Story:James Madison: The Forgotten Founder
by Mark Dziak, Newsletter Editor, Orange County History Club

Compare how the author feels about James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. Include how the author's geographic location or background may have influenced his perspective. Use details from the article to support your response.

In your response, be sure to
* Explain how James Madison and Thomas Jefferson were alike and different
*Explain how the comparison supports the author's perspective on each man's legacy
*Use TWO details from the article to support you response


Answer 1

By Mark Dziak, James Madison: The Forgotten Founder. 1 The United States' presidents have significantly influenced American history in numerous ways.

What is credited to James Madison?

The Federalist Papers, co-written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, who served as America's fourth president from 1809 to 1817, significantly aided in the passage of the Constitution. He was referred to as the "Father of the Constitution" in later years.

What part did James Madison play in the US Revolution?

Madison participated in politics during the American Revolution. Although he was appointed leader of the Orange County militia, his ill health prevented him from serving in the military. He served on the Orange County Committee of Safety with his father in 1775 and was a representative at the The 1776 Virginia Constitutional Convention.

To know more about James Madison visit:-


Answer 2

Story: James Madison: The Forgotten Founder By Mark Dziak, James Madison: The Forgotten Founder. 1 The United States' presidents have significantly influenced American history in numerous ways.

What is credited to James Madison?

The Federalist Papers, co-written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, who served as America's fourth president from 1809 to 1817, significantly aided in the passage of the Constitution. He was referred to as the "Father of the Constitution" in later years. Madison participated in politics during the American Revolution. Although he was appointed leader of the Orange County militia, his ill health prevented him from serving in the military.

He served on the Orange County Committee of Safety with his father in 1775 and was a representative at the The 1776 Virginia Constitutional Convention.

To know more about James Madison visit:-


Related Questions

What does the white space between these two stanzas emphasize? the great distance the bird has come the dangers of the bird’s journey how long the bird practices its singing how far away the parrot’s room is


The white space between the two stanzas emphasizes the great distance the bird has come. The bird has traveled a long way to reach the parrot's room, and the white space serves to emphasize the passage of time and the effort it took for the bird to make the journey.

Read the excerpt from Act I, scene i of Romeo and
Which lines from the excerpt support the inference that
Romeo is emotionally conflicted? Select 3 options.
Romeo: Alas! that love, whose view is muffled still,
Should, without eyes, see pathways to his will.
Should, without eyes, see pathways to his will.
Yet tell me not, for have heard all.
O heavy lightness! serious vanity!
Where shall we dine? O me! What fray was here?
Yet tell me not, for have heard it all
U Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms!
Here's much to do with hate, but more with love:
Why then, O brawling love! O loving hate!
of Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health!
O any thing! of nothing first create.
Dost thou not laugh?
heavy lightness! serious vanity!
Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms!
Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health!
lark this and return
Save and Exit


The lines that support the inference about Romeo being emotionally conflicted are the ones below, in which he uses paradoxical ideas:

O heavy lightness! serious vanity!Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms!Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health!

What is an inference?

We call inference the conclusion we may reach after analyzing the information we possess. After reading the passage, it is possible to reach an inference about Romeo - that he is emotionally conflicted. We can infer so by observing how uses paradoxical ideas together. For instance, a feather conveys a sense of lightness whereas lead conveys a sense of heaviness.

With that in mind, we believe we have chosen the three correct answers above.

Learn more about inference here:


C. Unscramble the following words to make a complete sentence. 1. one-to-way transport people 2 the transportation are there is life make- easier od doubt that different-of-types-very-for-essential-they-life-make-easier​


"There is no doubt that different types of transportation are very essential for making people's lives easier, and one-way transport is one of them."

What is transportation?

Expression in speech refers to the way a speaker conveys their thoughts, emotions, and ideas through their voice, tone, pitch, and other vocal cues. It refers to the nonverbal aspects of communication that add meaning to the words being spoken

In this sentence, the speaker is stating that various forms of transportation play a crucial role in making people's lives easier. They mention "one-way transport" as an example of one of the forms of transportation that helps in this regard.

Therefore, The speaker believes that transportation is essential for people to go about their daily lives with ease. The use of the phrase "there is no doubt" emphasizes the speaker's confidence in this statement.

