_____ 1. Centrosome A. destroys viruses
_____ 2. Cytoskeleton B. makes proteins
_____ 3. Plasma membrane C. organizes the cytoskeleton
_____ 4. ATP D. protects DNA from viruses
_____ 5. Glucose E. surrounds the cells
_____ 6. Mitochondria F. gives cell its shape
_____ 7. Nucleus G. fixes holes in the nucleus
_____ 8. Nucleic acids H. adenosine triphosphate, energy molecule
_____ 9. RNA I. vesicles that absorb free radicals
_____10. Amino acids J. simple sugar that can be used to make ATP
_____11. Ribosomes K. cell’s power plant, 1 glucose = 38 ATP
_____12. Viruses L. protein filled “bubble”
_____13. Slicer enzymes M. cell’s command center, stores DNA
_____14. Fatty acids N. the stretchy outside of a cell, regulates in/out
_____15. Membrane O. makes complex proteins, factories
_____16. Endoplasmic reticulum P. has a protein coat and viral DNA/RNA
_____17. Vesicle Q. blueprint for proteins
_____18. Free radicals R. template for RNA
_____19. DNA repair enzymes S. sorts and processes vesicles
_____20. Peroxisomes T. makes up membranes
_____21. Golgi body U. for photosynthesis, in plants
_____22. Chloroplasts V. Where the membrane is produced
_____23. Defensin W. damages the cell, produced along with ATP


Answer 1

Answer There are many cell organelles in the body performing different functions to regulate the whole body.

Explanation: Centrosome is mainly used for the regulation of the motility of cells and also in the facilitation of the spindle poles during mitosis.

The cytoskeleton is used to maintain the shape and its internal organization and also provides mechanical support.

The plasma membrane function is the regulation of the transportation of materials in intercellular and extracellular cells.

ATP is adenosine triphosphate which is also known as the energy house of the cell and provides energy for the functioning of many cellular processes.

Glucose is the main source of energy in the body and is found in blood also known as blood sugar.

Mitochondria are called as powerhouse of the cell and generate or form the ATP by using the F1 F0 channel.

The nucleus is the brain of the cell as all works are done by the nucleus and it contains the DNA which is also the genetic material in the human body.

Nucleic acids are the genetic materials that are DNA and RNA as deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acids and are found in bacteria, viruses, humans, animals, and plants and are also hereditary material.

RNA is ribonucleic acid that can be single-stranded or double-stranded and is mostly found in plants and is the hereditary material.

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and monomeric units of the same.

Ribosomes are used to make proteins.

Viruses are pathogens that damage the cell and the body slowly using the machinery of the host cell and replicating its own DNA.

Slicer enzymes are used to cleave the RNA and have the activity of the endonuclease enzyme.

Fatty acids are lipids that help in the metabolism of the body.

The membrane helps in the protection of cells and transportation.

The endoplasmic reticulum helps in the formation of lipids

Vesicles are used to transport materials and recycle waste materials.

Free radicles react with other molecules and are reactive oxygen species having uneven numbers of electrons and giving large chain oxidation reactions.

DNA repair enzyme makes up the cleavage and helps to recover the damage.

Peroxisomes sequester diverse oxidative reactions and involve in metabolism.

The Golgi body is a factory in which proteins received from the endoplasmic reticulum are further processed for transportation to other destinations.

The chloroplast's function is to do photosynthesis.

Defensin molecules protect from damage and pathogen.

To know more about the cell organelles click at https://brainly.com/question/13464273


Related Questions

In times of carbohydrate deprivation, the body can create glucose from amino acids in a process called:________


I think it’s gluconeogenesis

The first primitive hemopoietic stem cells develop in the ____________ wall of the embryo by the ____________ week of development.


By the third week of development, the embryo's endothelial wall/Yolk sac is home to the first primitive hemopoietic stem cells.

It occurs in the yolk sac, liver, and bone marrow.

takes place in the bone marrow of adults.

Which cell types do HSCs split into?

The typical myeloid progenitor; the common lymphoid progenitor.

Hematopoietic stem cell characteristics

capable of renewalmay transform into a wide range of specialized cellsemerges from bone marrow into the bloodstream.are capable of programmed cell killing (apoptosis).

