when was the declaration of independence published


Answer 1
July 4, 1776

Hope this helps!

Have a great day!

Related Questions

How did Ann Judson help her husband on the mission field? (choose all that apply)

1. Visited him while he was in prison

2. Translated the Bible into the language of the natives

3. Saved orphan children

4. Shared the Burma mission to the people of London

5. Read and explained Scripture to the woman of Burma

6. Traveled to China to bring back medicine for the natives



there is the answer in the photo, your welcome


Ann Judson helps her husband on the mission field by visiting him while he was in prison and translating the Bible into the language of the native's saved orphan children and reading and explaining Scripture to the woman of Burma. The correct options are 1, 2, 3, and 5.

While Adoniram Judson was detained in Ava, Burma, Ann Judson did pay him visits. During the First Anglo-Burmese War, the Burmese government imprisoned Adoniram. He received much-needed solace and assistance from Ann's visits during this trying period.

The Bible was translated into Burmese with Ann Judson's assistance. She was a gifted language learner and helped her husband translate the Bible, which was a crucial addition to their missionary work.

Burma's orphanage system was started by Ann Judson. She took good care of these kids, giving them affection, education, and a secure home.

Thus, the ideal selections are options 1, 2, 3, and 5.

Learn more about Judson here:



what were astrolabes used for in the medieval period?



tell the time, measure the heights of stars and buildings, and for many other calculations and observations.Explanation: the internet said so

Drag the responsibility to the correct job title.



this is correct order listed.


What led to the formation of the first women's unions?



the Lowell mill women organized


An excerpt from "The Declaration of Independence"
"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of
these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and
to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles
and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most
likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
This excerpt demonstrates how the founding fathers were influenced
by which idea?
Social Contract
Natural Rights
Limited Government
Limited Monarchy



That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation


What kind of story is the Aztec history of the “conquest”?



The Spanish campaign against the Aztec Empire had its final victory on 13 August 1521, when a coalition army of Spanish forces and native Tlaxcalan warriors led by Cortés and Xicotencatl the Younger captured the emperor Cuauhtémoc and Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire.




sure lol thanks for the points bro i am happy

battle of Lexington:))

Compara breument els dos tipus de presocràtics.


Tales, Anaximandre, Anaxímenes, Heràclit, Diògenes d'Apol·lònia, Xenòfanes, Pitàgores, Parmènides i els seus deixebles d'Elea, Empèdocles, Anaxàgores, Leucip i Demòcrit.

Els presocràtics concebien el principal objecte de les seves investigacions filosòfiques -el cosmos- com compost d'elements sensorials corrents: terra, aigua, aire; foc, i d'èter, elements que es convertien recíprocament uns a altres com a resultat de la seva condensació i de la seva enrariment.

What three countries competed for power during the age of exploration?


Answer: Portugal, Spain, France and England.

Explanation: hope this helps

What are two rights or
freedoms from the First



Alright so, first amendment allows right of freedom religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition.

Freedom religion = not forced into a religion practice whatever you want

Expression = mostly mentions allowing to allow different opinions

Assembly = right to gather people and assemble basically such as protests

Right to petition = It's in the name.


Wyeast and Klickitat grew jealous of each other and soon began to quarrel. They became so angry that they fought. Their people also took up the quarrel, so that there was much fighting on both sides of the river. Many warriors were killed.

This time the Great Spirit was made angry by the wickedness of the people. He broke down the Bridge of the Gods, the sign of peace between the two tribes, and its rocks fell into the river. He changed the two chiefs into mountains. Some say that they continued to quarrel over Loo-wit even after they were mountain peaks. They caused sheets of flame to burst forth, and they hurled hot rocks at each other. Not thrown far enough, many fell into the river and blocked it. That is why the Columbia is very narrow and the water very swift at The Dalles.

–"The Bridge of the Gods,"

Ella E. Clark

According to this legend, why did the Great Spirit take down the Bridge of the Gods?

to punish the Plateau


Short Answer: He was angered by the wickedness of his people; they were battling, quarreling, and dying, and his action was to both demonstrate his power and to end the fighting.

