Working conditions in English factories, the hours you work, opportunities for breaks, the average wages workers are paid, safety on the job, ages of those you work with (including children), health and healthcare, and what you will do when you are too old to work

Your thoughts on the problem:

Some solutions:
Types of laws that might be passed to address your concerns, including measures that factory owners should take to improve conditions, or steps the government could take to protect workers and insure better living conditions

Your thoughts on the problem:

Some solutions:

Ideas you have for improving urban life such as city planning, technological innovations, sanitation, schools, hospitals, and law enforcement

Your thoughts on the problem:

Some solutions:

How the government’s actions can affect England’s future, including the health, education, and welfare of its citizens

Your thoughts on the problem:

Some solutions:


Answer 1


The Industrial Revolution was a time of great progress. Large factories emerged that could mass produce goods at a low price. People flocked from their farms in the country to the cities to work in factories, mills, and mines. Despite such progress, life was not easy as a worker during the Industrial Revolution. Working conditions were poor and sometimes dangerous.

Long Days

Unlike today, workers during the Industrial Revolution were expected to work long hours or they would lose their jobs. Many workers had to work 12 hour days, six days a week. They didn't get time off or vacations. If they got sick or were injured on the job and missed work, they were often fired.

Dangerous Work

A lot of the jobs during the Industrial Revolution were dangerous. There weren't any government regulations to help protect workers. Workers sometimes had to work closely with powerful machines that had no safety features. It was not uncommon to lose a finger or a limb. Workers in mines were subject to tiny tunnels that could easily collapse and trap them underground.

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Unsafe Facilities

A lot of the facilities where people worked were unsafe. Typically the lighting was bad making it difficult to see. Many factories and mines were filled with dust that not only made it difficult to breathe, but could cause diseases including cancer. Other places were unsafe fire hazards where they dealt with flammable chemicals or fireworks. The smallest spark could set off a blaze or explosion.

Child Labor

A lot of factories used child labor in unsafe conditions. Factories hired children because they worked for low wages. In some cases, they hired small children because they could get fit into places adults couldn't. Children were subjected to the same long work weeks and poor conditions as adults. Many children were killed or got sick working in factories.

Living Conditions

The living conditions in crowded cities weren't any better than the working conditions. As more and more people moved into the cities, large slums formed. These places were dirty and unsanitary. Entire families sometimes lived in a single room apartment. With people living so close, diseases spread rapidly and there was little medical care to help them get well.

New Government Regulations

In the late stages of the Industrial Revolution, workers began to organize into unions in order to fight for better and safer working conditions. The government also became involved. New regulations were imposed to shorten the work week and to make factories safer. Today, the government keeps a close eye on businesses to make sure that workers are safe.

Interesting Facts about Working Conditions During the Industrial Revolution

In 1860, the five story Pemberton Mill in Lawrence, Massachusetts collapsed killing an estimated 145 workers. The poorly constructed building had been packed to the upper floors with heavy machinery.

Factories were often very hot during the summer and freezing during the winter.

One of the first labor laws passed was the Factory Act of 1819 passed in Britain. It made it illegal to employ children under 9 years old. It was seldom enforced, however.

As workers organized, they began to go on strike (not work) in order to demand better working conditions and hours.

Some early laws actually made it illegal for workers to unionize.


Related Questions

Laws are created to ensure that citizens...
A. get the best tax rates every year
B. do not hurt people or property
C. protect only the state's natural resources
D. get a good education


b. do not hurt people or property!

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The American Revolution slowly grew and action broke out and the colonies won.

Drag each label to the correct location.
Determine whether the following characteristics describe conditions in Germany before or after unification.
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300 German states
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in the region
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C I took the test I took the test hahaha


We, the people of the Choctaw Nation, having a right to establish our own form of Government, not inconsistent with the Constitution, Treaties and Laws of the United States: by our Representatives, assembled in Convention at Nanihwaiya on Thursday the tenth day of November, 1842, in order to establish Justice, insure Tranquility, promote the general Welfare, and secure to ourselves and our Posterity the right of Life, Liberty and Property: We mutually agree with each other to form for ourselves a free and independent Government.

And we do hereby recognize the boundaries assigned the Choctaw Nation by the second article of the treaty made and concluded with the United States of America at Dancing Rabbit Creek on the 27th day of September 1830: viz. beginning near Fort Smith where the Arkansas boundary crosses the Arkansas River, running thence to the source of the Canadian Fork, if in the limits of the United States, or to those limits, thence due South to Red River, thence down Red River to the western boundary of the State of Arkansas, thence North along that line to the beginning: the boundary of the same to be agreeable to the Treaty made and concluded at Washington City in the year 1825.