In culture, resemble and behave like regular white blood cells.

A stem cell makes up about 1 in 10,000–15,000 bone marrow cells (1 in 100,000 in the blood stream).

Learn more about Endothelial wall



The rigid ______ of most bacterial cells surrounds the cell membrane, protecting the cell and giving the cell shape.



cell wall


An individual with type b blood has ______ on the plasma membranes of the red blood cells and __________ in the plasma.


An individual with type b blood has Antibody b on the plasma membrane of the red blood cells and antigen A in plasma.

What is the meaning of blood group?

There are mainly four types of blood groups A, AB, O, and B. Blood group O is the universal donor, and blood group AB is the universal receiver.

Blood group A has antibody A on the plasma membrane of the red blood cells and Antigen B in plasma. Blood group AB does not have any antibodies in plasma. Blood group O does not have any antigen in red blood cells.

Blood groups are classified as Rh positive and Rh negative on basis of the presence and absence of Rh antigen. If Rh antigen is present blood group is called Rh positive and if Rh antigen is absent it is called Rh negative.

Therefore, An individual with type b blood has Antibody b on the plasma membrane of the red blood cells and antigen A in plasma.

To learn more about blood groups, refer to the link:



A client tells the nurse that the client has bugs in the client's brain and asks the nurse if the nurse can see them. which response by the nurse is most therapeutic?


Reaction of the nurse: "No, I don't see any bugs." That sounds scary for you," is really therapeutic.


The individual experiencing hallucinations is distracted and terrified by what they hear or see. The nurse cannot argue away, reject, or ignore the client's hallucination since it is genuine to them. Nurses make it plain that they do not detect the voices or see the visual images, despite the fact that the client believes the hallucination to be real. Nurses do, however, express concern that the client is concerned, upset, or scared by the hallucination.

How do hallucinations function?

A hallucination is a false impression of objects or events encompassing your senses: sight, audio, smell, touch and taste. Although hallucinations appear real, they are not. Chemical interactions and/or anomalies in your brain produce hallucinations.

To know more about Hallucinations visit:



In living organisms, almost all chemical reactions are catalyzed by protein catalysts called:_____.


Nearly all chemical reactions in living things are accelerated by proteins called: Enzymes


The human body is made up of various cell types, tissues, and other intricate organs. The biological processes of breathing, digestion, excretion, and a few other metabolic activities are accelerated by chemicals that our body produces for effective functioning in order to maintain a healthy life. Enzymes are therefore essential to all living things and control all biological activities.

A protein catalyzes a reaction in what way?

Enzymes, however, are another type of catalyst that can be found in nature. Proteins known as enzymes have the ability to reduce the activation energy for a variety of biological events. They accomplish this by attaching the reactant(s), also referred to as the substrate(s), to an enzyme active site.

To learn more about enzymes and catalysts click below-



can be organized around several themes. as the biological hierarchy builds from molecules on up to ecosystems, each level has blank that result from interactions among component parts. life's basic unit of blank is the cell, which occurs in two basic forms − prokaryotic and eukariotic. as organisms interact with the environment, blank cycle within an ecosystem, while blank flows one way from sunlight → chemical energy → heat. according to the core theme of blank, all of life is related by common descent. life has diversified as blank has led to the gradual accumulation of adaptations that fit populations to the environment.


The fill in the blanks will be filled as following-

can be organized around several themes. as the biological hierarchy builds from molecules on up to ecosystems, each level has emergent properties that result from interactions among component parts. life's basic unit of structure and function is the cell, which occurs in two basic forms − prokaryotic and eukaryotic.

as organisms interact with the environment, nutrients cycle within an ecosystem, while energy flows one way from sunlight → chemical energy → heat. according to the core theme of evolution, all of life is related by common descent. life has diversified as emergent properties has led to the gradual accumulation of adaptations that fit populations to the environment.

Emergent properties are the critical attributes of the biological systems, which helps us understand the interaction at a larger level.

To learn more about emergent properties here



Pasteur observations that protozoa were related to the wilkworm disease strengthened his belief in the:_____


Pasteur observations that protozoa were related to the wilkworm disease strengthened his belief in the germ theory of disease. Protozoa (plural protozoa or protozoans) is an informal word for a group of single-celled eukaryotes that are either free-living or parasitic and feed on organic substances such as other microbes or organic tissues and waste.

