the animals change the farm from manor farm to animal farm. why is this important? what does changing name do for ideas, behaviors, power, etc..? give examples in the real world?


Answer 1


It's signifying a change in values and in leadership. Countries change their names after revolutions, civil wars, and changes in the economic systems.


This is also important towards the end of the book when the pigs change the name back to manor farm, as it signifies that they are now more like mr jones.

Related Questions

Today's word: "GUARD"

1. I responded ........ to his offer to work together as I had heard he did not always finish his projects on time.

2. The child must be supervised by a parent or ........ at all times in the play area.

3. The security firm left the building it wasn't seen as being at risk.



It's the second one

The child must be supervised by a parent or guard at all times in the play area.

How/why does the DNA separate? Discuss porosity

or pores, electricity, DNA's charge & size of DNA

pieces. Highlight each term.



Gel electrophoresis is a technique used to separate DNA fragments (or other macromolecules, such as RNA and proteins) based on their size and charge. Electrophoresis involves running a current through a gel containing the molecules of interest. Based on their size and charge, the molecules will travel through the gel in different directions or at different speeds, allowing them to be separated from one another.

All DNA molecules have the same amount of charge per mass. Because of this, gel electrophoresis of DNA fragments separates them based on size only. Using electrophoresis, we can see how many different DNA fragments are present in a sample and how large they are relative to one another. We can also determine the absolute size of a piece of DNA by examining it next to a standard "yardstick" made up of DNA fragments of known sizes.

What is a gel?

As the name suggests, gel electrophoresis involves a gel: a slab of Jello-like material. Gels for DNA separation are often made out of a polysaccharide called agarose, which comes as dry, powdered flakes. When the agarose is heated in a buffer (water with some salts in it) and allowed to cool, it will form a solid, slightly squishy gel. At the molecular level, the gel is a matrix of agarose molecules that are held together by hydrogen bonds and form tiny pores.

At one end, the gel has pocket-like indentations called wells, which are where the DNA samples will be placed:

Before the DNA samples are added, the gel must be placed in a gel box. One end of the box is hooked to a positive electrode, while the other end is hooked to a negative electrode. The main body of the box, where the gel is placed, is filled with a salt-containing buffer solution that can conduct current. Although you may not be able to see in the image above (thanks to my amazing artistic skills), the buffer fills the gel box to a level where it just barely covers the gel.

The end of the gel with the wells is positioned towards the negative electrode. The end without wells (towards which the DNA fragments will migrate) is positioned towards the positive electrode.

How do DNA fragments move through the gel?

Once the gel is in the box, each of the DNA samples we want to examine (for instance, each PCR reaction or each restriction-digested plasmid) is carefully transferred into one of the wells. One well is reserved for a DNA ladder, a standard reference that contains DNA fragments of known lengths. Commercial DNA ladders come in different size ranges, so we would want to pick one with good "coverage" of the size range of our expected fragments.

Next, the power to the gel box is turned on, and current begins to flow through the gel. The DNA molecules have a negative charge because of the phosphate groups in their sugar-phosphate backbone, so they start moving through the matrix of the gel towards the positive pole. When the power is turned on and current is passing through the gel, the gel is said to be running. [What voltage is used to run a gel?]

DNA samples are loaded into wells at negative electrode end of gel.

Power is turned on and DNA fragments migrate through gel (towards the positive electrode).

After the gel has run, the fragments are separated by size. The largest fragments are near the top of the gel (negative electrode, where they began), and the smallest fragments are near the bottom (positive electrode).

DNA samples are loaded into wells at negative electrode end of gel.

Power is turned on and DNA fragments migrate through gel (towards the positive electrode).

After the gel has run, the fragments are separated by size. The largest fragments are near the top of the gel (negative electrode, where they began), and the smallest fragments are near the bottom (positive electrode).

Based on similar diagram in Reece et al.^2  



As the gel runs, shorter pieces of DNA will travel through the pores of the gel matrix faster than longer ones. After the gel has run for awhile, the shortest pieces of DNA will be close to the positive end of the gel, while the longest pieces of DNA will remain near the wells. Very short pieces of DNA may have run right off the end of the gel if we left it on for too long (something I've most definitely been guilty of!).

Visualizing the DNA fragments

Once the fragments have been separated, we can examine the gel and see what sizes of bands are found on it. When a gel is stained with a DNA-binding dye and placed under UV light, the DNA fragments will glow, allowing us to see the DNA present at different locations along the length of the gel.


Hope this helps! :D

2. She .....
a book every night



B - reads. She reads a book every night.

Read the following selection about the study of microrobots.

The new study is a _proof of concept_type, which means that it shows something can be done successfully, even if it’s only on a small scale.

What does the author MOST LIKELY want the reader to think about microrobots based on this selection?

