Which of the following is NOT an accomplishment of Emperor Qin?


Answer 1


Where's The following? I need more context.

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Most new jobs in the United States will be in the
a.manufacturing industries
b.goods-producing industries
C. service-producing industries
d. agriculture-producing industries



most new jobs in the United States will be in the service producing sector

Action and reaction forces are described by which of Newton’s laws of motion?
first, second,third,fourth


Action and reactions forces are described by Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion

The law states that, “Each action has an equal and opposite reaction”

What are the common characteristics of the North Central
Plains Region?


I don’t know….. probably moderate temperature







3. In 2006, the Secretary of State added additional groups to automatically qualify as refugee-status.
Which countries/groups qualify?



Afghans who do not meet the minimum time-in-service for a SIV but who work or worked as employees of contractors, locally-employed staff, interpreters/translators for the U.S. Government, United States Forces Afghanistan (USFOR-A), International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), or Resolute Support;

Afghans who work or worked for a U.S. government-funded program or project in Afghanistan supported through a U.S. government grant or cooperative agreement;

Afghans who are or were employed in Afghanistan by a U.S.-based media organization or non-governmental organization.


Hope this helps! :D

Before lean manufacturing innovations, Japan mostly sold consumer electronics to the United States. How did lean manufacturing innovations alter Japan’s comparative advantage vis-à-vis the United States?



Thus, lean manufacturing technology helped to improve the comparative advantage position of Japan vis-a vis United States.


Lean manufacturing innovations in Japan have helped to improve efficiency in the production process in the country and thus have helped to reduce the time required for operations. This has reduced the opportunity cost of production in Japan and increased its comparative advantage in the goods for which lean manufacturing was used.

This helped to increase the range of commodities that Japan exported to the United States due to improvement in the manufacturing technology. Thus, this helped to improve the overall terms of trade in the country and also increased gains from trade.

What does this weather map symbol represent, and what is its meaning? A) Moving front: the area between two air masses where is constantly in motion

B) Stationary front: the boundary between two air masses where no air is moving
C) Cold front: the leading edge of a cold air mass is pushing against a warm air mass

D) Warm front: the leading edge of a warm air mass is pushing in to replace a cold air mass



I'm pretty sure it's d bc it's for sure a warm front

Answer:yes this is a warmfront

Explanation:i looked it up

Roughly what percentage of Americans are immigrants?


None of the percentage here listed are accurate however that being said America out of the entire world is listed as the country with the most immigrants. Documenting about 26%in the year 2020

Who was the vice president of the Confederate States



Alexander Hamilton Stephens,

which of the following definition best describes the age of exploration​


The so-called age of exploration was a period from the early 15th century and continuing into the early 17th century,during which European ships were traveld around the world to search for new trading routes and partners to feed burgeoning capitalism in Europe.(hope this helps)

1. What is an example of a business in the recreation and entertainment sector of the industry?
Train station



C.) Stadium should be your answer here.

What kind of ways do people move?



walk: move on one's feet.

limp: walk unevenly because one leg is hurt.

hobble: walk with difficulty.

stagger: walk unsteadily as if about to fall.

stumble: stagger.

lurch: stagger.

tiptoe: walk on the tips of one's toes.

stroll: walk for pleasure.

amble: walk at a slow, leisurely pace.

saunter: stroll.

wander: move without a fixed purpose or destination.

roam: wander.

ramble: walk for pleasure with no particular destination.

He likes rambling around in the country.

mooch: wander, walk slowly without any purpose.

meander: walk in a slow, relaxed way instead of taking the most direct way possible. (Rivers also meander).

stride: walk with long steps.

She strode across the fields.

strut: walk in a proud way, with the chest out and trying to look important.

swagger: walk proudly, strut.

stalk: walk in a proud or angry way, with long steps.

sashay: walk in a confident way, moving the body from side to side, especially so that people look at you.

trudge: walk slowly and with effort because one is tired.

shuffle: walk very slowly and noisily, without lifting one's feet off the ground.

stump: walk heavily and stiffly.

They stumped up the hill.

plod: walk with heavy steps or with difficulty.

pace: walk with regular steps.

march: walk with regular steps of equal length.

parade: walk or march together to celebrate or protest.

crawl: move slowly with the body close to the ground or on hands and knees.

toddle: walk with short unsteady steps.

edge: move gradually with small movements.

creep: move slowly and quietly with the body close to the ground.

sneak: go quietly and secretly in order to avoid being seen or heard.

pad: walk softly and quietly.

prowl: walk slowly and quietly because you are involved in a criminal activity or because you are looking for something.

slide: move smoothly over a surface.

slip: slide accidentally.

dash: move quickly and suddenly, rush.

dart: move quickly and suddenly in the specified direction.

scamper: run quickly and playfully.

sprint: run very quickly for a short distance.

jog: run slowly and steadily, as a way of exercising.

trip over: catch one's foot on something and stumble or fall.

scuttle: move quickly with short steps, because you are afraid or do not want to be noticed.

scurry: move quickly with short steps, because you are in a hurry.

skip: move forward with quick steps and jumps.

lope: run with long steps.

lollop: run with long awkward steps.

tear: run or move quickly in a dangerous or careless way.

rush: hurry, move quickly because you need to get somewhere soon.

hop: move by jumping on one foot.

trip: walk with short quick steps, usually as young girls do.

lunge: make a sudden movement towards somebody or something.

scramble: climb up or down, or over something quickly and with difficulty.

hike: take a long walk in the mountains or countryside, as an adventure.

trek: hike; make a long, difficult journey on foot.

paddle (UK), wade (US): walk for pleasure without shoes or socks in water that is not very deep.

waddle: walk with short steps, moving the body from one side to another, used especially to talk about birds or people with fat bodies.

prance: walk with high steps or large movements, in a confident way.  


hope this helps :)

pls make brainliest :p

What is the bond of flour?