Historically, protozoans were considered "one-celled animals" because they frequently exhibit animal disease like behaviors such as motility and predation and lack a cell wall, which plants and many algae do. When Georg Goldfuss introduced the taxon Protozoa in 1818, it was erected as a class inside the Animalia, with the word 'protozoa' meaning "first animals."

To earn more about Protozoa, click here.



Phagocytosisthe ribosomal rna studies that led to the division of prokaryotic organisms into the bacteria and the archaea were begun by?


The ribosomal RNA studies that led to the division of prokaryotic organisms into the bacteria and the archaea were begun by Woese.

Ribosomal RNA makes the maximum portion of RNA in the cells. However, it is not translated into proteins. But it plays a major role in the translation of m-RNA. They are responsible for deducing the order of the amino acid sequence and linking the amino acids together to form the polypeptide.

Archaea are a group of organisms that are similar to bacteria, yet have evolutionary differences. They are found in extreme locations like hot spring, salty water bodies, or areas where methane if formed. Therefore, they are also known as extremophiles.

To know more about archaea, here



Now that the lab is complete, it is time to write your lab report. The purpose of this guide is to help you write a clear and concise report that summarizes the lab you have just completed.
The lab report is composed of two sections:
Section I: Overview of Investigation
o Provide background information.
o Summarize the procedure.

Section II: Observations and Conclusions
o Include any charts, tables, or drawings required by your teacher.
o Include answers to follow-up questions.
o Explain how the investigation could be improved.

To help you write your lab report, you will first answer the four questions listed below based on the lab that you have just completed. Then you will use the answers to these questions to write the lab report that you will turn in to your teacher.
You can upload your completed report with the upload tool in formats such as OpenOffice.org, Microsoft Word, or PDF. Alternatively, your teacher may ask you to turn in a paper copy of your report or use a web-based writing tool.

Section I: Overview of Lab
1. What is the purpose of the lab?

2. What procedure did you use to complete the lab?
Outline the steps of the procedure in full sentences.

Section II: Observations and Conclusions
3. What charts, tables, or drawings would clearly show what you have learned in this lab?
Each chart, table, or drawing should have the following items:
a. An appropriate title
b. Appropriate labels

4. If you could repeat the lab and make it better, what would you do differently and why?
There are always ways that labs can be improved. Now that you are a veteran of this lab and have experience with the procedure, offer some advice to the next scientist about what you suggest and why. Your answer should be at least two to three sentences in length.

Writing the Lab Report

Now you will use your answers from the four questions above to write your lab report. Follow the directions below.

Section I: Overview of Lab
Use your answers from questions 1 and 2 (above) as the basis for the first section of your lab report. This section provides your reader with background information about why you conducted this lab and how it was completed. It should be one to two paragraphs in length.

Section II: Observations and Conclusions
Use your answers from questions 3 and 4 (above) as the basis for the second section of your lab report. This section provides your reader with charts, tables, or drawings from the lab. You also need to incorporate your answers to the follow-up questions (from the Student Guide) in your conclusions.

When complete, the lab report should be read as a coherent whole. Make sure you connect different pieces with relevant transitions. Review for proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, formatting, and other conventions of organization and good writing.

I'll give someone brain if they answer right


The purpose of this lab is to investigate the effect of temperature on the activity of an enzyme, specifically catalase, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas. The experiment aims to determine the optimum temperature range for catalase activity and to observe the effect of temperature beyond this range.

What procedure did you use to complete the lab?

To complete this lab, we first prepared a solution of hydrogen peroxide and collected it in a gas syringe. We then added a small amount of catalase to the hydrogen peroxide solution and placed the syringe in a water bath at a specific temperature. The reaction between the enzyme and the substrate produced oxygen gas, which displaced the water in the syringe. We recorded the volume of oxygen gas produced at different temperatures to investigate the effect of temperature on enzyme activity. The temperature range we tested was from 10°C to 60°C, with increments of 10°C.

What charts, tables, or drawings would clearly show what you have learned in this lab?

