Un avión vuela hacia al norte a una velocidad de 90 m/s, pero un fuerte viento sopla hacia al este a 20 m/s y desvía su rumbo. Realiza los trazos y encuentra el vector resultante.


Answer 1

La adicion de vectores permite encontrar la repuesta para la velocidad resultante del avión es:

Modulo de la veloicdad  v= 92,2 m/s Dirección de esta veloicdad 12,5º al Norte del Este  

Las magnitudes vectoriales son cantidades tienen modulo y dirección, la velocidad es una de estas magnitudes, por lo tanto deben ser sumada usando álgebra vectorial.

Un sistema de referencia es un sistema desde donde realizar las mediciones, en este caso indican que usemos un sistema de los puntos cardinales.

En el adjunto podemos ver un esquema de los vectores velocidad y su resultante, realicemos el calculo de la resultante por método analíticos

Indican que el valor de la velocidad hacia el Este es vₓ = 20 m/s y la velocidad hacia el Norte es v_y = 90 m/s, por lo tanto, para la magnitud usamos el Teorema de Pitágoras

           [tex]R= \sqrt{v_x^2 + v_y^2}[/tex]

           R = [tex]\sqrt{20^2 + 90^2}[/tex]

          R = 92,2 m/s

Para encontrar la direccion usemos trigonometría

          tan θ = [tex]\frac{v_y}{v_x}[/tex]

          θ = tan⁻¹ [tex]\frac{v_y}{v_x}[/tex]

          θ = tan⁻¹ 20/90

          θ = 12,5º

La dirección se lee 12,5º al Norte del Este

En conclusión usando la suma de vectores  podemos encontrar la repuesta para la velocidad resultante del avión es:

v= 92,2 m/s  con dirección 12,5º al Norte del Este  

Aprender mas aquí:


Un Avin Vuela Hacia Al Norte A Una Velocidad De 90 M/s, Pero Un Fuerte Viento Sopla Hacia Al Este A 20

Related Questions

Which situations might cause two observers (A and B) to measure different frequencies for the same vibrating object? Select the two correct answers.
A. Observer A is stationary and Observer B is moving.
B. Observer A and Observer B are moving at different speeds relative to each other.
C. Observer A and Observer B are stationary but at different distances from the vibrating object.
D. Observer A and Observer B are both stationary and at the same distance from the object.


Answer: The answer is (B) Observer A and Observer B are moving at different speeds relative to each other. And (A) Observer A is stationary and Observer B is moving


This question involves the concept of doppler's effect and its effect on the frequency of sound.

The situations that might cause the two observers to measure different frequencies for the same vibrating object are:

"A. Observer A is stationary and Observer B is moving.

B. Observer A and Observer B are moving at different speeds relative to each other."

Doppler's effect states that the apparent frequency of a source of sound is different than its original frequency. It further explains that whenever an observer and the source are in relative motion with each other, either the source or the observer or both are moving, then the frequency of sound measured by the observer will be different than the actual frequency. This changed frequency is called the apparent frequency and it depends upon the direction and magnitude of the relative motion of the observer and the source.

Hence, the measured frequency can be different for the two observers if they are in relative motion with the source, with different speeds, or in the case when one observer is stationary while the other is in motion.

Therefore, the situations that might cause the two observers to measure different frequencies for the same vibrating object are:

A. Observer A is stationary and Observer B is moving.

B. Observer A and Observer B are moving at different speeds relative to each other.

Learn more about Doppler's Effect here:


The attached picture illustrates the formulae of Doppler's Effect.

Si se impulsa un bloque con una velocidad de 15m/s sobre el piso sin rozamiento mostrado. Determinar la altura “h” que alcanzará, no existe rozamiento.


La altura máxima alcanzada por el bloque es de 14.471 metros.

