1. Your boast should begin with a salutation and a challenge to listen. best CRNA/Doctor ("Listen!", "Hear me!" "Classmates, Corinthians, lend me your ears!")

2. List your lineage

(Parents, siblings, extended family, family home/hall, occupations, etc.)

3. List your favorable traits, often telling a story (lots of exaggeration goes here)


Ex. A runner might tell a story of how he ran 800 miles, through bear-infested woods in a single day.

4. Alliteration goes everywhere... minimum of seven

5. List projects of future bravery

a. Remember that runner from before? Yeah, he is going to win the Olympics.

6. Indicate your acceptance of wyrd (Anglo-Saxon word for fate)

a. The runner may indicate that he is definitely going to win, but lists what he must

do to accomplish this task. But, if I fail, .... (consequences).

7. You must include at least five kennings 2 nouns back to back

a. Examples (we have talked about this before)

i. Sea-road = the ocean


Institution of great learning = school



Bookworm = someone who reads a lot

Ankle biter = a small child

8. Your boast should be a minimum of 30 lines.

You will turn in your hard copy of this assignment. Make sure to highlight and label the following (use different colors to distinguish between terms):

• Alliteration

• Kennings

What is the 2005 compilation killer queen is one honoring queen crosswrod clue ?





1. How have the views of White Americans changed since the murder of George Floyd and then since the Black Lives Matter protests?

2. How do you expect the views of Americans to change on these issues over the next year?


1. The murder of George Floyd and the subsequent Black Lives Matter protests had a significant impact on the views of white Americans on issues of race and policing.

The protests led to a significant increase in awareness and concern about systemic racism and police brutality, particularly among white Americans. The protests also prompted many white Americans to engage in conversations and self-reflection about their own privilege and biases, and to take concrete steps towards becoming allies in the fight against racism.

2. It is likely that the ongoing conversations and activism surrounding racial justice will continue to shape public opinion and drive change. As more people become aware of the systemic issues at play, it is possible that there will be further shifts towards greater understanding and support for the need for reforms to address these problems.

What should you know about police brutality in America and the views of Americans?

Police brutality refers to the use of excessive or unnecessary force by police officers in the performance of their duties. This can range from physical violence to psychological intimidation and has been a long-standing issue in America, particularly in communities of color. Incidents of police brutality have led to widespread protests and calls for reforms, including better training and accountability measures, to address the systemic issues at play and prevent further harm.

it's important to note that views among white Americans are diverse and complex, and that some continue to resist acknowledging the existence of systemic racism and the need for police reform. This issue are complex and deeply ingrained in American society, and that change will likely occur gradually over time.

Learn about police brutality here;



The frighten discovery planning



what is this supposed to mean?

Identify each statement as illustrating an association, a causal, or a frequency claim.Pet ownership is tied to greater well-being is called as?


Pet ownership is tied to greater well-being is called as association claim.

An association claim asserts that a particular level of one variable is likely to be associated with a specific level of another variable. Variables that are related are said to correlate or covary, which means that when one variable changes, the other variable tends to change as well.

A causal claim is any assertion that invokes causal relationships between variables, such as that a drug has a specific effect on disease prevention.

Frequency claims are claims that mention the percentage of a variable, the number of people who participate in some activity, or the level of a certain group on a variable.

To learn more about claims link is here



At the beginning of the film (but not in the play version), what did Reverend Parris catch his daughter and other girls doing?


Parris has shipped for Reverend John Hale of Beverly, an expert on magic, to decide whether Betty is actually charmed. Parris berates their welcome relative, Abigail Williams, cause he discovered her.

Putnam tries to incline Parris that endure revealing the presence of magic, but Parris is anxious. He experiences that a group of townspeople is going to eliminate him from Salem, and witchcraft wrongdoing including welcoming offspring would present them the capacity to expel him from the metropolis.

Reverend Parris has shipped for a doctor as the play starts because the welcome girl, Betty, is ill and achieved revived. Parris questions welcome relative Abigail about how Abigail acted accompanying Betty in the wood.

To know more about Parris refer to: https://brainly.com/question/25748009


They were in a desperate situation they didn't know what to do.

