Scientists believe the Earth's inner core to be solid. This is probably due to extremes in:







Answer 1

Anything that is put under a large amount of pressure becomes compact because it is squished together

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Hi! ❤️ i need some help here thank you! ill give brainliest if able to.

Which Liquid, A or B, would float on top of the other if the two liquids were put in the same container?

Liquid A = 8 g/ml

Liquid B = 3 g/ml



liquid B


because of the density of liquid A being 8, liquid B being 3 would be less dense

when an ion has a positive charged what has the highest value of this ion ?

is it





and why?



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Chapter 2 Minerals

2.1 Electrons, Protons, Neutrons, and Atoms

All matter, including mineral crystals, is made up of atoms, and all atoms are made up of three main particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. As summarized in Table 2.1, protons are positively charged, neutrons are uncharged and electrons are negatively charged. The negative charge of one electron balances the positive charge of one proton. Both protons and neutrons have a mass of 1, while electrons have almost no mass.

Table 2.1 Charges and masses of the particles within atoms

Elementary Particle Charge Mass

Proton +1 1

Neutron 0 1

Electron −1 ~0

The element hydrogen has the simplest atoms, each with just one proton and one electron. The proton forms the nucleus, while the electron orbits around it. All other elements have neutrons as well as protons in their nucleus, such as helium, which is depicted in Figure 2.2. The positively charged protons tend to repel each other, and the neutrons help to hold the nucleus together. The number of protons is the atomic number, and the number of protons plus neutrons is the atomic mass. For hydrogen, the atomic mass is 1 because there is one proton and no neutrons. For helium, it is 4: two protons and two neutrons.

For most of the 16 lightest elements (up to oxygen) the number of neutrons is equal to the number of protons. For most of the remaining elements, there are more neutrons than protons, because extra neutrons are needed to keep the nucleus together by overcoming the mutual repulsion of the increasing numbers of protons concentrated in a very small space. For example, silicon has 14 protons and 14 neutrons. Its atomic number is 14 and its atomic mass is 28. The most common isotope of uranium has 92 protons and 146 neutrons. Its atomic number is 92 and its atomic mass is 238 (92 + 146).

helium atom

Figure 2.2 A depiction of a helium atom.

The dot in the middle is the nucleus, and the surrounding cloud represents where the two electrons might be at any time. The darker the shade, the more likely that an electron will be there. An angstrom (Å) is 10-10m . A femtometre (fm) is 10-15m. In other words, a helium atom’s electron cloud is about 100,000 times bigger than its nucleus.

Electrons orbiting around the nucleus of an atom are arranged in shells — also known as “energy levels.” The first shell can hold only two electrons, while the next shell holds up to eight electrons. Subsequent shells can hold more electrons, but the outermost shell of any atom holds no more than eight electrons. The electrons in the outermost shell play an important role in bonding between atoms. Elements that have a full outer shell are inert in that they do not react with other elements to form compounds. They all appear in the far-right column of the periodic table: helium, neon, argon, etc. For elements that do not have a full outer shell, the outermost electrons can interact with the outermost electrons of nearby atoms to create chemical bonds. The electron shell configurations for 29 of the first 36 elements are listed in Table 2.2.

Balance the following equation:
C2H5NH2(g) + O2(g) →
CO2(g) + H2O(g) + N2(g)



4C2H5NH2(g) + 15O2(g) →  8CO2(g) + 14H2O(g) + 2N2(g)


The balanced chemical equation  for the given chemical reaction is 4 C₂H₅NH₂(g) + 15 O₂(g) →  8 CO₂(g) + 14 H₂O(g) + 2 N₂(g).

What is chemical equation?

Chemical equation is a symbolic representation of a chemical reaction which is written in the form of symbols and chemical formulas.The reactants are present on the left hand side while the products are present on the right hand side.

A plus sign is present between reactants and products if they are more than one in any case and an arrow is present pointing towards the product side which indicates the direction of the reaction .There are coefficients present next to the chemical symbols and formulas .

The first chemical equation was put forth by Jean Beguin in 1615.By making use of chemical equations the direction of reaction ,state of reactants and products can be stated. In the chemical equations even the temperature to be maintained and catalyst can be mentioned.

