Read the passage. " The Show Must Go On". What is the theme of " The Show Must Go On"? How do specific details shape the theme and affect Tessa's attitude as the story progresses? Use evidence from the text to support your response. Your response needs to be at least three complete paragraphs). (Writing out the first half now) -------> Tessa received the letter in an oversized lavender envelope with a sliver star across the addressee space. She knew what it was before she opened it due to a system error earlier that week that had sent out emails to the accepted students. She still opened it slowly to build anticipation, just like she had planned to do back when she first applied. Congratulations on your acceptance to the Hollywood Summer Stars teenage film program. Please see script submission deadlines below, and report to studio 14 on the appropriate date. It was everything she had hoped for since six months prior when she had turned over her carefully crafted application. On June 24, Tessa stood outside studio 14 clutching two binders to her chest. One contained her shooting script, which was several development stages ahead of where the program expected it to be. The second binder contained a summer-long schedule she had composed for herself, detailing the upcoming weeks and the progress she planned to make on the film. Tessa's mother had poked fun at her elaborate preparations, encouraging her to use some of her free time for actual fun before the camp took over her summer vacation. Her mother didn't understand that for Tessa, this was fun. The camp arranged students in pairs to provide feedback to and support for one another. Tessa's fondest aspiration was to be matched with someone similar to her or related to someone famous who could maybe provide an exotic outside perspective on her work.Instead, they paired her with a Midwestern boy named Varick who had never left his home state of Ohio before his acceptance letter arrived. Tessa managed her disappointment and asked about his project, hoping it wouldn't be too tedious. He told her his script was open-ended by design, and that he intended to develop the content further as he filmed. Tessa thought that approach amounted to wasting a golden opportunity to make a masterpiece under professional supervision. The first week of filming went smoothly, and Tessa managed to accomplish every single task on her extensive to-do list. The second week was less productive. The obstacles began Tuesday morning, when storms appeared on the horizon. Tessa wasn't an amateur planner, so she had penciled in the possibility of poor weather. However she had not imagined the possibility of three consecutive overcast days taking place in a single week in Los Angeles. By Thursday, her mood soured, and she berated the clouds overhead for their interference. Through it all. Varick urged her to " change it up" and capture some of the fascinating skyscapes provided by the uncooperative weather. Tessa grew frustrated with his intrusion, and reminded him for the umpteenth time her film had nothing to do with storms. ( Read the last three paragraphs of the passage in the picture that I posted). Will Mark Brainliest if correct. [ No Nonsense Answers or you'll be reported everytime. ​

Read The Passage. " The Show Must Go On". What Is The Theme Of " The Show Must Go On"? How Do Specific


Answer 1

The theme of " The Show Must Go On" is to always focus on one's goal.

What is a theme?

It should be noted that a theme simply means the underlying message that's illustrated in a literary work.

In this case, the theme of " The Show Must Go On" is to always focus on one's goal. In the story, regardless of the obstacles that were faced, the show continued as planned.

The story revolved around how Tessa received a letter in an oversized lavender envelope with a sliver star across the addressee space.

It was a congratulatory letter on her acceptance to the Hollywood Summer Stars teenage film program.

It was everything she had hoped for. she faced obstacles on Tuesday morning, when storms appeared on the horizon but she had penciled in the possibility of poor weather. This was important in illustrating the theme and showed how her attitude evolved as the story progressed.

Learn more about theme on:


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i need help please: Our people were being forced to move from our land-land our ancestors had lived on for centuries. It was either that or assimilate into the culture that had taken over. None of us wanted to move. Most of us didn't want to change. But I'll admit that I was interested in learning the new language and culture. The colonizers' clothing and their schools also intrigued me. Which of these storylines most closely matches the external conflict of the passage? O A. I want to fit in at my new school, so I bought some clothes like the other kids', even though I think they look strange. B. Thad never been as afraid as when our captain abandoned us, but I knew I had to step up and lead my men to safety. O C. Our nature preserve is going to be turned into an office park unless we can raise enough money to save it. D. Should I go along with the plan or point out the ethical dilemma? was afraid I was already too far in to back out.​


The correct answer is A) it makes readers understand the story's theme of cultural conflict.

The statement that most accurately describes the intended aesthetic impact of this resolution is "it makes readers understand the story's theme of cultural conflict."

The text helps the reader to understand the cultural conflict in that it refers to the situation when the people were forced to move away from the land where their ancestors had lived for years. This really impacted them.  Although nobody wanted to move, the author mentions how he was curious about the new culture and language. Schools and clothing were very different and somehow attractive to the point of rejecting the ancestors' culture to embrace the new one.

Question 41 (2 points)
is defined as not easily changed.
a) Expel
b) Humility
c) Inflexible
d) Insistent
Question 42 12 noints)


Inflexible is the answer

Which two characters are most alike according to their personality descriptions?