Do you put another period, comma and conjunction, or semicolon?



comma and conjunction


They were in a desperate situation, and they didn't know what to do.

In ghetto nerd at the end of world how is Oscar characterized in chapter 1 ?



This prompts Oscar to change. When he visits his Nena Inca in Santo Domingo that summer, he brings notebooks and attempts to become a writer.


Hello Can you help me please
In your opinion, which of Roosevelt's Four Freedoms is most important and why? Write a 3-5 sentence response and use the R.A.P.S. method, with examples to support your thinking.


Answer: Sure!

Explanation:  "In my opinion, Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech is an inspiring call to action that outlines the fundamental values that all people should be able to enjoy. However, if I had to choose one freedom as the most important, I would say that the freedom from fear is the most critical. The freedom from fear is essential for people to be able to live their lives to the fullest and to pursue their dreams without the constant threat of violence or intimidation. For example, in countries where people live in fear of their government or of criminal gangs, they cannot freely express their opinions or participate in the political process. The freedom from fear allows individuals to live with dignity and to freely pursue their aspirations."

Which of the following is not mentioned in a signal phrase?

The date of publication
The name of the author
The name of the website
The title of the article


The answer would be, "The date of publication." Thus, option (A)


A signal phrase is written to show the reader evidence of the source. When writing one, the date isn't required or is supposed to be written.

Paper- Coming to Our Senses

The author provides a brief explanation and discussion of
parapsychology. Although it may seem like a digression, it serves his larger purpose. What function does this discussion serve?


The discussion of parapsychology serves to illustrate how our senses can limit us from experiencing reality in its fullness. It also serves to emphasize the importance of learning to trust our intuition and embrace the unknown, as our senses can only take us so far. Moreover, it shows how science and spirituality are interconnected, and how both are essential for understanding reality.

Read the short story from Myths and Legends of the Great Plains. Then answer the question that follows.

Long ago, in the beginning, Deer had no horns. His head was smooth like a doe's. Now Deer was a very fast runner, but Rabbit was a famous jumper. So, the animals used to talk about it and wonder which could go the farther in the same time. They talked about it a great deal. They decided to have a race between the two, and they made a pair of large antlers to be given to whoever could run the faster. Deer and Rabbit were to start together from one side of a thicket, go through it, and then turn and come back. The one who came out of the thicket first was to receive the horns.

On a certain day all the animals were there. They put the antlers down on the ground to mark the starting point. Everyone admired the horns. But Rabbit said, "I don't know this part of the country; I want to look through the bushes where I am to run."

So, the Rabbit went into the thicket, and stayed a long time. He was gone so long the animals suspected he was playing a trick. They sent a messenger after him. Right in the middle of the thicket he found Rabbit, gnawing down the bushes and pulling them away to make a clear road for himself.

The messenger came back quietly and told the animals. When Rabbit came back, they accused him of cheating. Rabbit said, "No," but at last they all went into the thicket and found the road he had made. Therefore, the animals gave the antlers to Deer, saying that he was the better runner. That is why deer have antlers. And because Rabbit cut the bushes down, he is obliged to keep cutting them down, as he does to this day.

How does the juxtaposition of the two main characters add to the meaning of this story?

Group of answer choices

It allows the theme of the story to be revealed.

It makes the story more comical.

It allows the reader to learn more about the Rabbit.

It gives insight into Deer's weaknesses.



The animals decided to have a race is the part of the story is the rising action. Hence, option C is correct.

What are Myths and Legends?

Supernatural heroes or gods are typically the central figures in myths. The stories are historical in nature. These stories were told by people who believed them to be true. An acknowledged historical fable is referred to as a legend. The main characters are usually monarchs or heroes.

What is your opinion of "The Ribbons" so far? Work with partners or in a small group to practice sharing and discussing your opinions, using the speaking frames. Then use the self-assessment rubric to evaluate your participation in the discussion.

1. In my opinion, "The Ribbons" is … because … 2. Why do you think Elizabeth is…? 3. I think … said that … 4. I agree / don’t agree with … that …


In my opinion, "The Ribbons" is about How the family and their being is important. Also, the sacrifice that comes with it.