Learn more about chemical equation,here:


C12H22O11 is an example of a(n):
ionic compound
empirical compound
molecular compound
salt compound



molecular compound


it has two or more nonmetal elements and are covalently bonded

The substance chlorine monoxide, ClO(g), is important in atmospheric processes that lead to the depletion of the ozone layer. The ClO molecule has an experimental dipole moment of 1.24 D and the Cl−O bond length is 1.60 Å.

Part A: Determine the magnitude of the charges on the Cl and O atoms in units of the electronic charge, e.

Part B: Based on the electronegativities of the elements, which atom would you expect to have a partial negative charge in the ClO molecule?
Atom O or Atom Cl

Part C: Using formal charges as a guide, propose the dominant Lewis structure for the molecule. (Draw a diagram)

Part D: The anion ClO− exists. What is the formal charge on the Cl for the best Lewis structure for ClO−?


A) The magnitude of the charges on CI and O atoms are : +0.16e and -0.16e  respectively

B)  Atom O will have a partial negative charge on the CIO molecule

C) Attached below

D) The formal charge on Cl is +3

A) Determine magnitude of charges on CI and O

Magnitude of charge = dipole moment / bond length --- ( 1 )

where : dipole moment = 1.24 D * [tex](\frac{3.34*10^{-30} C m}{1 D} )[/tex]

             Bond length = 1.60 A° * [tex]( \frac{10^{-10} m}{A^{0} } )[/tex]  

∴  Magnitude of charge = 2.56 * 10⁻²⁰ C

Note : Charge of an electron = 1.602 * 10⁻¹⁹ C

Therefore the magnitude of charges on CI and O atoms is

2.56 * 10⁻²⁰ C * [tex]\frac{1e}{1.602*10^{-19} }[/tex]  = 0.16 e


charge on CI = +0.16e

charge on O = -0.16e

Hence we can conclude that A) The magnitude of the charges on CI and O atoms are : +0.16e and -0.16e  respectively and Atom O will have a partial negative charge on the CIO molecule also The formal charge on Cl is +3

Learn more about CIO :

The following reaction represented oxidation of organic matter (CH2O) using nitrate ions.
If G° = -118.7Kj/mol at 25°C, calculate E°CELL and the equilibrium constant for this
14 CH20 + 1/5 NO3 +1/5 H
= CO2 + 1/10 N2 +7/20 H2O


sorry but i don't know again sorry!

You have a gas sample of carbon dioxide at 298 K. If the pressure is 0.827 atm what is the pressure in mmhg



628.520 mmHg


1 atm = 760 mmHg

[tex](760 \div 1) \times 0.827[/tex]

The pressure of 0.827 atm in mmHg is 628.52 mmHg

Pressure has various units of measurement such as atmosphere (atm), pascal, mmHg, Newton per square metre (N/m²) etc. These units can be converted from one to the other.

Considering the question given above, we can convert 0.827 atm to mmHg as illustrated below:

1 atm = 760 mmHg


0.827 atm = 0.827 × 760

0.827 atm = 628.52 mmHg

Thus, 0.827 atm is equivalent to 628.52 mmHg

Learn more:

How many significant figures are in the following number? 3,000.0 x 10⁴ grams



5 significant figures.


The decimal place makes the zeros significant.

what is kinetic enegry


Kinetic energy → the kinetic energy of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion

For an example ↓

3. A light bulb containing argon gas is switched on,
and after 30 minutes its temperature is 418 K
What Celsius temperature is equal to 418 K?



The assumption is quite reasonable.........

A lightbulb contains Ar gas at a temperature of 295K and at a pressure of 75kPa. The light bulb is switched on, and after 30 minutes its temperature is 418 K. What is a numerical setup for calculating the pressure of the gas inside the light bulb at 418K?











given constant


, and constant


, conditions that certainly obtain with a fixed volume light bulb.

And so


























Had the light bulb been sealed at normal pressure during its manufacture, what do you think might occur when it is operated?

The theory of spontaneous generation states that *

A. Even though higher level organisms cannot be created from inanimate objects, it is possible for microorganisms

B. Living organism can be created from nonliving matter

C. Life is created by other living things

D. Only living humans can create other living creatures



B. Living organism can be created from nonliving matter


The theory of spontaneous generation states that life could come from non-living things.


what is the difference between an element and an isotope



An isotope is one of two or more forms of the same chemical element. Different isotopes of an element have the same number of protons in the nucleus, giving them the same atomic number, but a different number of neutrons giving each elemental isotope a different atomic weight.


