what 1861 event prompted the europeanization of siberia?


Answer 1

The freeing of Serfs from Russia was the  1861 event which prompted the europeanization of Siberia , 1861 event prompted the europeanization of siberia.

After the freeing of the serfs in 1861, some 13 million Russians and Ukrainians migrated to Siberia, where they overwhelmed the native population of the region, while millions more settled in Central Asia.

Europeanization refers to the mutual influence of the European Union (EU) and its member states, to interactions within and between member states driven by the EU, and to the effect of the EU on EU applicant states. It affects domestic politics, policy, and polity and therefore is relevant for citizens and businesses.

Europeanization as changes in external territorial boundaries. This involves the territorial reach of a system of governance and the degree to which Europe as a continent becomes a single political space. For example, Europeanization is taking place as the European Union expands its boundaries through enlargement.

Siberia is a geographic and historic region and not a political entity, there is no single precise definition of its territorial borders. Traditionally, Siberia extends eastwards from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, and includes most of the drainage basin of the Arctic Ocean.

The Siberia Government was actually  laid out in 1708 as a feature of the managerial changes of Peter I. In 1719, the governorate was partitioned into three areas, Vyatka, Solikamsk and Tobolsk.

Learn more about siberia here:-



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What are some reasons a country might attack another country without any resounding warning?



The reasons can vary from one country needing expansion or just out of pride and anger of past losses. Though, declaring war is usually a process done through prior approval and an announcement.

Why did some believe that American Expressionism was needed to ""preserve the American spirit""?


The National World War II Museum's essential ideals and mission, as well as, in my opinion, those of JA, is the American Spirit. Although the American Spirit may have many distinct definitions, it is still present today.

Let's look at examples of this American Spirit inspiring us both as a nation and as individuals throughout our nation's history. We don't have to go too far back—to September 11, 2001, when the Twin Towers were the target of a covert kamikaze strike on America. We can all still clearly recall the shock, the fear, and the rage, followed by the powerful feeling of national solidarity. We united against a new enemy who attacked us with the aim of weakening our belief system, our economic system, and our democratic way of life thanks to a shared sense of the American Spirit.

Learn more about Spirit here:



Helllllllllp me pls thank you


The clues that help us understand what efficient means to eat insects help in eating well.

What are insects?

Insects are pan-crustacean hexapod invertebrates of the class Insecta. They are the largest group within the arthropod phylum. Insects have a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-part body three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes and one pair of antennae. Their blood is not contained in vessels; some circulate in an open cavity known as the haemocoel.

Insects are the most diverse group of animals; they include more than a million described species and represent more than half of all known living organisms.

Learn more about insects, here:



Which of the following occurred at the Battle of Bunker Hill?
a) George Washington won his first victory.
Ob) The colonial militia repulsed every British assault.
c) Americans refused to take prisoners.
d) Americans learned they could easily beat the British.
e) The British suffered major casualties.


It would be E I believe hope that was helpful!

Describe the location of Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, relative to two continents.


Istanbul, Turkish stanbul, formerly Constantinople, ancient Byzantium, is Turkey's largest city and primary seaport. It was the seat of power for both the Byzantine and Ottoman empires. Istanbul's ancient city sits on a triangular peninsula between Europe and Asia.

How does the Byzantine Empire's position in relation to two regions?

The Byzantine Empire is located to the north of Africa and towards the east of Asia. The Byzantine Empire also was located south of Europe, but north of both the Mediterranean Sea.

How far did this same Byzantine Empire spread?

Europe and Africa are two continents. Why did Constantine relocate Rome's capital to Constantinople? Remove the capital from the reach of the German invaders.

To know more about empires click here



first african american millionaire invented black hair products is


C.J. Walker, please. A'Lelia Bundles/Madam Walker Family Collection provided the image. Most people who have heard of her will only be able to tell you one or two facts about her: She was the first black millionaire and she created the hot comb or the first hair straightening formula in history.

