What did Lenin do to help the Russian revolution?


Answer 1

At the October phase of the 1917 Russian Revolution, Lenin was the leader of the radical socialist Bolshevik Party,  latterly renamed the Communist Party.  

Lenin served as the leader of the  recently established Soviet government in Russia after the revolution. When the USSR was established in 1922, he was  tagged as its  chairman. Until his  end in 1924, Lenin was the head of state of the Soviet Union; after his death, Joseph Stalin took over. Vladimir Lenin was a Russian revolutionary thinker and politician who oversaw the first Soviet Russia government and  latterly the Union of Soviet Socialist Democracy( USSR). The extreme socialist Bolshevik Party was led by Lenin(  latterly renamed the Communist Party) .

Learn more about Lenin here:



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Pleasee help if you can


The correct vocabulary from the word bank that fits correctly to the questions provided are;

1. Factors of production     2. Economics

3. Opportunity Cost       4. Possibilities Production Curve

5. Shortage      6. Growth

7. Scarcity    8. Opportunity Cost

9. Thinking at the Margin    10. Underutilization

What is Underutilization?

Underutilization refers to the inefficient use of resources, such as manpower, machinery, or raw materials. It occurs when a company or organization is not producing at its full capacity, or is producing below its potential level of output. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as mismanagement, lack of proper training, or a lack of investment in technology. Underutilization results in a waste of resources, reduced productivity and profits, and decreased competitiveness. To combat underutilization, organizations must identify the root cause and take steps to maximize the efficient use of resources.

Find more information on the Underutilization here;



What person sang in church choirs while growing up as the granddaughters?


Leontyne Price sang in church choirs while growing up as the granddaughter of two Methodist ministers in a Black churches.

Granddaughter  studied at Julliard School of Music in New York for four years after which she growing singer Florence Page Kimball for her concerts. Kimball remained her coach even during the later years.

She is one of the growing greatest opera singers of all time and is a recipient of 20 Grammy Awards, including a lifetime achievement award in the year 1989. She has received various awards such as the Presidential Medal of Freedom and National Medal of the Arts.

To know more about growing, click here.



That the pretended power of suspending the laws, OI the
According to this
execution of laws ... without consent of Parliament is
excerpt, how did the English Bill of
Rights affect the powers of government?
illegal ....
That levying money for or to the use of the Crown .
O It gave Parliament the authority to overturn some
without grant of Parliament...is illegal .
the king's decisions.
That the raising or keeping a standing army within the
• It restricted Parliament's right to suspend laws.
kingdom in time of peace, unless it be with consent of
Parliament, is against law.
O It gave the king more power over armed forces
during peacetime.
-English Bill of Rights, 1680
• It gave the king increased power to levy taxes.


The English Bill of Rights, enacted in 1680, was a significant document that impacted the powers of the English government and established the rights of English citizens. The excerpt you have provided shows that the Bill of Rights restricted the powers of the Crown and increased the power of Parliament.

What is in the English Bill of rights?

The Bill of Rights declared that the king's power to suspend laws and the execution of laws without the consent of Parliament was illegal. This restricted the king's power and gave Parliament the authority to overturn some of the king's decisions.

The Bill of Rights also stated that levying money for or to the use of the Crown without the grant of Parliament was illegal. This further restricted the king's power and gave Parliament more control over government finances.

The Bill of Rights also declared that raising or keeping a standing army within the kingdom during peacetime without the consent of Parliament was against the law. This restriction on the king's power over the armed forces during peacetime was meant to prevent the king from using the army for personal gain.

Learn more about The Bill of Rights at:



how did European culture change life in Americas?



European culture had a significant impact on life in the Americas during the colonial period. Europeans brought with them their own language, religion, legal systems, economic systems and technology, all of which had a major influence on the indigenous cultures of the Americas. European culture also brought with it diseases that had a devastating impact on many of the native populations. In addition, Europeans brought with them a deep-seated belief in the superiority of their own culture and society, which often led to their mistreatment and exploitation of the native populations. The legacy of this period is still evident in many of the social and economic disparities that exist between indigenous and non-indigenous populations in the Americas today.

