The story “Vivian’s Move” explores the theme that change can be both sad and exciting. Write a short paragraph in which you describe how Vivian is feeling about her move by the end of the story. Use details from the text to support your answer.


Answer 1

At the end of the story "Vivian's Move", the central character Vivian is feeling more adapted to moving from Boston to San Francisco, this is reflected by her thinking that San Francisco can be as wonderful as Boston.

Main idea of ​​the story

The author explores the feelings experienced by Vivian, a girl born and raised in Boston, who moves to San Francisco with her father, having to leave her old routine, habits and friends to adapt to life in a new city.

Therefore, in addition to Vivian's resistance, the author demonstrates in the last paragraph of the text that change can be positive, and Vivian begins to change her perspective on San Francisco and the new opportunities she will have to build a happy life like she had in Boston.

Find out more information about story here:

Related Questions

Read the passage below and use the information to answer the question that follows.

Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese navigator and sailor who sailed for Spain, was the first European to find a waterway between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and sail across the Pacific. He was the first person to lead a voyage completely around the world, proving that the Earth is round.

In September 1519, Magellan left from southwestern Spain in command of five ships and a crew of over 250. The expedition sailed across the Atlantic and down the eastern coast of South America. As they sailed, they explored large rivers looking for the waterway that would connect them to the Pacific. When cold weather and winter storms forced them to camp near the southern tip of the continent, Magellan had serious problems to contend with. One of his ships was destroyed while exploring the area. A group of sailors unhappy with the length and danger of the trip attempted to take control of the expedition and return to Spain. Magellan put down this mutiny attempt by force, beheading the leader and leaving other members of the mutiny behind when the expedition continued.

In October 1520, over a year after leaving Spain, they discovered the passage to the Pacific—a passage now called the Strait of Magellan. It took over a month to sail through the narrow, cold, stormy strait. During the passage through the strait one of Magellan’s ships deserted and returned to Spain. On November 28, the three remaining ships sailed out of the strait and into the ocean. Magellan named the ocean Pacifico (Pacific) which means peaceful because, compared to the tumultuous strait they had just been through, the ocean was amazingly calm.

Since no European had previously crossed the Pacific, Earth’s largest stretch of ocean, Magellan and his crew had no idea how big it was and how long it would be before they would again see land. As they sailed month after month, their situation became desperate. Much of the crew became sick from scurvy, a disease caused by lack of vitamin C. Food supplies were not adequate for such a long voyage and those who not killed by scurvy were reduced to eating rats, shoe leather, and sawdust to survive.

After over three months of sailing, Magellan’s expedition arrived in the islands now known as the Philippines. In the several weeks they stayed in the Philippines to recover Magellan and members of his crew became close to the islanders. Magellan converted some to Christianity. In April 1521 Magellan was killed while participating in a battle between rival groups on the island of Mactan.

Based on the passage above, what does circumnavigate mean?
pass over
sail around





circumnavigate combination of two words ,circum meaning around and navigate meaning to investigate

9. En el siguiente cuadro ,describe las dos clases de liberalismo que existieron en el pais. ' 1. 2.


El liberalismo es un movimiento político-social que se originó en la Ilustración del siglo XVIII, en el que la libertad es el pilar central de la organización política y social de las naciones.  

El liberalismo tiene como punto de partida la mayor libertad posible para el individuo siempre que no restrinja la libertad de los demás. Los liberales luchan por una sociedad en la que los ciudadanos disfruten de grandes libertades, como los derechos civiles que protegen al individuo y limitan el poder del estado y la iglesia.

El liberalismo también lucha por un mercado libre en el que el gobierno adopte una postura cautelosa. Otra punta de lanza del liberalismo es la separación de la iglesia y el estado (entre otras cosas como condición para la tolerancia religiosa).

El gobierno solo está obligado a ocuparse de aquellas áreas del gobierno que son imposibles de cuidar para el individuo, como las funciones públicas, las obras públicas y la defensa nacional.

Las dos corrientes principales del liberalismo que han tenido lugar en nuestro país han sido:  

el liberalismo clásico, que representa una mínima interferencia del gobierno; liberalismo conservador, que pende entre el liberalismo económico y el conservadurismo sociocultural.

Aprende más en

Mention the importance of constitution​


Answer: The Constitution is important because it protects individual freedom, and its fundamental principles govern the United States. The Constitution places the government's power in the hands of the citizens. It limits the power of the government and establishes a system of checks and balances.