A line graph with temperature on the x-axis and volume of oxygen gas produced on the y-axis would clearly show the effect of temperature on enzyme activity. The graph should have the following items:

a. Title: Effect of Temperature on Catalase Activity

b. X-axis label: Temperature (°C)

c. Y-axis label: Volume of Oxygen Gas Produced (cm3)

If you could repeat the lab and make it better, what would you do differently and why?

If I could repeat this lab, I would increase the number of temperature increments from 10°C to 5°C or even 2°C. This would provide more precise data and allow for a more accurate determination of the optimum temperature range for catalase activity. Additionally, I would use a more sensitive instrument for measuring the volume of oxygen gas produced, such as a gas burette or a digital gas sensor. This would reduce measurement errors and improve the reliability of the results.

Learn more about experiments on:



Why do scientists complete their experiments more than once?


Answer:Scientists repeat experiments several times because it results in more accurate data that can be trusted over just doing an experiment once.


The orthopedic surgeon informs you that you have broken the distal region of the humerus. what area is he describing?


The orthopedic surgeon describes about the epiphysis when informing about the broken distal region of the humerus.

Epiphysis is the extended long part of the bones. It is primarily responsible for the articulation. It is also called the second ossification center. The bones that contain an epiphysis are: humerus, radius, ulna, femur, fibula, etc.  There are four types of epiphysis in human body: Pressure epiphysis, Traction epiphysis, Atavistic epiphysis and Aberrant epiphysis.

Humerus is the largest bone of the upper portion of the body. It is present in the upper arm region. It is attached to the scapula of the shoulder and the elbow region, with the radius-ulna bone. Many important muscles of the body are attached to the humerus.

To know more about epiphysis, here



Column A
lysogenic infection:
lysogenic infection
lytic infection:
lytic infection
Column B
a.the type of infection in which a virus does not immediately start replicating itself but inserts a piece of DNA ino the host cell's genome which becomes activated at a later date
b.a type of infection in which a virus immediately starts replicating in the host cell
c.a virus that, upon infection of a host cell, makes a DNA copy of its RNA and inserts that piece of DNA into the cell's genome
d.the protein coat that surrounds a virus
e.a piece of virus DNA that becomes a part of a bacterium's genome- until activated to produce new bacteriophages
f.a virus that infects bacteria


The biological process by which a bacteriophage infects a bacterium, fusing its DNA with that of the host to prevent the host from being wiped off. Thus option 1.f 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.c 6.d is correct.

What is property of bacteriophage?

The nucleic acid can be single-stranded or double-stranded and can either be DNA or RNA. Phage comes in three different structural configurations: a filamentous form, an icosahedral (20-sided) head with a tail, and an icosahedral head without a tail.

Bacteriophage infection of a bacterium, followed by the generation of additional phage particles and the lysis, or dissolution, of the cell.

Bacteriophage enzymes break down the bacterial cell wall by hydrolyzing its protein and carbohydrate constituents from the outside as well as the inside.

Therefore, 1.f 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.c 6.d is correct according to given option about bacteriophage.

Learn more about bacteriophage here:




Bacteriophage: a virus that infects bacteria

capsid: the protein coat that surrounds a virus

lysogenic infection: .the type of infection in which a virus does not immediately start replicating itself but inserts a piece of DNA into the host cell's genome which becomes activated at a later date

lytic infection: a type of infection in which a virus immediately starts replicating in the host cell

prophage: a piece of virus DNA that becomes a part of a bacterium's genome- until activated to produce new bacteriophages

Retrovirus: a virus that, upon infection of a host cell, makes a DNA copy of its RNA and inserts that piece of DNA into the cell's genome


Which enzyme is responsible for adding complementary dna bases to an exposed dna strand?
a) dna helicase
b) dna polymerase
c) dna ligase
d) dna peptidase


The correct option is (b) DNA polymerase.

DNA polymerase is responsible for adding complementary dna bases to an exposed dna strand.

What is the function of DNA plymerase?The family of enzymes that catalyze the synthesis of DNA molecules from nucleoside triphosphates, the basic building blocks of DNA, includes DNA polymerase. These enzymes, which are required for DNA replication, typically function in groups to divide an initial DNA duplex into two identical copies. DNA polymerase "reads" the preexisting DNA strands throughout this process to produce two new strands that are identical to the preexisting ones. One nucleotide at a time, DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to the three prime (3')-end of a DNA strand. DNA polymerases are necessary to replicate the cell's DNA during cell division in order for a copy of the original DNA molecule to be transferred to each daughter cell.

