The period during which people primarily made and used tools from stone, bone, and ivory was known as the _______. In the Formative Period, _______ included central Mexico to Panama, including much of modern-day Central America. The _______ people were known for their monumental stone sculptures, valuing shamanism, and organizing their society in chiefdoms. In many cultures in the Americas, the top of a/an _______ was flat so that important buildings could be placed on top. The crop that was grown in all areas of the Americas was _______. The Chaco Anasazi built _______ that were often five stories high with 600 or more rooms, allowing all members of the community to live and work within them. In the _______ system, a ruler was expected to build his own palace to show that he had earned all of his own wealth. The _______ system was an important method for organizing society based on kinship for both the Incan civilization and the Moche who developed the system. Respond to the following based on your reading. Compare and contrast the central features of Andean societies. Explain how religion helped cultures in the Americas expand their influence. Choose 2–3 cultures to focus on


Answer 1


(sorry I do not know if this answer will help you)

The period during which people primarily made and used tools from stone, bone, and ivory was known as the Paleolithic period.

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It could be argued that whites in the united states became more accepting of civil rights of african americans by the 1960s because.


Answer:  As Africans fought for freedom, some whites would understand and join their fight for freedom


Discuss the canonization of the old Testament. ​


Canonization of the Old Testament
Canonization is the process by which the books of the Bible were discovered as authoritative. Men did not canonize Scripture; men simply recognized the authority of the books that God inspired. The foundation of the Old Testament (and the entire Bible) is the Pentateuch.

2. Which characteristic or factor would most likely unite people as a country?



Well for a country to unite they need many things some include a form of Government, Laws, Jobs, A leader or some type of president, and a military unit of some kind


Which of the following would complete the chart above? (CIVICS QUESTION

Court Order

Sign the Bill

Writ of Certiorari

Pocket Veto


Pocket Veto would complete the chart above as this legislation gives the president or another veto-wielding official the ability to block it.

What is Pocket Veto?

A pocket veto is a legal tactic that enables a president or other official with the authority to veto legislation to use that authority by remaining silent, thus killing the legislation without actually vetoing it.

Depending on the legal framework in each nation, a bill may automatically become a law if the president does nothing when a chief executive vetoes a piece of legislation by failing to take action within a certain amount of time after the legislature has adjourned.

In the US, a measure automatically becomes law if the president does not sign it within 10 days of Congress passing it. Nevertheless, if the 10-day time comes to an end and the president does not sign the measure.

Learn more about Pocket Veto, here


Which of the following best paraphrases these lines from the first section, or Preamble of
the Declaration:
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the
political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the
powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of
nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they
should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Sometimes, people need to leave one political group and join another, equal political
group. It is their duty to explain why they are leaving.
Sometimes, people need to leave one band to join another. It is respectful to let the
fans know why.
It is necessary for one to follow the laws of nature and God. It's decent to share your
opinions about this with others.
We are all equal in the eyes of nature and God. It's required that we should share the
causes we may not be see this way.


When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another.

What is the Declaration of independence?

The 13 British colonies in North America were freed from Great Britain by the Declaration of Independence, a historical document. On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress ratified it. It explained why, with the votes of 12 colonies, the Congress had resolved on July 2 that "these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be Free and Independent States" (with New York abstaining).

Because of this, even though the Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, which has traditionally been celebrated as the primary national holiday in the United States and is recognised as Independence Day, the actual separation was voted on legally on July 2.

to learn more about Declaration of Independence click:


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