which kind of energy transformation occurs in a gasoline-powered car?

F. Chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy.
G. Mechanical energy is converted into light energy.
H. Light energy is converted into sound energy.
J. sound energy is converted into chemical energy.


Answer 1


Chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy


Chemical energy stored in the bonds of hydrocarbons is released as heat which drives the piston in a car to produce circular motion that propels the car.

Related Questions

what is the average acceleration of a car that is initially at rest at a stop light and then accelerates to 24 m/s in 9.4 s?





To find the acceleration of the car you can use this formula :

     vf = vi + at OR a = v/t

I'm going to use the first one because it explains the steps more clearly :

vf = 24 m/s

vi = 0 m/s

t = 9.4 s

a = ?

     24m/s = 0 + (a)(9.4s)

     24m/s = a9.4

Divide both sides by 9.4

     a = 2.55319 m/s^2

Round to 3 sig figs

     a = 2.6 m/s^2

Hope this helps! Best of luck <3

Which is likely TRUE of an individual whose body composition has little fat and is naturally lean?


They have a high metabolism.
They have a family history of obesity.
They require less food than most people.
Their body composition will never change.





If an individual whose body composition has little fat and is naturally lean then they have a high metabolism, therefore the correct answer is option A.

What is exercise?

The advantages of working out vary depending on the type of death a person experiences. Even if a person exercises, excessive sitting can cause a number of illnesses, many of which are fatal. The individual might also engage in mobile activities, in addition, to exercise to improve their fitness.

Any activity that involves bodily motions that increases a person's health, fitness, and well-being while reducing their chance of developing illnesses is considered exercise. It makes it possible for the person to maintain a healthy weight.

Therefore, if an individual whose body composition has little fat and is naturally lean then they have a high metabolism, therefore the correct answer is option A.

Learn more about exercise here;



A dog has the mass of 4kg and runs at a velocity of 3m/s. What is its KE










Una bola de 60 Kg se hace descender por medio de un cable, con una aceleración hacia abajo de 4 m/s2 . ¿Cuál es la tensión en el cable?



240 N


La fuerza de la tensión del cable es la masa por la aceleración (F=ma).

F = (60)(4) = 240 N

6.) A racing car of mass 620. kg starts from rest and travels 90.0 meters in 5.00 seconds. What unbalanced force was applied to it?​





Fun facts about Israel



It's Real...



Israel Is Part of the Holy Land


a marble rolls horizontally off a table that is 0.8m tall. if the marble lands 0.6m from the base of the table, what is the initial velocity of the marble?


The initial velocity of the marble from the given position is  1.49 m/s.

The given parameters;

height of the table, h = 0.8 mhorizontal distance traveled by the train, X = 0.6 m

The time of motion of the marble from the given height is calculated as;

[tex]h = v_yt + \frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\h = 0 + \frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\h = \frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\t = \sqrt{\frac{2h}{g} } \\\\t = \sqrt{\frac{2\times 0.8}{9.8} }\\\\t = 0.404 \ s[/tex]

The initial horizontal velocity of the marble is calculated as follows;

[tex]X = v_0_xt\\\\v_0_x = \frac{X}{t} \\\\v_0_x = \frac{0.6}{0.404} \\\\v_0_x = 1.49 \ m/s[/tex]

Thus, the initial velocity of the marble from the given position is  1.49 m/s.

Learn more here:https://brainly.com/question/21180604

car moves with a speed of 72 km/hr for 20 minutes and then with the speed of 60 km/hr for 15 minutes. The total distance covered by the car is.........

35 km

36 km

39 km

40 km​


S1+S2= S=15+24=39

Which will most likely be a consequence as fossil fuel reserves are depleted?


It honestly depends. Fossil fuels are non-renewable so if reserves are depleting there is a threat of them running out and/or more pollution.

Treating the International Space Station as a point mass, what is the gravitational potential
30 m from the centre? M= 419 000 kg.





Ep=123,186,000 J

the gravitational potential energy is 123 186 000 joules

Please represent 80 N, East in a diagram
This means a lot to me if u answer
Thank you​


Answer: Sorry girl, ik the answer but id.k how to upload the diagram


A car drives 215 km west and then 85 km south. Find the distance and displacement of the car.​



Distance= 300 km

Displacement= 130


When you find distance you have to add

When you find displacemnet you subtract

If a car drives 215 kilometers west and then 85 kilometers south, then the distance and displacement of the car would be 300 kilometers and kilometers respectively.

What is displacement?

Displacement is a vector quantity. This indicates that it has both a direction and a magnitude and that it is visually represented as an arrow that points from the starting position to the ending position.

