2. Explain why glucose continues to enter a cell, even when the concentration inside the cell might be higher than outside.


Answer 1


Both diffusion and facilitated diffusion are driven by the potential energy differences of a concentration gradient. Glucose enters most cells by facilitated diffusion. ... Na+ is maintained at low concentrations inside the cell and K+ is at higher concentrations. The reverse is the case on the outside of the cell

Answer 2

Glucose continues to enter a cell, even when the concentration inside the

cell might be higher than outside as a result of the process known as active


Active transport involves the movement of molecules through a

cell membrane against the concentration gradient. Examples include:

Antiport Pumps.Symport Pumps.

This type of transport requires the use of energy such as ATP to move the

glucose molecules into the cell.

Read more about active transport here https://brainly.com/question/2183165

Related Questions

As food travels through the digestive system, it is exposed to a variety of pH levels. The stomach has a pH of 2 due to the presence of hydrochloride acid (HCI), and the small intestine has a pH ranging from 7 to 9. HCI converts pepsinogen into pepsin, an enzyme that digests proteins in the stomach. Which of the following most likely happens to pepsin as it enters the small intestine.
A. it becomes inactive
B. It begins to replicate
C. Its shape changes to engulf large pepsin
D. Its activity increases to digest more proteins



the answer should be D on edge i am a little rusty but hope this helps.


During photosynthesis, plants and other photosynthetic organisms release oxygen into the atmosphere. Without this process, Earth's atmosphere would have little oxygen. Identify two reasons why photosynthesis is critical for animals to produce energy for life functions. How would this effect the animals ability to create the four main types of biomolecules.



Without oxygen from photosynthesis animals would not have oxygen for the four type of biomolecules which all require oxygen. Carbon hydrogen and oxygen is carbohydrates and same for lipids. Proteins would not have the oxygen for CHON which is carbon hydrogen oxygen and nitrogen. And nucleic acids which are CHONP carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and phosphorus would not have oxygen. And without oxygen the animals would die and not be able to produce these biomolecules.

Answer: To grow and reproduce, all creatures require energy. Cellular respiration is utilized by many organisms (including all plants) to create ATP, which is needed for cellular energy. As a substrate, carbohydrates such as glucose are used in the respiration reaction. Plants produce their own fuel for respiration through photosynthesis, but humans consume food to do so. Plants would not be able to breathe if photosynthesis did not occur. Furthermore, carbohydrates created during photosynthesis are needed to construct plant cell components such as the cellulose cell wall.

Explanation: Facts... I took this last year in 9th or 10th grade.

What is the goal of science? *
To discover how the rules of the natural world operate.
To ignore the effect of the rules of the natural world.
To study what is un-natural about our world.
To discover what scientists already have learned.


Answer: I think B or C

Explanation: B makes more sence

a hydrogen atom shares electrons with an oxygen atom in water molecule forming a strong​


Answer: Covalent Bond

Explanation: A covalent bond occurs when electrons are shared between two atoms, in this case the hydrogen atom is sharing an electron with the oxygen atom, creating a strong covalent bond.

I hope this helps!

6. Alteration so that some of the proteins original properties are diminished or eliminated is:

a. Activation energy
b. Denatured
C. Catabolism
d. Anabolism


B, denaturing. Denaturing is the process in which proteins lose their native fold. The native fold is what gives each amino-acid sequence chain their function.

The use of drugs at a lower level in feeds than would be used to treat a sick animal is referred to as


It would be known as subtherapeutic use of and to Anti-microbial’s an animal feeds

what is Blue baby? explain



A baby who is cyanotic (blue), due usually to a heart malformation that prevents the baby's blood from being fully oxygenated. The bluish color reflects the deoxygenated state of the blood. (Oxygenated blood is red.)

As the name depicts, the blue baby syndrome is the bluish discoloration of an infant's skin due to a lack of oxygen in the hemoglobin of their blood. It is also called as Infant Methemoglobinemia. A few babies are born with certain conditions or defects of heart leading to blue or cyanotic babies.

What is meant by a phenotype ratio in a Punnett square? (1 point)

A. the fraction of possible offspring that can be observed to have a trait

B. the number of genes that are possible in offspring

C. the number of alleles in possible offspring

D. the fraction of possible offspring that contain a certain allele in their genes


Given the nature of a punnet square, we can conclude that the ratio in question refers to the combination of genotypes present in the square.

A punnet square is a diagram used to attempt to predict the genetic composition for the offspring of certain parents, that is the genotype for this specific cross. This is done by creating a square in the form of a grid and placing the genotypes of the parents on the outside of this then crossing them along the inside.

This diagram provides us with the probability of each genotype outcome. This is known as the phenotype ratio. The phenotypic ratio is the amount of times a specific outcome, such as a certain pair of alleles appears in the predicted genotypes of any of the offspring pertaining to this cross.

To learn more visit:



ratio based on the phenotypes of offspring and determined using tools such as Punnett Squares.

