What’s an issue in the broader world that you’ve become passionate about? What experiences made you become passionate about it?

Please be detailed, specific and explain. Giving out brainliest.

This is due today.


Answer 1

In writing an essay you must consider the structure of the essay, Hence, the structure of the essay should be considered;

The Introduction The body'The conclusion

What is an essay?

Generally, I have recently become passionate about the issue of racial injustice in the United States.

Growing up in a small town with a primarily white population, I didn't have much exposure to people of color and their experiences.

However, as I've gotten older and had more interaction with people of different backgrounds, I've realized just how damaging racism still is in our society. I've seen firsthand how people of color are discriminated against in jobs, housing, education, and other aspects of life. I've seen them treated as less than their white counterparts and it's heartbreaking.

Read more about the essay



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magmas with a high silica content (e.g., 70%) flow much less easily than magmas with a lower silica content (e.g., 50% or less) mainly because:


Magmas with a high silica content flow much less easily than magmas with a lower silice ontent mainly due to the long, intricate, tangled chains of silica tetrahedra caused by the high silica content, which prevents flow.

Whatever kind of magma, silica is the primary component. The amount and quantity of silica in a magma defines its kind. High silica content magmas have a high viscosity, which makes them more explosive when eruptions take place. Additionally, all magmas have some trapped gases (CO2 & H2O).

Because of this, magmas with a high silica content will show more polymerization and have higher viscosities than those with a low silica content. In addition to temperature and silica content, the concentration of dissolved gases in the magma also can influence its viscosity, though in a less clear-cut manner.

Know more about magmas here



the temperature of the soil is strongly influenced by solar radiation. at what depth within the soil would you expect to find the smallest annual variation in temperature?



Because the 2020 election was stolen


fake news.

True or False: By 1600, it was already widely accepted that fossils are the remains of past life.


By 1600, the notion that fossils represent the remains of extinct life had gained widespread acceptance life.

Prior to the 1700s, few people accepted that fossils are the remains of extinct life. Generally regarded prior to Charles Darwin: The Earth is a billion years old. Organisms alter as a result of environmental stresses. fossilized strata, remains of ancient species, DNA similarities between modern animals, and embryological similarities. Name the person who developed each of the following theories. Why did Darwin not incorporate Mendel's findings into his hypothesis of evolution through natural selection? It took years for Mendel's work to become broadly known after Darwin published his theory of evolution. The religious establishment in Britain was astonished when Darwin's work was first made public in 1859. As well, Despite the fact that almost all scientists now embrace it, many Americans continue to reject evolutionary theory, frequently because it goes against their religious notions of divine creation. The synthetic theory of evolution, commonly known as Neo-Darwinism or the modern notion, is the evolution theory that is most widely accepted. This hypothesis postulates that genetic variety and natural selection interact to cause the emergence of new species.

Learn more about life here :



the sierra nevada is a linear chain of mountains, whereas the basin and range province is composed of multiple linear ranges. what accounts for this difference?


The difference between the Sierra Nevada and the Basin and Range Province is due to the different geological processes that formed them.

The Sierra Nevada was formed primarily by the uplift and folding of the Earth's crust, along with volcanic activity. This created a long, linear chain of mountains that runs parallel to the California coast. The Sierra Nevada is relatively uniform in its geological composition and structure, which contributes to its linear nature.

In contrast, the Basin and Range Province is characterized by a series of alternating mountain ranges and valleys. This is due to the complex interplay between tectonic forces and the geology of the region. The Basin and Range Province was formed by the stretching and thinning of the Earth's crust, which created numerous normal faults that led to the formation of long, linear mountain ranges separated by broad valleys. The different geological structures and materials in each of the ranges also contribute to the variability of their shapes and sizes.

Overall, the Sierra Nevada's uniform geological composition and structure, combined with the different geological processes that formed the Basin and Range Province, account for the difference in their respective linear and multi-linear nature.

To learn more about Sierra Nevada, click here:



an angular distance measured north or south of the equator from the center of earth is called by?


An angular distance measured north or south of the equator from the center of the Earth is called latitude.

Latitude is measured in degrees, with 0 degrees representing the equator, and 90 degrees north and 90 degrees south representing the poles. The latitude of a location provides information about its position on the Earth's surface with respect to the equator.