As given in the problem, if a car drives 215 kilometers west and then 85 kilometers south, then we have to find the distance and displacement of the car,

The distance traveled by car = 215 kilometers + 85 kilometers

                                                = 300 kilometers

The displacement covered by the car = √(215² + 85²)

                                                               = 231.2 Kilometers

Thus, the distance traveled by car would be 300 Kilometers and the displacement would be 231.2 Kilometers in the southwest direction.

To learn more about displacement here, refer to the link;



I need help
what force is needed to make a ball fall on earth if it had a mass of 13kg

I'd appreciate if someone could help me thank you ​


Newton's second law allows finding the answer for the force that attracts the body is 127.4N

Newton's second law indicates that the force that is the interaction between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of the mass and the acceleration.

            F = m a

Where the bold letters indicate vectors, F is the force, m the mass, and the acceleration of the body.

When a body is close to the Earth there is an interaction between the body and the planet, we call this interaction weight, it is given by the relationship

           W = m g

Where W is the force called weight, m ​​the mass of the body and g the acceleration of the body, which in this case is called the gravity acceleration   (g = 9.8 m / s²)

They indicate that the mass of the body is m = 13 kg, let's calculate the weight

           W = 13  9.8

           W = 127.4 N

In conclusion using Newton's second law we can find the answer for the force that attracts the body is 127.4N

Learn more here:



1. What is the acceleration of a spaceship that can accelerate from 10,000 m/s to 17,500 m/s in 20 seconds?

2. How long does it take the principal to run to our classroom, if the distance is 125 meters, and he accelerates, from rest, at a rate of 4 m/s^2?

3. A pen falls off my desk. It took 1.5 seconds to fall. What was the velocity of the pen just before it hit the ground?

4. You are standing at the edge of a cliff that is 40m tall. You throw an apple down with a speed of 15 m/s. How long does it take to fall to the bottom of the cliff?

5. A stone is dropped from the roof of a building. It took 5 s for the stone to reach the ground. What is the height of the building?

6. A man is on a 30m cliff and throws a ball down with a speed of 7 m/s.
A) With what velocity does the ball hit the ground? B) How high above the ground is the ball after the ball has fallen for 1 second?

7. A watermelon is dropped from rest from the top of a 20m cliff. A) How long does the watermelon be in the air?
B) What was the watermelon’s final velocity?


The kinematic relations allow finding the results for the different questions are:

     1.  The acceleraations is a = 375 m/s²

     2. The time is t = 62.5 s

     3. The velocity at the ground is  v = -14.7 m / s

     4.  The time to the bottoncliff is    1.7 s

     5.  The height isy₀ = 122.5 m


         A) The velocity is v = 25.2 m / s

         B)  The height  for t=1 s is  y = 18.1 m


         A)  Time in the air is t = 2 s

         B)  The final veloicty is   v = - 19.6 m / s

Kinematics analyzes the movement of bodies, finding relationships between the position, velocity and acceleration of bodies.

Let's look for the answers to a series of questions:

1. They indicate the initial and final velocities of the body and the time to reach it is 20 s, ask how much the acceleration is worth

Let's use the relationship

             v = v₀ + a t

             a = [tex]\frac{v-v_o}{t}[/tex]

             a = [tex]\frac{17500-10000}{20}[/tex]

             a = 375 m/s²

2. What is the time it takes to travel a distance of 125 m with an acceleration of 4 m / s²

             x = v₀ t + ½ a t²

As it leaves the direction its initial velocity is zero

             x = ½ to t²

             t = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{2x}{a} }[/tex]

             t = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{2 \ 125}{4} }[/tex]

             t = 62.5 s

3. A pencil falls from a height and reaches the floor in a time of 1.5 s what is the speed when reaching the floor

            v = v₀ - g t

As it is released its initial velocity is zero

            v = -g t

            v = - 9.8 1.5

            v = -14.7 m / s

The negative sign indicates that the velocity is directed downwards.

4. From the edge of a cliff 40 m high, an apple is thrown downward with an initial velocity of 15 m / s. How long does it take to get to the bottom?

             y = y₀ + v₀ t - ½ g t²

In this case the initial velocity is negative because it is directed downwards and when it reaches the floor its height is zero, let us substitute

Suppose the acceleration is g = 10 m / s²

             0 = 40 - 15 t - ½ 10 t²

             0 = 40 - 15 t - 5 t²


let's solve the quadratic equation

             t² + 3 t - 8 = 0

             t = -3 + Ts 9 + 4 8/2

            t = -3 + 6. 4/2

             t₁ = - 4.9 s

            t₂ = 1.7 s

The time must be a positive quantity, so the correct answer is 1.7 s

5. A stone is dropped from the ceiling and it takes a time 5 s to reach the floor, which is the height of the ceiling

           y = y₀ +v₀ t - ½ g t²

as it is released from the ceiling its initial velocity is zero and the height upon reaching the floor is zero

          0 = y₀ + 0 - ½ g t²

          y₀ = ½ g t²

          y₀ = ½ 9.8 5²

          y₀ = 122.5 m

6. A man at a height of 30 m throws a ball downward at 7 m / s

    A) The speed when reaching the ground

    B) The height of the ball when a time of 1 s has fallen.

