What impact did the United States entry into World War I have on domestic policy in the United States


Answer 1


Women achieved the right to vote


The experience of World War I had a major impact on US domestic politics, culture, and society. Women achieved the right to vote, while other groups of American citizens were subject to systematic repression.

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What policy protected people’s jobs and insurance while they cared for sick family members?
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Family Medical Leave Act

Defense of Marriage Act

Brady Bill



B.Family Medical Leave Act





how did archaeologists discover that people of ancient mesopotamia built on top of earlier ancient cities?



by digging deeper into the tels of southern Mesopotamia. "Tel" is an Arabic word for a tall hill or mound. These mounds are created by people building and rebuilding on the same city site for hundreds of years or more.



I just took the test and got 100%


Have any question please ask and i will try to help btw please make me brainllest.I have answered over 35 questions

Which word is pronounced in this way?









I think that is what you mean by that it means something or someone who causes evil, harm, injury, etc to society



Explanation:I took the test

Question 4 (2 points)
What natural process did the massive amount of material in the atmosphere halt or
water cycle
days and nights


The natural process that the massive amount of material in the atmosphere halt or  stop is: A. Photosynthesis.

An atmosphere can be defined as a layer of gases that surrounds (envelopes) a planet such as Earth.

The Earth's atmosphere is typically made up of the following gases or material:

Nitrogen.Oxygen.Carbon dioxide.Water.

Basically, both carbon dioxide and water which are contained in the Earth's atmosphere plays a significant role in a natural process referred to as photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis can be defined as a natural process through which green plants, transform light energy (sunlight) into chemical energy by using carbon dioxide and water during cellular respiration.  

In conclusion, the natural process that the massive amount of material in the atmosphere may halt or  stop is photosynthesis because the amount of carbon dioxide and water is little.

Read more: https://brainly.com/question/12827458

What impact did they have on Native populations? PLEASE HELP ME THIS IS DUE TOMORROW


Spanish and European settlers bout decease and cattle

Discussion question in government class:
Explain how the Supreme Court decide a case when individual freedoms conflict with societal goals. Be sure to use at least 1 specific example.



When deciding cases, the Supreme Court attempts to promote public safety while also protecting individual rights. This proves to be harder in some cases than others. Difficult cases involve issues such as the death penalty, gun control legislation, and government collection of digital metadata.

At times, the Court has supported the extension of individual rights, while at other times, it has allowed for limits on individual rights for the sake of promoting public safety.


East Africa Acrostic




intra contenental migration

Why were cave paintings an exciting discovery for scientists?


They were a exciting discovery because it gave them a glimpse at what prehistoric life was like.

how did the viking invasion affect the monasteries



the monks and nuns would fine artists and bring them to the monasteries to use their talents.

What is daily life as a mother in the paleolithic age?


Making food and watching the children.

1. Determine the difference between monotheistic and polytheistic
a. Monotheistic is the belief in no god and polytheistic is the belief in one god.
b. Monotheistic is the belief in one god and polytheistic is the belief in more than one god.
c. Monotheistic is the belief in more than one god and polytheistic is the belief in one god.
d. Monotheistic is the belief in one god and polytheistic is the belief in no god.

2. Rome’s location influenced its development because
a. It had access to the sea but was far enough inland
b. Mountains insulated Rome from outside influences
c. It was built on 7 hills, so it could be defended
d. Limited farmland forced them to rely on the sea




1. Determine the Difference between monotheistic and polytheistic.

B, Monotheism is the belief in a singular god, while Polytheism is the belief in multiple gods.

2. Rome´s location influenced its development because.

A, I see as the only answer because the Tiber River influenced its development, with its area making great farmland, and the influence from the Greeks and Etruscans influenced the way it developed.

Which amendment protects the right to a speedy and public trial with an impartial



The sixth


I'm in school to be a lawyer right now.

brainliest please. . .


Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution


when did the starbucks reserve® roastery in chicago open its doors?



Nov 15 of 2019


Which government is this an example of? All the men of Ancient Athens gathered together in the agora to vote on trade agreements with other city-states.
1. Tyranny
2. Direct Democracy
3. Representative Democracy
4. Oligarchy



4.oligarchy is the answer

Why did colonists provide basic education for girls as well as boys




The answer is C.



because they also have a future

why did hinduism and buddhism form at the same time



Buddhism and Hinduism agree on karma, dharma, moksha and reincarnation. They are different in that Buddhism rejects the priests of Hinduism, the formal rituals, and the caste system. Buddha urged people to seek enlightenment through meditation.


Buddhism and Hinduism form at the same time agree on karma, dharma, moksha and reincarnation. They are different in that Buddhism rejects the priests of Hinduism, the formal rituals, and the caste system. Buddha urged people to seek enlightenment through meditation.