What is the main purpose of the preamble of the 1842 Choctaw Constitution?



The Declaration of Independence was designed for multiple audiences: the King, the colonists, and the world. It was also designed to multitask. Its goals were to rally the troops, win foreign allies, and to announce the creation of a new country. The introductory sentence states the Declaration’s main purpose, to explain the colonists’ right to revolution. In other words, “to declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” Congress had to prove the legitimacy of its cause. It had just defied the most powerful nation on Earth. It needed to motivate foreign allies to join the fight.

Base your answer to the following question on the drawing below and on your
knowledge of social studies.

What inference can be drawn from the location of the church in this drawing?

A: The church controlled trade with the manor

B: The mill was managed by the church

C: The church played a limited role in education

D: Religion played a significant role in the lives of the residents



I'm sure the answer is D.


Which phrase best completes the partial outline below?
I. Achievements of the Incas
A. _____________________________
B. Kept records using quipus
C. Built stone structures without using mortar

a. Cast bronze statues c. invented a foot stirrup
b. created a system of terraced
a. Cast bronze statue b. created a system of terraced farming
c. invented a foot stirrup d. developed chariots


b; created a system of terraced farming was one of their great achievements

Answer: The major achievement of the Incas were their system of roads and bridges, centralized economy, social harmony, medicine, fortifications and buildings, accounting system, aqueducts and agricultural terraces


What should be considered about the roles of women in feudal Japan to understand the context of The Pillow Book?

Women had the same rights as men.
Women had limited opportunities to work.
Women could only be married or live with their parents.
Women had the same educational opportunities as men.



B - women had limited opportunities to work


Answer:I honestly don’t think ur pretty I know ur pretty and looks don’t matter it’s about the personality and hart.


how did the boundary created by the proclamation of 1763 affect the colonists?



After Britain won the Seven Years' War and gained land in North America, it issued the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which prohibited American colonists from settling west of Appalachia. The Treaty of Paris, which marked the end of the French and Indian War, granted Britain a great deal of valuable North American land.


How was life different in the 1918"s for Women and Men in this time period



How the flu helped change people's minds. Increased participation in the workforce allowed many women to obtain social and financial independence.


I think that's right

which statement describes how the transcontinental railroad affected the united states during the late 1800s?


an expansion of settlement and growth in the western towns

take note of the important numbers and information regarding who approach for their needs ​



can anyone help me in computer

Members of congress are influenced by constituents true or false



Members of Congress are influenced by constituents. Members of Congress may hold town hall meetings with constituents. The president is not allowed to appeal directly to members of Congress and cannot try to influence them to pass bills or resolutions.





Constituents are the people who vote and elect members of Congress. If Congress members want to remain in office, they have to be mindful about what their constituents want.

All of the following are true regarding the economic hardships on farmers EXCEPT:
crop prices increased
they faced interest rates of more than 10 percent per year
crop prices fell
they had plagues of grasshoppers and boll weevils

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



Crop prices fell is not true because during that time and how money works crop prices rose up due to less and less crops making it hard to make something out of a thing slowly decreasing in quantity for the same price

How did the Great Awakening help to shape a spirit of independence in the colonies?



The Great Awakening contributed to the development of an “independent spirit” among American colonists because it reduced the power of hierarchical religious sects. It contributed, instead, to a situation in which people thought more for themselves about issues of religion.


The Great Awakening contributed to the development of an “independent spirit” among American colonists because it reduced the power of hierarchical religious sects. It contributed, instead, to a situation in which people thought more for themselves about issues of religion.

Why did Washington order trenches dug?


Answer: To allow the movement of larger artillery toward the British fortifications

Explanation: I hope this helps :) you've got this!


To move artillery.


Washington had trenches dug to help move the artillery(heavy weapons) closer.

Match to the best descricption


Political movement that sought to restrict immigration and set limits on the rights and opportunities afforded to immigrants:


a scientific expedition authorized by Jefferson to study the people, lands, and animal and plant species of the North American continent across the Louisiana Territory and to the Pacific Coast.:


Authorized the President to arrest and deport immigrants who criticized the federal government.:


Resulted in increased cotton planting and slavery.:


Discouraged European intervention in the Western Hemisphere.:


Sought to peacefully negotiate the exchange of American Indian lands in the South for new lands in the Indian territory.:


Practice where the British captured American sailors and forced them to join the Royal Navy.