  A) Let's use the kinematics relation

              v² = v₀² - 2 g (y -y₀)

              v = 7² - 2 9.8 (0 -30)

              v = 25.2 m / s

 B)   y = y₀ + v₀ t - ½ g t²

        y = 30  7 1 - ½ 9.8 1²

        y = 18.1 m

7.  A watermelon is dropped from rest from the top of a 20m cliff.  

 A) time in the air

 B) ground speed


  A) Let's use the relation

       y = y₀ + v₀ t - ½ g t²

It is released its initial velocity is zero and when it reaches the ground its height is zero (y = 0)

       0 = y₀ + 0 - ½ g t²

       t = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{2y_o}{g} }[/tex]

       t = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{2 \ 20}{9.8} }[/tex]

       t = 2 s

B) the speed when reaching the ground

       v = v₀ - g t

       v = 0 - 9.8 2

       v = - 19.6 m / s

The negative sign indicates that the speed is down

In conclusion using the kinematic relations we can find the results for the different questions are:

   1.  The acceleraations is a = 375 m/s²

   2. The time is t = 62.5 s

   3. The velocity at the ground is  v = -14.7 m / s

   4.  The time to the bottoncliff is    1.7 s

   5.  The height isy₀ = 122.5 m


      A) The velocity is v = 25.2 m / s

      B)  The height  for t=1 s is  y = 18.1 m


      A)  Time in the air is t = 2 s

      B)  Te final veloicty is   v = - 19.6 m / s

Learn more here: brainly.com/question/15068914

3. Pandemic took its toll on our health. We cannot go outside to do our physical activities and socialize with other people like we used to. To maintain our active lifestyle even in the comforts of our home, we must do balanced activities. This will help us take good care of ourselves and help us cope with what is happening around us. We can identify the tasks we do at home as work, or no work done.
● On the table below, list down the personal care and school work-related activities you do at home. Classify if it has work or no work done. Furthermore, identify the form of energy while you are doing the task.





work done x time the person can determine

not sure really what to answer but here are 4 parts.

personal care

1.) working out

2.) brain games

3.) Manual labor

4.) Sleep to make you relaxed and have energy for the next day

5.) working a job (if you have one)

school relate

1.) studies for at least 15 minutes since a humans intention spam is around 15 minutes

2.) Homework

3.) taking notes

4.) Analysis your progress

5.) Test yourself if you remember the information

if a student is sitting down for 5 hours doing nothing, he would soon be getting drowsy because lack of activity along with potentially getting depression or some other kinds of related features.

that last question I don't know how to answer that. that's all you bud.

What is the net force on charge placed at the center of square of length 1m? All charges have same magnitude of 2 micro coulomb.



Electric Field intensity is zero.

The reason for that is:

All charges are placed at equal distances from the center of the square and have same magnitude and sign. This means they will exert equal and opposite forces on the test charge at the center. Net force will become Zero.

a bus starts to move from rest . if its velocity becomes 90km/per hour after 8s. calculate its acceration .

its answers is : 3.13ms-2​





first convert from KM to M, 1km-1000m then convert from km/h to m/s (speed)

90×1000/3600 note: 1h- 3600s



a= 25m/s ÷ 8s

a= 3.125 / 3.13m/

A large cooler full of ice and drinks has a mass of 105 kg and a coefficient of static friction with the floor of 0.688. How much force will be required to move the cooler across the ground?



Explanation: actually for moving it in an CONSTANT velocity u need a zero accleration

F-f=ma,a=0 hence F=f=Nα=mgα=1,495.63 N

1. Width of A postage stamp is one m, 15 cm, or 20 mm
2. A thickness of ACD 0.1 m 0.01 m or 0.001 m
3. Height of a bus 152.4 mm, 20M, or 250 cm
4 Length of an inch worm 25.4 mm, 25.4 cm or 0.254 m
5. Length of a football field 91.44 m 200 m or one km

Will give brainless


1 - 15 cm
2 - 0.001 m
3 - 20 m
4 - 25.4 mm
5- 91.44
Hope this helps :)
I agree with the other comment I couldn’t comment underneath

significant nomadic peoples who spoke a language derived from a single parent tongue were the


The Answer would be Indo - Europeans

What is The mass of a object that has a force of 100_Newtons and acceleration of 25 m/s/s



Yoour MOM


True or false?