Latitude is an important concept in geography, navigation, and astronomy. It is used to determine the climate of a region, the length of daylight, and the path of the sun across the sky. Latitude is also used to navigate on the Earth's surface, as it allows for the calculation of the shortest distance between two points, known as the great circle distance. In addition, latitude is used in astronomy to locate objects in the sky, as it provides a coordinate system for measuring the position of celestial bodies relative to the Earth's equator.

To learn more about Latitude, click here:



what theory was written by copernicus, and put the sun in the center of the solar system?


Copernicus pro-posed the heliocentric theory of the solar system, in which the sun is position-ed at the solar system's center.

In his heliocentric theory, Copernicus pre-dicted the arrangement of all known planets and cal-culated their average orbital periods aro-und the sun. He was also effect-ive in explaining the every-day motions of heavenly bodies, such as the sun's rising and set-ting, with this idea. He said th-at the sun is fixed and located at the center of the solar system under this hypo-thesis. This model provided a math-ematical explanation for the apparent daily mo-tion of the stars and planets, and it also allow-ed for better predictions of the-ir positions in the sky.

To know more about Copernicus click below:



What are air masses and how do they affect weather? HELP ASAP, PLEASE
Answer this question in a short paragraph (4-5 sentences)


Air masses are the volumes of air defined by its temperature and humidity. Air masses cover many hundreds or thousands of square miles, and adapt to the characteristics of the surface below them. They are the large volume of air in the atmosphere that is mostly uniform in temperature and moisture. .

How do Air masses affect weather

The air masses affect the weather when winds move air masses, they carry their weather conditions (heat or cold, dry or moist) from the source region to a new region. When the air mass reaches a new region, it might clash with another air mass that has a different temperature and humidity. This can create a severe storm.

Air masses move from one location to another and cause the weather to change depending on how they interact with their surroundings.

Learn more about air masses here



which country was not interested in establishing colonies in the smaller caribbean islands


The country that was not interested in establishing colonies in the smaller Caribbean islands was the United States.

Why was the US not interested in establishing colonies in the Caribbean?

While European powers such as Spain, France, and Britain were heavily involved in colonizing the Caribbean, the United States generally focused on expanding its territory within North America and did not have the same interest in establishing colonies in the Caribbean.

Therefore, the United States was not interested in establishing colonies in the smaller Caribbean islands

Learn More about Colonies at https://brainly.com/question/12155549


What is the energy of a radio photon from the same station?


The energy of a radio photon from a radio station depends on the frequency of the photon. Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation, which includes a wide range of frequencies and wavelengths.

The energy of a photon is given by the equation E = hf, where E is the energy of the photon, h is Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 J s), and f is the frequency of the photon.

Radio waves have relatively low frequencies, typically in the range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz. At the lower end of the radio frequency spectrum, the energy of a radio photon is very low, typically in the range of 10^-27 to 10^-24 joules. At the higher end of the radio frequency spectrum, the energy of a radio photon is higher, but still relatively low compared to other types of electromagnetic radiation.

Therefore, the energy of a radio photon from the same station will depend on the frequency of the photon, which in turn depends on the specific radio station being considered.

To learn more about photon, click here:



felsic magma a. is more viscous than mafic magma. b. is likely to form dark-colored igneous rocks. c. has about 40% silica and little magnesium and iron. d. crystallizes at the highest temperatures.


Felsic magma a. is more viscous than mafic magma.

Felsic magma is a type of magma that is rich in silica and other light-colored minerals such as quartz and feldspar. Because of its high silica content, felsic magma is much more viscous than mafic magma, which has a lower silica content. The high viscosity of felsic magma makes it more resistant to flow, causing it to erupt more explosively than mafic magma.

b. is likely to form light-colored igneous rocks.

Felsic magma, as mentioned above, is rich in light-colored minerals such as quartz and feldspar. When this magma cools and solidifies, it forms light-colored igneous rocks such as granite and rhyolite.

c. has about 40% silica and little magnesium and iron.

This is correct. Felsic magma typically contains around 65-75% silica, which is higher than any other type of magma. Felsic magma also contains lower amounts of magnesium and iron compared to mafic magma.

d. crystallizes at the highest temperatures.

This is not correct. Felsic magma crystallizes at lower temperatures than mafic magma. This is because the minerals in felsic magma have a higher melting point, so they start to crystallize out at lower temperatures than the minerals in mafic magma.

To learn more about  Felsic magma, click here:



the pacific ocean basin has a lot of earthquakes because it is surrounded by _____.


The so-called Ring of Fire, an area with a high frequency of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, is formed by volcanic arcs and oceanic trenches that partially encircle the Pacific Basin.

An earthquake is a sudden slip on a fault that causes the earth to tremble. The sides of the fault are forced together by stresses in the outer layer of the earth. When pressure builds up and the rocks suddenly slip, waves of energy are released, traveling through the earth's crust and causing the shaking we experience during an earthquake. As they move slowly and continuously against one another, the tectonic plates grind and scrape against one another, creating faults. For instance, there are two plates in California: the Pacific Plate, which stretches from western California to Japan and includes a large portion of the Pacific Ocean's floor, and the North American Plate. United States Plate (which is most of the North American continent and parts of the Atlantic Ocean). Along the San Andreas Fault, the Pacific Plate advances northwestward past the North American Plate at a rate of around two inches each year. There are numerous little shocks and a few moderate earth earthquakes as a result of the San Andreas Fault system's continual "creep" adaptation to this movement. In some areas, strain can accumulate over hundreds of years before finally releasing and causing large earthquakes. On previously unknown faults, both large and small earthquakes can happen; recent quakes in Virginia and Alabama are prime instances.

Learn more about earthquakes here :



The genetic scheme for classifying rocks is based on
A.mineral (and therefore elemental) composition.
B.temperature and pressure
C.the average grain size.
D.origin of formation.


The genetic scheme for classifying rocks is based on the origin of formation (D)

Classification schemes allow us to better organize information, better retain significant facts about materials or objects, and better notice similarities and contrasts between groups of things. At the close of the 18th century, the majority of geologists had come to terms with the genetic classification scheme for rocks, which is the same one that is in use today. The beginning, or genesis, of rock formations is the primary emphasis of this concept. According to this method, geologists classify rocks into one of three primary categories: igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks.

Igneous rocks are those that are formed by the solidification of molten rock by the process of freezing.Sedimentary rocks are formed either by the cementing together of fragments (grains) broken off of preexisting rocks or through the precipitation of mineral crystals from under water solutions at or around the surface of the Earth.Metamorphic rocks are formed when pre-existing rocks change character as a result of pressure and temperature changes.

To learn more about rock classification, click here:



what happens to most solar radiation when it reaches the surface of the earth?



The Earth absorbs most of the energy reaching its surface, a small fraction is reflected. In total approximately 70% of incoming radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere and the Earth's surface while around 30% is reflected back to space and does not heat the surface.


Select the gas with the highest average kinetic energy per mole at 298 K.a. carbon dioxideb. all have the same kinetic energyc. hydrogend. watere. oxygen


The average kinetic energy of a gas is proportional to its temperature, and at a given temperature, all gases have the same average kinetic energy per molecule. However, if we consider the average kinetic energy per mole, then gases with lower molar masses will have a higher average kinetic energy per mole, as they have more molecules per mole.

At 298 K, the gas with the highest average kinetic energy per mole is hydrogen (H2), as it has the lowest molar mass of all the options given. The molar masses of the gases are:

a. carbon dioxide (CO2) - 44.01 g/mol

b. all have the same kinetic energy

c. hydrogen (H2) - 2.02 g/mol

d. water (H2O) - 18.02 g/mol

e. oxygen (O2) - 32.00 g/mol

Therefore, hydrogen has the highest average kinetic energy per mole at 298 K.

The kinetic energy of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature, as stated by the kinetic theory of gases. At a given temperature, all gases have the same average kinetic energy per molecule. This means that the average kinetic energy per molecule of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, and any other gas at 298 K is the same.

To learn more about  kinetic energy, click here:



2. a. b. C. d. Use the world time zone map to work out the time differences When it is 12:00 in Britain (on the Greenwich Meridian), what is the time in South Africa (30°E) When it is 12:00 in Britain (on the Greenwich Meridian), what is the time in California on the West coast of America? A football match begins in Sydney (on the east coast of Australia) at 4pm (16:00) on Saturday What time would we watch the game live in South Africa? How many time zones are there in America? How many time zones are there in Africa?​


When it is 12:00 in Britain (on the Greenwich Meridian), what is the time in South Africa (30°E)? The time in South Africa is 14:00.

When it is 12:00 in Britain (on the Greenwich Meridian), what is the time in California on the West coast of America? The time in California on the west coast of America is 4:00pm the previous day.

A football match begins in Sydney (on the east coast of Australia) at 4pm (16:00) on Saturday What time would we watch the game live in South Africa? The time we would watch the game live in South Africa is 7:00am.

There are six time zones in America and they are;

Hawaii-Aleutian time, Alaska time, Pacific time, Mountain time,Central time andEastern time

There are six time zones in Africa and they are;

Mauritius and Seychelles Time (UTC/GMT+4), East Africa Time (UTC/GMT+3), Central Africa Time (UTC/GMT+2), West Africa Time (UTC/GMT+1), Greenwich Mean Time (UTC/GMT), and Cape Verde Time (UTC-1).

What is time zones

A time zone is an area which observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial and social purposes. It is a geographic region within which the same standard time is used.

Learn more about time zone here



Is it true all the world’s glaciers are retreating and levels rise explain your answers


Almost all glaciers are currently retreating due to a negative mass balance.

The low-elevation portion of the glacier is lost due to glacier retreat. According to a recent study, the world's glaciers are melting and receding more quickly than previously anticipated, with two-thirds of them expected to disappear by the end of the century if present climate change trends continue. Since at least the 1970s, glaciers have generally been losing mass worldwide (see Figure 1), which has contributed to the documented fluctuations in sea level (see the Sea Level indicator). The glaciers appear to have been losing mass since the 1950s, according to a longer measurement record from fewer glaciers. This phenomenon is primarily the result of human activity. in particular, since the Glaciers are rapidly melting, calving off into the sea, and retreating on land as a result of increased temperatures brought on by the industrial revolution, carbon dioxide emissions, and other greenhouse gas emissions.

Learn more about  glaciers here :



What is an angular distance measured north or south of the equator from the center of Earth termed?


The angular distance measured north or south of the equator from the center of Earth is termed "latitude".

Latitude is an angular distance that measures how far north or south of the equator a location is on Earth, measured from the center of the Earth. The equator is defined as 0 degrees latitude, and the North and South poles are defined as 90 degrees north and 90 degrees south latitude, respectively.

Latitude lines run parallel to the equator and are often used to determine a location's climate, as well as for navigation purposes.

By knowing the latitude of a location, one can determine the length of daylight and the position of the sun in the sky, as well as how far north or south of the equator a person is. Latitude is an important tool for geography and is often used to locate places on maps and globes.

For more questions like Angular distance click the link below:




Which are accurate statements about atmospheric water vapor? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)
It both increases and decreases global warming.
It is directly attributable to the activities of farming and industry.
It is not directly attributable to the activities of farming and industry.
t has no effect on global warming.


a and b

or 1 or 2

so ask more if you need help

When a rock turns into blank, all the material it contains is destroyed and melted by extreme heat. For this reason,igneous rocks don’t contain any blank



bkahbsud usshys jshsgsjiehe


When a rock turns into magma, all the material it contains is destroyed and melted by extreme heat. For this reason, igneous rocks don’t contain any fossils.

Which of these was NOT seen telescopically by Galileo?
Select one:
A. Four moons around Jupiter
B. Venus' phase cycle
C. Stellar parallax
D. Sunspots
E. Craters and mare on the Moon


(C) Stellar parallax these were NOT seen telescopically by German astronomer Simon Marius claimed to have seen the moons at about the same time

But did not publish his observations,so Galileo is credited with his discovery.These large moons,named Io,Europa,Ganymede,and Callisto, are each distinctive worlds. When Galileo pointed his telescope at Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system,he made an amazing discovery.The planet had four stars around it.Within days,Galileo discovered that these stars were actually moons orbiting Jupiter.The four Galilean moons were the first celestial bodies to be discovered with a telescope.Although Galileo at first thought they were fixed stars,his continued observations showed that their positions changed every night.Galileo soon recognized that these new objects were satellites of Jupiter.

To learn more about telescopically please click on below link.



what is the difference between a rock that is cemented together and a rock that has a crystalline texture?



Minerals are held together as interlocking pieces in a crystalline rock, whereas in a cemented rock the grain do not fit together like puzzle pieces and instead are held together by cement

copernicus said that the rotation of the earth on its axis caused the


Copernicus said that the rotation of the earth on its axis caused the season.

The Copernican Revolution, which began with the publication of Copernicus' De revolutionibus orbium coelestium and ended with Isaac Newton's work, was a paradigm shift from the Ptolemaic model of the heavens, which put the Sun at the center of the Solar System and described the cosmos as having Earth as a stationary body at its center. His model, though not well regarded by his contemporaries, had a significant impact on later scientists like Galileo and Johannes Kepler, who adopted, supported, and (particularly in Kepler's case) tried to develop it.

There has been discussion in the history of science about whether Copernicus' ideas were "revolutionary" or "conservative." Arthur Koestler attempted to undermine the Copernican "revolution" in his 1959 book The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing View of the World by depicting Copernicus as a coward who shied away from publication out of a paralyzing dread of humiliation. Copernicus, according to Thomas Kuhn, only "transferred some qualities to the Sun's many astronomical activities formerly attributed to the earth." Since then, historians have contended that Kuhn undervalued what was "revolutionary" in Copernicus' work and emphasized the challenge Copernicus would have had in formulating a novel astronomical theory based solely on geometric simplicity in the absence of experimental evidence.

To learn more about Copernicus, click here:



Order events chronologically that can lead to a subduction-related tsunami.


A subduction-related tsunami can be caused by a series of events that occur in a specific order.

The following events can lead to a subduction-related tsunami in chronological order:

A tectonic plate subducts under another tectonic plate, causing a build-up of stress in the overriding plate. This can occur at a convergent plate boundary, where two plates are moving towards each other.

The stress in the overriding plate is released suddenly in the form of an earthquake. This earthquake can be very large, with a magnitude of 7.0 or higher, and can cause significant damage to nearby buildings and infrastructure.

The earthquake can also cause the seafloor to rise or fall, creating a large displacement of water. This displacement can cause a series of large waves, known as a tsunami, to form and travel across the ocean.

The tsunami can travel across the ocean at high speeds, reaching coastlines many thousands of kilometers away from the earthquake's epicenter. As the waves approach the coast, they can increase in height and cause significant damage to buildings, infrastructure, and coastal communities.

Overall, a subduction-related tsunami is a complex event that can be caused by the interaction of tectonic plates, earthquakes, and ocean dynamics. Understanding the sequence of events that can lead to a subduction-related tsunami is important for developing effective warning systems and disaster preparedness strategies.

To learn more about subduction, click here:



What are the most valuable resources found in Australia and the Pacific


The most valuable resources found in Australia and the Pacific include:

Minerals Oil and natural gas

What minerals are found in the Pacific ?

Australia is one of the world's largest producers of minerals, including iron ore, coal, gold, and bauxite. The Pacific region is also rich in minerals such as nickel, gold, and copper.

Australia has large reserves of natural gas, and the Pacific region, especially Papua New Guinea, is an important producer of oil and natural gas. The Pacific region have large areas of fertile agricultural land that are used to produce a variety of crops, including wheat, cotton, and sugarcane.

Find out more on pacific resources at https://brainly.com/question/23838434


There are :

Timber Fish Agricultural landMinerals

wind blowing from tn toward nc (west to east), would be considered? group of answer choices easterly northerly southerly westerly


Westerly wind is described as blowing from tn towards nc (west to east). will be considered.

You might hear a meteorologist remark something like, "We have a north wind coming in today," when watching a weather forecast. This indicates the exact opposite of the wind's direction, which is towards the north. The "north wind" is blowing towards the south from the north.

The same is true for winds coming from other directions:

A "west wind" is blowing in the direction of the east from the west.

There is a "south wind" blowing northward from the south.

The direction of the "east wind" is from east to west.

To gauge wind speed and direction, use a cup anemometer or wind vane. These tools measure the wind by pointing into it;

learn more about wind blowing here:



what is called the series of processes in which rock forms, changes from one type to another, is destroyed, and forms again by geological processes


The series of processes in which rocks form, change from one type to another, get destroyed, and reform again by geological processes is known as the rock cycle.

The rock cycle is a continuous process that involves a complex set of physical and chemical changes that occur within the Earth's crust. The rock cycle includes three main rock types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

Igneous rocks form from the cooling and solidification of magma or lava, while sedimentary rocks form from the accumulation and compression of sediment. Metamorphic rocks form from the transformation of existing rocks under high pressure and temperature conditions.

Each type of rock can be changed into another type by geological processes like weathering, erosion, melting, and metamorphism. The rock cycle helps scientists understand the formation of different types of rocks and how they change over time.