A. Friar and Yeoman
B. Miller and Franklin
C. Parson and Knight
D. Plowman and Summoner


B I hope this helps I might be wrong good luckk

I need someone to paraphrase a paragraph please help meeee pleaseee type ur email please or send me by email (neemaa2000(at)


okay. i need points .

Diferencia entre David y Goliat



Goliath was bigger and taller than anyone else, and he was fierce. He wore heavy armor and carried a sword, spear, and large shield. No one dared to fight him. David was a young shepherd boy who had faith in the Lord.


El improvisado adversario del gigante fue David, un joven pastorcillo israelita de la tribu de Judá, que más tarde se convertiría en rey. A diferencia de Goliat era ágil y veloz, y tan sólo disponía de un trozo de tela y una cuerda, que a modo de honda le permitía lanzar piedras a gran distancia.

I hope this helps you in any shape or form.

Which of the following is the definition of a noun phrase?



You did not give any of the answer options (assuming there is answer options for this question), but the definition of a noun phrase is "a word or group of words that functions in a sentence as subject, object, or prepositional object."

Hope this helps!

She goes to work by car (questions



WHat is the question


if this is it, then She goes to work by car.

i guess...


I think : How does she go to work?


A student in your class who's really unpopular gets seated next to you, and you make a mean comment. You feel bad right away, but if other kids hear you apologize, you know they'll make fun of you. What will you do?

explain 3 to 5 sentences



I will apologize because I feel bad, not because I care about what the other kids think.


You should feel bad when you do this so you SHOULD apologize and right away. And if you're lucky, this person will become your new friend. Good luck!

1.10 write a summary. I need a summary written for this. it's robots on earth by Jerry west ( please help I need this asap)​


Robots on Earthby Jerry WestExplosions. Car chases. A man and woman, drenched in sweat,limping from a building as it crumbles to the ground, muster thelast of their strength to rescue humanity from its inevitableextinction at the cold, metal hands of humanoid creatures withartificial intelligence gone awry. For decades, books and movieshave dictated how we think of robots. Simply the word "robot" canbring to mind images of evil, mechanical creatures bent on takingover the world and wiping out every glimmer of humanity. Andyet, the truth of machines is dramatically different. Today's robotshold little in common with their villainous cousins from action-packed science fiction. Most robots have no interest in harmingthe human population at all; they exist to aid people in makinglife safer, healthier, and more productive. The main idea of thisparagraph is what most people think when they hear the wordrobot.

please give me brainliest

Help me plzzzz I’m stuck on this


You didn’t exactly provide much context lol

Why are most natural monopolies established?
O A. To earn maximum profits for shareholders
O B. To increase competition in a struggling industry
O C. To help governments provide public services
O D. To let companies avoid taxes and regulations



D is the answer u understand

Natural monopolies are established to help governments provide public services. Hence, the correct answer is C.

What are natural monopolies?

Natural monopolies are industries where a single firm can produce at a lower cost than any potential competitor due to economies of scale. This means that as the firm produces more, the cost per unit decreases. Consequently, it becomes more cost-effective for a single company to provide the service rather than having multiple companies each producing a fraction of the output.

Most natural monopolies are established to help governments provide public services. The government may find it more efficient to have a single provider of the service, such as water or electricity, rather than having multiple providers. By doing so, the government can ensure that the services are provided at a reasonable cost and with an adequate level of quality.

Therefore, natural monopolies are established to help governments provide public services.

Learn more about natural monopolies, here:


Choose the sentence with the correct comma usage?


i think it’s the first one

I have several hobbies; for example ​



well, that is a question for you, like what do YOU like to do? What do you enjoy doing more than other things?




Auto Racing

Association Football


Arm wrestling



Amateur Radio


Airplane Spotting

Air Soft


Acrylic painting

Acro dance

Gaelic football




Garage saling







Ghost Hunting,





Caber toss

Cajon drum

Calf roping



candle making




Collecting Hats


Plz help meee!!



1. 2. 5. 8. 10. the five sentences that are wrong


i hope it will help you

Describe a hot summer afternoon in a park (descriptive writing))



Here the answer my friend






It's not childish jut cause it says "Children of an Idle Brain" which rules out answer 1, and we then are left with 2, 3, and 4, I don't see anything similar to a nightmare in the poem either, so it cant be 4, and the leaves us with 2 and 3. The man still talks about dreams so it can't be 3, which leaves us with 2.

So answer 2. should be correct

If it is correct, could I get brainliest?

Can someone explain the summary of chapter 4 for Falling Leaves? PLEASE ANSWER AS SOON AS U CAN! ​



The adult children of the Yen family gather in Hong Kong after the death of their father, Joseph Yen. Throughout most of his life, Joseph Yen was a wealthy and successful businessman; thus, his children visit their father’s banker with the expectation of receiving considerable amounts of money from his will. The only absent child is Susan, Adeline’s stepsister who has been disinherited.