Learn more about transportation from


New Netherland is not yet developed. What evidence from the passage best supports this evidence?


We can see here that the evidence from the passage that best supports this evidence is: A. “He could smell the sewage and rot of a country that wasn’t under any kind of proper rule and regulation.”

What is evidence in literature?

In literature, evidence refers to the information, facts, or support that is used to establish the validity of a claim or argument. Evidence can take various forms in literature, including quotes from the text, character behavior, plot events, and descriptions of settings or themes.

Evidence in literature can come from a wide range of sources, including historical events, personal experiences, scientific studies, or other works of literature. The use of evidence helps to establish the author's authority on a particular subject and to build a convincing argument or story.

The complete question is below:

New Netherland is not yet developed. What evidence from the passage best supports this evidence?

A. “He could smell the sewage and rot of a country that wasn’t under any kind of proper rule and regulation.”

B. “Others back home had spoken of America as a land full of promise, rich with green fields.”

C. “There were rumors of people already living in the new land. Back home they called them savages...”

D. “No matter, he thought. He knew William Kieft’s reputation and his ability to whip people into shape.”

Learn more about evidence on


How to write Literacy Narrative


Answer: Ways of Organizing a Literacy Narrative

Introduce the story.

Describe the setting and people.

Tell about what happened.

Say how the story was resolved.

Say something about the significance.


Answer: A literacy narrative is a type of personal essay that reflects on your experiences with reading and writing. It often highlights the challenges you faced and how you overcame them, as well as the important moments and events that shaped your relationship with literacy. Here is a guide on how to write a literacy narrative:

Identify the theme: Think about your experiences with reading and writing and what you want to focus on in your narrative. Some common themes include learning to read, learning a new language, or overcoming a difficulty with writing.

Choose a starting point: Decide where you want to begin your story. It could be a specific moment or event that was significant to your literacy journey, or it could be a more general overview of your background and how you came to love or struggle with reading and writing.

Develop your story: Use descriptive language and sensory details to bring your story to life. Reflect on your emotions and thoughts during different moments in your literacy journey, and use dialogue and scenes to make the story more engaging.

Consider the tone: The tone of your literacy narrative will depend on the theme you've chosen and your own personality and writing style. It could be serious and reflective, lighthearted and humorous, or a mixture of both.

Add context: Provide some context for your story by discussing the historical, cultural, and social background that influenced your experiences with literacy.

Reflect on the meaning: At the end of your narrative, reflect on what your experiences with reading and writing mean to you. Consider the lessons you learned, the challenges you faced, and how your relationship with literacy has changed over time.

Revise and edit: Once you have a draft of your literacy narrative, revise and edit it to make sure it is well-structured, clearly written, and engaging. Get feedback from others if possible, and make any necessary revisions to improve your narrative.

By following these steps, you can write a compelling literacy narrative that reflects your unique experiences and highlights the importance of literacy in your life.


Ignore the pre-writing space.
Please make it as scary and dark as you possibly can and one page long please.
Thank you


Answer: kids these days the way they act make the perfect prey for you. You trudge along, forcing yourself to transform into a human, yet you've been asleep for centuries and you forget how to transform. You find a child looking lost. You become friends with them and devour them. Finally, you are a human. Not for long... You must find someone soon. Ah! to your surprise you find a group of kids and sneak up on them taking their souls. You've enough souls to remain human for a while. Now your job is to find exactly what you master's looking for. After a long quest you finally rest in a cave with your friends from the underworld. Aye. Rest was just what you needed after a long day of stealing and trapping souls. You emerge from the darkness and continue to hunt. All you want is the reward of pleasing your master. Master calls you and says "Good Job my fellow servant you are now ranked higher up. Keep trapping and stealing and your pay shall be fair."

Whom does Herodotus consider to be the first "barbarian" (i.e. non-Greek) to force Greeks into paying him tribute?


Croesus, king of Lydia, does Herodotus consider to be the first "barbarian" (i.e. non-Greek) to force Greeks into paying him tribute.

What does Herodotus say about Cyrus?