What effect does Hemingway’s limited use of adjectives have?


Answer:  It slows down the narration by interrupting the action.

Explanation: took the test

Answer: It slows down the narration by interrupting the action.


Many Black Americans living in the North:
OA. often faced segregation and discrimination.
B. faced the same hardships as those living in the South.
C. were subject to laws segregating public spaces based on race.
D. didn't face segregation and discrimination.



The answer is C, and what grade are you in?

Final answer:

Black Americans in the Northern US faced segregation and discrimination similar to those in the South. However, while the South had legalized segregation, the North's segregation was often less formal, coined as de facto segregation. It took form in housing, education, and job opportunity disparities.


The experiences of Black Americans living in the North during the 20th century were often marked by segregation and discrimination, similar to their counterparts in the South. However, the forms this took often differed. While the South had legalized segregation known as Jim Crow laws, segregation in the North was often less official and more indirect, taking the form of de facto segregation, which means segregation that exists by practice and informal norms rather than by law.

For instance, Black Americans in the North faced housing discrimination, racial discrimination in educational systems, and disparities in job opportunities. In some Northern cities, segregation of public spaces did exist but it was not enforced by laws as it was in the South.

Learn more about Segregation and Discrimination here:



a building that is designed and equipped with machinery for manufacturing textile products.the movement of people from farming (rural) areas to cities (urban) looking for work.an area of higher population densitya building where big machines are used to manufacture or assemble goods.1.Factory2.Mill3.Urban4.Urbanization5.Labor Union


The terms listed refer to the development of industry and urbanization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including the growth of factories and mills

Factory: A building that is designed and equipped with machinery for manufacturing textile products, as well as other goods.Mill: A building where big machines are used to manufacture or assemble goods, typically referring to a textile mill in the context of this question.Urban: An area of higher population density that is typically associated with cities, which may offer more job opportunities and access to amenities compared to rural areas.Urbanization: The movement of people from farming (rural) areas to cities (urban) looking for work, often driven by the growth of industry and manufacturing in urban areas.Labor Union: An organization of workers formed to protect and promote their rights and interests in the workplace, often through collective bargaining with employers.

Learn more about Urbanization here https://brainly.com/question/12881754


identify the statements that describe the repeal of the stamp act.


The stamp act 1765 that is also known sa the Duties in the American Colonies.

It was the act of the Parliament of Great Britain.

It stated that the printed materials in the Colonies should  be produced  on stamp paper from London. The printed materials also included some legal documents, playing cards, newspapers and magazines or any other type of paper in the Colonies. An it has to be paid in the British currency. Not the colonial paper money. The reason behind the taxes was to pay the British military men in American Colonies, after the war between France and India.

This act was very un popular between the colonists. They considered it as the violation of their Rights as Englishmen.

Learn more about stamp act here



why did Britain raise taxes in the american colonies?
A. To help pay the expenses of the French and Indian war
B. To give more money to the British soldiers in America
C. To pay the French for damages to their forts during the war
D. To pay the expenses of new British colonies in Africa


Answer: The answer would be A: To help pay the expenses of the French and Indian War


The British felt that the Americans should pay for the war as the British felt that the war had been fought for the benefit of the colonies, which explains why the answer is A.

Which statement best describes an example of pollution?
OA. The reservoir that supplies water to a desert town is low, causing
the local government to limit the amount of water people can use.
OB. A fertilizer plant spilled toxic substances into a nearby lake,
causing the number of fish in the lake to decrease.
OC. A housing development cut down all the trees in a forest, causing
mudslides that led to property damage.
D. A city grows quickly along both sides of a major freeway, making it
difficult for citizens to travel between different parts of town.


"A fertilizer plant spilled toxic substances into a nearby lake, causing the number of fish in the lake to decrease."

A bill must pass both chambers of Congress in the exact same form




True. A bill must pass both chambers of Congress in the exact same form before it can be sent to the President for signature.