Inertia is related more to acceleration than an object’s mass.






its making ne type an answer that is 20 characyers long lol

You want to calculate the net force acting on an ice skater who is speeding up while

skating. Which of these is a force you would not add in to calculate the net force?

upward vertical force from the ice that supports the skater

force that the skater exerts on the ground

force exerted on the skater by the ground in reaction to the force the skater

exerts on the ground




force that skater exerts on the ground


will the star of bethlehem be visible on december 21st



The best time to view the spectacle on Dec. 21 will be around an hour after sunset.

Select the correct answer
Betty has to cookarump cut. She observed that meat dishes often spill out all their juices when they are cut. What should she do te
DA She needs to make sure that she lets the rump sit for 5 to 10 minutes after it is cooked.
OB She needs to add wine to the rump before cooking it.
Oc She needs to cook the rump until all of the water evaporates.
OR She needs to keep the ramp in a preheated pan covered with a lid.


Option A can be correct because when the meat is kept the rump settles down and the meat is prevented from being messy everywhere.


Option A can be correct because when the meat is kept the rump settles down and the meat is prevented from being messy everywhere.


Two balls are dropped from rest and allowed to fall. If one ball is allowed to fall for 1 s and the other for 3 s compare the distances they have fallen.


The second ball traveled a greater distance when compared to the first ball because the second ball spent more time in motion.

The given parameters;

time of fall of the first ball, t = 1 stime of fall of the second ball, t = 3 s

The distance traveled by each ball is calculated using the second equation of motion as shown below.

The distance traveled by the first ball is calculated as follows;

[tex]h = u_0t + \frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\h = 0 + \frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\h = \frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\h = (0.5\times 9.8\times 1^2)\\\\h = 4.9 \ m[/tex]

The distance traveled by the second ball is calculated as follows;

[tex]h = \frac{1}{2} gt^2\\\\h = (0.5\times 9.8\times 3^2)\\\\h = 44.1\ m[/tex]

Thus, the second ball traveled a greater distance because it spent more time in motion.

Learn more here:https://brainly.com/question/5868480

Why doesn’t an orbiting satellite fall back to earth?


The reason satellites don’t fall from the sky is because they are orbiting Earth. Even though the satellites are thousands of miles away, Earths gravity still tugs on them. Gravity combined with the satellite's momentum from its launch into space, cause the satellite to go into orbit above Earth instead of falling back down to the ground.
P.S sorry if this isn’t the answer you were looking for have a good day

Which of the following is the correct definition of electric magnetic field



the electric magnitic is not a field to have an violen not elictric because a pandmic

sana maka toulong

What is the acceleration of a 300. kg sled being pulled with a force of 828 N, if the coefficient of kinetic friction between the sled and the ground is 0.120?



The acceleration of the sled is 1.584 m/s².


What is kinect friction force?

Friction always occur when two surfaces slide across one another. For example, if we push an object and it starts moving, we can say there's a kinect (dynamic) friction force between that object and the surface under.

Now, let's solve the problem.

First, we've got to write the data down.

[tex]\bullet \quad m=300\,kg\\\\\bullet \quad F=828\,N\\\\\bullet \quad \mu_k=0.120[/tex]

Sketch a picture of the problem and point all forces acting on the sled (see attached).

Apply Newton's Second Law Of Motion:

[tex]F_{net}=m\cdot a[/tex]

Let's set our reference system positive to the right. Above equation becomes:

[tex]F-f_k=m\cdot a[/tex]

where [tex]f_k[/tex] is the kinect friction force.

Looking up free body diagram, we can see support force equals the weight of the sled, so that we can write:

[tex]F-\mu_k\cdot m \cdot g=m \cdot a[/tex]

Solving for a:

[tex]a=\dfrac{F-\mu_k \cdot m \cdot g}{m}[/tex]

Let's take 9.8 m/s² for the acceleration of gravity and plug the data on the equation.

[tex]a=\dfrac{828-(0.120)\cdot 300\cdot(9.8)}{300}[/tex]

[tex]\therefore \boxed{a=1.584\,m/s^2}[/tex]

Conclusion: the acceleration of the sled is 1.584 m/s².

Keep learning with this link:

Friction force


Happy studying!

Brainly Team

In the district soccer championship finals, Elizabeth kicks a 6 N soccer ball with a force of 80.0 N to the right.
There is friction between the ball and the ground (mu=0.20) as well as 23 N of air resistance.

(i) Draw the FBD for the ball; include both types of forces and magnitudes.

(ii) What is the net force acting on the ball? Show work

(iii) What is the acceleration of the ball? Show work


iii is the answer I hope this helps

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