Not enough scientists are interested in further study of microrobots.

The microrobots are effective at cleaning the ocean, but they are much too expensive.

More work is needed to understand how the microrobots break down plastic.

More research is needed before microrobots can be used widely to clean up plastics in the ocean.


When we read passages we should be able to make inferences. In this excerpt from the article, "Tiny swimming robots may help clean up a microplastics mess,"  the author MOST LIKELY wants the reader to think that;

More research is needed before microrobots can be used widely to clean up plastics in the ocean.

Immediately following this sentence, the scientist Pumera said that there are different types of thermoplastics which the current robots may not be able to degrade.

In the excerpt, the scientist explains that something can be done to improve the abilities of these robots even if it is on a small scale.

This shows that more research is still ongoing on the subject because the robots can not do so much yet.

Learn more here:

Select the correct answer.

Which animal and action does the constellation Ursa Major represent according to the Seneca of New York?

OA. six hunters chasing a giant caribou

B. five hunters pursuing two horses


six hunters pursuing a huge bear

OD. five hunters pursuing a giant hippopotamus


A. Six hunters chasing a giant caribou

Which quote supports the theme of neglect?A.“A certain troublesome block of building thrust forward its gable onthe street.”B.“It was two stories high; showed no window, nothing but a door onthe lower story.”C.“Tramps slouched in the doorway and struck matches on the panels;children kept shop upon the steps.”D.“For close on a generation, no one had appeared to drive away theserandom visitors or to repair their ravages.”






9. Your driver's license is at risk of being canceled if you:
O A. Lied on the license application.
O B. Are caught driving under the influence
O C. Cause an accident that injures another person.
O D. Have more than three traffic violations in one year.



Reasons for Suspension or Revocation

Failing to appear at a court proceeding for another traffic offense; Failing to possess auto insurance for a vehicle; Failing to pay traffic tickets or another traffic related fine; or. Engaging in reckless driving, such as grossly excessive speeding.Explanation:

Helppppo meeeeeeewee



1:will 2: am going to


read to find the good answers =)

[tex]▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪  {\huge\mathfrak{Answer}}▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪[/tex]

Question #1

That box looks heavy. The bellboy will carry it for you

Question #2

I am going to visit The Louvre next June with my friends

How does exaggeration create meaning in this cartoon?
O The small flamingo and fish show the insignificance of
O Many of the animals in the cartoon are covered in oil,
showing the extent of the oil spill.
O The water is bright, showing that our effect on the
environment is not as bad as seems.
O The enormous footprint shows the extensive damage
of the oil spill to the environment.


The cartoon's use of exaggeration to convey meaning is The huge footprint demonstrates the tremendous environmental harm caused by the oil spill. So, the correct option is D.

What does the exaggeration show?

The act of representing something as more severe or dramatic than it actually is is known as exaggeration. Exaggeration can happen on purpose or accidentally. Exaggeration can be used as a figure of speech or rhetorical device. It could be used to arouse strong emotions or make a powerful impression.

The utilization of a huge footprint to demonstrate the effects of the oil spill was an exaggeration. The fact the spill's footprint was so large demonstrated the extent of the damage caused by the oil spill. The exaggeration used in the comic to express meaning is the enormous footprint serves as evidence of the oil spill's severe environmental damage.

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Learn more about exaggeration, here:


in practical research compare and contrast qualitative variables and quantitative variables​


Both qualitative variables and quantitative variables present important data for the research. However, qualitative variables do not allow an order between these data, while quantitative variables allow these data to be presented with numerical values.

Although you did not submit the survey this question refers to, we can reach the answer above because:

Qualitative variables present data, without the presence of numbers.These data cannot be measured and are related to visual observations, or subjective analysis, through questions, opinions, presence of characteristics, among others.Quantitative variables present numerous, well-defined and measurable data.They propose data with specific values, which are obtained through measurement.In this case, these values ​​can be used in statistical systems, calculations, graphs, and other information.

Both variables are important in a research because of the degree of information they provide in different needs and situations.

More information:

which subject is better math or ELA





When I'm in ELA, I'm usually on some typing website instead of doing what I should be doing. My ELA teacher likes to target me when it comes to projects and pop quizzes. I think he's noticing that I have potential in his class but I don't put effort into anything. Probably why he's targetting me. On the other hand, my AP calculus teacher is amazing. Barely any homework or tests, 10/10.

guess my age will ya.........​


I’m guessing 59 years old


i guessed 40


on the story the tyger by william blake . due in 30 minutes help



the creator responsible for such a fearsome creature as the tiger.