A bill must pass both chambers of Congress in the exact same form before it can be sent to the President for signature. This means that the bill must be approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate with the exact same language and provisions. If there are any differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill, a conference committee made up of members from both chambers will be appointed to reconcile the differences and produce a final version of the bill that is acceptable to both chambers. Once the final bill is passed by both chambers, it is sent to the President for signature or veto. This means that the bill must be approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate with the exact same language and provisions.

Learn more about Senate :



What was one effect of the Latin American revolutions of the 19th century? (1) Democracy became the dominant political system in Latin America. (2) European colonialism replaced the independent governments of Latin America. (3) Many Latin American countries achieved independence.


The one effect of the Latin American revolutions of the 19th century many Latin American countries achieved independence. option (3) is correct.

One of the essential impacts of the Latin American upheavals of the nineteenth century was that numerous Latin American nations effectively battled for and accomplished their freedom from European provincial powers. These transformations were to a great extent filled by a longing for political and financial self-assurance, and they brought about the foundation of free legislatures all through the locale.

While numerous Latin American nations attempted to lay out stable political frameworks in the consequence of their freedom, the effective defeat of provincial rule addressed a significant defining moment in the district's set of experiences.

Learn more about European colonial powers:



Passed by Congress on______ , the compromise temporarily settled a divisive national debate over whether new states would permit or prohibit slavery.


The statement given can be of either the Missouri Compromise of 1820 or the Compromise of 1850. The date is missing and both these compromises are passed by Congress.

The Missouri Compromise was passed on March 3, 1820 and the Compromise of 1850 was passed on September 9, 1850.

The Missouri Compromise settled the issue of slavery in the southern area and the new territories. They prohibited slavery.

Pro-slavery citizens agreed on the division of united States into three territories. Free state territory, slave state territory and unassigned territory.

The Compromise of 1850 was  it aimed to address the issue of slavery in newly acquired territories from the Mexican-American War. They declared California as a free state. They established popular sovereignty in other territories, and strengthened the Fugitive Slave Act.

After the compromise of 1850, there was huge changes in the division of this territory and effectively ended the division that agreed upon in the Missouri Compromise.

Learn more about Missouri Compromise:



Former president of the Republic of Texas, sam houston was in favor of texas seceding from the united states.


False, Former president of the Republic of Texas, Sam Housten was not in favour of texas seceding from the united states.

Sam Houston, the governor of Texas, watched as his citizens voted to leave the Union in 1861 as the Civil War loomed. Houston found it hard to comprehend that his two decades of labour were about to come to an end. He truly supported the Union, and he was unwilling to change his allegiance to the Confederacy. I love Texas too well to unleash civil unrest and violence upon her, Houston said before being removed from office. Houston has never in his life turned down a fight. However, he was aware of how terrible the Civil War would turn out to be. Nearly 30 years earlier, in 1832, Sam Houston had arrived in Texas. The new cause of the former Tennessee governor and congressman was Texas independence.

Learn more about union here:


Excerpt taken from The Historic Rise of Old Hickory by Suzanne B. Williams

Four major candidates ran in the 1824 election, all under the "Democratic-Republican" name. One of the candidates, Andrew Jackson, was already famous. In the 1780s, he earned the right to practice law and served in various offices of the state government, including senator. He earned the nickname "Old Hickory" for his toughness as a general during the War of 1812 and First Seminole War. Jackson supported slavery and "Indian removal." This earned him support from voters in southern and frontier states. The other three candidates were John Quincy Adams of Massachusetts, Henry Clay of Kentucky, and William Crawford of Georgia.

U.S. presidents are elected through the Electoral College. The Founding Fathers worried that Americans were too spread out to learn enough about the candidates. Under the Electoral College, Americans cast their ballot for the popular vote, which chooses the electors for each state. The number of electoral votes each state equals the number of representatives and senators combined. The candidates must win an absolute majority of electoral votes to win the election.

In 1824, Andrew Jackson won the popular vote, but he did not win it in each state. Jackson and Adams both won many electoral votes. Jackson won the most with 99. However, a candidate needs an absolute majority of electoral votes to win. In 1824, Jackson needed 131 to win. When there is not majority winner, the election goes to the House of Representatives. This has only happened twice in U.S. history.