Learn more about the Replication with the help of the given link:



Which term refers to the breakdown of glucose in human muscle cells when oxygen is insufficient due to muscle fatigue?


Anaerobic Glycolysis term refers to the breakdown of glucose in human muscle cells when oxygen is insufficient due to muscle fatigue.

The typical pathway of glycolysis is redirected through anaerobic glycolysis to yield lactate. It happens when there is a need for energy without oxygen. It is essential for tissues with high energy needs, low oxygen levels, or those lacking oxidative enzymes. Pyruvate is designated as the pathway's end product under aerobic settings, while lactate is the end result under anaerobic ones. Pyruvate is converted to lactate in anaerobic conditions by anaerobic glycolysis. The production of two ATP molecules occurs during anaerobic respiration. The enzymes that drive glycolysis are unable to function in an acidic environment, thus if a muscle cell becomes excessively acidic, the muscle stops working. Pyruvate and H+, two byproducts of anaerobic glycolysis, are produced during intense exercise.

Learn more about Anaerobic Glycolysis here: https://brainly.com/question/13943624


In the periphery of the body, ____ build the myelin sheaths that surround and insulate certain vertebrate axons.


In the periphery of the body, Schwann Cells build the myelin sheaths that surround and insulate certain vertebrate axons.

What is Schwann Cells?

The primary glial cell type in the peripheral nervous system is known as a Schwann cell (SC). In the growth, upkeep, operation, and regeneration of peripheral nerves, they play crucial roles. SCs can be divided into two main types in the mature nervous system: myelinating cells and non-myelinating cells. All large-diameter peripheral axons are myelin-ensheathed by myelinating SCs. A single axon is associated with each myelinating SC. Smaller axons are linked to nonmyelin-forming SCs in a way that allows them to wrap around several axons to generate Remak bundles. In this article, the morphological traits of SCs are discussed along with how they impact peripheral nerve architecture.

To learn more about Schwann cells visit:



What is the position of the body when it is in the ""normal anatomical position?"".


When the body is in the ""normal anatomical position" it refers to as hominid anatomy.

The body is referred to as being in what is known as the typical anatomical position when discussing hominid anatomy. The typical anatomical stance for a human is standing with their feet together and pointing forward, without any long bones being crossed from the observer's point of view. Human anatomy and physiology can be explained in a straightforward and consistent manner using standard anatomical positions. Many anatomical terminology are used to describe the relative placement of different appendages in relation to the standardized position while analyzing an individual's anatomy.

Learn more about the anatomy with the help of the given link:



Leach ate can sink into groundwater and flow into the waterways when landfills are not lined.

true or


The sink into groundwater and flow into the waterways when landfills are not lined. TRUE

Groundwater runs  slowly and continuously through the open pores in soil and rock. If a landfill contaminates groundwater, a plume of contamination will occur.Proper lining of landfills is crucial to keep our groundwater safe. Tests in the middle eastern countries have showed that shredding  solid waste material has helped the decomposition process, elevated the rate of biological degradation.  Also, allowing the waste to degrade for a week before covering with soil can improvise the results. Lining landfills, to stop leakage is a crucial step, as is continued monitoring. Proper hazardous waste disposal must be occure if the entire contamination process is going to be not waste.

To know more about landfills visit :



The number of grams of carbohydrates, protein, and fat in foods and beverages determines its number of:_________


The number of grams of carbohydrates, protein, and fat in foods and beverages determines its number of calories (i.e., consumed calories).

What do calories mean?

The term 'calories' makes reference to energy obtained by consuming foods, which contain different groups of macronutrients.

The three major groups of these macronutrients include carbohydrates, protein, and fat, which provide 4 calories per gram of carbohydrates or proteins, and 9 calories per gram of fats.

In conclusion, the number of grams of carbohydrates, protein, and fat in foods and beverages determines its number of calories (i.e., consumed calories).

Learn more about consumed calories here:



According to selye's general adaptation syndrome, once the initial surge of energy from the fight-or-flight response recedes, the individual enters the ________ stage.