He was angered by the sinfulness of his people; they were battling, wrangling, and dying, and his action was to both protest his power and end the fighting.

What is protest?

Protest is a public expression of objection, disapproval, or resistance towards an idea or action, typically a political one. Protests can be thought of as acts of group action in which many people cooperate by attending, and sharing the potential costs and risks of doing so. Protesters may organize a protest as a way of publicly making their judgments heard.

This time the Great Spirit was made angry by the wickedness of the people. He was angered by the sinfulness of his people; they were battling, wrangling, and dying, and his action was to both protest his power and end the fighting.

Therefore, his action was to both protest his power and end the fighting.

Learn more about the protest here:



Was Document D Ahmed Khan trustworthy and why



Yes, I do. He was not just a soldier during this time, but also a sepoy british soldier. If he stayed, I believe he would have a decent grasp on things.


Ahmed Khan's document was trustworthy because he worked with British India company.

Who is Ahmed Khan trustworthy?

Ahmed Khan was a Muslim scholar and philosopher who worked for the British East India Company and was loyal to the British. He published a book in 1858 in Urdu where he explained the revolt of India.

Ahmed's document was said to be trustworthy because he worked as an insider with the British and would have an eye on the happenings there.

Therefore, Ahmed Khan's document was trustworthy because he worked with British India company.

Learn more on Muslim philosopher document  here,


how successful has this organization been american association of people with disabilities?​





Pretty successful

What was the role of James Madison during the Constitutional Convention?



When James Madison and the other 56 delegates to the Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia in May 1787, they intended to amend the Articles of Confederation. They ended up creating a new constitution, and Madison, representing Virginia, became the chief recorder of information. His otes of Debates in the Continental Congress served as one of the best sources of information.


what is the message of this political cartoon


The message could be that the king (or the monarchy in general) was causing the death of citizens.
The message of this political cartoon is

Voter Turnout Among Citizens, by Age Group
Voter Turnout
Presidential Elections Midterm Elections
2000 2004 % Point Increase
(2000 to 2004) 2002 2006 % Point Increase
(2002 to 2006)
Ages 18-29 40% 49% 9% points 22% 25% 3% points
Ages 30-44 59% 62% 4% points 42% 43% 1% point
Ages 45-59 67% 70%; 3% points 55% 56% 1% point
Ages 60-74 72% 73% 1% point 64% 64% 1% point
Ages 75+ 67% 69% 2% points 60% 61% 1 % point

Source: Authors' tabulations from the Current Population
Survey, November (Voting) Supplement, 2000-2006.

Which of the following describes when a person is most likely to vote?
voter is under age 29 and it is a presidential election
voter is under age 29 and it is a midterm election
voter is over age 60 and it is a presidential election
voter is over age 60 and it is a midterm election



the question above is wrong, and i think it’s

C. voter is over age 60 and it is a presidential election


looking at the chart, during the presidential election someone who is 60+ had 72%-73% votes.

when was the declaration of independence adopted by congress


July 4, 1776 is when the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the congress

What are some rights Lincoln restricted during the civil war?



First Admendment Rights and other such


What was Sarah's reaction to the news that she would bear a son?



she's shocked and she cant believe she would bear a son because she's old. so he didn't believe God when God said he would bear a son (Isaac)


What is the role of the country in teaching the principles of global citizenship?



The role of Global Citizenship is to support personal respect and respect for others, wherever they live.


Great Britain increased taxes on its American colonies to pay for wars against France. True or False



That sure is true, and thats the reason why they wanted to break away from Britain!


10. How did the congress get money?​


Seeking to narrow state powers over the central government, the Constitution's authors provided that congressional salaries would come from the federal treasury, with Congress setting the actual amount.


taxing people and stuff



which fraction is equivalent to 9_10




18/20 is equivalent to 9/10 because 9 x 2 = 18 and 10 x 2 = 20

Why did the English Civil War begin?



The English Civil Wars are traditionally considered to have begun in England in August 1642, when Charles I raised an army against the wishes of Parliament, ostensibly to deal with a rebellion in Ireland.


