What are some exercises someone can do to improve health-related fitness?


Answer 1

Answer: ...

Some exercises someone can do to improve health-related fitness are running, running in place, jogging dancing, swimming, biking, running up and down stairs and much more!!

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why is it important to stretch before a work out



Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints.


Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way.

Stretching makes it so you’re a least likely to tear a muscle. And so your body is not a sore the next day

Who pays for a patient’s healthcare services?


drug companies


health insurance companies

government programs


Government Programs

Government programs pay for patient’s healthcare services.

For men taking the the Air Force Physical Fitness Test, the best possible time to run 1.5 miles is in less
A. 15 minutes, 30 seconds
B. 13 minutes, 36 seconds
C. 9 minutes, 12 seconds
D. 10 minutes, 23 seconds
Please select the best answer from the choices provided




C / 9 minutes, 12 seconds


Should I name my future pet turtle Montgomery no matter the gender?



I mean the name is quite amazing.


This name isn't used very much, and is unique. It'd be great for a turtle.

I'd do Montgomery as a boy name personally buy just do what makes you happy

Complete the Circuit Training Program in the knowledge article. Read the directions and study the pictures of the exercises before you begin. You
will start by taking your initial heart rate and will end with stretching. Complete one full circuit for this activity. When you're through with the
program answer the questions that follow
Part A
What challenges did you encounter during the circuit training program?


Answer my heart rate is 66bpm

Which information should be verified to ensure that a source of information about healthcare products and services is authentic and reliable?

The source is current.
The source promises a miracle.
The source is supported by opinions.
The source has a catchy phrase.



The source is current, because you shouldn't rely on information from 50 years ago.


A) The source is current


Question 2 Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
(02.06 MC)
Ellie wants to take up an activity that plays to her strengths. She has found that her best skill is her coordination. Which of the following activities would be perfect
for her?


She found her best skill is perfect coordination of activities for her it would be tennis

What is the main motor skill related to the game of tennis?

Bendingstretchingtwistingturningswinginginverted gripsbody rollingfalling/stoppingdodgingand balancing are balance skills.

Locomotive skills are those that allow the body to be led in a vertical or horizontal direction, from one point to another.

With this information, we can conclude that she found her best skill is perfect coordination of activities for her it would be tennis

Learn more about motor skill in brainly.com/question/13044630


What is the role of metabolism in intermittent exercise?


The muscle ATP concentration is reasonably well maintained, although it may decrease by ~20% during very intense exercise. The large increases in ATP utilization and glycolysis, as well as the strong ion fluxes during such exercise, result in metabolic acidosis.


The efficiency of muscle fibers to produce energy is increased


hope it helps

Name the term that describes a drug that
changes how a person perceives thinks, or feels.





What are the primary components of a business plan?

balance sheet

organizational mission

strategic objectives

satisfaction surveys

vision statement

organization and management

market analysis

employee resumes



Executive summary. (This is your five-minute elevator pitch.)

Business description and structure. (This is where you explain why you're in business and what you're selling.)

Market research and strategies.

Management and personnel.

Financial documents.


an elderly woman trips and falls. she puts out her hand to try to stop her fall, and ends up with a fracture of the lower arm. an x-ray shows that at the break, many pieces of bone have a splintered and fragmented appearance. which type of fracture does this woman have?



comminuted fracture



Question Answer

An elderly woman trips and falls. She puts out her hand to try to stop her fall, and ends up with a fracture of the lower arm. An x-ray shows that at the break, many pieces of bone have a splintered and fragmented appearance. Which type of fracture does t comminuted fracture


If bacteria are able to reproduce every 15 minutes, calculate how many bacteria are produced from a single bacterium cell after 6 hours?





how does excessive saturated fat consumption increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease?


Your body needs healthy fats for energy and other functions. But too much saturated fat can cause cholesterol to build up in your arteries (blood vessels). Saturated fats raise your LDL (bad) cholesterol. High LDL cholesterol increases your risk for heart disease and stroke.

Name three strategies that caregiver can use to help children learn right from wrong


Time out, a talk with the child, an explanation

Describe a time when you felt you were not treated with respect by another person.