En esta pregunta asumimos que la altura inicial del bloque es igual a tres metros por encima del la altura de referencia y la altura final puede ser determinada mediante el principio de conservación de la energía, en cuyo caso, la suma de la energía cinética traslacional inicial ([tex]K[/tex]) y la energía potencial gravitacional inicial ([tex]U_{o}[/tex]), ambos en joules, es igual a la energía potencial gravitacional final ([tex]U_{f}[/tex]), en joules. Matemáticamente hablando, tenemos la siguiente expresión:

[tex]U_{o}+K = U_{f}[/tex]

[tex]m\cdot g\cdot z_{o} + \frac{1}{2}\cdot m\cdot v^{2} = m\cdot g \cdot z_{f}[/tex] (1)


[tex]m[/tex] - Masa del bloque, en kilogramos.[tex]g[/tex] - Aceleración gravitacional, en metros por segundo al cuadrado.[tex]z_{o}[/tex], [tex]z_{f}[/tex] - Alturas inicial y final, en metros.[tex]v[/tex] - Rapidez inicial del bloque, en metros por segundo.

A continuación, despejamos la altura final del bloque:

[tex]z_{f} = z_{o}+\frac{1}{2}\cdot \frac{v^{2}}{g}[/tex] (2)

Si sabemos que [tex]z_{o} = 3\,m[/tex], [tex]v = 15\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex] y [tex]g = 9.807\,\frac{m}{s^{2}}[/tex], entonces la altura máxima alcanzada por el bloque es:

[tex]z_{f} = 3\,m + \frac{1}{2}\cdot \left[\frac{\left(15\,\frac{m}{s} \right)^{2}}{9.807\,\frac{m}{s^{2}} } \right][/tex]

[tex]z_{f} = 14.471\,m[/tex]

La altura máxima alcanzada por el bloque es de 14.471 metros.

Invitamos cordialmente a ver esta pregunta sobre el principio de conservación de la energía: https://brainly.com/question/19561287

What is saturns most distinctive feature?


its prominent ring system which is composed of primarily ice particles with smaller amounts of rocky detbris. Hope this helped!



How do interaction forces act on different masses and on different objects?

Dosen't make sense​



TRUE - Two colliding objects will exert equal forces upon each other. If the objects have different masses, then these equal forces will produce different accelerations. ... FALSE - In any collision, the colliding objects exert equal and opposite forces upon each other as the result of the collision interaction.

How do longitudinal waves move



in a direction parallel to the direction that the wave moves



parallel to the direction....

Can some one help me whith the answer


Answer :

» B. 6.03 × 10²³ electrons

Explanation :

The charge in electron charge Q(e) is equal to the charge in coulombs Q(C) times 6.24150975⋅1018:

1C = 6.24150975⋅10¹e

Q(e) = Q(C) × 6.24150975 × 10¹

Q(e) = 96,500 × 6.24150975 × 10¹

Q(e) = 6.02305690875 × 10²³

which is round off to

6.03 × 10²³ electrons

An object has a volume of 100mL and a mass of 200g. What is the density?


the answer to your problem is p = 2 g/cm^3.

If the radio waves that are sent from the speed gun have a frequency of 400,000,002 Hz and the radio waves reflected off an approaching car have a frequency of 400, 000, 10 , what is the speed of the car? (Hz is the SI unit of frequency, equal to cycles per second).



fL = fs(V/v-vs) 400000002= 40000010(331/331- vs). then find vs so easy

What is the density of a block of wood, that weigh 18 grams, and volume is 56ml



0.3214 grams per millimetre


Answer: 32


D = m/v

D = 18/56

D = ?

Write down the relation between force pressure and area​



Answer: Pressure is directly proportional to force and inversely proportional to area.

Explanation: Pressure is defined as the ratio of force applied to the area of cross section.






P = Pressure

F = Force applied

A = Area of cross-section

from above it is visible that pressure is directly proportional to the force applied which means that if force increases, pressure increases. It is also inversely proportional to the area of cross-section. So, when area of cross-section increases, pressure decreases.