Even though he won the popular vote and many electoral votes, Andrew Jackson lost the presidency in 1824. John Quincy Adams was the Secretary of State at this time. Henry Clay was the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Henry Clay, receiving the least, was left out. However, as a leader in the House of Representatives, he had influence over the other members. Clay openly hated Jackson and there were rumors that Clay made a deal with Adams in exchange for his support. The House election declared John Quincy Adams president. Soon, he chose Henry Clay to fill the seat he left vacant, Secretary of State. Jackson was shocked and enraged. Although there was no inquiry of possible wrongdoing, Jackson accused Adams and Clay of making a "corrupt bargain."

John Quincy Adams was a disappointment as president. Many of his goals created divisions like federal funds for internal improvement. Some states thought that taking federal funds would force them to follow certain rules. They felt this reduced their rights as independent states. Jackson took advantage of issues like this one to gather more support. More Jackson supporters found their way to seats in Congress. He was as a man of the people and said Adams could never understand the common man’s concerns.

John Quincy Adams ran against Andrew Jackson in the 1828 election. Personal attacks grew even more vicious, but Andrew Jackson appealed to many. He believed government was for the common man. He believed in strict reading of the law and limited internal improvements. He also believed in states’ rights.

Andrew Jackson easily won the 1828 election, winning both the popular vote and a majority of electoral votes. Historians note the sectional nature of the voting. Support for Jackson was concentrated in South while Adams’ support was mostly in the North. Jackson was so popular because he brought changes to the government. He also wanted to make sure the government was responsible for its actions. Jackson pushed settlement into the frontier. He supported the Indian Removal act. He also defended the spread of slavery. Though his support was heavier in the South, he was determined to keep a unified nation. The rise and presidency of Old Hickory is memorable to Americans today.

Which statement makes a true comparison of the 1824 and 1828 elections?

The losers in 1824 were the main candidates for president in 1828.
Sectional divisions were appearing in 1824 and very clear in 1828.
Candidates were more divided on the issues in 1828 than in 1824.
More people voted in the election of 1824 than they did in 1828.


Answer: Sectional divisions were appearing in 1824 and very clear in 1828

Explanation: hope this helps :3

what was the significance of the battle of Olustee? Select all that apply.
A. The battle was the largest and the bloodiest Civil War battle fought in Florida.
B. The Union claimed victory and cut off the Confederate supply route to the north.
C. The 54th Massachusetts Infantry prevented significant loss of Union forces.
D. The Confederacy was successful in protecting the surrounding area of the capital.


B. The Union claimed victory and cut off the Confederate supply route to the north was the significance of the battle of Olustee.

The largest Civil War battle to take place in Florida took place on February 20, 1864, in the Battle of Olustee, where a Confederate force led by General Joseph Finegan decisively defeated an army under the direction of General Truman Seymour. The Confederates were able to retain control of interior Florida as a result of the win.

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry, the 8th USCT, and the 35th USCT from North Carolina all took part in the fight of Olustee with white battalions on the side of the Union army.

34% of the Union troops who were present in Olustee were either killed, wounded, gone missing, or taken prisoner. Only 3,639 of the 5,500 Union soldiers who fought at Olustee were fully unhurt. The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment assisted in rescuing injured Union soldiers who were left stranded.

To know more about battle of Olustee, refer:



critics of president franklin roosevelt’s proposal to add more justices to the u.s. supreme court believed that his goal was to ______


Critics of president franklin Roosevelt’s proposal to add more justices to the u.s. supreme court believed that his goal was to - ensure that New Deal law is treated favorably by the Court decided to be unconstitutional.

Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed the Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937, also known as the "court-packing plan," as a piece of legislation to increase the number of justices on the U.S. Supreme Court in order to secure favorable decisions regarding New Deal legislation that the Court had deemed unconstitutional. The main clause of the measure would have given the president the authority to name one additional justice to the U.S. Supreme Court, up to a total of six, for each justice who turned 70 years old. Congress had mandated that the Supreme Court would be comprised of the chief justice and eight associate justices in the Judiciary Act of 1869.