Movement where immediatists were actively working to end slavery quickly.:


As stated in the Compromise of 1850, territorial residents, not Congress, would decide whether to have slavery in any proposed new state.:


Angry farmers used violence and intimidation against federal tax officials to protest the new tax policies.:

Column B

a.Lewis and Clark Expedition


c.Alien and Sedition Acts

d.Whiskey Rebellion

e.Cotton gin

f.Indian Removal Act



i.Popular sovereignty

j.Monroe Doctrine



sorry but I don't think anyone can understand this so you're going to have to go to some other app to help with this because unless you're a teacher you will not get this because teachers have every answer I'm only in Middle School so and I'm smart I'm an avid but I don't know how to do this and in case you don't know what it is it's evidence advancement via individual determination and I am perfect for that but I cannot do this so I'm sorry but if you thought that I would be able to help you I'm only in middle school I'm not a teacher and I'm only in 6th grade so

how frequently do you think lynchings took place, based on this quote?



one a week or one a day it couldnt be any less unless they were "joking "

Only two countries are in this region but they are two of the world’s largest in area



you need to explain that more, which region  there are people who use this app from other country's so "in this region" could mean any region on earth.


Which restriction on the presidency was instituted by the passage of the 22nd Amendment?

The President is not allowed to start a new term until March 3rd.

The president can only serve 2 terms or a total of 10 years.

The President is not allowed to appoint justices to the Supreme Court

Congress, not the president, must pick a Vice President if there is a vacancy in the office.



The president can only serve 2 terms or a total of 10 years.


This was passed after President Franklin D. Roosevelt served his fourth term in office for a total of 16 years as the president.

03.02 recipe for America ​




Group that contributed to American society and culture.One significant contribution from this group on American society and/or culture.Explain how the contribution aAmerican society and/or cultur– What did Americans gain fromcontribution?)Native AmericansJewelry making was a contribution.Jewelry became an accessory for fashion.African AmericansMusic was a contribution.Music is everywhere in today’s society and culture.WomenRaising children was a contribution.Mom care for their children.ChildrenHelping the family making clothes and farming.The girls help with household chores and the boys help with yawork and heavy chores.

Question 2 (2 points)
How big was the asteroid that hit the Earth?
700 feet wide
70 feet wide
7 miles wide



I think it 70


Answer: not sure

Explanation: because I don't know

what geographic advantage did the continental army have?


Answer:    From the rocky terrain of the north, humid swamplands of the south and dense forests of the west, the Continental Army's superior knowledge of the varied geography gave them an incredible advantage. As such, mapping was critical to the colonists' victory


When a group of citizens assemble at a public meeting to discuss government policies, they are protected in their right to
assemble by the



the freedom of speech and the right to peaceably assemble.


Do you guys think having an 84 grade is good.
and do you guys think having a 74 is good?



I think both are good but 84 is better

describe the kind of activities that would be done in the process of beautifying your community​


eyelahes eyeliner eyehshadow

What is slash-and-burn agriculture?



Slash-and-burn agriculture is a farming method that involves the cutting and burning of plants in a forest or woodland to create a field called a swidden. The method begins by cutting down the trees and woody plants in an area

the relationship between Haiti’s political instability and the natural disasters it has faced?



The president of Haiti had recently been assassinated. Also, earthquakes have been demolishing Haiti. This has caused Haitians to migrate away from Haiti, and into America.


What are three long term causes of colonial resistance to British policies
Will give brainliest to whoever answers this correctly



Britain's debt from the French and Indian War led it to try to consolidate control over its colonies and raise revenue through direct taxation (e.g., Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Tea Act, and Intolerable Acts), generating tensions between Great Britain and its North American colonies.

which of these countries was formed or became independent in the 1990s?



The new nations that were created following the fall of the USSR in 1991 are: Armenia.


Which actions directly contributed to the United States entering World War I? Select two options.

Germany sank US ships.
Germany expanded its colonial empire.
Germany sent the Zimmermann Telegram.
Germany attacked US territory.
Germany signed a treaty with Austria-Hungary.



I think they sank US ships and attacked US territory


A. Germany sank US ships.

D. Germany attacked US territory.


Rigth on Edge

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