Their stepmother—whom they refer to as Niang, a Chinese term for mother—sits imposingly at the head of a long table. After the will executor hands out copies of the will, he explains that their mother “has requested you don’t turn the page for the time being” (2). When he reaches the bottom of the first page, the executor states, “‘I have been instructed by your mother, Mrs. Jeanne Yen, to tell you that there is no money in your father’s estate’” (3).

Niang yells at the children that their father “died penniless” (3), frightening them into submission despite their suspicions that Niang is not telling the full truth. They hand back their copies of the will without reading on, as instructed. Adeline explains that this behavior stems back to Niang’s treatment of them as children, which ingrained a “collective docility” (3) deep into their psyches.


There you go

How did the power of language affect the characters and the society in which they live? Be sure to
address the differences between Equality and his brothers
some help me pliz this is due tm ?



whats the story about or we cant helo you

Pls help me to answer this question ASAP



Id advise to hide your email


Question 1: A: How can I get to Metropole Hotel? B: Go straight till the Opera House, ……………… a left onto Tràng Tiền street until you see the intersection with Ngô Quyền. The hotel is ……………… the intersection. *


Go straight till you get to the Opera House, turn left onto Tràng Tiền street until you see the intersection with Ngô Quyền. The hotel is at the intersection.

The above question is about finding the right words to make the question complete and meaningful. The right words to use are "turn" and "at".

The sentence will be "The hotel is at the intersection". "At" is a preposition. A preposition is used in order to show time, place, direction, location, etc, or show the relationship between two things. Examples of prepositions include by, at, on, to, off, between, beside, etc.

Based on the question, the location of Metropole Hotel is described.

Read related link on:


Carina loved running, and she loved winning too. She was the captain and star athlete of her track and field team. Although Carina wasn’t an excellent runner when she first joined the team two years earlier, she practiced all the time and soon began to win almost every race in which she competed. Carina was doing so well that she thought she might become the winningest track and field athlete in her school’s history!

2One afternoon at track practice, Coach Winder nabbed everyone’s attention to introduce a new athlete. “This is Roberto," he said. "He just transferred to our school from Greensboro Middle School. Please welcome Roberto to the team!”

3The members of the team clapped and jostled each other as they tried to shake Roberto’s hand. As the team captain, Carina shook Roberto’s hand first. She introduced herself and told Roberto that she was excited to have another team member. Roberto told Carina that he had been reluctant about joining the team, but Carina assured him that he would have a marvelous time.

4The next day, the members of the track team stretched before running some sprints. Carina told Roberto that he could race with her. “Don’t worry,” she said. “I’ll go easy on you because it’s your first practice.”

5Carina and Roberto lined up at the starting blocks. When they heard the CRACK of the starting pistol, Roberto and Carina started. After a short distance, Carina realized that Roberto was no longer beside her. She turned to see how far behind he had fallen, but to her amazement, Roberto was not behind her. She looked up and saw Roberto surging ahead. His feet moved as fast as lightning! When Carina realized that she was about to lose, she ran as vigorously as she could; however, it wasn’t enough. Roberto triumphed. Carina seemed almost paralyzed with shock, but she managed to smile and congratulate him.

6Over the next few weeks, Roberto became a phenomenon on the track. No matter how hard Carina trained, she could never beat Roberto.

7One evening after a track meet, Carina was desolate. Roberto had won first place, and Carina had come in third! She considered hanging up her running shoes and quitting the team. Just as she was about to call Coach Winder, her father entered the living room. Carina explained her situation to him.

8“If winning is so important to you that you can’t merely have fun being a member of the team,” said Carina’s father, “then I guess quitting is your only option. But, before you make your decision, think about why you originally joined the team.”

9The next day, Carina walked into Coach Winder’s office and handed him a slip of paper. Coach Winder’s eyes widened as he read it. Then, he closed the note and shook his head approvingly.

11“That’s right,” Carina said with a smile, “I’d like Roberto to serve as co-captain of the team.”

What happens in the RESOLUTION of this story?

A) Carina goes to the coach to suggest that she and Roberto become co-captains.

B) Roberto joins the track team and quickly becomes competition for Carina.

C) Carina loses a race to Roberto and decides to quit track for good.

D) Over the past couple of years, Carina has improved her racing skills through lots of practice.​



i believe the answer is A


If you read the story you can see she ask the coach for roberto to serve as co-captain.

What happened to the tragedian (actor) that Edna was in love with in the Awakening?



Edna cannot determine why she initially declined Robert’s offer of a swim when she did wish to go with him to the beach. She begins to feel a strange light within her that shows her the way to “dreams,” to “thoughtfulness,” and to the “shadowy anguish” that brought her to tears the evening Léonce returned from the club. She is slowly beginning to think of herself as an individual with a relationship to the outer world, and the sound of the sea draws her soul to “inward contemplation” and wisdom that are disturbing in their newness and depth.