Identify and correct the mistakes in the sentences below.
1. The consequences that he must face is the result of poor time management.
2. If she has been on time to class, she would not have had to get a HERO pass.
3. What would you do if you was an English teacher?
4. Koala bears are not bears, they are marsupials and very unique.
5. Jessica had a wonderful idea, she would order food to be delivered so that she did not
have to go into the grocery story.


1. The consequences that he must face ARE the result of poor time management. (“consequences” is plural so “is” would be “are”)

2. If she HAD been on time to class, she would not have had to get a Hero pass. (“had” is used later in the sentence, so the first “has” would match and be “had”)

3. What would you do if you WERE an English teacher? (“were” follows you, not “was”)

4. Koala bears are not bears; they are marsupials and very unique. (these independent clauses can be split with a semicolon or period)

5. Jessica had a wonderful idea; she would order food to be delivered so that she WOULD not have to go into the grocery store. (again, these independent clauses can be split with a semicolon or period, and “would” would fit better than “did”)

I hope this was helpful!

see here, brother morris you have no hurt yourself and you try to take the heart out of others it will be an ill day for you when your own name comes on our agenda paper. elaborate these lines with reference to the themes and characters you have presented​



why shouldn't Columbus day be celebrated?


The argument for not celebrating it is that he severely mistreated natives and brought lots of diseases. Personally think that he should be brought up in schools for the really great discoveries he made. But I don’t think we should have an entire Colombus Day

Benzetme içeren kısa şiirle



i dont know


i dont know the answer

Can anyone help here ?





there's no conflict in this answer because there's nothing Alaina has to face. Alaina just is relaxing.

the conflicts for the other answers

A) The young boy has to figure out to survive

C) The characters have to hide their romance

D) Jamal has to make sure he keeps his job

let me know if you have any questions!

Help! Help! Help!

Answer it correctly!​



1. a

2. d






1. A) a

2. B) an

3. Could either be A) a or D) these

4. D) a

5. C) an

please help mè to this
Science ​



you can make a vase with plastic bottle


procedure: step 1 : take any plastic bottle

step 2 : cut half of the plastic bottle

step 3 : paint it with any colour you like

step 4 : make any design painting in the plastic bottle

step 5 : put fake or real followers in that

this is the answer i know if it's a bad

procedure then sorry ^-^

The statement below could be a claim for the essay topic “Should the U.S. government spend money on exploring space?”
By spending money on space exploration, the U.S. government can potentially keep the world safe from unknown dangers.



Yes I believe the U.S should spend money on space because you never know what's going to happen and we waste money on a lot of things.


How do i know whats the numer of the paragraph in this article this is confusing



I can only see two.



count each paragraph from begining to end


Help me please tqqqq​






In "Water Never Hurt a Man" how does the little boy character, John, change from the beginning of the story to the end of the story. Make sure to answer in your own words as well as provide quotes to prove your ideas. Include quotes using quote sandwiches!


John is portrayed as an easily scared child at the beginning. Throughout the narrative of the cold, stormy night, John is always frightened of each stroke of lightning, bolts, and thunders. There are some passages from the text that show this character of George’s son: “At each stroke of lightning his small back stiffened. It was his first year on the canal and he was afraid of storms at night.”/ “…when lightning split the darkness he shut his eyes tight and pulled his head closer into his coat collar, waiting blindly for the thunder.”

Walter D. Edmonds in "Water Never Hurt a Man" shows that a boy can grow up over time.  John changes from a fearful boy to a courageous man, able to confront bullies and overcome challenges.

Before his transformation, John was afraid of everything.  He cracks because of the noise of the thunder.  Lightning during a stormy night forces him to take cover as "... his back stiffened." Sometimes, John "...shut his eyes" in anticipation of thunder.

However, John soon got used to the lightning and the thunder, dark and stormy nights, bullying from other boys, and other boyhood challenges.  John was eventually initiated into manhood to show that "Watter Never Hurt a Man."  He has overcome his boyhood fears and can now square up to manly challenges.

Thus, growing up in life may present initial challenges and fears.  A man should learn to overcome obstacles.  Obstacles are stepping stones for growth.

Read more about Walter D. Edmonds' "Water Never Hurt a Man" at

help plss I from spain​



1. today, my english teacher gives us homework.

2. i never go to school sundays.

3. we have science every tuesdays.

4. my friend is quite late for school.

5. i certainly will go out with my friends on saturdays


write a two- to three-paragraph article that explains what lincoln and douglas each believed about slavery. make sure to set the scene for your readers by describing the atmosphere of the debates.



Does your editorial include the following?

Lincoln’s belief that slavery should not be allowed to spread

Lincoln’s belief that slavery went against the founding principles of the nation

Douglas’s belief that states should decide for themselves about slavery

both men’s belief that blacks could never be equal to whites



Does your editorial include the following?