I hope you have a nice day and please mark me(:

Answer: Elements are simply what you see on the periodic table. E.g. carbon, oxygen, hydrogen etc. Isotopes are elements with different masses. ... So isotopes have the same amount of protons but with different amounts of neutrons.

Explanation: plz mark brainliest!

Which tool should Darla and Rob use to measure the force that pulls a car down the map



C. A Spring Scale


Using process of elimination, we can quickly decide that a stopwatch and a ruler will not be useful in measuring the force. This leaves us with either the spring scale or a balance scale. A balance scale is used to compare two weights, so this is eliminated. That leaves us with a spring scale. This is because we can attached the spring scale to the car and when we let it go, we can record the force. I hope this helps!

Look at screen shot.



If the cell was a city, what would the city have inside it for it to function as a cell?


The cell membrane can be a fence or wall around the city because it controls what enters and leaves the cell, and separates the cell from the outside.

The nucleus could be the city hall because it  protects DNA and controls the cell (city)

The mitochondria could be the greenhouse because it makes ATP energy from sugar + 02

The chloroplasts could be a farm or garden because it is where photosynthesis takes place and makes energy + sugar from sunlight

The ribosomes could be the factory to make stuff because it makes proteins

The endoplasmic reticulum could be a kitchen or restaurant because it helps finish proteins, and makes membranes.

The golgi apparatus could be the postal office because it finishes packages and ships proteins

The vacuoles could be a water tank because it storages water

I hope this helps. It is basically as if something was turning into a city-type thing. Like Lysosome could be a recycling center in a city.

How many Joules are there in 3301 calories? (1 cal = 4.18 J)


The answer to this question is (13811384) Joules.


13798.18 J


3301 cal * 4.18 J/1 cal = 13798.18

Recall that (1 cal = 4.18 J)

The diameter of Mercury is 4,878,000 meters.
Type your answer..



The diameter of a mercury atom is 151 pm and the diameter of the planet Mercury is 4,879.4 km.

There are 300 light particles in an airtight container. Which adjustment would increase the speed of the particles?

A. keeping the volume constant and replacing the light particles with heavy particles

B. keeping the pressure constant and increasing the temperature

C. keeping the volume constant and cooling the container

D. keeping the temperature constant and increasing the container volume


There are 300 light particles in an airtight container. The adjustment that would increase the speed of the particle is keeping the pressure constant and increasing the temperature. Option B is correct.

The speed of a particle is the distance traveled by one molecule of a substance. Particles travel as a result of the kinetic energy they possess.

The kinetic energy attributed to each particle rises as the temperature rises.

As a result, in 300 light particles, the particles will travel more quickly when the temperature is increased while the pressure of the particle remains constant.

Therefore, we can conclude that the adjustment that would increase the speed of the particles is keeping the pressure constant and increasing the temperature.

Learn more about particles here:

Using one or more of your senses to gather information is called
c predicting
b inferring
d classifiying



using one or more of your senses is Observing

Calculate the osmolarity of a 1.15% (m/v) KBr solution.



1) Convert percent (m/V) to molarity

percent (m/V)=1.15 grams/100ml=1.15 g/0.1L=11.5g/L

molarity of KBr=mol/L=g/L *(1mol/molecular weight of KBr)=(11.5g/L) * (1mol/119.0g/mol)=0.0966 mol/L=0.0966M

2) calculation of osmol from mol

In solution, KBr dissociates into two ions K+ and Br- so there are 2 osmol of KBr per mol

3) calculation of osmolarity=molarity*2=0.0966*2=0.193 Osm or Osmolar


brainliest would be appreciated.

multiple answers, Ion formed by Oxygen?



Explanation:The formation of the oxide ion, O


(g), from oxygen atom requires first an exothermic and then an

endothermic step as shown below:

















Thus, process of formation of O


 in gas phase is unfavourable even though O


 is isoelectronic with neon. It is due to the fact that:

How many grams of NaBr must he measure out to have 4.20 moles?


Answer: 432 grams

Explanation:NaBr must he measure out to have 4.20 moles.

If Bromine has a charge of 1-, how many electrons does it have?