Only one of them is sort of true, but even the sceptics might find the remarkable tale behind it and how Madam Walker leveraged that success to create jobs and support others to be empowering. In addition to Nancy Koehn and my Harvard Business School colleagues, I no longer draw a direct line from "Madam Walker's Wonderful Hair Grower" to the current selections of extensions, braids, and weaves. Likewise, I do not see a line connecting this brilliant, determined individual, who fought tenaciously for a life out of poverty as well as for black beauty, pride, and her own legitimacy.

Learn more about C.J. Walker here:



who was the secretary of the constitutional convention?


William Jackson was the secretary of the Constitutional Convention, which was held in Philadelphia in 1787.

Jackson was appointed to the position by George Washington, who was the president of the convention. As the secretary, Jackson was responsible for keeping accurate records of the proceedings, including taking notes on the debates, drafting resolutions, and recording the final text of the Constitution.

His duties also included the preparation and distribution of official documents and letters, as well as the management of various logistical aspects of the convention, such as the arrangement of seating and the distribution of supplies.

Despite his important role in the development of the U.S. Constitution, Jackson is not as well-known as many of the Founding Fathers, who are often credited with creating the document.

For more questions like Convention click the link below:




Which deity was the god of the water and the Nile River, according to the ancient Egyptians?





Who was the God Hapi?

Hapi was believed as the god of Nile River which played as an important role in constructing civilization. Water and soil are needed for the production of any type of crops. Hapi was believed to bring these two main elements of production, giving him the name Hapi (maker of barley and wheat).

The Nile River

The Nile was such a big deal to the ancient Egyptians that their calendar began the year with the first month of the flooding. Ancient Egyptians used to believe that the Nile was a present from the gods.

Lisa three examples of how Jesus took time to interact with women, whom most rabbis would not condescend to teach. Include the scriptural references and the ways that Jesus ministered to them.


The Woman at the Well (John 4:1-42) - Jesus met a Samaritan woman at a well and spoke with her about living water. Despite the cultural and religious differences between them, Jesus showed her kindness and respect and ministered to her spiritual needs. He revealed to her that he was the Messiah, and she went on to share the good news with others in her community.
The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:34; Luke 8:43-48) - Jesus encountered a woman who had been suffering from a bleeding condition for twelve years. Despite the fact that she was considered unclean by the religious leaders of the day, Jesus reached out to her and healed her. He ministered to her physical and emotional needs, showing her compassion and love.
Mary Magdalene (Matthew 28:1-10; Mark 16:9-11; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-18) - Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus' closest disciples and was present at the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Despite the fact that women were not typically considered to be important witnesses or leaders, Jesus revealed himself to Mary after his resurrection and commissioned her to go and tell others about his resurrection. He ministered to her spiritual and emotional needs, showing her the love and grace of God.

Cornwallis's surrender at Yorktown ended the American Revolution, and the Treaty of Paris was signed immediately afterward.
True or False


True. An important turning point in the American Revolution was the British General Cornwallis's surrender at Yorktown in 178.

which effectively put a halt to major military operations and severely restricted Britain's capacity to continue the war. Strategic planning, French naval assistance, as well as the bravery and expertise of American soldiers, all contributed to the triumph at Yorktown. The Treaty of Paris was the result of discussions that took place in Paris in 1782 between the British and American representatives after the surrender. The pact recognised the United States' independence, delineated its borders, and stipulated the British military's evacuation. A pivotal point in world history was when the American Revolution came to an end and the United States became a new nation.

learn more about American Revolution here:



What brought migrants from rural to urban areas like this one during the Industrial Revolution?


The promise of better job opportunities and higher wages brought migrants from rural to urban areas during the Industrial Revolution. The availability of work in factories and other industrial settings was a major draw. The hope of a better life also motivated many to leave the countryside behind.

What factors led to the growth of urban areas during the Industrial Revolution?