What are the Ribbons?

The story of Ribbon repair is about a girl who follows in Aspiring the career. In a ballet school. But she had to give it up to save the money. The money was her grandmother to get immigration. Yep was the first Robin how-to Bella.

There was Chinese history as well as her grandmother's secret that was depicted in the story the theme of the story. In this story, it is told that love is conveyed in various ways.

Learn more about Ribbons, here:



The author uses the word despondent is she trying to convey about her ch
Rachel is very happy.
Rachel is encouraged.
C. Rachel is very angry.
D. Rachel is depressed.


D. Rachel in depressed

De-spond-ent = feeling low in spirits


D. Rachel is depressed.


Despondent - in low spirits from loss of hope or courage.

How does Ponyboy change throughout in chapter 4?



Explanation:he do what he do

Find a quote that shows
why Percy keeps attracting
the monster's attention.
Page 53-54


The quote shows why Percy keeps attracting the monster's attention. Even monsters need a little attention once and a while.

What is the summary of The Lightning Thief?

The Lightning Thief is a narrative written by Rick Riordan highlighting the theme of the tale as a 12-year-old young boy finds out that Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, is actually his real father. Percy has a character as a problem with no potential because of his learning difficulties.

To try to prevent the minotaur from crushing Percy's mother, Grovers continually draws the minotaur's interest. Percy's safety and his safe arrival at the camp are Grover's top priorities.

Learn more about The Lightning Thief, here:



Review the section "Computerized Conservation"
on pages pages 3 and 4.
Click or tap the TWO underlined sentences on
these pages that BEST support the inference that
commercial boats are failing to adhere to rules
that prohibit fishing.


The underlined sentences on these pages that support the inference that commercial boats are failing to adhere to rules that prohibit fishing include:

With declining fish populations, many conservationists are looking for sustainable solutions as well as ways to enforce the "no-take restrictions.

This information is layered onto a map showing restricted zones and boundaries, making it clear whether they are fishing legally.

What is an inference?

An inference is a conclusion which a person makes based on the available evidence which he has and also the premise of an argument.

In this case, the declining fish populations, many conservationists are looking for sustainable solutions as well as ways to enforce the "no-take restrictions.

Learn more about inference on:



how does john react to the narrator's plea? he agrees to her request but begs her to reconsider. he refuses her plea to leave and instead arranges to stay three more weeks. he treats it like a childish fancy and makes her feel like she can't tell him anything. he is fine with leaving early until she suggests that she might be mentally unwell.


John cares about the narrator's well-being and is sympathetic to her plight. He acknowledges her desire for extra time and agrees to stay for an additional three weeks.

In addition, narrator treats her with warmth and compassion, never letting her feel as though she has nothing to say. Though he is prepared to depart, he changes his mind after realizing that she might be dealing with mental health problems. Since the narrator's request is vague, John doesn't respond to it explicitly. John's response, nevertheless, could vary depending on the circumstances, from empathy and understanding to apathy or hate.

To know more about narrator refer to the link below :



how does austen seek to educate the reader (and in turn her own society) in a moral lesson in this section of the novel?


Answer: In "Pride and Prejudice," Jane Austen seeks to educate the reader (and in turn her own society) in a moral lesson by using her characters to demonstrate the consequences of their actions and beliefs. Through the interactions and experiences of Elizabeth, Darcy, and other characters in the novel, Austen presents a critique of the societal norms and values of her time, and emphasizes the importance of personal qualities such as humility, generosity, and good manners.

One of the key moral lessons in the novel is the importance of judging people based on their character rather than their social status or wealth. Throughout the novel, Austen shows how Elizabeth's initial prejudice against Darcy, based on his wealth and social status, ultimately blinds her to his good qualities. By contrast, she also shows how Darcy's initial pride and aloofness prevent him from recognizing Elizabeth's worth.

Austen also seeks to educate the reader about the dangers of prejudice and societal pressure. For example, she demonstrates how Lady Catherine's attempts to force Elizabeth to conform to her social norms and expectations only serve to push Elizabeth further away from her. Additionally, she shows how the pressure to marry for financial security rather than for love can lead to unhappiness and dissatisfaction in relationships.

