
1036Social StructureDelinquent Subculture1. Cohen argues that gang-related stealing doesn't necessarily coincide with stealing out of want/desire. He argues that gangmembers tend to steal for recreation, sometimes glory and or prowess. Do you agree with Cohen's argument? Why or why not?2. Cohen believes that many adolescents, including gang members tend to exhibit short-run hedonism. Do you agree withCohen regarding gang members and short run hedonism?3. One of the greater concerns regarding gangs is group autonomy. Parents and family members of adolescent gang membersoften feel their loved one pull away as he/she becomes more entrenched in the gang. In your opinion, what elements of ganglifestyle attract adolescents? What can/should parents and family members of newly indoctrinated gang members do toreestablish their relationships with their children/ loved ones?Lower Class Culture4. Miller argues that lower class individuals have different Focal Concerns than individuals in the middle class or upper class.Based on your upbringing/household/community, do you agree with Miller regarding the prevalence of unique focal concernsbased on socio-economic status? Why or why not?5. In relation to the toughness focal concern-Do you think that the lack of a positive male role model (father figure) can lead amale juvenile to join a gang? Why or why not? If yes, what steps can single mothers take to minimize the likelihood that theirchild(ren) will join a gang?6. Miller argues that members of the lower class orient themselves by six focal concerns as adults, eight as adolescents. Do youagree with Miller's different focal concerns? This theory was initially published in 1958. In modern day, do you think any focalconcerns should be added or deleted? Which ones and why?
1. Edit the following sentence. Name the grammar mistake (e.g., misplaced modifier, faulty parallelism, and so forth). Then correct the error by rewriting the sentence.Because of the fact that paralegals time is charged at lower rates, paralegals may be employed by law firms and corporations to perform tasks previously performed by lawyers.2. Edit the following sentence. Name the grammar mistake (e.g., misplaced modifier, faulty parallelism, and so forth). Then correct the error by rewriting the sentence.With specificity, paralegals may be asked to perform legal research of case and statutory materials in the event that a client requests an answer to a problem of a legal nature and is concerned about saving money.3. Edit the following sentence. Name the grammar mistake (e.g., misplaced modifier, faulty parallelism, and so forth). Then correct the error by rewriting the sentence.It is important to note that some states are considering allowing paralegals to practice independently.4. Edit the following sentence. Name the grammar mistake (e.g., misplaced modifier, faulty parallelism, and so forth). Then correct the error by rewriting the sentence.Try this schedule; shower, eat breakfast, drive to the train, go to work, and come home.5. Edit the following sentence. Name the grammar mistake (e.g., misplaced modifier, faulty parallelism, and so forth). Then correct the error by rewriting the sentence.The prosecutor will attempt to within the course of the trial persuade you that the defendant committed the crime.6. Edit the following sentence. Name the grammar mistake (e.g., misplaced modifier, faulty parallelism, and so forth). Then correct the error by rewriting the sentence.The substance of Walter Mondales speeches is more similar to Jimmy Carter.