It specify how the government will be constituted how will have power to take decision. It lay down limits on the power of the government. It can tell us what the rights of the citizens are. It Express the aspirations of the people about creating a good society.

The executive, the legislature and the judiciary are the main organs of the government that the constitution establishes. These three are the source of stability of any country, and without them, the only thing that will rise is terror and corruption among the masses.

What does this weather map symbol represent, and what is its meaning? A) Moving front: the area between two air masses where is constantly in motion

B) Stationary front: the boundary between two air masses where no air is moving
C) Cold front: the leading edge of a cold air mass is pushing against a warm air mass

D) Warm front: the leading edge of a warm air mass is pushing in to replace a cold air mass



I'm pretty sure it's d bc it's for sure a warm front

Answer:yes this is a warmfront

Explanation:i looked it up

Before lean manufacturing innovations, Japan mostly sold consumer electronics to the United States. How did lean manufacturing innovations alter Japan’s comparative advantage vis-à-vis the United States?



Thus, lean manufacturing technology helped to improve the comparative advantage position of Japan vis-a vis United States.


Lean manufacturing innovations in Japan have helped to improve efficiency in the production process in the country and thus have helped to reduce the time required for operations. This has reduced the opportunity cost of production in Japan and increased its comparative advantage in the goods for which lean manufacturing was used.

This helped to increase the range of commodities that Japan exported to the United States due to improvement in the manufacturing technology. Thus, this helped to improve the overall terms of trade in the country and also increased gains from trade.

ano ang kahulugan ng hominid



A hominid is a member of the family Hominidae, the great apes: orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees and humans. A hominine is a member of the subfamily Homininae: gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans (excludes orangutans). A hominin is a member of the tribe Hominini: chimpanzees and humans.


What are the common characteristics of the North Central
Plains Region?


I don’t know….. probably moderate temperature

which of the following definition best describes the age of exploration​


The so-called age of exploration was a period from the early 15th century and continuing into the early 17th century,during which European ships were traveld around the world to search for new trading routes and partners to feed burgeoning capitalism in Europe.(hope this helps)

Culture is _________ a factor in world conflict. A) always B) seldom C) often D) occasionally. Giving out 20 points!





Why A:

In society and history, people always use culture in world disputes whereas it plays a central or influential role. There is always a cultural component, whether it holds our identities or our genuine thoughts.

What type of logical fallacy does this statement represent.
13% of unvaccinated people claim being vaccinated caused infertility


The Narrative fallacy or The Hasty generalization fallacy

Who was the vice president of the Confederate States



Alexander Hamilton Stephens,

g The famous detective Percule Hoirot was called in to solve a baffling murder mystery. He determined the following facts: (a) Lord Hazelton, the murdered man, was killed by a blow on the head with a brass candlestick. (b) Either Lady Hazelton or a maid, Sara, was in the dining room at the time of the murder. (c) If the cook was in the kitchen at the time of the murder, then the butler killed Lord Hazelton with a fatal dose of strychnine. (d) If Lady Hazelton was in the dining room at the time of the murder, then the chauffeur killed Lord Hazelton. (e) If the cook was not in the kitchen at the time of the murder, then Sara was not in the dining room when the murder was committed. (f) If Sara was in the dining room at the time the murder was committed, then the wine steward killed Lord Hazelton.


The chauffeur killed Lord Hazelton

This case can be solved from the facts discovered by Detective Percule Hoirot. The first fact to keep in mind is that:

Lord Hazelton was killed by a blow on the head with a brass candlestick.

From this, it can be inferred that fact C. is not true because he did not die from a fatal dose of strychnine. In addition, it can be concluded that at the time of the murder in cook was not in the kitchen.

If the cook was not in the kitchen at the time of the murder, that means Sara was not in the dining room at the time of the murder (fact E). So it can be concluded that it was Lady Hazelton who was in the dining room.

If Lady Hazelton was in the dining room at the time of the murder, the one who killed Lord Hazelton was the chauffeur (Fact D)

According to the above, the one who killed Lord Hazelton was the chauffeur.

Note: This question is incomplete because the question is missing. Here is the question.

Who murdered Lord Hazelton?

Learn more in:

where was the route of the triangular trade? ​


Britain to West Africa

Ships travelled to the Atlantic to the West Indies – this leg of the voyage was called the 'Middle Passage'.

read more:'Triangular%20Trade'%20was%20the,Britain%2C%20bound%20for%20West%20Africa.&text=The%20slaves%20were%20marched%20to,in%20prisons%20called%20'factories'.