In conclusion, through "Pride and Prejudice," Jane Austen seeks to educate the reader in a moral lesson by using her characters to demonstrate the consequences of their actions and beliefs. By presenting a critique of societal norms and values, and emphasizing the importance of personal qualities such as humility, generosity, and good manners, Austen aims to promote moral reflection and growth in her readers.


Read the passage and answer the question that follows.

Teachers should really think about the amount of math homework they assign to their students. All types of learners hate homework. If a student already knows how to work the math, why do they need to practice it over and over? And, students who don’t “get it” in class end up practicing incorrectly over and over, leading to an extreme dislike for school. I think requiring just a few practice problems is more appropriate for students.

How does the hasty generalization in the passage oversimplify the evidence?

It suggests that everyone is good at math already.

It implies that teachers do not understand students.

It forgets that students can ask for help with homework.

It ignores the fact that some learners might like or benefit from homework.


Sentence 2 uses an emotional appeal, while sentence 3 uses an authoritative one.

What is sentence ?

"Clauses are in contrast to phrases, which they do resemble. The primary characteristic of a clause is that it has all the elements of a potentially independent sentence, namely a verb, a subject, and occasionally additional objects. If a sentence contained only these elements, it would be referred to as a clause rather than a phrase. A verb might be present in a phrase without its subject or it can be the subject of another verb." A sentence is a collection of words that work together to communicate a single idea. A sentence serves as a complete thought and is the basic unit of language.

It does this by following the core grammar principles of the syntax. For instance, "Ali is walking."

Learn to know more about sentence :



What is a theme of the poem "Grass"?
Select the two correct answers.
1.Nature obscures the signs of human turmoil.
2.One can find serenity and hope in nature.
3.One should deal with emotions rather than ignore them.
4.Memories of our past will always linger.
5.The sacrifices of war are soon forgotten


1. Nature obscures the signs of human turmoil.

2. One can find serenity and hope in nature.

what improved for you each time you read the text? check all that apply


The things that improved for me each time I read the text are:

my accuracymy understanding

How can text be defined?

In reality, text is a collection of words and sentences that convey knowledge to readers. Text, then, is made up of the combinations of letters to form words and of words to construct sentences.

The power of comprehension is understanding. Particularly: the ability to comprehend general relationships between particulars; the capacity to make experience understandable via the use of concepts and categories.

Therefore, options A and D are correct.

Learn more about read at:



complete question:

What improved for you each time you read the text? Check all that apply.

my accuracy

my pacing

my expression

my understanding

what job did walter hold at the beginning of the play?


The chauffeur was the job that Walter will hold in the first half of the story.

What is a raisin in the sun?

Raisin in the Sun is the story of a people who will struggle in life. Also, they want to make sure that their dreams will be transformed into reality.

In this story there is a chauffer around which the dat was top be permitted. This was there to make sure that the Walter Younger job was to be paid with a minimum amount of the data that is to be used. This will become the source of income and will help in making the money that is required as the insurance amount.

Learn more about a raisin in the sun, here:



What impression of the battle does the alliteration help convey in lines 293-300? Please help please help


Could you provide more information brother!

►Do you think Mark Twain is right about moral courage being rare in the world? Why or why not?


I believe Mark Twain is correct in saying that moral courage is a rare quality. In today's world, it takes courage to stand up for one's beliefs and values, especially when doing so means defying popular opinion or going against the grain of society. People often place a higher value on conformity and self-interest than on standing up for what is right. As a result, those with moral courage are often seen as exceptions to the rule, which can make them seem rare.