Buddhism and Hinduism have common origins in the Ganges culture of northern India during the "second urbanisation" around 500 BCE. They have shared parallel beliefs that have existed side by side, but also pronounced differences.

how did the establishment of Georgia benefit South Carolina


Answer: Although initially conceived of by James Oglethorpe as a refuge for London's indebted prisoners, Georgia was ultimately established in 1732 to protect South Carolina and other southern colonies from Spanish invasion through Florida

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

- What does "unalienable rights" mean? What are those rights according to Jefferson?
- What responsibility does the government have with these rights?



"Unalienable rights" refer to rights that cannot be denied to anyone. According to Jefferson, these rights are "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

It is the primary duty of the government to ensure that these rights are given to everyone. If a government isn't doing this, they aren't fulfilling their job.

2. Most early religions were?
a. Polytheistic
b. Monotheistic
c. Democratic republics
d. Christian





first religions worshiped multiple gods


the answer is christian.

when thomas jefferson said in 1801, "we are all republicans – we are all federalists," he meant that



yes sir he did my g true bro


it’s Thomas Jefferson


hope it helps

how the black and brown felt about the white man's burden


They were very displeased and were mistreated

the ideas expressed in the excerpt above can best be understood in the context of debates over


Ideas can be expressed in several ways. it has to address the reason for its being stated. The ideas expressed in the excerpt above can best be understood in the context of debates over

the relationship between the federal government and state governments

In the excerpt, John Marshall’s arguments address a different set of national questions and debates.

His ideas plainly focused on the debate about the relationship between the federal government and state governments.

Conclusively, the federal and state governments working hand in hand for the betterment of the country will lead to a prosperous economy.

The excerpt is below

If any one proposition could command the universal assent of mankind, we might expect it would be this: that the government of the Union, though limited in its powers..."

Chief Justice John Marshall, McCullough v. Maryland, 1819

The ideas expressed in the excerpt above can best be understood in the context of debates over

a. the authority of different branches of the federal government

.b. the scope of the federal government’s role in the economy.

c. the relationship between the federal government and state governments.

d. how to match democratic political ideals to political institutions.

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The Framers of the Constitution relied heavily on all of the following
philosopher's ideas about limited government EXCEPT *

Charles Rochambeau
John Locke
Thomas Hobbes
Jean Jacques Rousseau



charles Rochambeau is the correct

What consequences did the proclamation of 1763 have on the colonist setting further west



King George III declared all lands west of the Appalachian Divide off-limits to colonial settlers.

in the 1990s, which distribution channel did progressive add?


Answer: A One, Direct Channel.

Explanation: I hope this helps :) You've got this!

compare how ida tarbell and robert la follette worked to shape public policy and correct injustices in american life


Ida Tarbell and Robert La Follete denounced the unfair actions of large monopolies

Ida Minerva Tarbell (1857–1944) was a leading American writer and journalist of the late 19th and early 20th centuries who was noted for her activity as an investigative journalist.

The most important journalistic investigation of her is the one that deals with the monopoly of the oil industry in the hands of Jonh D. Rockefeller and his company Standard Oil Company published between 1902 and 1904.

Her investigations influenced the Supreme Court of the United States to dismantle this monopoly that had competed unequally against other companies.

On the other hand, Robert La Follette (1855 - 1925) was a prominent American politician for representing the state of Wisconsin in both houses of Congress and holding other public positions.

La Follete stood out for his active participation in the Senate to legislate against the railroad monopoly of coal and the precarious working conditions in the same industry.

Based on the foregoing, it can be inferred that Ida Tarbell and Robert La Follete influenced the justice of the United States by radically opposing the monopoly of large companies.

Learn more in: https://brainly.com/question/21543903

Which of the following best describes Nat Turner?

A. He supported the states' rights argument regarding tariffs

B. He attended the Seneca Falls Convention and wrote the

Declaration of

C. He played a role in the fight for abolition

D. He was a Christian evangelist of the Second Great Awakening


The statement that best describes Nat Turner is that "He played a role in the/fight for abolition."

This is evident in the fact that Nat Turner was famous for being the slave preacher in Virginia that led to one of the most violent slave rebellions in American history.

Nat Turner is an African American slave who led a group of slaves to revolt against the White plantation owners.

His revolt against the White Plantation owners played a key role in the fight for abolition.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that Nat Tuner is one of the prominent black slaves that revolted against slavery in the American colony.

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/2886384

Timbuktu's advanced civilization was
based largely on its location
on fertile farm land
O close to major trade routes
along the Mediterranean coast
O inside a protected mountain region


major trade routes Mediterranean


cause of the evergree


In your opinion, what was the most consequential result of Pontiac’s uprising?



Pontiac's uprising demonstrated the viability of pantribal cooperation in the struggle against European-American territorial expansionism and contributed to the deterioration of relations between Great Britain and its North American colonies.


Hope this helps :)

pls make brainliest :p

Enslaved African Americans in the northern colonies enjoyed
than those in the southern colonies.


Answer: Most Northern slaves usually worked in small groups as farmhands, servants, craftsmen, and general laborers. What was different about slavery in the north, was that slaves did not live in concentrated surroundings like the plantations of the south nor was the northern economy dependent upon slavery.

Explanation: I do hope this helps!

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