The atomic number for bromine is 35, which means it has 35 protons in its atomic nuclei. A neutral bromine atom would also have 35 electrons. In order for a bromine atom to become a


bromide ion, it would have to gain an additional electron.

please answer this correctly​



5: tomato and vinegar

6: air

1. Rank each of the following in order of INCREASING atomic radius
a F, K, Br
b. Mg. Na, Cs
c. Os, Ni, Fe

2. Rank each of the following in order of DECREASING atomic radius

A. CI, Br, Ga
B. Ne, Rn, Pb
C. Ca, Rb, C


1 a. F , Br , k
b. Mg , Na , Cs
c. Ni , Fe , Os
Explanation: down the group , atomic radius increases . And across the group , atomic radius decreases . REFER PERIODIC TABLE TO SEE WHERE THE ELEMENTS ARE SITUATED

2 a. Ga , Br , Cl
b. Pb , Rn , Ne
c. Rb , Ca , C

Explanation: down the group , atomic radius increases . And across the group , atomic radius decreases . REFER PERIODIC TABLE TO SEE WHERE THE ELEMENTS ARE SITUATED

2567 milliliters to liters





To change milliliters into liters you divide by 1000

So when you divide 2567 by 1000 you get 2.567

About 2.57 liters (rounded)

Which location in the diagram above is the Northern Hemisphere experiencing winter?

Location A

Location B

Location C

Location D



location b



Location D


is true answer

TRUE OR FALSE:The basic atom has a neutral charge.


true because I already foresighted a whole lot of things that I was not able to




When an atom has an equal number of electrons and protons, it has an equal number of negative electric charges (the electrons) and positive electric charges (the protons). The total electric charge of the atom is therefore zero and the atom is said to be neutral.


How many grams of O2 are present in 44.1 L of O2 at STP?
a.10.0 g
b.16.0 g
c.32.0 g
d.410.0 g
e. 63.0 g


Taking into accoun the STP conditions and the ideal gas law, the correct answer is option e. 63 grams of O₂ are present in 44.1 L of O2 at STP.

First of all, the STP conditions refer to the standard temperature and pressure, where the values ​​used are: pressure at 1 atmosphere and temperature at 0°C. These values ​​are reference values ​​for gases.

On the other side, the pressure, P, the temperature, T, and the volume, V, of an ideal gas, are related by a simple formula called the ideal gas law:  

P×V = n×R×T


P is the gas pressure.V is the volume that occupies.T is its temperature.R is the ideal gas constant. The universal constant of ideal gases R has the same value for all gaseous substances.n is the number of moles of the gas.

Then, in this case:

P= 1 atmV= 44.1 Ln= ?R= 0.082 [tex]\frac{atmL}{molK}[/tex]T= 0°C =273 K

Replacing in the expression for the ideal gas law:

1 atm× 44.1 L= n× 0.082 [tex]\frac{atmL}{molK}[/tex]× 273 K


[tex]n=\frac{1 atm x44.1 L}{0.082\frac{atmL}{molK}x273K}[/tex]

n=1.97 moles

Being the molar mass of O₂, that is, the mass of one mole of the compound, 32 g/mole, the amount of mass that 1.97 moles contains can be calculated as:

[tex]1.97 molesx\frac{32 g}{1 mole}[/tex]= 63.04 g ≈ 63 g

Finally, the correct answer is option e. 63 grams of O₂ are present in 44.1 L of O2 at STP.

Learn more about the ideal gas law:

In 1988, three gray whales were trapped in Arctic ice. Television crews captured the frantic attempts of hundreds of people to save the whales. Eventually, a Soviet icebreaker and U.S. National Guard helicopters arrived to help free the whales. The cost of the rescue mission exceeded $5 million.

i. Write a scientific question related to the whale story.
ii. Write a nonscientific question related to the whale story.


The scientific question related to the whale story is how were the whale's rescued? The non-scientific question related to the whale story is what was the need for spending such large amount of money?

What is a scientific question?

It is a one where an investigation can be designed and can be approached to completion in order to find out an answer.This can be done without doing different investigations.

It should have valuable information and should have the potential that it can be answered by direct observations.It should always lead to a hypothesis.

A scientific question must have the following characteristics:

It must have an  objective and should be testable.It should focus on an independent variable and a dependent variable.It should be feasible and coherent.  

Whereas, characteristics of a non -scientific question is that they are broad,and have many variables to be tested.

To learn more about scientific questions click here:


What is the law of conservation of energy and how do we know this is true?


Answer:The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another. This means that a system always has the same amount of energy, unless it's added from the outside. ... The only way to use energy is to transform energy from one form to another.


law of conservation of energy is energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be transformed from one form to another

it is true as potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy

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