The _______________________ self of an individual is made up of flesh, blood, bones and organs.





hope it helps you out

what are my motivations,my goals, my values



That you should know if you want help just ask yourself that are your goals you motivation and your values

Help im so confused !!



can't help you there but I can tell you that it might be either the third or the second one

I ain’t no expert but I’d say the second one as the others have no evidence in the passage

In order for the American government to have legitimacy, it must have
the consent of the governed to rule.
the fear of the people it governs.
support of the national media. D) approval from a monarch


Answer: A the consent of the governed to rule

Explanation: just took it on USA test prep sadly

Two statements are given in the question below as Assertion (A) and Reason (R).  Read the statements and choose the appropriate option.

Assertion (A): Igneous rocks are also referred to as primary rocks.
Reason(R): These rocks are formed by solidification of lava and magma.

(1 Point)

A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A

B. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A

C. A is true but R is false

D. A is false but R is true



B.) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A


The correct explanation of (A) is:

Igneous rocks are known as primary rocks because they were the first ones to be formed in the rock cycle and do not contain any organic remains. 

Evaluate Canada as an example of either an individualist or collectivist society.​



I can't properly read it


What is the bond of flour?



Flour is a covalent bond

Flour is a covalent bond.

What is the historical background of Jean Jacques Rousseau ? What is the current state of affairs?



1. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, (born June 28, 1712, Geneva, Switzerland—died July 2, 1778, Ermenonville, France), Swiss-born philosopher, writer, and political theorist whose treatises and novels inspired the leaders of the French Revolution and the Romantic generation.

2. The state of affairs is the combination of circumstances applying within a society or group at a particular time. The current state of affairs may be considered acceptable by many observers, but not necessarily by all. The state of affairs may present a challenge, or be complicated, or contain a conflict of interest.


Think about the debate and which claims were more clearly supported by reasons and evidence. Evaluate in a three paragraph
essay (4-5 sentences each).
Which candidate do you think proposed a more compelling argument about inflation? Support your daim with specific data
presented by the candidates. Be sure to mention at least one counterpoint, and refute this point with evidence.



think the more compelling argument winner has to go to Jimmy Carter. Lots of facts stated, not just opinions and assumptions. For example; when he stated written facts from the CPI that his plan to bring inflation down has worked for him during is presidency.

With that being said I have to give credit where credit is due, Ronald Regan definitely had some powerful comebacks. Like for when he was showing that his governing in the state of California has worked in the past so why would it not work while running the country.


*not my answer*

marcelovarelaquintan- owner of this answer

Why would the southern plantation owners view abolition as an assault on their way of life???
How did the economic success of the south led to the need for major reforms (like abolition)?
Help please





Action and reaction forces are described by which of Newton’s laws of motion?
first, second,third,fourth


Action and reactions forces are described by Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion

The law states that, “Each action has an equal and opposite reaction”

which is the most important level of law according to aquinas?

A: Divine
B: Eternal
C: Human
D: Natural



C. Human


Thomas Aquinas, for example, identifies the rational nature of human beings as that which defines moral law: “the rule and measure of human acts is the reason, which is the first principle of human acts

Discuss the importance of individual differences in learners​



Thus, individual differences are important because they're associated with students' particular needs. These needs are related to learning pace, cognitive styles, and motivation levels, which teachers must take into account in the teaching and learning processes.

the future was open as the land what does that mean what is the simile in that​



the future was open as the land


it means the future has lots of opportunities because it has yet to be lived

Formas de contrato gestión de talento humano?




Plantilla de contrato de gestión del talento

Plantilla de contrato de gestión del talento - Plantilla de contrato de gestión del talento,

what is descrimination​



Hey! I got you.


Discrimination* is the judgement on people in our society based off of gender, race, sexuality, appearance, religious beliefs, and many more. Discrimination can go hand in hand with racism, homophobia, etc. Hope this helped!

3. In 2006, the Secretary of State added additional groups to automatically qualify as refugee-status.
Which countries/groups qualify?



Afghans who do not meet the minimum time-in-service for a SIV but who work or worked as employees of contractors, locally-employed staff, interpreters/translators for the U.S. Government, United States Forces Afghanistan (USFOR-A), International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), or Resolute Support;

Afghans who work or worked for a U.S. government-funded program or project in Afghanistan supported through a U.S. government grant or cooperative agreement;

Afghans who are or were employed in Afghanistan by a U.S.-based media organization or non-governmental organization.


Hope this helps! :D

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