The units of pressure are N/m^2N/m


and S.I. units for this term is Pascal (P).

How does the law of conservation of matter apply to atoms?


The law of conservation states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed. This law basically says that whatever molecules you put IN to the reaction should be equivalent to molecules you get OUT.

Bonus points for helpers

If a 70 kg. skater acted upon by an unbalanced force of 161 N [West], what is
its acceleration?


According to Newtonʼs Second Law of Motion:

F net = m  x  a


a = F net / m

Acceleration = net Force/ Mass = 161 / 70 = 2.3 m/s^2  [W]

If a 70 kg skater is acted upon by an unbalanced force of 161 N [West], his acceleration would be 2.30  m/s² towards the west

What is Newton's second law?

Newton's Second Law states that The resultant force acting on an object is proportional to the rate of change of momentum.

The mathematical expression for Newton's second law is as follows

F = m*a

where F represents the force applied

m is the mass of the object

a is the acceleration of the object

As given in the problem If a 70 kg. skater acted upon by an unbalanced force of 161 N

F =ma

By substituting the values of the force and the mass as 161 N and 70 kg respectively

161 N = 70×a

a= 2.30 m/s²

Thus, If a 70 kg skater is acted upon by an unbalanced force of 161 N, his acceleration would be 2.30  m/s² towards the west

Learn more about Newton's second law, here



what are the condition required work to be done



The first is that the object moves

object must move in the direction of the force applied

A bullet is fired horizontally at 343 m/s from the top of a building where height is 37.3 m. The built will be
in flight for seconds




A classic projectile motion question. Horizontal motion does not matter whatsoever in the context of this equation as we are looking at the vertical component of velocity only. Since the question states that it is fired horizontally, there is no vertical component of velocity. Thus, v0y = 0.

Assuming the projectile is on the Earth, we can use the free-fall acceleration, 9.8 m/s^2.

The question gives us Δy, which is 37.3m.

Using the second kinematics equation, Δy = v0t + (at^2)/2, we can substitute in the values.

37.3 = 0 + 0.5(9.8)t^2

37.3 = 4.9t^2

7.61224489796 = t^2

t = 2.75902970226 seconds.

Two astronauts are playing catch in a zero gravitational field. Astronaut 1 of mass m1 is initially moving to the right with speed v1 . Astronaut 2 of mass m2 is initially moving to the right with speed v2>v1 . Astronaut 1 throws a ball of mass m with speed u relative to herself in a direction opposite to her motion. Astronaut 2 catches the ball. The final speed of astronaut 1 is vf,1 and the final speed of astronaut 2 is vf,2 .What is the speed vf,1 of astronaut 1 after throwing the ball?


The final velocity ([tex]v_1_f[/tex]) of the first astronaut will be greater than the final velocity of the second astronaut ([tex]v_2_f[/tex]) to ensure that the total initial momentum of both astronauts is equal to the total final momentum of both astronauts after throwing the ball.

The given parameters;

Mass of the first astronaut, = m₁Mass of the second astronaut, = m₂Initial velocity of the first astronaut, = v₁Initial velocity of the second astronaut, = v₂ > v₁Mass of the ball, = mSpeed of the ball, = uFinal velocity of the first astronaut, = [tex]v_f_1[/tex]Final velocity of the second astronaut, = [tex]v_f_2[/tex]

The final velocity of the first astronaut relative to the second astronaut after throwing the ball is determined by applying the principle of conservation of linear momentum.

[tex]m_1v_1 + m_2v_2 = m_2v_2_f + m_1v_1_f[/tex]

if v₂ > v₁, then [tex]v_1_f > v_2_f[/tex], to conserve the linear momentum.

Thus, the final velocity ([tex]v_1_f[/tex]) of the first astronaut will be greater than the final velocity of the second astronaut ([tex]v_2_f[/tex]) to ensure that the total initial momentum of both astronauts is equal to the total final momentum of both astronauts after throwing the ball.