What happens when an atom that has lost an electron comes in contact with an atom that has gained an electron



U will gain more neutron and electron


Hope that's the correct answer


Sublittoral Zone & Epipelagic Zone

Abyssopelagic Zone & Hadalpelagic Zone

Neritic Zone & Oceanic Zone

Bathyal Zone & Bathypelagic Zone

Euphotic Zone & Aphotic Zone



Like terrestrial biomes, aquatic biomes are influenced by a series of abiotic factors. The aquatic medium—water— has different physical and chemical properties than air. Even if the water in a pond or other body of water is perfectly clear (there are no suspended particles), water still absorbs light. As one descends into a deep body of water, there will eventually be a depth which the sunlight cannot reach. While there are some abiotic and biotic factors in a terrestrial ecosystem that might obscure light (like fog, dust, or insect swarms), usually these are not permanent features of the environment. The importance of light in aquatic biomes is central to the communities of organisms found in both freshwater and marine ecosystems.  


The ocean is categorized by several areas or zones (Figure 1). All of the ocean’s open water is referred to as the pelagic zone. The benthic zone extends along the ocean bottom from the shoreline to the deepest parts of the ocean floor. Within the pelagic realm is the photic zone, which is the portion of the ocean that light can penetrate (approximately 200 m or 650 ft). At depths greater than 200 m, light cannot penetrate; thus, this is referred to as the aphotic zone. The majority of the ocean is aphotic and lacks sufficient light for photosynthesis. The deepest part of the ocean, the Challenger Deep (in the Mariana Trench, located in the western Pacific Ocean), is about 11,000 m (about 6.8 mi) deep. To give some perspective on the depth of this trench, the ocean is, on average, 4267 m. These zones are relevant to freshwater lakes as well.

The ocean is the largest marine biome. It is a continuous body of salt water that is relatively uniform in chemical composition; it is a weak solution of mineral salts and decayed biological matter. Within the ocean, coral reefs are a second kind of marine biome. Estuaries, coastal areas where salt water and fresh water mix, form a third unique marine biome.

The intertidal zone, which is the zone between high and low tide, is the oceanic region that is closest to land (Figure 2). Generally, most people think of this portion of the ocean as a sandy beach. In some cases, the intertidal zone is indeed a sandy beach, but it can also be rocky or muddy. Organisms are exposed to air and sunlight at low tide and are underwater most of the time, especially during high tide. Therefore, living things that thrive in the intertidal zone are adapted to being dry for long periods of time. The shore of the intertidal zone is also repeatedly struck by waves, and the organisms found there are adapted to withstand damage from the pounding action of the waves (Figure 2). The exoskeletons of shoreline crustaceans (such as the shore crab, Carcinus maenas) are tough and protect them from desiccation (drying out) and wave damage. Another consequence of the pounding waves is that few algae and plants establish themselves in the constantly moving rocks, sand, or mud.

Which of the following statements is true of the phosphorus cycle?


what are the statements?

Wastewater treatment plants can make wastewater drinkable again. Which of
the following is a technology used to remove solids from the water?
O A. Treating the water with certain bacteria and air
O B. Shaking and skimming them from the surface of the water
O c. Adding hydrochloric acid and chlorine to the water
O D. Filtering and allowing them to settle out of the water





I'm not 100% sure this is right but it's a better answer than B

biology define the term bio technology?​



Biotechnology is technology that utilizes biological systems, living organisms or parts of this to develop or create different products.


the exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.


11. A flower produces a seed. Explain why this is an example of sexual reproduction



itrequires genetic material (DNA) from two parents. The parent plants have male and female sex cells, called gametes. ... Seeds produced through fertilization contain genetic material from both parents.

The production of a seed by a flower is an example of sexual reproduction because it involves the fusion of male and female gametes (pollen and ovules) to form a genetically diverse offspring.

Sexual reproduction is a type of reproductive process that involves the combination of genetic material from two parent organisms, resulting in the formation of genetically diverse offspring. In the case of a flower producing a seed, sexual reproduction occurs through a series of specialized reproductive structures and processes.

Male Gamete Production (Pollen): Flowers produce male gametes, or pollen, in structures called anthers. Pollen contains the male reproductive cells necessary for fertilization. When pollen is mature, it is released from the anthers.

Female Gamete Production (Ovules): Flowers also produce female gametes, or ovules, within the ovary. Each ovule contains an egg cell, which is the female reproductive cell. The ovary is located at the base of the flower.

Pollination: Pollination is the process by which pollen from the male reproductive structures (anthers) is transferred to the female reproductive structures (stigma) of the same or a different flower. This can occur through wind, water, insects, birds, or other means.

Fertilization: Once pollen lands on the stigma of a compatible flower, it forms a pollen tube that grows down into the ovary. This tube delivers the male gametes to the ovules, where fertilization occurs. Fertilization is the fusion of a male gamete with a female gamete to form a zygote, which develops into an embryo within the seed.

Seed Formation: After fertilization, the ovule develops into a seed, which contains the embryo, endosperm, and protective seed coat. The embryo carries genetic information from both parent plants, resulting in genetic diversity.