1. The Constitution assigned the following powers to the president: executive power, military power, diplomatic
power, legislative power, judicial power, and appointment and removal power. Choose three powers and give an
example of how the president exercises that power.



A Silent Voice


Millitary: The president uses the military to wage wars and send missions to protect the USA and many other things

Executive Power: Used to manage and administrate certain organizations ran by the government.

Legislative Power: The ability of creating laws and vetoing laws that are in the process of being made

Hope this helped

Plz mark Brainliest

Dont forget to smash that heart at the bottom <3

Have a great day!


military power : use to protect and defend his people

judicial power : the authority granted to courts and judges by the Constitution and other laws to interpret and decide

diplomatic power : used to make treaties and set standards


hope this helps and feel free to add brainiest

Section 3:
He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union and recommend to their consideration
such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of
them, and in case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time
as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully
executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.
from 'Article 11," The United States Constitution
This excerpt is an example of a Constitutionally-guaranteed example of which of these Presidential tools?
"bully pulpit
"executive order
"checks and balances
"power of appointing
The Executive Branch



"executive order

"checks and balances


bully pit


just did the usa test prep

When is it ok for a country to go to war?


Its never ok to go to war unless a country is a serious threat to another country.

Did the Government have a way of defending itself (have an army or navy)? *
at this moment in history the US doesn't have any military paid by the government or by the people
the US has money for the military and navy
The US has a lot of resources in gold reserves to pay for the military and navy





Why are Typhoons known as "Kamikaze"?
Remember: Write in complete sentences


Literally meaning “divine wind,” the term kamikaze was coined in honour of the 1281 typhoon, as it was perceived to be a gift from the gods, supposedly granted after a retired emperor went on a pilgrimage and prayed for divine intervention.

Hope this helps !

Bonus (it cannot lower your grade) Question: Match the clue with the best answer.

Marine Iguana

Galapagos Penguin


Spectacled Bear

Harpy Eagle

This animal spends the majority of its time in water due to its large size

Large bird of prey that hunts monkeys and sloths in the Amazon

Only type of this animal that can live in salt water

Only type of this animal that lives north of the Equator.

This animal has a beloved British children's book (and movie) based on it


Explanation:marine iguana harpy eagle galapagos penguin


Marine lguana: Only type of this animal that can live in salt water

Galapagos Penguin: Only type of this animal that lives north of the Equator.

Anaconda: This animal spends the majority of its time in water due to its large size

Spectacled Bear: This animal has a beloved British children's book ( and movie ) based on it