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/24424291

Chuyển đổng đều là gì



Uniform motion is defined as the motion, wherein the velocity of the body travelling in a straight line remains the same.

Chuyển động đều là chuyển động mà vận tốc có độ lớn không thay đổi theo thời gian. Chuyển động không đều là chuyển động mà vận tốc có độ lớn thay đổi theo thời gian.

the jovian planets are thought to have formed as gravity drew hydrogen and helium gas around planetesimals made of __________.


Made of rocks,metal and ice.

A space ship cruises at a constant velocity of 33,155 km/hr for 22.5 minutes. How far does the ship travel in that
time? State your result in kilometers.



12,433 km


I got this by doing 33,155 and dividing it by 60, which is km per minute, then I did 552.583333, which is km per minute and multiplied it by 22.5, which equals 12,433 km

To check this you can do 12,433 times 2, which is 45 minutes and then use 552.583333, which is per minute, and multiplying by 15, which is 15 minutes, then add

(12,433 x 2 = 24,866) add 8288.75 [15 minutes] and that gets you 33,155

(Brainiest and thanks are very much appreciated for the effort put in)

What is the average velocity of a car traveling South on a straight road for two hours returns to the starting point after three hours.


The average velocity of the car traveling south and later returned to the starting point is 0.

Average velocity is defined as the change in displacement per change in the time of motion.

Average velocity is calculated as follows;

[tex]v = \frac{\Delta x}{\Delta t} = \frac{x_2 - x_1}{t}[/tex]

Let the initial displacement of the car, x₁ = 20 m

Let the final displacement of the car, x₂ = 20 m (since the car returned to the starting point).

The average velocity is calculated as;

[tex]v = \frac{x_2 - x_1}{t} = \frac{20 - 20}{5} = 0[/tex]

Thus, the average velocity of the car traveling south and later returned to the starting point is 0.

Learn more here:https://brainly.com/question/18153640

what type of energy results from the burning of wood or gasoline?



Chemical energy


Chemical energy is energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules. Batteries, biomass, petroleum, natural gas, and coal are examples of chemical energy. Chemical energy is converted to thermal energy when people burn wood in a fireplace or burn gasoline in a car's engine.

what is atmospheric pressure​



the pressure within the atmosphere of Earth


Atmospheric pressure is a force in an area pushed against a surface by the weight of the atmosphere of the earth.


A man is on a 30m cliff and throws a ball down with a speed of 7 m/s.
A) With what velocity does the ball hit the ground? B) How high above the ground is the ball after the ball has fallen for 1 second?





A ball rolls horizontally off the cliff at a speed of 30 m/s. It takes 7 seconds for the ball to hit the ground. What is the height of the cliff and the horizontal distance traveled by the ball?

S = (1/2)*9.8 m/s^2 * 7^2 = 240.1 m if the ball is very dense so air resistance, and therefore terminal velocity, can be ignored.

S = v * t = 30 m/s * 7 s = 210 m for the horizontal distance, again assuming negligible air resistance.

Height above the ground is the ball after the ball has fallen for 1 second is 210 m.

What is speed?

The speed of an object is the magnitude of the change of its position over time or the magnitude of the change of its position per unit of time; it is thus a scalar quantity.

A ball rolls horizontally off the cliff at a speed of 30 m/s. It takes 7 seconds for the ball to hit the ground.

S = (1/2)*9.8 m/s² * 7² = 240.1 m if the ball is very dense so air resistance, and therefore terminal velocity, can be ignored.

S = v * t = 30 m/s * 7 s = 210 m for the horizontal distance, again assuming negligible air resistance.

Height above the ground is the ball after the ball has fallen for 1 second is 210 m.

To learn more about speed refer to the link:



help i dont know vfvvfvf



20 steps is his displacement

what is the difference between reproducibility and repeatability​



Repeatability is how much variability in the measurement system is caused by the measurement device. Reproducibility is how much variability in the measurement system is caused by differences between operators.