In fact, Herodotus only refers to one specific border of this "Imperium," the Halys River, which also served to separate upper from lower Asia. Cyrus had become emperor of this empire and hence the ruler of upper Asia after his triumph over Astyages.

Here, 4,000 people from the Peloponnese once engaged in battle with three million. They are all covered by the inscription, but the Spartans have their own: Go inform the Spartans that we are lying here in submission to their orders, foreigner.

Thus, Croesus, king of Lydia.

For more information about Herodotus say about Cyrus, click here


Why does Juror 9 get angry with Juror 10?


Answer:Juror 9 recognizes that his comments are extreme and frightening.


What does “ ‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogroves, and the mome raths outgrabe.” mean?


Consider Carroll’s use of (invented) words in this stanza. What are ‘toves’, and why are they ‘slithy’? What does ‘slithiness’ (is that a word?) look or feel like? The same with ‘mimsy’. Noam Chomsky’s ground-breaking work in linguisticssurrounding children’s ability to acquire a linguistic ‘grammar’ demonstrated that even if we don’t know the meaning of a word, we can often deduce what kind of word it is: i.e. we know ‘mimsy’ is an adjective, or describing-word, even though we don’t fully know what ‘mimsiness’ is.Carroll is using both ‘slithy’ and ‘mimsy’ as portmanteau words: slithy, for example, is a blend of slimy + lithe, while mimsy suggests miserable + flimsy. Another term for a portmanteau word is, in fact, a blend, and some linguists prefer to use the word blend. But the term ‘portmanteau’ came about because, after Alice has encountered the poem ‘Jabberwocky’ in Through the Looking-Glass, and puzzled over the meaning of these unfamiliar words, she meets Humpty Dumpty, who tells her, when she quotes the above stanza:‘That’s enough to begin with,’ Humpty Dumpty interrupted: ‘there are plenty of hard words there. “Brillig” means four o’clock in the afternoon — the time when you begin broiling things for dinner.’‘That’ll do very well,’ said Alice: ‘and “slithy”?’‘Well, “slithy” means “lithe and slimy”. “Lithe” is the same as “active”. You see it’s like a portmanteau — there are two meanings packed up into one word.’A portmanteau was, in Victorian times, a case or bag for carrying clothing while travelling; the word is from the French meaning literally ‘carry the cloak’.So, as well as being a fine piece of imaginative literature, ‘Jabberwocky’ also demonstrates a central principle of language: what linguists call productivityor open-endedness, namely the phenomenon whereby users of a language can endlessly create new words or phrases. As Noam Chomsky’s theory of a Universal Grammar shows, users of a language demonstrate an innate linguistic creativity from a young age, and this is how children are able to pick up a new language relatively quickly: they learn not simply by acquiring knowledge, but by using an in-built talent for spotting how words are put together to form meaningful utterances. If something is both lithe and slimy, why not combine the two words – both their sounds and their meanings – to create slithy?


"‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogroves, and the mome raths outgrabe." is a verse from the poem "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll, which appears in his famous novel "Through the Looking-Glass." The verse is known for its use of nonsensical words, which creates a whimsical and absurd atmosphere.

The verse does not have a clear meaning, as the words used are invented and do not have a conventional definition. Carroll was known for his playfulness with language, and the verse is an example of his imaginative and imaginative use of words to create a fantastical world.

Overall, the verse can be seen as a celebration of language and the creative potential of words, rather than as a straightforward statement or description. Its purpose is to evoke a feeling of playfulness and whimsy, rather than to convey a specific meaning or message.

example of adoption child and they biogical parent


Answer: An example of an adoption scenario involving a child and their biological parent could be as follows:

A young woman named Sarah becomes pregnant but realizes that she is unable to provide the care and support her child needs. She decides to put the child up for adoption and chooses a loving couple, John and Jane, to be the child's adoptive parents.

Sarah and the adoptive parents work together with an adoption agency to ensure that the adoption is handled legally and ethically. They agree that Sarah will have some contact with the child, but that the child will be raised by John and Jane as their own.

As the child grows up, they are raised in a loving and stable home with John and Jane. Sarah is able to visit and maintain a relationship with the child, but John and Jane are responsible for making decisions about the child's upbringing and future.