The combination of genetic material from male and female parent plants results in offspring with unique genetic characteristics. This genetic diversity is advantageous for the survival and adaptation of species to changing environments. Therefore, the production of a seed by a flower is a prime example of sexual reproduction, involving the fusion of gametes to create genetically diverse offspring with traits inherited from both parents.

To learn more about seeds, here



please help me! :) thank you!




the independant variable the amount of light on each plant


HELP PLEASE!!! 100 points and will mark brainliest!!

Is 2Na + H2O → 2NaOH + H2 a balanced or non-balanced equation?





It's reaction type is decomposition

Which statements describe elliptical galaxies? Select the two correct answers.

0 they include the Milky Way

0 they typically contain very little gas and dust

0 they include the universes largest galaxies

0 they are the most common galaxy type



B. and C.

B. They typically contain very little gas and dust.

C. They include the universe's largest galaxies.

Elliptical galaxies are galaxies elliptical in shape(has an oval or ellipse shape).  

The two correct statements are:

B. They are the most common galaxy type.

C. They typically contain very little gas and dust.

Elliptical galaxies are galaxies where little or no gas and dust can be seen or found. The elliptical galaxies are the most commonly found galaxies.

Therefore,  options B and C are the correct options.

To learn more, visit the link below:


How are atoms, elements, and compounds related?



Atoms join together to form elements, elements join together to form compounds.

hope this helps <3

Why is the surface temperature of the ocean usually greater than the temperature on the ocean floor?



Cold, salty water is dense and sinks to the bottom of the ocean while warm water is less dense and remains on the surface.

Cold water is a higher density in warm water.

The actual amount of heat generated per square meter of earth is quite small, especially compared to the amount of heat necessary to warm the ocean.

which scientist was responsible for disproving the theory of spontaneous



Louis Pasteur


Louis pasteur
Ap3x :)

A good cancer medicine will stop cells from dividing out of control. What might be the side effects of this medicine? Explain your answer.


Cancer cell proliferation relies on the ability of cancer cells to grow, transition through the cell cycle, and divide. To identify novel chemical probes for dissecting the mechanisms governing cell cycle progression and cell division, and for developing new anti-cancer therapeutics, we developed and performed a novel cancer cell-based high-throughput chemical screen for cell cycle modulators. This approach identified novel G1, S, G2, and M-phase specific inhibitors with drug-like properties and diverse chemotypes likely targeting a broad array of processes. We further characterized the M-phase inhibitors and highlight the most potent M-phase inhibitor MI-181, which targets tubulin, inhibits tubulin polymerization, activates the spindle assembly checkpoint, arrests cells in mitosis, and triggers a fast apoptotic cell death. Importantly, MI-181 has broad anti-cancer activity, especially against BRAFV600E melanomas.

what is the historical evidence on file for fossils



Fossils are crucial evidence for evolution because they demonstrate how life on Earth used to be different from how it is now. Paleontologists can use radiometric dating to estimate the age of fossils and categorize them to discover the evolutionary connections between creatures.

count how many cells are are in this picture



there is no picture there lol

What are
"sungrazers"? Why is this a good, descriptive name to use?


a comet that passes extremely close to the Sun at perihelion – sometimes within a few thousand kilometres of the Sun's surface. Although small sungrazers can completely evaporate during such a close approach to the Sun, larger sungrazers can survive many perihelion passages. However, the strong evaporation and tidal forces they experience often lead to their fragmentation.

give two examples of how plants and animals affect their environment?​



Hey mate....


This is ur answer...

Talk about how plants and animals affect other things and give some examples e.g. squirrels bury acorns to save for winter annd some of them grow into oak trees, litter gets washes into storm drains into the ocean and affects wildife, spraying for mosquitoes kills honey bees that pollinate the flowers of apple trees etc...

Hope it helps!

Brainliest pls!

Follow me! ♤

James Bond is kidnapped and placed on the floor of a moving
train. He can see only the night sky through the windows.
Using the Big Dipper, he locates Polaris. Over the course of
the night he notices the altitude of Polaris is decreasing.
What direction is he being taken?





Altitude refers to how high above the ground you are. If this decreases, you are going down

What happens to most of the precipitation that
falls on land?
a. It evaporates.
c. It seeps into the ground.
b. It becomes runoff, d. It becomes glacial ice.


Only about a third of the precipitation that falls over land runs off into streams and rivers and is returned to the oceans. The other two-thirds is evaporated, transpired, or soaks (infiltrates) into groundwater. Surface runoff can also be diverted by humans for their own uses.

Rate BRAINLIEST! please

why is a floating ice layer important to aquatic organisms?



It helps life survive on Earth.


Since water ice floats, it helps life survive on Earth. This ice layer insulates the water below it, allowing it to stay liquid, which allows the life within it to survive. If ice sank, the liquid water on top would also freeze and sink, until all the liquid water became frozen.

When can exponential growth occur in a population? Please help


A. when food and space are unlimited

all of the others would cause a decline

please mark brainliest :)

When would the heart of a developing human begin to beat? (1 point)
between 8 to 12 weeks
between 16 to 20 weeks
between 4 to 8 weeks
between 12 to 16 weeks


Answer:4 to 8 weeks


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