Flour is a covalent bond

Flour is a covalent bond.

Pls answer :What are two ways that the adoption of the U.S Constitution affected nation’s economy?

I give u 100 points pls answer



so the answer is yerhrehgy4ryg4fyigfyirgfyugrf


what is descrimination​



Hey! I got you.


Discrimination* is the judgement on people in our society based off of gender, race, sexuality, appearance, religious beliefs, and many more. Discrimination can go hand in hand with racism, homophobia, etc. Hope this helped!

Why did European countries want to settle the new world


Answer: European nations came to the Americas to increase their wealth and broaden their influence over world affairs. Many of the people who settled in the New World came to escape religious persecution. The Pilgrims, founders of Plymouth, Massachusetts, arrived in 1620.

Explanation: Why did European countries want to settle the new world

The _______________________ self of an individual is made up of flesh, blood, bones and organs.





hope it helps you out

Definition: This refers to any physical feature that serves as a separation between two political units​



Physical boundary. This refers to any physical feature that serves as a separation between two political units.


Formas de contrato gestión de talento humano?




Plantilla de contrato de gestión del talento

Plantilla de contrato de gestión del talento - Plantilla de contrato de gestión del talento,

Discuss the importance of individual differences in learners​



Thus, individual differences are important because they're associated with students' particular needs. These needs are related to learning pace, cognitive styles, and motivation levels, which teachers must take into account in the teaching and learning processes.

9. En el siguiente cuadro ,describe las dos clases de liberalismo que existieron en el pais. ' 1. 2.


El liberalismo es un movimiento político-social que se originó en la Ilustración del siglo XVIII, en el que la libertad es el pilar central de la organización política y social de las naciones.  

El liberalismo tiene como punto de partida la mayor libertad posible para el individuo siempre que no restrinja la libertad de los demás. Los liberales luchan por una sociedad en la que los ciudadanos disfruten de grandes libertades, como los derechos civiles que protegen al individuo y limitan el poder del estado y la iglesia.

El liberalismo también lucha por un mercado libre en el que el gobierno adopte una postura cautelosa. Otra punta de lanza del liberalismo es la separación de la iglesia y el estado (entre otras cosas como condición para la tolerancia religiosa).

El gobierno solo está obligado a ocuparse de aquellas áreas del gobierno que son imposibles de cuidar para el individuo, como las funciones públicas, las obras públicas y la defensa nacional.

Las dos corrientes principales del liberalismo que han tenido lugar en nuestro país han sido:  

el liberalismo clásico, que representa una mínima interferencia del gobierno; liberalismo conservador, que pende entre el liberalismo económico y el conservadurismo sociocultural.

Aprende más en https://brainly.com/question/15696042

What was the importance of food being used in slave culture?



Food plays a significant role in enriching cultural identity and is a catalyst for Blacks to connect with their values of community and fellowship beyond bloodline relatives.

Can someone help me with this problem? I'll give 20 points. (only if the answer is correct)





The legislative branch is in charge of making laws. It is made up of the Congress and several Government agencies. Congress has two parts: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Members of the House of Representatives and the Senate are voted into office by American citizens in each state.

This English colony was founded by the Virginia company in 1607



I believe the answer is Jamestown, Virginia (Jamestown Colony)


English men wanted to start a settlement in North America. Thus, after searching for some time, they settled with Jamestown, Virginia on May 13. This land was named after their King, James I.

Think about the debate and which claims were more clearly supported by reasons and evidence. Evaluate in a three paragraph
essay (4-5 sentences each).
Which candidate do you think proposed a more compelling argument about inflation? Support your daim with specific data
presented by the candidates. Be sure to mention at least one counterpoint, and refute this point with evidence.



think the more compelling argument winner has to go to Jimmy Carter. Lots of facts stated, not just opinions and assumptions. For example; when he stated written facts from the CPI that his plan to bring inflation down has worked for him during is presidency.

With that being said I have to give credit where credit is due, Ronald Regan definitely had some powerful comebacks. Like for when he was showing that his governing in the state of California has worked in the past so why would it not work while running the country.


*not my answer*

marcelovarelaquintan- owner of this answer

Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reason (R).  Read the statements and choose the appropriate option.

Assertion (A): Igneous rocks are also referred to as primary rocks.
Reason(R): These rocks are formed by solidification of lava and magma.

(1 Point)

A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A

B. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A

C. A is true but R is false

D. A is false but R is true



B.) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A


The correct explanation of (A) is:

Igneous rocks are known as primary rocks because they were the first ones to be formed in the rock cycle and do not contain any organic remains. 

where was the route of the triangular trade? ​


Britain to West Africa

Ships travelled to the Atlantic to the West Indies – this leg of the voyage was called the 'Middle Passage'.

read more: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zqv7hyc/revision/3#:~:text=The%20'Triangular%20Trade'%20was%20the,Britain%2C%20bound%20for%20West%20Africa.&text=The%20slaves%20were%20marched%20to,in%20prisons%20called%20'factories'.

In what trade circle was Quanzhou? What were their 5 tope exports


The city of Quanzhou was the eastern terminus of the historical sea trade route between China, the Middle East and Europe.

Help im so confused !!



can't help you there but I can tell you that it might be either the third or the second one

I ain’t no expert but I’d say the second one as the others have no evidence in the passage

the future was open as the land what does that mean what is the simile in that​



the future was open as the land


it means the future has lots of opportunities because it has yet to be lived

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