Years later, the child becomes curious about their biological heritage and decides to seek out Sarah. They are able to build a relationship with her and learn about their biological family. Despite this new connection, the child still considers John and Jane to be their true parents and the adoptive family remains strong.

In this example, the biological parent and the adoptive parents are able to coexist and provide the child with a loving and supportive environment. The adoption allows the child to have a bright future and provides Sarah with peace of mind knowing that her child is being raised by a loving family.


What is the significance of Soraya feeling the need to tell the truth about her past? What does it say about the double-standard they discuss in this chapter? What does this say about her character vs. Amir? (6-8 well-developed sentences to respond).


In "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini, Soraya's decision to reveal the truth about her past speaks to the pressure and shame that she faced as a result of cultural double-standards and expectations.

How to convey the information

The fact that she felt the need to confess her past experiences highlights the gender-based discrimination and unequal treatment of women in traditional Afghan society. This double-standard is evident in the shame and judgment that Soraya faced due to her past experiences, while her husband, Rahim Khan, faced little to no such condemnation despite engaging in similar activities.

Furthermore, Soraya's openness and honesty in sharing her story demonstrate her strength and bravery in the face of societal judgment. Her decision to speak out also shows her independence and refusal to be defined by the cultural norms and expectations placed upon her. On the other hand, Amir's tendency to hide the truth about his past and the events in Afghanistan suggests a lack of character and cowardice in the face of personal accountability.

In conclusion, Soraya's confession highlights the oppressive double-standards faced by women in Afghan society, as well as her own bravery and character in the face of societal pressure.

Learn more about Kite Runner on:


what is the setting of the wind and the boy by Bessie head​




The setting of the story is Ga-Sefete-Molemo ward. I'm not sure if that's a fictional or real place in Botswana.

thank you.

Explain the contradictory feelings that nick has towards gatsby in Chapter 4 of the Great Gatsby


Nick initially assumed Gatsby was impolite and that he believed himself to be superior to everyone else since he refused to interact with the guests at his party.

What conflicting emotions does Nick have for Gatsby?

Tone Nick has conflicting and ambiguous feelings about Gatsby and his tale. But, he also romanticizes and admires Gatsby, portraying the events of the novel in an elegiac and nostalgic tone. He occasionally seems to disapprove of Gatsby's excesses and breaches of manners and ethics.

What does Nick think about Gatsby?

Nick admires Gatsby greatly and is particularly smitten with him. He recognizes Gatsby's exceptional capacity for optimism as well as his romantic fantasy of falling in love with Daisy in a perfect world.

To know more about Gatsby visit:-



Read the excerpt from Act II, Scene ii of Julius Caesar and answer the question that follows.

Methinks there is much reason in his sayings.
If thou consider rightly of the matter,
Caesar has had great wrong:
Has he, masters?
I fear there will a worse come in his place.
Mark'd ye his words? He would not take the crown;
Therefore tis certain he was not ambitious.
If it be found so, some will dear abide it.
Poor soull his eyes are red as fire with weeping.
There's not a nobler man in Rome than Antony.
Now mark him, he begins again to speak.
But yesterday the word of Caesar might
Have stood against the world; now lies he there.
And none so poor to do him reverence.
O masters, if I were disposed to stir
Your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage,
I should do Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong.
Who, you all know, are honourable men:
I will not do them wrong: I rather choose
To wrong the dead, to wrong myself and you,
Than I will wrong such honourable men.
But here's a parchment with the seal of Caesar,
I found it in his closet, tis his will:
Let but the commons hear this testament-
Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read-
And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds
And dip their napkins in his sacred blood,
Yea, beg a hair of him for memory,
And, dying, mention it within their wills,
Bequeathing it as a rich legacy
Unto their issue.
We'll hear the will read it, Mark Antony
The will the will We will hear Caesar's will
Have patience, gentle friends, I must not read it
It is not meet you know how Caesar loved you.
You are not wood, you are not stones, but men;
And, being men, bearing the will of Caesar,
It will inflame you, it will make you mad:
Tis good you know not that you are his heirs;
For, if you should, O, what would come of it

In a well-written paragraph of 5-7 sentences:

Identify two rhetorical appeals (ethos, kairos, logos, or pathos) used by Antony, the appeal types may be the same or different

Evaluate the effectiveness of both appeals [in both of the Anthony paragraphs]

Support your response with evidence of each appeal from the text.