Once the initial surge of energy from the fight-or-flight response recedes, the individual enters the resistance stage.

What is Selye's general adaptation syndrome?

The three stages of general adaption syndrome are as follows. Your body responds to each of these phases in a unique way. The physiological adjustments your body makes throughout this process may have detrimental long-term effects.

The response stage is followed by the resistance stage. Your body uses the parasympathetic nervous system in this stage to try to stop the alterations that happened during the response stage. It usually happens after whatever was stressing you out has subsided.

The response stage will continue if you continue to feel anxious. Your body starts to slow down your heart rate and blood pressure during the resistance stage. Additionally, it lessens the production of cortisol and adrenaline.

Therefore, the individual entered the resistance stage after the fight or flight response.

Read more about general adaptation syndrome, here



In the psychoanalytic theory of sigmund freud, the __________, which is the basic emotional and psychic energy of life, is believed to be constituted by life instincts.


Libido is the basic emotional and psychic energy of life, is believed to be constituted by life instincts. This is according to the psychoanalytic theory of sigmund freud,

In psychoanalytic theory, the energy produced by sexual and survival instincts is referred to as libido. Sigmund Freud claimed that the libido is the motivation behind all conduct and is a component of the id. Despite the obviously sexual connotations that the word "libido" now has, Freud used it to refer to all psychic energy, not simply sexual energy.

According to Freud, the only aspect of personality that exists from birth is the id. He proposed that the id was a source of unconscious, primal energy. The id seeks pleasure and expects that its desires be met right away. The id is the motivation behind our desires and impulsive actions.

Here is another question with an answer similar to this about libido: https://brainly.com/question/7986180


10. darius wanted to test how the mass of a paper airplane affected the distance it would fly. paper clips were
added before each test flight. as each paper clip was added, the plane was tested to determine how far it would


Here, Independent Variable is Mass of plane, Dependent Variable is Distance plane flies, control - Plane without paper clips, constant is Type of paper, how it was thrown.

What are variables?

An eye tracking experiment must include variables. Anything that can be changed or be altered is a variable. To put it another way, it refers to any variable that can be changed, taken into account, or measured in an experiment.

As mentioned in question, mass of the plane is constant or fixed it does not depend on anything so it is an independent variable. whereas, the distance plane flies is dependent on the mass of plane so it is a dependent variable.

To know more about variables, go to URL



Spatial systems include the ______. interrelated contents of areas internal representation of an area or an environment complete isolation of individual elements in an area


Spatial systems include the interrelated contents of areas.

Spatial systems include:

the physical components of a system for spatial information. Disks for storing multiple data types (alphanumeric, graphic, and picture), digitizing tablets and scanners for entering graphic data, plotters and printers for displaying the results, and other peripherals make up a spatial information system.

A spatial system is what?The study of measuring, mapping, and visualization of constructed and natural settings is known as spatial systems. Where, what, and when are the questions we hope to address. Drones and laser scanners could be used by surveyors and spatial engineers to measure the built and natural environments.

What advantages does spatial have?Commercial, social, political, and environmental advantages of spatial technology are also present. It can assist both businesses and consumers in determining the best travel routes to avoid traffic jams, boost fuel economy, and improve road safety. This increases road safety, cuts pollutants, and saves time.

To learn more about spatial systems visit:



Which organ is responsible for manufacturing and secreting digestive enzymes and bicarbonate? liver pancreas stomach gallbladder


Pancreas is the organ which is responsible for manufacturing and secreting digestive enzymes and bicarbonate.

Pancreas is an organ as well as a gland. It is a part of the digestive system. It is responsible for releasing the glucose regulating hormones: insulin and glucagon, as well as it secretes pancreatic juices that help if digestion of food.

Digestive enzymes are those involved in the breakdown of different food components. There are different enzymes for digesting the sugars, proteins, lipids, etc. Some of the examples of enzymes are: lipase, pepsin, sucrase, lactase, maltase, etc. These enzymes are released in the mouth, small intestine and stomach of the body.

To know more about pancreas, here



What is the purpose of a rain gauge? a. to measure the amount of rainfall b. to predict how much rain is going to fall c. to predict whether or not it is going to rain d. to measure the temperature of the rain please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


The correct option is (a) To measure the amount of rainfall

A rain gauge is a meteorological device used to gauge how much rain falls over a specific area in a specified amount of time.