Lincoln’s belief that slavery should not be allowed to spread

Lincoln’s belief that slavery went against the founding principles of the nation

Douglas’s belief that states should decide for themselves about slavery

both men’s belief that blacks could never be equal to whites


What is a key theme in the night face up


the theme of the story is that dreams really do come true... and dreams can become your reality. thats exactly what happened in this story. the protagonist is trying to run away from the ugly truth and his "dream" is actually his "reality". and his "reality" is actually his "dream".

what is the error in "We'd like to extend a warm welcome to our new principle, Dr. Murray!"



Its principal instead of principle


when was the term forensics added to the dictionary




Although the term "forensics" has been used in the legal system for decades, it wasn't until the late 20th century that it was formally introduced to the dictionary. The phrase was initially used to describe court processes around the beginning of the 17th century.

It didn't start to be utilised more frequently in the judicial system, though, until the middle of the 19th century. When the Oxford English lexicon's second edition was released in 1978, the term "forensics" was formally introduced to the lexicon.

Forensics was described in this dictionary as "the application of scientific methods and techniques to the investigation and establishment of facts in criminal or civil courts of law." Since then, the phrase has gained extensive usage in the legal system.

Learn more about forensics   at:


Look at the sentence below. If they are using formal diction rewrite them using informal diction. If they are informal rewrite them using formal diction.

1.)Hey,kid. Nice to meet ya. What’s up?
2.) Why didn’t you eat dinner?
3.) I regret to inform you that that is not the case.



1. Hello. It's nice to meet you. How are you doing?

2. Why are you not eating dinner?

3. Hey, that's not the case!


1 and 2 were informal so i switched them to formal, 3 was formal so it was switched to informal

Other Questions
Which event in a story is most likely the falling action?A. Detective Ramirez gathers clues to solve the case.B. Detective Ramirez receives a medal from the mayor for solving thecase.C. Detective Ramirez hears about a big bank heist.D. Detective Ramirez, at long last, cracks the case. No links plsss :() what is one way that businesses can improve the labor productivity of their workforce through human capital?A) by hiring more worker B) by purchasing new and faster equipment C) by hiring fewer workersD) by offering coverage for mental health graph the linear function. j(x)=-1/3x+5 solve for X. -3 + 6 = 2x - 24a: -30 b: -6 c: 6 d: 30 Two butt joints are tacked together. One has a 1/16 root opening and the other has a 1/8 root opening. Which root opening is larger: 1/16 or 1/8? h(x)=17, x=?H(x)=5x+2I don't know how to find x? Pat/present of mental health equation for $.10 times 30 equals three dollars Does anybody knows where Cocomelon was produced? Please tell the address of where was it produced.... If you tell me the address with proof.. you will get brainliest :DIt is very easy.. just tell the address :) and boom... 20 points is yoursThe more info.. The higher chances of getting brainliest :DIf you have lots of info to share... I beg you to answer this for me.. If you do.. I will send you lots of point, a thanks, and brainliest.Warning: If you just want to steal points.. As an ace member, I will WARN you to stop the non-sense of stealing points :) Which statement best describes why setting the context is important in a narrative essay?A. The context is the only part of the essay that can grab the reader's attention.B. If the context is set properly, a writer does not have to include details in the rest of the narrative essay.C. Setting the context encourages the reader to guess what is going on.D. Setting the context helps the reader understand the time, location, and place of the event. Which two elements are methods of indirect characteristics Can anyone help me with this question? please :) please help!!! due tmrw and I don't understand it :( ASAP PLZ Melissa is driving on the highway at the legal speed of 65 mi/h. She notices there is an accident ahead approximately 200 feet away. Her reaction time is 0.75 of a second. Is she far enough away to bring the car to a safe and complete stop? *Round your answers to 2 places after the decimal! 1 Reaction distance = 2 Breaking distance = 3 Total Stopping Distance = 4 yes or no Where is the water source you would need to filter water? Document C: Henry Adams Statement Do you trust the account of life in the South from this document? Is the source reliable? Why or why not? A person has parents with high cholesterol. How will this impact the person's risk of developing a blood disease?A. The person will have a higher risk for atherosclerosis regardless of his current or past lifestyle choicesB. The person will not have a higher risk for atherosclerosis if he has a healthy diet and exercises oftenC. The person will have a higher risk for chronically low blood pressure regardless of his current or past lifestyle choicesD. The person will not have a higher risk for chronically low blood pressure if he has a healthy diet and exercises often A color image is made up of red green and blue color combinations 8 bits are used to represent each of the color components how many possible variations of red are there? During a certain period of time, the speedometer of a car reads a constant60 km/h. Does this indicate a constant speed? A constant velocity? What size resistor would produce a current flow of 5 Amps with a battery voltage of 12.6 volts