Two rhetorical appeals used by Antony are pathos and logos. Pathos, or the appeal to emotions, was employed in this passage from the text: Gentle friends, please be patient, and I cannot read it.

What are rhetorical appeals?

A rhetorical appeal in literature can be summed up as the characteristics that make an argument truly convincing. A writer must appeal to the reader in a number of ways in order to produce a compelling argument.

In this excerpt. Kairos was used: But yesterday the word of Caesar might/Have stood against the world; now lies he there. And none so poor to do him reverence.

Therefore, Antony employs the rhetorical devices of pathos and logos.

To learn more about rhetorical appeals, refer to the link:


The green belt was given to Gawain by
O King Arthur
O The knights at Camelot
O Merlin
O The Green Knight's wife


The green belt was given to Gawain by King Arthur.

Who is King Arthur?

King Arthur is a mythical British person best recognised for serving as the main protagonist in the Arthurian tale. The story goes that King Arthur ruled a court of knights known as the Round Table and was a brave and righteous king. According to legend, he was the son of King Uther Pendragon and was brought up by Sir Hector, Duke of Cornwall. The search for the Holy Grail, a legendary chalice with healing properties, made King Arthur renowned. He is particularly renowned for his conflicts with the Saxons, who at the time were invading Britain, as well as for his romance with Queen Guinevere and friendship with Sir Lancelot. King Arthur is a major character in mediaeval literature and has been the focus of many stories, poems, plays, and books. He is still one of the most well-known and lasting figures in British folklore today, and he keeps inspiring new pieces of literature and art.

To learn more about the King Arthur from the given link

The green belt was given to Gawain byO King ArthurO The knights at CamelotO MerlinO The Green Knight's wife

What strategy did the head teacher use to coordinate with Marco's family members and how well did they appear to work


He used the WIN chart method covid 19

how participating in physical activities during the transition period can benefit you physical​



regular activity can improve your quality of life

ulie immediately jumped --------- the pool but it was too cold for me to swim there.


You can use {into} ……

Read the excepot from "If-" by Rudyard Kipling.
If you can dream-and not make dreams your master,
If you can think-and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
How do the capital letters affect the meaning of the
O They emphasize experiences that everyone faces.
O They suggest that challenges can ruin even the
best-laid plans.
O They highlight the shared abilities of successful
They contrast sincerity and dishonesty.


The way the capital letters affect the meaning of the poem is A. They emphasize experiences that everyone faces.

What is the poem about?

The poet, Rudyard Kipling talks about overcoming several challenges and obstacles in life that can hold someone down and he uses capital letters to highlight "Triumph and Disaster"

This capitalization is used to highlight the life experiences that are universal and which everybody must go through.

Read more about poems here:

If one of the two nation at war defines justice as might and the other defines justice as defending sovereignty, what kind of disagreement are they engaged in and why? As a member of the mediating team seeking to bring peace, do you think a stipulative definition is helpful? Justify your answer. Your response should be between 500 to 600 word


We can see here that the two nations at war are engaged in a fundamental disagreement about the nature of justice. The first nation defines justice as might, meaning that the stronger nation has the right to impose its will on the weaker nation. The second nation defines justice as defending sovereignty, meaning that each nation has the right to self-determination and the defense of its territory and people.

What is justice?

In the legal context, justice refers to the fair and impartial administration of the law, where all individuals are entitled to equal protection and due process. This includes the enforcement of laws and the punishment of those who violate them, as well as the protection of individual rights and freedoms.

These two nations are engaged in a substantive disagreement, which is a disagreement about the meaning and content of an idea, in this case, the idea of justice. The disagreement is substantive because it involves conflicting values and interests, and it is unlikely that one side will be able to convince the other to change its position.

As a member of the mediating team seeking to bring peace, a stipulative definition may not be helpful in this situation. A stipulative definition is a definition that is created or adopted for a specific purpose, and it may not be widely accepted or recognized by the parties in the conflict.