The growth of urban areas during the Industrial Revolution was driven by several factors, including the expansion of industry, the availability of jobs in cities, and technological advancements. As factories and mines were established in cities, workers from rural areas were attracted to the urban centers in search of employment. The growth of transportation networks, such as canals and railroads, also made it easier for people to travel to urban areas. Additionally, improvements in medicine and sanitation led to healthier living conditions in cities, further contributing to their growth.

To know more about Urban Areas visit: https://brainly.com/question/4028801


In which territories was slavery forbidden?


The Missouri Compromise suggested that slavery be forbidden in the remaining Louisiana Territory north of the 36o 30' latitude line.

The Missouri Compromise was a piece of federal law in the United States that struck a compromise between the goals of the northern states to stop the spread of slavery in the nation and the southern states' ambitions to do so.

The long-standing distribution of slave and free states would be altered with the acquisition of the Louisiana Territory and Missouri's quest for statehood. Slavery became a contentious topic inside Congress.

In order to maintain the nation's balance of slave and free states, Congress passed this law and simultaneously admitted Maine as a non-slave state and Missouri as a slave state.

To learn more about slavery, refer



What makes gawain a chivalric hero in this passage? check all that apply. he is a member of court society. he fights in a battle. he acts out of loyalty. he faces a spiritual challenge.


Gawain a chivalric is the hero of the passage because he is a member of court society and he acts out of loyalty.

Gawain seeks to uphold the loyalty, bravery, and courtesy of the chivalric code, which is the conduct expected of knights. Gawain showed courage and bravery at all times while traveling. He constantly made an effort to uphold honor and valor since he believed these were essential attributes in a knight. In fact, when no one else dared to take the challenge, Gawain showed his bravery. He then shown bravery by chopping off the green knight's head and honoring his promise to come back in a year. In conclusion, he had the guts to choose to travel alone rather than enlist the help of other knights. His choice was undoubtedly a noble and courageous act worthy of a knight. By accepting the challenge and making an effort to be courteous to the host's wife, even though he was aware that doing so implied his moral principles, Gawain further demonstrated his devotion to etiquette. For Gawain, the ways by which he achieves victory are crucial in both his capacity as a Christian and as a knight. No amount of benefit to society as a whole can excuse his behavior in winning since he is flawed in his activities.

Know more about Gawain here:



please help asap no links
answer each question in a paragraph
1. What do you think is the biggest turning point in in American History so far? (This can be
politically, economically, or socially)
2. What do you have to say about American exploration?
3. What is the relationship between conflict and compromise?
4.The Declaration of Independence states "that all men are created equal." How would you
explain equality in America?
5. What should US Foreign Policy be?
6. How has war impacted the US?
7. What is the relationship between the American Dream and progress?



The biggest turning point in American history, in my opinion, was the American Revolution. It marked the birth of the nation and set the stage for the development of a democratic government that would go on to become one of the most powerful in the world. The American Revolution was not just a political event, but it also had social and economic implications. It led to the growth of capitalism and created a more equal society where people were free to pursue their own interests and ambitions.

American exploration has played a crucial role in shaping the nation's history. From the earliest days of the country's formation, Americans have been driven to explore and settle new lands. This spirit of adventure and discovery has led to the expansion of the nation's borders and has helped to establish the country as a global power. American explorers have also made significant contributions to the fields of science, geography, and culture.

Conflict and compromise are two important elements in any society, and they are closely related. Conflict arises when people have different opinions or interests, and compromise is often necessary to resolve these conflicts and move forward. In the American political system, the ability to compromise is essential to the functioning of government. Without compromise, the government would not be able to make decisions and would become gridlocked. However, it is also important to recognize that some issues are not suitable for compromise and require a firm stance.

Equality in America refers to the idea that every person should have equal opportunities and rights, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or other factors. The Declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal, but it has taken many years for the country to live up to this ideal. The struggle for equality in America has been a long and ongoing process, and despite significant progress, there is still much work to be done to ensure that everyone has equal opportunities and rights.