by Jon Caswell
Betty had sat quietly through the entire freshman orientation. This program was
designed to help students understand what to expect from their freshman year.
There were so many new students, and she was reluctant to stand out by asking a
question. The last part of the program, a question-and-answer panel of professors,
had already started. Nobody had asked the question she was most curious about
Betty raised her hand and asked, "What can students do to impress their
The members of the panel looked at each other quizzically. Finally, Professor
Weingarten, one of the oldest members of the panel, responded, "Be late."
"Be late?" Betty responded.
That's right, nothing impresses a teacher, or employer, for that matter, as much
as someone who is late," the history teacher said. "I never forget a student who is
chronically late to my class. In fact, in my classes, those students always get a minus
on their letter grades. Even if they've earned an A, they get an A.."
Tom, a freshman sitting near Betty, jumped up. "That isn't fair," he said. "If they
earn an A, they should get an A. They obviously didn't miss anything important by
being late."
Professor Weingarten eyed the young man. "I don't downgrade them for
knowledge," he said. "I downgrade them for rudeness. Being late is just plain rude,
and rudeness has its reward."
A female student named Ellen shouted, "It still isn't fair."
Professor Weingarten turned to the whole group. "I don't know if this is fair or not,
but I do know that it is not okay to be rude to people, your teachers included. If you
want to impress someone, treat them rudely, and they will remember you
The professor turned back to Betty. "Now, if you want to impress a teacher
positively, that's easy, be on time and be prepared."
Thank you, sir, I think I understand," Betty said and sat down.
Why is the first paragraph of the story important to the plot?
OA. It tells the reader what is going to happen and why
OB. It shows what happens after Betty asks her question
OC. It describes the main tension that occurs in the story.
OD. It serves as a springboard for what is about to happen.


It can be inferred that the first paragraph of the story is important to the plot because: " It serves as a springboard for what is about to happen." (Option D)

What is the rationale for the above response?

The first paragraph of the story serves as a springboard for what is about to happen in the rest of the story. It sets the scene and introduces the main character, Betty, who is attending a freshman orientation program.

The first paragraph provides important background information about the setting and the situation, and sets the stage for the conflict that will develop later in the story when Betty asks her question. It also sets the tone of the story and provides context for the events that are about to unfold, which is why it is an important part of the plot.

By providing a clear understanding of the situation and the characters involved, the first paragraph helps to engage the reader and prepares them for the events that are about to unfold in the story.

Learn more about Plot:




Explanation: The strength of introduction of a passage will attract the reader to proceed with the reading.

5. In "Harrison Bergeron," the text refers to one of the ballerinas: “She must have been extraordinarily beautiful, because the mask she wore was hideous.” If the true purpose of the mask was to make people equal and not feel bad, then the mask would have to prevent people from knowing how beautiful the person was. What is this an example of?
2 points


The given text, “She must have been extraordinarily beautiful, because the mask she wore was hideous” is an example of irony.

What is an Irony?

Irony is the contrast between what on the surface seems to be true and what is truly true or what is expected. It is a significant literary device and rhetorical strategy. There are various varieties of irony, such as verbal irony, dramatic irony, and situational irony. It is common practice to emphasize a point by using verbal, dramatic, and situational irony.

In the given text, the irony present is the wearing of mask. Wearing a mask does not prevent people from recognizing a person's beauty. The mask would have to hide the wearer's beauty if its genuine goal was to make everyone equal and unafraid of being judged. According to the adage, the person is more attractive the more hideous the mask.

To learn more about Irony from the given link



Irony can be shown in the sentence, "She must have been exceptionally lovely, for the mask she wore was awful."

A definition of irony

The irony is when something appears to be true on the surface but is actually false or is expected. It is an important rhetorical and literary device. The irony comes in a variety of forms, including situational, dramatic, and verbal irony. It is customary to use situational, dramatic, and verbal irony to highlight a point.

The irony is evident in the given text when a mask is worn. People can still see a person's attractiveness even when they are hiding it behind a mask.

If the mask truly wanted to make everyone equal and fearful of being evaluated, it would have to conceal the wearer's beauty. The saying goes that the more horrible the mask, the lovely the person.

To learn more about Irony visit;



Which sentence uses the
underlined academic
vocabulary word incorrectly?
A. The last comic book in the series i supposed to expose the secret identity of the hero.
B. We need to modify ourselves to the sun so we can get some Vitamin D.
C. We need to modify our habits so we can get more sleep each night.
D. The scientist accidentally exposed himself to the very disease he was studying.





We need to "modify" ourselves?..

That sounds a little off, doesn't it?

