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For example, lets say that you are assigned to a five-person team that will present a serious public health issue to your personal health class. You are a supporter type, and you find yourself having a conflict with Joe, a director type. You are in your first meeting, and Joe is ready to choose a topic for the group project, even though one team member is absent.Apply the ABC Method of Self-Management to focus your energies on building rapport and understanding:A= Actual event: Joe wants to choose a topic for the group project, even though one person isnt here to voice her opinion.B = Beliefs: I think we are not taking the time to be sensitive to the needs of all the team members. Everyone should be present before we make a decision. Joe is trying to take control of the group and is just impatient. Im worried that the absent group member will not like the decision or may be hurt that she wasnt involved. I resent being rushed and worry that conflict will result. Maybe this person will even quit the group.C = Challenge: What is the worst thing that could happen if we choose a topic today? We can always refocus later if we find this topic doesnt fit our goals. Chances are, the absent member would agree with the topic in question, anyhow. Joe is probably not impatienthe just wants to make a decision and get us moving. Im glad our group is made up of different strengths and personalities. Im psyched that our team members have complementary strengths and can respect and work well with each other. I know that Joe will keep us moving forward and will be sensitive to my concerns that we listen to each other and respect each others feelings.Are you experiencing a similar situation or conflict in your school, work, or personal life? If so, use the ABC Method to visualize a positive solution: