what rhetorical device does wollstonecraft use in the lines 190-192? What idea is emphasized by the use of this device


Answer 1



The rhetoric from this last line seems to be saying as a metaphor that in the eyes of men, the vicious tricks of the horse or mule in spite of being provided fodder are like women, who dare to challenge the authority of men so this is a metaphor for the attitude of men to women. She wants women to   to have the same rights as men in other words to education, to meaningful work and to participate in politics alongside and as equal partners to men.

Related Questions

Which central idea does Emerson develop in "Self-Reliance"?
OTo live authentic lives, people should practice nonconformity.

O To improve oneself, it is necessary to consider others' viewpoints.

O People who openly share their opinions are most respected in society.

O Fate is predetermined so there is little value in trying to change.

Part B
Which detail from the text best reflects the development of the central idea in Part A?
o "In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts..."

o "Accept the place the divine providence has found for you..."

o "Speak your latent conviction, and it shall be the universal sense..."

o "Insist on yourself, never imitate."


Part A:

The central idea developed by Emerson in "Self-Reliance" is A. To live authentic lives, people should practice nonconformity.


According to Ralph Waldo Emerson, nonconformity means relying on self-judgment, self-choices, and enjoying freedom from institutional and societal influences.


Self-reliance should triumph over every pursuit and can only be enjoyed by one who listens to their inner voice without allowing the world to quench the essence of the message.


Part B:

The detail from the text that best reflects the central idea in Part A is D. "Insist on yourself, never imitate," in the words of Emerson.


For Emerson, one who imitates makes a caricature of himself and does not value his self-worth. Emerson insists that everybody should highly rate their unique gifts and make something great out of them.


Thus, for Emerson, a nonconformist is what every achiever should be.

Read more about Emerson's Self-Reliance at https://brainly.com/question/6906114



I took the test :)

3 quotes from the lottery by shirley jackson



“Although the villagers had forgotten the ritual and lost the original black box, they still remembered to use stones.”

“It isn't fair, it isn't right,"

“Tessie Hutchinson was in the center of a cleared space by now, and she held her hands out desperately as the villagers moved in on her. "It isn't fair," she said. A stone hit her on the side of the head.”


31) Which propaganda technique does the author of the article use?
A) bandwagon
C) logical appeal
emotional appeal



bandwagon appeal


Will mark as Brainly



I'm pretty sure it would be (B.) The comma.


A semicolon is usually used to list options or examples.

And it wouldn't be a period because that would cut the sentence in half and make it into two.

With the comma it combines the two in a necessary way. After the word "heat," there just needs to be a short pause.

1.How many people have computers in their homes in your country?
2.What plans to do have for your next holiday?

3. What can we do to raise people's awareness of environmental problems?

4. What sports don't you like watching on television?

5. What sports do you like doing?

6. What's the best way to get around your town or city?

7. What sports trophy would you like to win?

8. How often do you check your emails?

9. What percentage of your friends go online every day?

10. What kind of person makes a good expedition leader?

11. What's your worst travelling experience?

12. How often do you use public transport?

13. Which things make you feel happy?

14. Why do some people find it difficult to make decisions?

15. What do you prefer - mountains or the sea?

16. What's the best celebration you've been to?

17. What kinds of things do you regularly recycle?

18. How often do you take a nap in the afternoon?

19. What do you do when you have a temperature?



1. In 2019, people that have computers stand the population of 47.9%

2. My plan for my next holiday is to go to the beach and relax.

3. We can explain to them how global warming affects animals and humans.

4. I dont like to watch soccer, because they kick too slow.

5. I like doing badminton because its fun

6. The best way to go around the city is car.

7. I would like to win a boxing trophy, like this i wouldn't get bullied.

8. I check my email daily.

9. My friend goes online 100%.

10. A person that takes care of his teammates.

11. When I met a typhoon on my way to Bali.

12. I dont use the public transport.

13. Gaming, helping, relaxing.

14. Because they can't know what is right to choose.

15. I prefer sea because there is more people.

16. I have been to a friend's party and it was very fun.

17. I recycle bottles.

18. I don't take a nap very often, because I'm too busy.

19. I stay at home and sleep.

This is my opinion please give brainliest and a thanks

this is the poem for the middle question



Yes, This is for middle question answer

who is the pheacian princess



Nausicaa is a princess of the Phaeacians, a group of mythological people who live on the island of Scheria. She is the daughter of King Alcinous and Queen Arete, who live in a giant palace with bronze walls surrounding it.



Nausicaa is the princess of the Phaeacians

the literal meaning of a word



Word / Noun:

1. A single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others ( or sometimes alone ) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed. "I don't like the word "unofficial"".

2. A command, password, or signal.

"Someone gave me the word to start playing"



Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the
1. A. believed B. decided C. supposed D. concerned



there are no underlined parts in the question


maybe you could underline first then ask the question again

Read pp. 32–33 in your textbook and consider the image of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover of Rolling Stone. What risks
does the image take? What purpose were the editors trying to achieve with these risks? Analyze the image and evaluate
whether the risks achieve the purpose or not.


The risk of the image is the possibility of associating the magazine with terrorism. The editors decided to take this risk because they believed that the terrorist's face should be exposed, as well as his actions.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a terrorist involved in the bombs deployed at the Boston Marathon in 2013.Like any terrorist act, the case caused by him received a lot of repercussion from the media, which often did not highlight his face, as the public could interpret it incorrectly.However, Rolling Stone decided to feature Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's face on the cover of their edition, placing him as the highlight of that issue.This could be viewed incorrectly by the public, who might disapprove of the attention Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was getting and associate the magazine with terrorism.

However, the editors believed that this was a risk that should be taken, as a criminal should be exposed to the maximum. For them, the criminal's face must have more prominence than his actions, as the actions are provoked to attract attention they don't deserve.

More information:


Hunger Games - Chapter 24- How have the gamekeeps changed the game? ​


They changed the game by draining the water from the rivers, so the players’ only source of water was the lake by the Cornucopia.

What is Orsino's servant's name? Why do you think Shakespeare gave him this



She would like to serve the Countess Olivia, who is also mourning for a brother, but learns that she will not accept visitors. Instead Viola disguises herself as a boy and goes to work as a servant to Orsino. Calling herself Cesario, Viola makes a good impression on the Duke who sends her to woo Olivia on his behalf.


today news____ good (is/are)​



i think the answer should be is beacuhse the sentence implies the action is habitual, but we use are to imply a lot of things or person.


I hope this help.

Can someone help me create a thesis statement for a speech about the effect school has on students' mental health


School often affects students mental health because it makes students believe they aren’t “good enough” if they don’t get good grades, which isn’t true . it can also give students anxiety with presentations, and anxiety isn’t something many people can control (that’s all i got for now, good luck )

Which statement best reflects how the speech's context affects its message and delivery? O The Dalai Lama uses the occasion to remind world leaders of widespread oppression. The Dalai Lama uses the prize to announce that Tibet is finally peaceful O The Dalai Lama uses the speech to challenge the awards committee. The Dalai Lama uses the opportunity to express his fears of violence.​



A is the answer (The Dalai Lama uses the occasion to remind world leaders of widespread oppression.)



The next SEA game will be held____ VietNam



The next SEA game will be held in Vietnam.


hope it helps:)

What evidence from the text supports the idea that the giant is cruel?

The giant responds to Arthur’s attempt to start a fight.

The giant has tormented the people by taking their children.

The giant laughs at Arthur when he sees him for the first time.

Nobody who meets Arthur believes he will be able to slay the giant.



remember to ask you about the movie not going to be able to get it to you tomorrow morning to see if u can get it done today or tomorrow morning to see if


the answer is B


Which sentence explains what concise language does in informative text? (1 point)
o It reduces the overall effect of the writing.
It gives the writing the most impact
Olt introduces new vocabulary to readers.
It increases the length of a text.
Pls help give 15 pts



The answer you are looking for is

It gives the writing the most impact

I took the test

Please mark branliest

Your welcome


The sentence that best explains what concise language does in the informative text is - It gives the writing the most impact. therefore option B is the correct resposne.

What is an Informative Text?

Reading teaches us something new every day. Whether we realize it or not, we learn from a variety of reading materials, including newspapers, social media, and mobile apps. These writings are educational because they supplement our past knowledge or teach us new information. Informational text is one of the most widely used subgenres of writing

Informational text is nonfiction writing that aims to inform the reader about a certain subject. Books on science or history, journals, autobiographies, and instruction manuals are common places to find them. They are produced using unique text qualities that make it simple for the reader to locate important details and comprehend the main idea.