What is rain gauge and what is its function? The oldest known meteorological instruments are rain gauges, which are considered to have been in use in India more than 2,000 years ago. Simply put, a rain gauge is a cylinder that collects rain. An inch of rain has fallen if there is an inch of accumulation in the cylinder. It's that easy. The majority of common rain gauges feature a large funnel leading into the cylinder and are calibrated so that when rain collects within, one inch of rain equals one-tenth of an inch. The cross-sectional area of the funnel is ten times that of the tube. With this device, rainfall as little as.01 inches can be measured. A trace is defined as something that is less than.01 inches.

Learn more about the Rain guage with the help of the given link:




a. to measure the amount of rainfall


A farmer growing corn must water the corn crop regularly due to

carrying capacity
natural selection
interspecific competition
intraspecific competition


A farmer who is growing corn crops will need to water his crops regularly due to intraspecific competition.

What is Intraspecific competition?

Intraspecific competition refers to the competition that occurs among the members of the same species for common resources. It increases in populations at higher densities. Intraspecific diversity is the variation within a population from the same species. This competition leads to reduction in fitness for both individuals, but the more fit individual survives and is able to reproduce.

The corn compete with each other for water, and therefore, the farmer needs to water them regularly to meet their water requirement.

Hence, the correct answer is option D.

To learn more about Intraspecific competition, click the given link



Which of the following describes what food is used for after it is broken down?



All of the above. I think this is the answer.

Which enzyme works best in neutral conditions?


Pepsin purpose at the lowest pH. Pepsin is an enzyme that works in the stomach to digest proteins from foods we consume.

Which enzyme works best at neutral pH?

Pepsin has a best of pH 2.5 and a working range between pH 1-4. Catalase has an optimum pH of 9 and a working range of linking pH 7-11. Most other enzymes function within an employed pH range of about pH 5-9 with neutral pH 7 being the optimum.

Enzymes are affected by a swap in pH. The most favorable pH value - the point where the enzyme is most active - is known as the optimum pH.

So we can conclude that pepsin works in highly acidic state of the stomach. Its enzyme has an optimum pH of about 1.5.

Learn more about enzymes here: https://brainly.com/question/14577353


An unconditioned stimulus ____. a.is paired with a conditioned response b.requires conscious effort c.automatically triggers a physiological reflex d.is acquired through practice


An unconditioned stimulus c. automatically triggers a physiological reflex

What is matched with an unconditioned stimulus?

In Pavlovian conditioning, an originally neutral stimulus that is paired with the unconditioned stimulus is known as a conditioned stimulus. For instance, a tone was heard shortly before the air puff reached the cornea of the eye.

The meal served as the unconditioned stimulus in Pavlov's experiment. A reflexive response to a stimuli is referred to as an unconditioned response. In Pavlov's experiment, the dogs' unconditioned reaction was their salivation for food.

Unconditional behaviour does not require learning; it is innate and natural. Only until an unconditioned stimulus has developed a mental association with a conditioned stimulus can a person acquire a conditioned response.

Learn more about unconditioned stimulus refer



Cardiac muscle contracts as a unit because the electrical activity in the heart spreads over the entire muscle due to____________.


Cardiac muscle contracts as a unit because the electrical activity in the heart spreads over the entire muscle due to gap junctions in intercalated discs.

Heart is formed by a specialized tissue called myocardium. The myocardium is responsible for pumping blood through the heart. It contracts and expands involuntarily in response to electrical impulses from the nervous system. The heart has another tissue that contains pacemaker cells. These cells are responsible for generating electrical impulses. They determine the heart rate by controlling the frequency of pumping up of blood.

The myocardium, as a whole of cardiac muscle, is held together by desmosomes. Desmosomes are another specialized structure found inside the intercalated discs.

Two cardiac muscles are connected by intercalated discs. Intercalated discs have a gap junction inside them which transfers the electrical impulse from one cardiac muscle cell to another.

Therefore, cardiac muscle contracts due to the action of gap junctions inside the intercalated discs.  

To know more about cardiac muscle, refer to the following link:



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