Harpy Eagle: Large bird of prey that hunts monkeys and sloths in the Amazon

Other Questions
help asap, 20 points Write an equation in point-slope form of the line that passes through the given point and with the given slope m. (-7,5); m = 6 HELP ME OUT PLEASE! Carina loved running, and she loved winning too. She was the captain and star athlete of her track and field team. Although Carina wasnt an excellent runner when she first joined the team two years earlier, she practiced all the time and soon began to win almost every race in which she competed. Carina was doing so well that she thought she might become the winningest track and field athlete in her schools history! 2One afternoon at track practice, Coach Winder nabbed everyones attention to introduce a new athlete. This is Roberto," he said. "He just transferred to our school from Greensboro Middle School. Please welcome Roberto to the team! 3The members of the team clapped and jostled each other as they tried to shake Robertos hand. As the team captain, Carina shook Robertos hand first. She introduced herself and told Roberto that she was excited to have another team member. Roberto told Carina that he had been reluctant about joining the team, but Carina assured him that he would have a marvelous time. 4The next day, the members of the track team stretched before running some sprints. Carina told Roberto that he could race with her. Dont worry, she said. Ill go easy on you because its your first practice. 5Carina and Roberto lined up at the starting blocks. When they heard the CRACK of the starting pistol, Roberto and Carina started. After a short distance, Carina realized that Roberto was no longer beside her. She turned to see how far behind he had fallen, but to her amazement, Roberto was not behind her. She looked up and saw Roberto surging ahead. His feet moved as fast as lightning! When Carina realized that she was about to lose, she ran as vigorously as she could; however, it wasnt enough. Roberto triumphed. Carina seemed almost paralyzed with shock, but she managed to smile and congratulate him. 6Over the next few weeks, Roberto became a phenomenon on the track. No matter how hard Carina trained, she could never beat Roberto. 7One evening after a track meet, Carina was desolate. Roberto had won first place, and Carina had come in third! She considered hanging up her running shoes and quitting the team. Just as she was about to call Coach Winder, her father entered the living room. Carina explained her situation to him. 8If winning is so important to you that you cant merely have fun being a member of the team, said Carinas father, then I guess quitting is your only option. But, before you make your decision, think about why you originally joined the team. 9The next day, Carina walked into Coach Winders office and handed him a slip of paper. Coach Winders eyes widened as he read it. Then, he closed the note and shook his head approvingly. 11Thats right, Carina said with a smile, Id like Roberto to serve as co-captain of the team.What happens in the RESOLUTION of this story? A) Carina goes to the coach to suggest that she and Roberto become co-captains. B) Roberto joins the track team and quickly becomes competition for Carina. C) Carina loses a race to Roberto and decides to quit track for good. D) Over the past couple of years, Carina has improved her racing skills through lots of practice. PLEASE HELP 100 POINTS AND BRAINLEST TO WHOEVER CAN HELP ME!!!!!Precalculus: Use Function Notation and Describe Graphs ProjectDescriptionIn this project you will use words and function notation to describe the connection between the transformation of a functions graph and the affect on the functions equation. Then you will explain how the Point-Slope equation for a line can be explained as a transformation of the parent function.RequirementsYou may submit a Word document, or Powerpoint file or pdf. Name your file: Last name first name Use Function Notation and Describe Graphs Project. (My project done in Word would be name Parker Carla Use Function Notation and Describe Graphs Project.docx) Projects that are not named properly will be reset for you to resubmit your project. Blank projects or irrelevant files will result in the project being reset and the student losing access to auto-progression.Answer the following questions using words and the appropriate equation from the Transformation Equations Bank.What must be done to a functions equation so that its graph is shifted vertically upward?What must be done to a functions equation so that its graph is shifted horizontally to the rightWhat must be done to a functions equation so that its graph is stretched vertically?Describe what the graph of looks like.Explain how the Point-Slope equation, is a transformation of . explain the changes over time that occured during the paleolithic to neolithic period Laptop is a small computer which may run with battery.True or false.... EVALUATE THE FUNCTION REQUESTED. WRITE YOUR ANSWER AS A FRACTION IN LOWEST TERMSI WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST I NEED THIS ANSWER ASAPP! Plz help I need help This language is spoken in the country that is shaped like a boot.A. GermanicB. RomanceC. Slavic christian ran 112.8 ft in 6 minutes. how many feet did christian run in 1 minute HELP ME PLEASE What is 6,728 16 Explain how conditions in the mantle crate a conventional current Steven has $50 yend on drinks for his coworkers. Thecholces are fresh orange juice, which costs $2 75 percup, and coffee, which costs $2.50 per cup. I Stevenspends $31 and purchases twice as many cups of coffeeas cups of orange juice, how many ops of orange julcedoes he buy?A-1B-2C-6 D-8E-16 Reya is a neuroscientist who studies behaviors in mice. She is working on a project in which the mice are given a snack when they push a small button on the wall of their enclosure. At first, the mice don't understandthe connection between thebutton and the snack. In time, they leam to push the button whenever they want a snack. Reya's experiment an example of what type of conditioning?A. operantB. classicalC. magicalD. phantom describe three major environmental challenges facing oceania. 9. For f(x) = -x + 8, which statementis true?A f(x + k) = f(x) + kctionB f(x - k) = f(x) - kC f(x + k) = f(x) + f(k)D f(x - k) = f(x) + k The Red Scare contributed to ____.the revival of the Ku Klux Klanthe Palmer raidssuspicion of political radicalsthe Dawes Plan Which line has a larger slope? Who said it?:"I can veto your legislation!!"O LegislativeO TRICK QUESITON: not a check nor balanceO JudicialO Executive click on file! please help, thank you!!