When my friend went through my phone and read my text messages.


Which of the following is a good choice according to the dietary guidelines




Body image can affect a person's health.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided.





Body image can affect a person's health, but that is false, as body image is the perception that a person has of their own body, including its appearance, size, shape, and overall attractiveness.

What is body image?

Body image is a subjective experience of one's own body, shaped by various personal, cultural, and societal factors. It can be affected by a range of factors, including genetics, personal experiences, cultural expectations, and media influences. Negative body image refers to a distorted and negative perception of one's own body, which can lead to dissatisfaction and low self-esteem. This can have serious consequences for a person's mental and physical health, as well as their overall quality of life.

Hence, body image can affect a person's health, which is false, as body image is the perception that a person has of their own body.

Learn more about body image here.



What are your future plans for fitness and how do you intend to stay physically fit throughout your lifetime?


working out can be one reason how to stay physically fit
My future plans for fitness is going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week and then I will give my body a quick rest from the workout. I intend to stay physically fit throughout my lifetime by going to the gym or if I don’t have time for that then I could do a quick little workout every day at my house and then give my body a rest every now and then.

unlike the discrete waveform from an ecg, the emg waveform is irregular. why is this?


Question: Unlike the discrete waveform from an ECG, the EMG waveform is irregular. ... Answer: An ECG records electrical activity from the heart. Unlike the heart, skeletal muscle does not contract in a fully synchronized fashion. Instead, an EMG records the unsynchronized electrical activity of many muscle fibers.

a person who burns more calories than he or she consumes will



end up loosing more weight


i dont know if its correct because theres no answer options but yeah, hope it helped

Cora has been having nausea, slight chest pain, and a bitter taste in her mouth. Which type of medicine is the doctor likely to prescribe?



Her doctor would prescribe her Antacids


Hello! Medical learning student and It seems the symptoms are of Acid Reflux




Excess acid secretion in the stomach often causes nausea, chest pain, and leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. Doctors prescribe antacids to neutralize the acid.

Before entering the vehicle you should check around the outside of the vehicle for broken glass ( windows, lights, etc.) body damage, condition of tires, fluid leaks, direction of front tires, or debris on the ground that could interfere with movement. Group of answer choices
True or False








Which answer is an example of a fitness characteristic?

A) Excellent skin ton
B) Muscular Endurance
C) Being able to jump rope​



Being able to jump rope


If you are able to jump rope you have fitness characteristic.

which action can the nurse take to keep a patient from consciously controlling his or her breathing during an assessment?



Most likely talking to the patient and asking them easy questions? Basically, distracting them.


If the patient is distracted by thinking of something else, like answering a simple question like what their favorite animal is. Then they won't be thinking about controlling their breathing.

Also, not telling them that you're trying to assess their breathing might help because it seems like once you know a certain thing is being assessed, you do become consciously aware of it.

Hope that helped, even a little!


What are the three fused, bony elements of the innominate bones? Ilium, ischium, and pubic bone Ilium, iliac crest, and pubic symphysis Iliac crest, ischial tuberosity, and pubic symphysis O Iliac crest, sacrum, and pelvic inlet​


Answer: ileum (1), the pubis (2), and the ischium (3).

Explanation: I hope this helps :) You've got this!

QUESTION: Thinking about compartmentalization, dissociation, and reaction formation, which do you consider the healthiest protective behavior of the three? Why is your choice better than the other two?

I need the answer ASAP!​


Answer:compartmentalizations would be the best


Describe the chemical process of purifying water in short !?


Water purification - The process by which undesired chemical compounds, organic and inorganic materials, and biological contaminants are removed from water. The purification procedure reduces the concentration of contaminants such as suspended particles, parasites, bacteria, algae, viruses, and fungi.

the amount of time a person can continue to do curl-ups without stopping best demonstrates which of the five components of fitness?



endurance I believe


tell me if im wrong

is a broken arm a biological stressor?




brainliest plzzz (hit the crown)

Select the correct answer.
Which statement is true about regular exercise?
It increases your blood pressure.
B. It decreases your resting heart rate.
It increases your intelligence.
OD. It decreases your lung capactiy.





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