Learn more about justice on


Brain is making tacos for a party. The number of tacos he makes will be determind by how many people attend the party. What is the independent variable and dependent variable


The independent variable is the party.

The dependent variable is the number of tacos Brian will make.

The independent variable is the cause.

Why is Brian making tacos? Brian is making tacos for a party.

The dependent variable is the effect.

What is the effect of the number of people that will be attending the party? The effect will be of how many tacos Brian will make.


The independent variable causes an effect on the dependent variable.

I apologize if this is wrong. I hope you have a lovely day/night! :)

You can organize your descriptive essay by senses.


You can organize your descriptive essay by senses. The statement is true.

What is a descriptive essay?

A work of English literature known as an essay provides a thorough analysis of both the advantages and disadvantages of a certain subject. In a descriptive essay, the student is asked to describe a specific object.

In order to arrange your thoughts and experience the world based on the details offered, descriptive writing typically appeals to the five senses. This helps in doing detailed analysis and evaluation of any subject.

It produces published material that is clear and comprehensive and in which the organization, progression, and expression are appropriate for the task, goal, and recipient.

Learn more about a descriptive essay, here:


The complete question is Probably

You can organize your descriptive essay by senses. State True or False.

Your account statement arrived. You had a balance of -$52.79. After the $307.74 deposit from Roland's Bookstore, what is your new account balance?Your account statement arrived. You had a balance of -$52.79. After the $307.74 deposit from Roland's Bookstore, what is your new account balance


Your new account balance would be $254.95 ($307.74 - $52.79).

What is an account balance?

An account is a record of financial activities involving a certain entity, such a person, company, or organisation. It details how money is made, spent, borrowed, or lent, and it keeps track of how much money comes in and goes out of an account over time. Keeping track of costs, managing budgets, and maintaining records for tax or legal purposes are just a few of the many uses for accounts. Bank accounts, credit card accounts, investment accounts, and corporate accounting records are a few examples of typical account kinds.

A financial account's balance is how much money is currently stored there, whether it be a bank account, credit card account, or investment account. It stands for the difference between the entire amount of money that has been invested or placed into the account and the total amount of money that has been withdrawn or utilised. A positive account balance shows that funds are available, whereas a negative balance shows that the account holder owes money.

To learn more about an account balance from the given link

Your account statement arrived. You had a balance of -$52.79. After the $307.74 deposit from Roland's Bookstore, what is your new account balance?Your account statement arrived. You had a balance of -$52.79. After the $307.74 deposit from Roland's Bookstore, what is your new account balance

What does this quote mean? “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” - John Wooden



We all have some limitations in what we can do.


Answer: The quote "Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do" by John Wooden means that individuals should not let their limitations or inability to do certain things prevent them from focusing on and accomplishing the things that they are capable of doing. It encourages people to not let their limitations or negative thoughts about their abilities stand in the way of their potential and to instead focus on their strengths and the things they can do. The quote is a reminder that everyone has different skills and abilities, and that it is important to focus on what one can do rather than dwelling on what they cannot. By doing so, they can achieve their goals and be productive in their own way.


What is the meaning of "made it impossible to contemplate an Eastern fleet"?


The phrase "made it impossible to contemplate an Eastern fleet" likely refers to a situation in which the formation of an Eastern fleet, or a naval force in the eastern part of the world, has become unfeasible or unrealistic.

What is  Eastern fleet"?

"Eastern fleet" typically refers to a naval fleet or task force that is based in or operates in the eastern part of the world.

Therefore, This might be due to various reasons such as political, economic, logistical, or military obstacles that make it difficult or impossible to create and sustain a fleet in the region. Without more context, it is difficult to determine the exact nature of these obstacles or the context in which the phrase was used.

Learn more about fleet from


Rita took beautiful photographs in the picnic (into passive voice)



In the picnic, Rita took beautiful photographs.


When writing in passive voice you put the subject in the beginning of the sentence.

As an arbitrator, he felt that being. And requiring. Evidence from all participants was proper procedure in dealing with conflicting accounts.

fill in the dots


The most natural way to finish the thought is as "As an arbitrator, he felt that being methodical and requiring corroborating evidence from all participants was a proper procedure in dealing with conflicting accounts".