US foreign policy should be based on promoting peace, security, and stability in the world. The United States has a unique role to play as a global leader and must act in a responsible and ethical manner to promote its values and interests. The US should also seek to build strong relationships with its allies and engage in diplomatic efforts to resolve conflicts and address global challenges such as climate change and terrorism.

War has had a profound impact on the US, both domestically and internationally. Wars have resulted in significant loss of life and have had far-reaching economic, social, and political consequences. They have also shaped the nation's foreign policy and military strategy, and have played a significant role in the development of American society. At the same time, the country's experiences in war have also served as a reminder of the importance of peace and stability and the need to find diplomatic solutions to conflicts.

The American Dream and progress are closely related, as the American Dream represents the idea that through hard work and determination, anyone can achieve success and prosperity. Progress refers to the idea that society is constantly improving and advancing, and the American Dream embodies this idea by offering a vision of a better future for all. The pursuit of the American Dream has motivated generations of Americans and has driven the country's growth and development. At the same time, the American Dream has also raised important questions about equality and access to opportunity, and it is an ongoing challenge for the country to ensure that the dream remains accessible to all.

Did the events of the 1960s really make the nation more equal? Why or why not?


The events of the 1960s, including the civil rights movement and other social justice movements, led to important legal and social changes that aimed to reduce discrimination and promote greater equality.

What are the events of the 1960s?

Significant social, cultural, and political upheaval occurred during the 1960s in the United States, and it was characterized by a number of incidents and groups that questioned conventional wisdom. The following are a few of the most significant 1960s events:

1. Civil Rights Movement: Mainly in the 1950s and 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement was a fight for social justice and equality. It intended to eradicate racial discrimination against African Americans, under the leadership of people like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks. There were many different types of discrimination put an end to by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, two important pieces of legislation.

2. Anti-War Movement: The Vietnam War, which began in the 1960s, sparked a great deal of debate and division in American society. Many young people object the war and organized rallies and marches to express their dissatisfaction. The 1960s counterculture movement as a whole included the anti-war movement as a significant component.

3. Women's Liberation Movement: A new era of feminism with a strong focus on promoting women's rights and gender equality emerged during the 1960s. The movement had an impact in the adoption of Title IX, which outlawed sexism in schools, and other developments including the legalization of abortion.

To know more about events of the 1960s visit:



what did the french hopw to gain by conquering the britsh in the french and idian war


Along with the port of New Orleans, the French possessions west of the Mississippi would be annexed by Spain.

In exchange for these cessions, France would receive the Caribbean islands that British forces had taken during the conflict, as well as territory in India, Africa, and Minorca in the Mediterranean. The British government also paid for French fishing rights off Newfoundland and pledged to permit French Canadians to freely profess Catholicism. The news of the British seizure of Havana and the Spanish province of Cuba had made its way to Europe. The British Parliament would never ratify a treaty that did not take into account British territorial victories during the war. Then Spanish King Charles III refused to agree to a treaty that would force Spain to cede Cuba.

Learn more about Parliament here:



Which of the following played a part in the development of Hebrew religious ideas?

Select all correct answers.


Jewish history describes the journey of the Hebrews as they wandered through the desert for 40 years after escaping from Egypt.

Jewish history describes the journey of the Hebrews as they wandered through the desert for 40 years after escaping from Egypt.

Moses was considered to be the only Jewish prophet.

Moses was considered to be the only Jewish prophet.

In Jerusalem, the Hebrews worshiped only at the Temple, but that changed during the Babylonian Captivity.

In Jerusalem, the Hebrews worshiped only at the Temple, but that changed during the Babylonian Captivity.

The Ten Commandments became part of Hebrew culture and religion long before the Babylonian captivity. PLEASE HELP I WILL GIVE BRAINLIST


The ten commandments became part of Hebrew culture and religion long before the Babylonian captivity and In Jerusalem, the Hebrews worshiped only at the Temple, but that changed during the Babylonian Captivity played a part in the development of Hebrew religious ideas.