Therefore, the answer is B

Have a good day! :)

Please help asap
due today


A tale's setting is crucial because it gives the reader background information on the period of time, location, and area in which the story is situated.

What is the importance of mood and setting to a story?

One of a story's five fundamental components is the setting. The experience of the reader is improved. Always strive to elicit an emotional response from your readers as a writer. The story, the characters, the plot, the theme and the possibilities must emotionally captivate the reader.

It sets the tone, introduces characters and conflicts, and hints at the idea of a novel. While mood depicts the specific circumstances that lead us to a story's theme, tone reveals what each character genuinely thinks of that theme. To bring a world to life on the page or the screen, both are essential tools. Furthermore, it enhances the reader's experience and contributes to the story's character, mood, and plot development.

To learn more about setting, visit:



From Orpheus and EurydiceWhat causes Orpheus to turn around on his way out of hades?


It causes Orpheus to turn around on his way out of hades however, Hades imposed one restriction: neither Orpheus nor Eurydice were permitted to turn around after leaving the realm of death.

Why did Orpheus reverse direction?

Orpheus heard the footsteps of his wife coming towards him as he was approaching the entrance to the Underworld. He was able to restrain himself from quickly turning around and hugging her.

As the couple ascended toward the portal into the world of the living, Orpheus turned around to Eurydice to express his joy at seeing the Sun once more.

Orpheus made an attempt to return to Hades but was unsuccessful. This is presumably because a person cannot visit Hades twice while they are still alive.

Therefore, it causes Orpheus to turn around on his way out of hades however, Hades imposed one restriction: neither Orpheus nor Eurydice were permitted to turn around after leaving the realm of death.

To know more about the Orpheus, visit:



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a grocery store got a delivery of 24 pounds of almonds into containers of 0.75 pounds of almonds in each how many containers can they fill with almonds? The term anthropologists use for on-location research is called as Kile is choosing between two international phone plans for his upcoming business trip. Plan A costs $40 for unlimited calls and texts plus $10 per day for data. Plan B costs $28 for unlimited calls and texts plus $12 per day for data. a. Let x represent the number of days Kile will be on the trip and y represent the total cost of the plan. Write a system of equations to represent the problem situation. Read the excerpt from Bridge to the Sea in Inside Out and Back Again.I will not riskfleeing with my childrenon a rickety boat.Would a navy shipmeet your approval?As if the navywould abandon its country?There wont be a South Vietnamleft to abandon.QuestionWhich lines from the excerpt most clearly develop a hopeless tone?ResponsesI will not risk / fleeing with my children...There wont be a South Vietnam / left to abandon.As if the navy / would abandon its country?Would a navy ship / meet your approval? Rolando is making buttons that are shaped like circles. Each button has an area of 36 square centimeters. Which measurement showsthe circumference of each of the buttons in centimeters?AnswerA 113.1 cmB 18.8 cmC56.5 cmD 37.7 cm This island would have a profound impact on slavery in the southern colonies: which of the following is not a goal of lean operation? group of answer choices removal of unnecessary activities removal of in-transit inventory inspect all incoming shipments to ensure zero defects removal of in-plant inventory the juxtaposition of opposing or contrasting ideas, is called? Ms. Morris charges $5.00 to print 20 photos for Science Fair. At this rate , what is the cost to print 50 photos? Some species of bacteria benefit humans.What information in the text supports this statement? Fill The Blank? in a platform marketplace, the authors suggestthat lowering prices on one side of the network increases demand _____. why did the federalist party develop in the united states in the late 1700s? How does manufacturing create the multiplier effect?It spends money in additional sectors.It supports economies of scale.It multiplies profits from each sale.It multiplies salaries and wages based on output. width of the wooden block WILL GIVE 200 POINTS !!!!> find the x intercept and the y intercept. write each intercept as an ordered pair. y=5x-10 someone help me asap does a parallelogram have 2 pairs of parallel sides What are the 5 layers of the skin in order? As the earth , heavier elements such as and nickel moved to the center of the earth. This was the beginning of the layers of the earth with the outer layer being covering the magma most materials are polycrystalline. explain why mechanical properties for polycrystalline materials are often isotropic even though individual crystals typically exhibit anisotropic behavior. (