Hope this helps.

Select the phrases from the drop-down menus that best complete the sentence.

Choose... A FIrst person B Second Person C Third-person Limited D Third-person omniscient
narration of the story allows the reader to
Choose...A Remain engaged in solving the mystery along with the character.
B Know who killed the driver before the characters figure it out.
C Know the thoughts of the dead river.
D Understand why someone wanted the dead river.



A or C?



A and C


Mr.Appleton has 6 Science classes, and each class has 32 students. He wants to give an insect sticker to each student in his class.He has 175 stickers.Does Mr.Appleton have enough stickers? Use estimates



32*6=192 so hes not enough stickers he need 17 stickers to get enough

Which sentence describes an English sonnet? O A. It has 19 lines and uses a rhyme scheme of aba. B. It has 14 lines and ends with a rhyming couplet. O C. It was made famous by a poet named Petrarch. O D. It is harder to rhyme than the other kind of sonnet.​


B. It has 14 lines and ends with a rhyming couplet.

Part A
Which answer best describes a similarity between “Occasioned by General Washington's Arrival in Philadelphia, On His Way to His Residence in Virginia” and “His Excellency General Washington”?


Please respond with the correct answer and please show a image or proof that the answer you said is the correct answer.

Please and thankyou.

A) Both poems praise Washington’s exceptional character and leadership.

B) The poems highlight Washington’s contributions to America after his military career ends.

C) Both poems accuse the British of crimes against the American people.

D) The poems question whether freedom is worth the death and suffering that results from war.

Part B

Which details from the poems help to develop the ideas identified in Part A?

Select the two correct answers.

A) “Time's latest age shall own in you / The patriot and the statesman too.”

B) “Fam'd for thy valour, for thy virtues more, / Hear every tongue thy guardian aid implore!”

C) “Your counsels not bestow'd in vain / Shall still protect this infant reign,”

D) “Anon Britannia droops the pensive head, / While round increase the rising hills of dead.”



For Part A, the answer is: "Both poems praise Washington’s exceptional character and leadership.". For Part B, the answer is: “Fam'd for thy valour, for thy virtues more, / Hear every tongue thy guardian aid implore!” and “Time's latest age shall own in you / The patriot and the statesman too.”

Explanation: I took the test. Its correct

In Part A that best describes a similarity between them is "Both poems praise Washington’s exceptional character and leadership", and in part B the most suited details that develop the ideas identified in Part A is - “Fam'd for thy valor, for thy virtues more, / Hear every tongue thy guardian aid implore!” and “Time's latest age shall own in you / The patriot and the statesman too.”.

What are the types of passages?

There are majorly four types of passages - narrative passages, descriptive passages, and expository passages

Narrative Passage develops a narrative and it contains a continuing story that tells us about something or acts as an anecdote. A descriptive passage can be described as the detailed collection of a subject matter that explains that subject matter more deeply.

Expository passages are used to explain something or provide information. They are often found in nonfiction texts such as textbooks, history books, or biographies. However, they can also be found in fiction texts.

To read more about types of passages, refer to -


Which details should be included in an effective summary of "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost?
Select Yes or No for each detail
The speaker must make a decision about which path to take
The speaker hopes that the choice he or she makes will be the right one
The speaker is satisfied with the decision made at the fork
The speaker chooses to follow the most traveled road
The sponkor is impatient to go forward with life


Answer:The speaker must make a decision about which path to take: YES

The speaker hopes that the choice he or she makes will be the right one: YES

The speaker is satisfied with the decision made at the fork: YES

The speaker chooses to follow the most traveled road: NO

The sponkor is impatient to go forward with life: NO


i took the test and some how got all of them right


I've included the answer in the pic below!


I hope this helps! :)

2. How should this sentence be changed?
Coffee is very popular in most countries: however, in a few, tea is the warm
beverage of choice.
A. Delete the comma after the word however
B. Change the colon to a semicolon
C. Insert a semicolon after the word tea
O D. No change needs to be made to this sentence


The answer to the question is c


B. Change the colon to a semicolon


Coffee is very popular in most countries; however, in a few, tea is the warm

Read these lines from the poem and answer the question.
The monument sticks like a fishbone
in the city's throat
In these lines, the poet suggests that
the monument should have been torn down along with the aquarium
the monument is not attractive
the monument makes the people of the city uncomfortable because of the history behind it
the monument should have been placed in another part of the city



the monument makes the people of the city uncomfortable because of the history behind it

MINOR supporting details are even more ____ than MAJOR details.
A) general
B) specific​


MINOR supporting details are even more “B) Specific” than MAJOR details.
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