What is Hebrew culture?

Hebrew tradition was an ancient civilization that emerged in the middle East. The Israelites, the Jews, and the Arabs all descended from this society. There are only about 6,000 words in the Hebrew of the Old Testament, all of which are derived from about 500 roots. Consequently, a single word might have a wide range of meanings at times. The Hebrew language is one of the oldest languages still in use today, with roots dating back to the first millennium B.C.

Know more about Hebrew religious ideas - brainly.com/question/247119


Why did some delegates refuse to attend the Constitutional Convention?


A few delegates at first wouldn't go to the Established Show of 1787 because of multiple factors. Some felt that it was too soon to revise the Articles of Confederation, which was the existing governing document at the time.  

They accepted that the nation required additional opportunity to settle and develop prior to changing its type of government. Empowering the national government, which they dreaded would encroach upon the privileges of the states.

Some additionally expected that the Show would be overwhelmed by the more crowded and affluent states and result in the more modest states being underestimated. Furthermore, probably the most noticeable heads of the time, including Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, were out of the country.

Learn more about Convention:



Imagine that you could interview
Ashoka. What questions would you
ask him? Role-play this interview
with a classmate. For more
information on Ashoka, use the
following keywords to help you
find relevant websites: Ashoka,
Kalinga War, Rock Edict XIII.


The imagination that I have created based on interviewing Ashoka has been given below.

The questions I would ask Ashoka

Can you tell us about your early life and how you became the ruler of the Mauryan Empire?

How did you come to embrace the philosophy of Buddhism, and what impact did it have on your rule?

What was your approach to governance, and how did you balance the needs of different groups within the empire?

Can you discuss the policy of Dhamma that you implemented, and how it shaped the society of the Mauryan Empire?

Can you talk about the role of the Ashoka Pillar Edicts in communicating your message and promoting morality and virtue?

How did you respond to military threats to the empire, and what was your strategy for maintaining peace and stability?

What was your legacy, and how have you been remembered by subsequent generations?

Can you reflect on any lessons or insights that you have learned during your life and rule that could be useful for future leaders and rulers?

Read more on Ashoka here:https://brainly.com/question/25740025


Why do you think fields such as law, medicine, and higher education were not considered suitable for women around the turn of the 20th century?




Around the turn of the 20th century, many fields, including law, medicine, and higher education, were considered to be unsuitable for women for a variety of reasons. Some of the factors that contributed to this view included:

Cultural and societal norms: At the time, traditional gender roles held that women were meant to be homemakers and caretakers, while men were the breadwinners and held more prestigious positions. This limited view of women's capabilities and responsibilities meant that many believed women were not fit for careers outside the home.

Lack of educational opportunities: In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, women often did not have the same access to education and training as men. This limited their opportunities for advancement and made it difficult for them to enter fields such as law, medicine, and higher education.

Discriminatory policies and attitudes: Many institutions and organizations had policies and attitudes that were discriminatory towards women. For example, some law firms did not hire women, while medical schools had quotas for the number of women they would admit. This made it difficult for women to enter and succeed in these fields.

Stereotyping and bias: Women were often subjected to negative stereotypes, such as being seen as emotional, indecisive, and lacking the intelligence and capability required for careers in law, medicine, and higher education. This bias and discrimination made it difficult for women to be taken seriously and to progress in these fields.

Overall, these cultural, societal, and institutional factors contributed to the view that women were not suitable for careers in fields such as law, medicine, and higher education around the turn of the 20th century. However, as society has evolved and women have gained more educational and professional opportunities, these views have changed and women have made significant progress in these fields.

Directions: Fill in the table about Stalin's totalitarian state.
Police State
dil ads "gairatuapipiloghi


Stalin's totalitarian state use various methods to ensure that the state is progressing like Education, a five-year plan, Propaganda, etc.

What is a totalitarian state?