Here is more information about Supreme Court: brainly.com/question/15111973


how did president hoover attempt to balance his belief in rugged individualism with economic necessities of the time? why do historians today tend to see hoover as a more tragic figure


The belief that all people, or nearly all people, can succeed on their own and that government assistance to people should be limited. The phrase is frequently associated with Republican policies and was popularised by Republican President Herbert Hoover.

Hoover, a firm believer in rugged individualism, argued that people should ideally take care of themselves and their families rather than relying on the government to do so. However, millions of Americans were unable to do so due to the Great Depression's massive economic crisis.

As a result, Hoover attempted to alleviate risrisinging levels of poverty by directing government funds to organisations such as the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, which was established to encourage business investment in the hope of creating much-needed jobs.

Hoover also established a Home Loan Bank to provide government assistance to the struggling construction industry.

All of these measures, and others, constituted indirect government involvement in meeting business and societal needs. Hoover clung tenaciously to the belief that direct government assistance would sap individual moral fibre and create a culture of dependency.

Hoover's belief in "rugged individualism" also contributed to the use of images of poor Appalachian whites as the face of poverty and those in need of empathy over other marginalised people. Hoover established some government projects but did not establish programmes aimed specifically at lifting people out of poverty. Rather, his policies were aimed at stimulating the economy, which improved the lives of the wealthy.

To know more about Hoover refer to:-



What did the Sixteenth Amendment do?
A. Gave Congress the power to collect an income tax
B. Gave Congress the power to collect tariffs on goods
C. Gave Congress the right to collect an unemployment tax
D. Gave Congress the right to establish a central bank



B. Gave Congress the power to collect tariffs on goods


did it ez

Briefly explain ONE impact the railroad had on the American economy.



One impact the railroad had on the American economy was the expansion of national markets. The widespread adoption of railroads in the late 19th century enabled goods and products to be transported efficiently over long distances, connecting previously isolated regions and allowing for the growth of national markets. This allowed for increased trade and commerce between different parts of the country, leading to economic growth and development. Additionally, the construction and operation of railroads created numerous jobs and business opportunities, further fueling the economy.

which of the following is the best example of assimilation in north america during the 1500s? spanish conquistadors conquered north america. english colonists built a permanent settlement at jamestown. indigenous people married spanish settlers they met at missions. indigenous people caught diseases at spanish missions.



indigenous people married spanish settlers they met at missions.


what was the The Nationality Act of 1940?


The Nationality Act of 1940 was a law passed by Congress that established the modern system for determining U.S. citizenship and nationality. The law provided a definition of what constituted an American citizen and legally established the process by which Americans could become naturalized citizens. It also outlined the requirements for acquiring, maintaining, and losing U.S. nationality.

who is first african american to attend the university of mississippi?


James Meredith officially became the first African American student at the University of Mississippi on October 2, 1962.

James Howard Meredith( born June 25, 1933) is an American civil rights activist, pen, political counsel, and Air Force stager who came, in 1962, the first African- American pupil admitted to the racially insulated University of Mississippi after the intervention of the civil government( an event that was a flashpoint in the civil rights movement).

Inspired by President John F. Kennedy's initial address, Meredith decided to exercise his indigenous rights and apply to the University of Mississippi. His thing was to put pressure on the Kennedy administration to apply civil rights for African Americans.

To know more about James Meredith, visit: brainly.com/question/12498697


Which of the following idealized the roles of women during the Industrial Revolution?
Group of answer choices

principle of separate spheres

The Communist Manifesto

Revolutions of 1848

laissez-faire economics


Option A is correct. The principle of separate spheres served as the foundation for Victorian age. It was implied by this that men and women were created for different purposes. Women were weak physically compared to men.

What is the Industrial Revolution?

Agriculture and handicrafts-based economies were replaced by large-scale industry, automated manufacturing, and the factory system as a result of the Industrial Revolution. Existing industries became more productive and efficient thanks to new equipment, power sources, and organisational techniques.

What are the roles of women in the private sphere?

Traditional gender roles have been absorbed into the public and private spheres over many years. Because they stayed at home, took care of their families, and did housework, women were mostly kept in the private sphere.

What is the public and private sphere?