This sentence requires law-related jargon. The question mentions an arbitrator who needs specific evidence. The incomplete sentence indicates that we will need a positive adjective to describe the arbiter since the position requires particular attributes.

To discuss the facts, we need a positive adjective to build a legal term or phrase. Methodical arbitrators do things right. Corroborating evidence supports other evidence. As an arbitrator, he believed being systematic and requiring confirming evidence from all parties was the best way to resolve conflicting claims.

To know more about an arbitrator:


The right way of asking the question is:

As an arbitrator, he felt that being....and requiring ......evidence from all participants was a proper procedure in dealing with conflicting accounts

Fill in the dots.

Whats the correct answer answer asap for brainlist


C. The device of allusion, which occurs several times in the text and supports the theme. Allusion is a literary device used to make references to famous people, places or events that can help readers better understand the theme of the story. In this excerpt, the amphitheater is used as an allusion to justice, suggesting that crime is punished and virtue rewarded by an impartial and incorruptible chance.

Read the excerpt from Ovid's "Pyramus and Thisbe"
Which statement best describes how the order of events
Pyramus had left
creates tension?
a little later than his Thisbe had,
• Because Pyramus does not see the beast, readers
and he could see what surely were the tracks
fear confrontation.
of a wild beast left clearly on deep dust.
not see the beast, he
His face grew ashen. And when he had found
° Because Pyramus gges
believes he is lost.
the bloodstained shawl, he cried: "Now this same night
will see two lovers lose their lives: she was
O Because Pyramus is late, he misunderstands
Thisbe's situation.
the one more worthy of long life: it's I
who bear the guilt for this.
• Because Pyramus is late, readers question his
lark this and return
Save and Exit


Because Pyramus is late, he misunderstands Thisbe's situation. the one more worthy of long life: it's I who bear the guilt for this statement best describes how the order of events Pyramus had left creates tension. The correct option is C.

What is Ovid's main theme in Pyramus and Thisbe?

Pyramus and Thisbe are two people who adore each other and would do anything to be together, but fate has conspired against them. In this case, it is the fact that their parents despise each other. Another recurring theme at work is that not everything is as it appears.

Pyramus and Thisbe were neighbors from childhood in Babylonia. They grew up playing together and eventually fell in love. Because their families were hostile to one another, Pyramus and Thisbe's love remained a secret.

Learn more about Pyramus and Thisbe here:


Your Question Seems incomplete most probably your complete question was:

Read the excerpt from Ovid’s "Pyramus and Thisbe".

Pyramus had left

a little later than his Thisbe had,

and he could see what surely were the tracks

of a wild beast left clearly on deep dust.

His face grew ashen. And when he had found

the bloodstained shawl, he cried: "Now this same night

will see two lovers lose their lives: she was

the one more worthy of long life: it's I

who bear the guilt for this.

Which statement best describes how the order of events creates tension?

Because Pyramus does not see the beast, readers fear confrontation.

Because Pyramus does not see the beast, he believes he is lost.

Because Pyramus is late, he misunderstands Thisbe’s situation.

Because Pyramus is late, readers question his devotion.

After the mother has seen the child, she collapsed passive voice​


The child was seen by the mother, and after that, she collapsed passive voice

Passive voice

Passive voice is a grammatical construction where the object of an action becomes the subject of the sentence, and the person or thing performing the action is either omitted or placed after the verb using the preposition "by". In passive voice, the focus is on the object being acted upon rather than the person or thing performing the action. For example, "The ball was thrown by the boy" is a sentence in passive voice, whereas "The boy threw the ball" is the same sentence in active voice. Passive voice is often used in formal or academic writing, but it can also be overused, leading to confusion or wordiness.


After the mother has seen the child, she collapsed  -Active voice

The child was seen by the mother, and after that, she collapsed- passive


The child was seen by the mother, and after that, she collapsed" is actually in passive voice, because the subject ("child") receives the action of being seen, and the performer of the action ("mother") is placed after the verb using the preposition "by"

Learn more on Passive voice here:


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