For more questions like Rock cycle click the link below:



this case study built upon what we covered in module 3 on groundwater. you are introduced to the differences between anthropogenic and geogenic contamination. if you are from the san antonio area, you know that we get most of our water from the edwards aquifer which is a cavernous limestone aquifer. the edwards runs roughly from the southwest around uvalde to the northeast toward austin, and water flows the same general direction. since it encompasses such a large area it runs through farmland, small towns, industrial areas, and cities. discuss the ways in which the aquifer could be contaminated by human activity, and the possible ways that it could be contaminated by geogenic sources. what careers outside of science would be involved in monitoring and mitigating contamination of the aquifer? what technologies might be valuable in helping with monitoring and mitigation?


The Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio area is a critical source of water for many people, but it is vulnerable to contamination from both anthropogenic and geogenic sources.

Anthropogenic sources of contamination can include:

1. Agricultural runoff: Pesticides and fertilizers used in agriculture can seep into the soil and contaminate the groundwater.

2. Industrial activities: Industrial waste and chemicals can seep into the soil and contaminate the groundwater.

3. Improperly constructed or maintained septic systems: Septic systems can leak and contaminate the groundwater with fecal matter and other contaminants.

4. Landfills: Landfills can leak contaminants into the groundwater.

Geogenic sources of contamination can include:

1. Naturally occurring contaminants: Some areas may naturally have higher levels of contaminants such as arsenic or fluoride in the groundwater due to geological processes.

2. Saltwater intrusion: The Edwards Aquifer is a freshwater aquifer, but saltwater from the Gulf of Mexico can intrude into the aquifer in coastal areas, contaminating the freshwater.

To monitor and mitigate contamination of the aquifer, careers outside of science that may be involved could include legal professionals, policymakers, and public health officials. Legal professionals may be involved in drafting and enforcing regulations and laws related to groundwater contamination, while policymakers may be involved in developing strategies and funding programs to mitigate contamination. Public health officials may be involved in monitoring and assessing the health impacts of groundwater contamination on local communities.

To learn more about Anthropogenic, click here:



At which kind(s) of plate boundaries does subduction occur?


Subduction occurs at convergent plate boundaries, which are areas where two tectonic plates move towards each other and one plate slides beneath the other. Subduction can also occur at transform plate boundaries, which are areas where two plates slide past each other in opposite directions.

Compared to infrared radiation, does ultraviolet radiation have longer or shorter wavelengths? Does ultraviolet radiation have higher or lower energy per photon?a. Ultraviolet radiation has longer wavelengths and lower energy than infrared radiation.b. Ultraviolet radiation has longer wavelengths and higher energy than infrared radiation.c. Ultraviolet radiation has shorter wavelengths and lower energy than infrared radiation.d. Ultraviolet radiation has shorter wavelengths and higher energy than infrared radiation.


The correct answer is D. Ultraviolet radiation has shorter wavelengths and higher energy than infrared radiation.

Ultraviolet radiation has a shorter wavelength than infrared radiation. The wavelength of ultraviolet radiation is typically between 10 and 400 nanometers, while the wavelength of infrared radiation is typically between 700 nanometers and 1 millimeter. This means that the distance between the peaks of the waves in ultraviolet radiation is shorter than in infrared radiation.

Additionally, ultraviolet radiation has a higher energy per photon than infrared radiation. The energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency and inversely proportional to its wavelength. Since ultraviolet radiation has a higher frequency than infrared radiation, it also has a higher energy per photon.

Infrared radiation is often associated with heat, while ultraviolet radiation is responsible for sunburn and other forms of skin damage. It is important to protect the skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

For more such questions on UV



which primates are the best tool-users after humans?


Chimpanzees are sophisticated tool users with behaviors including cracking nuts with stone tools and fishing for ants or termites with sticks.

Chimpanzees are humanity's closest living relatives,and they apparently learned to make and use tools long ago without human help, with stone hammers found at a chimpanzee settlement in the Ivory Coast dating back 4,300 years. and are attributed to Australopithecus afarensis or Kenyanthropus platyops, two ancient species of human relatives. 3000 years ago,and their use of technology has changed during this period.The notion of man the toolmaker that we are the only ones in the animal kingdom to make and use tools,has long been best tool users.The first blow was dealt by chimpanzees,which Jane Goodall famously described as creating termite-fishing tools.Perhaps unsurprisingly, primates stand out among mammals as the most frequent tool users. Like chimpanzees, capuchin monkeys use stones.

To learn more about sophisticated please click on below link.



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