A totalitarian regime is one that recognizes no boundaries on its power in any domain of public or one can say private affairs and expands that power as far as it deems practical.


Education increased and regulated all aspects of educational services and provided women with educational possibilities.

Control Techniques

It deployed violent assault by the intelligence service to put down resistance; started the Great Purge

Propaganda Techniques

It used propaganda and art to praise the communist regime; established state-sponsored youth organizations to develop the next generation of leaders

Learn more about the totalitarian states, here:



The question is incomplete, Complete question is:

For what does Stalin’s Totalitarian State use

EducationControl MethodsPropaganda Methods

What happened to the axis in WW2?​


The axis powers lost the second world war to the allied powers

What happened to the axis in WW2?​

The Allies were a coalition of countries that fought against the Axis powers during World War II. The core members of the Allies were the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and the United States, with many other countries also contributing military and support.

The Allies were ultimately victorious in the war, with the defeat of Germany in May 1945 and the subsequent surrender of Japan in August of the same year. After the war, the Allies worked to rebuild the devastated countries of Europe and Asia, and to establish a new world order based on the principles of peace, democracy, and cooperation. The victory of the Allies led to the formation of the United Nations and the establishment of the international system that continues to shape the world today.

Read more on the world war here:https://brainly.com/question/651584


which politician did not die during the irish civil war? a. arthur griffith b. eamon de valera c. michael collins d. cathal brugha


Option c, Michael Collins, is the politician who survived the Irish Civil War.

The required details about Irish Civil War is mentioned in below paragraph.

The Irish Civil War was a civil war that took place after the Irish War of Independence and coincided with the creation of the Irish Free State, a country that was independent from the United Kingdom but still a part of the British Empire.

Between the Provisional Government of Ireland and the Irish Republican Army (IRA), a civil war was fought over the Anglo-Irish Treaty. While the anti-treaty opposition considered the conditions of the treaty as a betrayal of the Irish Republic, which had been established during the Easter Rising of 1916, the Provisional Government (which became the Free State in December 1922) backed the treaty's terms.

To learn about Irish Civil War visit here.



What push factors were there for the Great Migration?



The Great Migration was a massive movement of African Americans from the rural South to the urban North and West between the years of 1916 and 1970. Here are some push factors that contributed to this migration:

Racism and Discrimination: Jim Crow laws in the South created a system of racial segregation and discrimination that limited the opportunities available to African Americans. Black people were denied the right to vote, could not attend integrated schools, and faced violence and harassment from white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan. This pervasive racism made life in the South difficult and dangerous for African Americans.

Economic Disadvantage: Sharecropping was a common economic arrangement in the South that left African American farmers in a state of debt and poverty. The boll weevil infestation destroyed much of the region's cotton crops, and many African Americans lost their livelihoods as a result. The lack of economic opportunities and the cycle of poverty made it difficult for African Americans to improve their lives in the South.

Violence and Fear: Racial violence, including lynchings, riots, and bombings, was a constant threat to African Americans in the South. The fear of violence, along with the desire for a better life, pushed many African Americans to leave the region and seek safety and opportunity elsewhere.

World War I and II: The need for workers in Northern factories during the First and Second World Wars led to a labor shortage, and African Americans were recruited to fill the gap. This migration increased in the postwar years, as African Americans sought better jobs and a better life in the North and West.

escape racial violence, pursue economic and educational opportunities, and obtain freedom from the oppression of Jim Crow, better paying jobs, bigger opportunities, less oppression

How did the united states acquire the oregon territory and why did settlers wish to go there?


Spain gave up its claims to the region to the United States in  agreement with the Transcontinental Treaty in 1819. The Russian government unilaterally decided to give its citizens a fishing, whaling, and  marketable monopoly from the Bering woe to the 51st parallel.