Men had access to the public sphere, which allowed them to move freely outside the home and take part in public life with ease. Women belonged in the private world where they could handle domestic duties.

To know more about Victorian age visit:                    brainly.com/question/16617473


what is the difference between stalwarts aand half breeds? how did both groups compromise in the 1880 election?


Political patronage was the fundamental difference between the Stalwarts and the Half-Breeds. The Half-Breeds, subsequently led by Maine senator James G. Blaine, were in support of civil service reform and a merit system while the Stalwarts were in favour of political machinery and patronage akin to the spoils system.

It is incorrect to refer to the congressional Half-Breeds as the Blaine group in the context of the Hayes era. According to Richard E. Welch Jr.'s writings, Blaine's political party at the time forged an unofficial alliance with the Stalwarts to oppose certain features of the Hayes administration. Despite the group's widespread support for public service reform and its condemnation of corruption, several of its members were reportedly involved in illegal activities.

Learn more about Stalwarts here:



How was Ronald Reagan as chief legislator and what were some of the things he did and how would he be graded as a chief legislator?



As President of the United States, Ronald Reagan had the power to shape legislation and policy through his role as chief legislator. During his time in office, Reagan was successful in pushing through a number of important pieces of legislation.

One of Reagan's key achievements as chief legislator was the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which significantly overhauled the U.S. tax code, simplifying it and lowering tax rates. This legislation is still regarded as one of the most significant tax reforms in American history.

Reagan also championed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, which established mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses and increased funding for drug prevention and treatment programs. However, critics have argued that this legislation disproportionately affected minority communities and contributed to the mass incarceration of nonviolent drug offenders.

Overall, Reagan is generally regarded as a successful chief legislator, particularly for his role in passing major tax reform and anti-drug legislation. However, his legacy is more complicated, as some of his policies have been criticized for their impact on certain groups and their long-term consequences. As a result, he would likely receive a mixed grade as a chief legislator.


pearl lived in the countryside near new york city in 1895. she stayed at home, her husband worked in the city, and her kids attended school. what class did pearl likely belong to?


Pearl provides Hester with a friend to admire while also defining her identity and mission. Hester claims that her Heavenly Father sent Pearl, so choice (C) is the appropriate response.

Hester never wavers in her everlasting love and dedication to Pearl, despite her ongoing effort to comprehend Pearl's disobedience and devilish character. Pearl had a "doubtful charm, imparting a sharp metallic shine to the child's personality," according to Hester. Pearl fights grief with a frenzied vitality that comes naturally to her. Pearl occasionally annoys Hester with her strange behavior, yet she also supports and defends Hester. The young girl, named Pearl because she was "of high price," matures into a stunning, bright, and graceful young woman. She looks wonderful in the complex, beautiful clothes that Hester makes for her. Pearl, however, has a nuanced inner personality.

Learn more about Pearl here:



Why was Emperor Constantine historically significant to the Roman Empire?

O A. Democratic rule was established in the capital.
OB. Official policies promoted the spread of Christianity.
O C.
Merchants established contact with Islamic civilization.



B. Official policies promoted the spread of Christianity.

what theory originated with the eleventh-century church theologian peter abelard?


Moral Influence Theory originated with the eleventh-century church theologian peter abelard.

The moral influence or moral model theory of penance, created or generally outstandingly proliferated by Abelard (1079-1142), is an option in contrast agreeable to Anselm hypothesis of atonement. Abelard zeroed in on changing man's impression of God as not irritated, unforgiving, and critical, yet as loving.[1] As per Abelard, "Jesus kicked the bucket as the exhibit of God's adoration," a show which can change the hearts and brains of the miscreants, turning around to God.

Various scholars see "moral" (or "moral") theory of the reparation as varieties of the ethical impact theory. Wayne Grudem, notwithstanding, contends that "While the ethical impact theory says that Christ's demise shows us the amount God loves us, the moral theory says that Christ's passing shows us how we ought to live." Grudem recognizes the Socinians as allies of the moral theory.

To know more about Theory ,visit here:



what are the two main regions of china


The two main regions of china are, eastern, central, and western regions
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