6. A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times fa
received sound thus becomes
O A. three times lower
O B. nine times lower.
O C. three times higher.
O D. nine times higher.


Answer: Answer is D


A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times as low.

A surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound. The intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times lower . Option(B) is correct.

What is intensity of sound?

The power of sound per unit area is used to define sound intensity. The measurement of sound intensity in the air is the typical context. The surface of the sound source also plays a role. The kinetic energy of the mass of air is produced by the source's and the vibrating surface's increasing amplitudes.

With the air's mass vibrating and with its average speed, this kinetic energy rises. The distance from the sound source affects how strongly the ear perceives a sound. The characteristics of the elastic medium between a sound source and the ear also affect intensity. The sounds are weakened by non-elastic materials like wool, felt, etc.

Mathematically: sound intensity = acoustic pressure/normal area to the direction of propagation.

So, when a surface receiving sound is moved from its original position to a position three times farther away from the source of the sound, its normal area becomes 9 times larger and intensity of the received sound thus becomes nine times lower .

Learn more about sound intensity here:



if an inelastic collision takes place, during the collision, what is conserved?



An inelastic collision is a collision in which there is a loss of kinetic energy. While momentum of the system is conserved in an inelastic collision, kinetic energy is not.



Imagine that you are holding a weight. Why is there more benefit if you lift the weight by bending at the elbow than if you swing your arm?


There is no resistance involved if you are swinging your arm.
There is very little motion if you are bending your arm at the elbow.
The weight is an unbalanced force that requires momentum to be moved.
Bending the arm creates a lever and more resistance than swinging the weight.




this is actually


6 points




What is the relationship between the distance from the Sun and the orbital period?




Kepler's third law - shows the relationship between the period of an objects orbit and the average distance that it is from the thing it orbits. This can be used (in its general form) for anything naturally orbiting around any other thing.

Formula: P2=ka3 where:

P = period of the orbit, measured in units of time

a = average distance of the object, measured in units of distance

k = constant, which has various values depending upon what the situation is, who P and a are measured.

This is the general form of the formula, so obviously you need at least two of the quantities to find the third. "k" is the trickiest thing since it depends upon the objects that are involved and how you measure "P" and "a". Since "P" can be measured in any unit of time (seconds, days, years, etc), and "a" can be measured in any unit of distance (meters, km, AU), the value of "k" can be quite diverse from one system to another.

There is a simplified version of this law: P2 = a3 where:

The object must be orbiting the Sun

P = period of the orbit in years

a = average distance of the object from the Sun in AU

This version is much more simple, since it has "k" = 1, so it is ignored when those units of measure are used.

10. Four forces act on a hot-air balloon, shown from
the side in the figure below. Find the magnitude and
direction of the resultant force on the balloon.
5120 N
1520 N
950 N
4050 N


The resultant of the four forces on the balloon is 1,212.35 N at 62⁰.

The given parameters;

Force applied to the north = 5120 NForce applied to the west = 1520 NForce applied to the east = 950 NForce applied to the south = 4050 N

The resultant vertical force is calculated as follows;

[tex]F_y = 5120 \ N - 4050 \ N\\\\F_y = 1,070 \ N[/tex]

The resultant horizontal force is calculated as follows;

[tex]F_x = 1520 \ N - \ 950 \ N\\\\F_x = 570 \ N[/tex]

The resultant of the four forces is calculated as follows;

[tex]F = \sqrt{F_y^2 + F_x^2} \\\\F = \sqrt{(1,070)^2 + (570)^2} \\\\F = 1,212.35 \ N[/tex]

The direction of the force is calculated as follows;

[tex]\theta = tan^{-1} (\frac{1070}{570} )\\\\\theta = 62^0[/tex]

Thus, the resultant of the four forces on the balloon is 1,212.35 N at 62⁰.

Learn more here:https://brainly.com/question/17042556

Describe the difference between uniform and non-uniform motion.

please put examples



this is only there definition



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