Shortly  later, the United States protested the decision. President Monroe issued his  gospel in 1823, advising Russia that monopolistic attempts would not be  permitted by the United States. The  passages of Lewis and Clark and the development of trading  installations by John Jacob Astor's Pacific Fur Company, like Astoria at the mouth of the Columbia River, served as the foundation for the U.S. claim. James Cook's  disquisition of the Columbia River served as alleviation for part of Great Britain's claim.

Learn more about United  here :



how did europeans use religious beliefs as a way to imperialize and take over parts of other continents?


Christian missionaries served as the "religious arms" of the European colonial powers through a variety of means. The Catholic Church launched a significant campaign to promote Christianity in the New World and convert Native Americans and other indigenous people during the Age of Discovery.

According to Edward E. Andrews, Associate Professor of Providence College Christian missionaries were initially portrayed as "visible saints, exemplars of ideal piety in a sea of persistent savagery". However, by the time the colonial era drew to a close in the later half of the 20th century, missionaries were viewed as "ideological shock troops for colonial invasion whose zealotry blinded them", colonialism's "agent, scribe and moral alibi".In some regions, almost all of a colony's population was forcibly turned away from its traditional belief systems and forcibly turned towards the Christian faith, which colonizers used as a justification for their extermination of adherents of other faiths, their enslavement of natives, and their exploitation of lands and seas.

Learn more about religious here:



. In 1830, the Indian Removal Act required Native American groups in the Southeast to ___
migrate northward until they crossed into Canada
migrate to Texas and other regions of Mexico
cross the continent and relocate in California
leave their homelands and move to present-day Oklahoma


In 1830, the Indian Removal Act required Native American groups in the Southeast to leave their homelands and move to present-day Oklahoma.

What is the Indian Removal Act?

The Indian Removal Act was a law signed by U.S. President Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830, which authorized the forced removal of Native American tribes from their ancestral homelands in the southeastern United States to lands west of the Mississippi River.

The act was based on the idea of "Indian removal," which was a policy supported by many white Americans at the time who believed that the best way to deal with the "Indian problem" was to remove Native American tribes from their lands and relocate them to new territories in the west

The act authorized the US government to negotiate with Native American tribes to exchange their lands in the southeastern United States for territory in present-day Oklahoma, which was then designated as Indian Territory. The forced relocation of Native American tribes, known as the Trail of Tears, resulted in the displacement and deaths of thousands of Native Americans.

Learn more on the Indian Removal Act here https://brainly.com/question/714974


how many terms did eugene talmadge serve as governor of georgia?


Eugene Talmadgy, born on September 23, 1884, was an American politician and attorney. As Georgia's 64th governor, he served three terms.

He was also elected for the fourth time in Georgia, but died before his inauguration in January 1947. As a member of the Democratic Party, he is well-known for his support for segregation and racial supremacy. He also promoted racism at Georgia State University. Talmadge established a legal practise in Telfair County, Georgia, and became a member of the Democratic Party. He ran for the Georgia state legislature twice and was defeated both times. In 1926, he was chosen as the state agricultural commissioner.

Learn more about Eugene Talmadgy here.



Should the government attempt to provide financial compensation to the ethnic and racial groups it has discriminated against? Why or why not? How can the government arrive at a dollar value for these injuries?



Black and White Americans are far apart in their views of reparations for slavery ... Discussions about atonement for the enslavement of Black people

where specifically were gold miners going 


In the mid-nineteenth century, gold miners moved to California to find gold. This process was known as the California Gold Rush.

After John Sutter found gold in early 1848 at the stream through his water-powered sawmill called Sutter's Mill, California saw a rapid influx of fortune seekers across the globe. The Gold Rush peaked in 1852, and by the end of the decade, it had died down. Estimations state that more than 300,000 people came in search of gold during this period.

The Gold Rush rapidly changed the demographics of the area. Before it happened, California consisted of a majority of Native Americans. But the hunt for gold meant that settlers from China, South America, and other continents came to occupy the area.

To learn more about the Gold Rush,


The correct question is: "Where did gold miners move to in search of gold?"

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