The author will accomplish this by including headings over specific sections, emphasizing keywords in bold font, and adding pictures with subtitles. Images or even infographics with tables, diagrams, graphs, and charts can serve as these visual representations. In certain situations, the author will even give the reader a glossary or a table of contents to make it easier for them to access the material.

To read more about Informative Text, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/22810679


How can I fix the underlined part?


Answer: I was highly excited to move on with my life, but thoughts kept rambling within my mind; How may I support my family and me and my brother’s education?

For the first time in my life, I felt like a daughter again, someone who can sense her beloved family around her.


It’s all about punctuation. Read it out loud to yourself and ask if that’s how you’d say it in reality. (Like a period mark or a comma, it can have a large difference.)

(I also apologise if anything is wrong or off, but I hope this helps you. Good luck.)

What kind of sentence error does the following contain, if any?
Too many children swim in the pool at one time, no one gets any individual instruction.

comma splice
correct sentence(s)



comma splice



This is an example of a comma splice.


When the period between two sentences is erased, it affects the punctuation and capitalization of both sentences. The grammatically correct version of the sentences would be:

"Too many children swim in the pool at one time . No one gets any individual instruction"


Write a mock argumentative rebuttal that would follow Henry's speech.
Speeches should acknowledge Henry's views, but ultimately explain why war is
not the preferred option. Remember to use textual evidence to support your
ideas. Be sure to follow the conventions of Standard English.
Utilize a combination of the following elements:

• Logos, ethos, pathos
• Rhetorical questions
• Repetition of words and phrases
• Allusions
• Simile, metaphor
• Loaded language and/or connotative meanings



Logos, ethos, pathos


espero ter ajudado e bons estudos



Logos, ethos, pathos

• Rhetorical questions

In a single paragraph, describe what an abstract is.​



Your answer is - Overview. An abstract is a brief synopsis of your finished study. It is meant to summarize your work without going into too much detail. Abstracts should be self-contained and succinct, describing your work in as few words and as clearly as possible. A brief but precise statement of the problem or issue.

Hope that helps


An abstract is a work of art using ones skill of creativity.


Thile formal writing is important, sometimes it is helpful to change a formal
style into an informal one in order to clearly understand the meaning. This
is especially true for historical texts and classic literature.
Below is the introduction to the United States Declaration of Independence.
Rewrite it in an informal style.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one
people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with
another, and to assume among
of the earth, the
equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle
them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they
should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


I dont know the answee but just saw it here recently I recommend scanning it and the whole paragraph should appear

It is ……orange (add an article)



I thinkAnswer is It is an orange

The article to be added is “”

Please go __________ the statue.​


please go over to the statue?

Which word best describes Sabor? A cautious B loving C protective D angry​



A. Cautious Hope this helped you brainiest please and have a great day!


Which word best describes Sabor?

A. Cautious


protective or angry


sabor means flavor but your options don't match so instead I thought of it like sabertooth tiger which is protective and angry ish not really sure on that one

heyy guys!!

Just to put a smile on people's faces again

This is my other dog Loki and its a boy
He's on the left black and while

And I know brainly is for school ok ​





that's so cool and your dog is sooo sweet

you're so lucky

if the writer turned this paragraph into a list of steps, where would adjusting the arms go? first second third last ne ne.​



the adjusting arms would go last

Read the story and choose the title that best fits the focus of the narrative.

Boris is already a genius at music. Still, he knows he can't make it as a musician until he completes school. He is one of several students in Director Miller's band class. Boris notices that Director Miller keeps giving students bad advice and yelling at students for mistakes they didn't make. He wants to correct the director, but he's worried he won't pass the class if he gets on Miller's bad side.

A. School Band Class

B. A Future in Music

C. Director Miller O

D. Knowing When to Speak​



I believe the answer is B, he wants a future with music


I hope this helps you :)


to speak up or not


i just took this test today

What should I hav for breakfast?Help!!???)))!!!!!!!!!
A. Almonds
B. Coffee
C. Skip
D. Other: if so, what?


A. Almonds, their good and good for you :))


Answer Below : )


Well, there are a variety of things you can have for breakfast. From the given options I don't think coffee is the smartest option. Although many people drink coffee in the morning it isn't the smartest option. Almonds are healthier but remember that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and your not helping your body by eating almonds. So the best would be Eggs. Eggs are undeniably healthy and delicious. If not a fan of eggs then Greek Yogurt. Greek yogurt is creamy, delicious, and nourishing

Hope this Helps! : )

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