please help;
Write a two paragraph response using evidence that addresses the following prompt: "How has the American Declaration of Independence impacted other countries around the world? How have the PROMISES of equality found in the Declaration of Independence been extended/given to more groups of people in AMERICA over the last few hundred years?"


thank you !!


Answer 1



“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Thomas Jefferson

The Declaration of Independence

Second Continental Congress

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The words “all men are created equal” have echoed throughout history.


“Men are born and remain free and equal in rights.”

Marquis de Lafayette

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

The National Assembly

Paris, France

Since 1776, there have been approximately 120 declarations of independence made by different countries and different peoples.


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal.”

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

The Declaration of Rights and Sentiments

Women’s Rights Convention

Seneca Falls, New York

What does “all men are created equal” mean to you?


“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

President Abraham Lincoln

Gettysburg Address

Gettysburg Battlefield, Pennsylvania

Why do you think Thomas Jefferson's words have echoed as often as they have?


“We believe that it is the inalienable right of the Indian people, as of any other people, to have freedom and to enjoy the fruits of their toil...”

Mahatma Gandhi

Declaration of Sovereignty and Self-Rule

Indian National Congress

Lahore, Pakistan (then part of India)

What patterns do you notice within this timeline?


“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.'”

Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

Washington, DC

Whose stories and struggles are represented?


“All men are created equal and they are endowed with certain inalienable rights . . . that’s what America is. No matter how hard you try, you cannot erase those words from the Declaration of Independence.”

Harvey Milk

San Francisco, California

If rights can be gained, can they also be lost?

1984 CHINA

“We believe -- and we believe it so deeply that Americans know these words by heart -- we believe ``that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among those are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.'' Take an American student or teacher aside later today and ask if he or she hasn't committed those words to memory. They are from the document by which we created our nation, the Declaration of Independence.”

President Ronald Reagan

Shanghai, China

Is “all men are created equal” being lived up to in our country today? When will we know when it is?


“What makes us exceptional -- what makes us American -- is our allegiance to an idea articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.' Today we continue a never-ending journey to bridge the meaning of those words with the realities of our time.”

President Barack Obama

Second Inaugural Address

Washington, DC

What victories in the struggle for human rights are missing from this timeline?


“Taking pride in the struggle of our people to gain independence and build the state, to free ourselves from tyranny, to affirm our free will...A political system ... that guarantees respect for human rights and freedoms, independence of the judiciary, equality of rights and duties between all citizens, male and female, and equality between all regions...”

The Constitution of the Tunisian Republic

The Declaration of Independence was written over 200 years ago.

Will it still be relevant in another 200?


“This ball of liberty, I believe […], is now so well in motion that it will roll round the globe.”

Related Questions

How did English laws contrib- ute to the development of freedom and self-government in the American colonies?​


The idea of self-government was encouraged by the Glorious Revolution and the 1689 Bill of Rights which established that the British Parliament—and not the king—had the ultimate authority in government. In the 1730s, the Parliament began to pass laws regulating their colonies in the Americas

dude above me


which of the following areas is not a location of the four early civilizations​



what are the following locations?

Is it fair to argue that one of the factors that drove the sugar trade was the ideal growing conditions in the Caribbean? Explain your answer.



The most important factors that drove the Sugar Trade were the availability of the Caribbean Islands to the British, the increasing desire for sugar, England's strong economy, complementary industries (i.e. slave trade), and commercialism.



i dont think so

What is a pandemic? (don't mind the rest it won't let me post if I don't have more than 20 letters.)



Pandemic flu" has been one of the buzzwords of late 2005. But how does the phrase that's on everyone's lips differ from "epidemic," that other well-worn disease term?

Apparently, a lot of people aren't sure. Merriam-Webster reports that "pandemic" is the seventh most frequently looked-up word in its online dictionary this year. The definition: "occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population."

This is almost the same as the dictionary definition for "epidemic," and it doesn't explain much when it comes to influenza -- a.k.a. the flu.

An epidemic of influenza is different from the dreaded pandemic that scientists and world health officials fear is nigh. We might see an epidemic of seasonal influenza during any given year. In fact, we just had one.

Flu reached epidemic levels in the U.S. for 10 weeks in a row during the 2004-2005 season. Records kept by the CDC show that during the week ending March 5, 2005, 8.9% of all deaths reported in 122 U.S. cities were due to influenza and pneumonia (a common complication of the flu).

The CDC's definition of a flu epidemic relates to the percentage of deaths in a given week caused by influenza and pneumonia. The "epidemic threshold" is a certain percentage above what is considered normal for that period. The normal level, or baseline, is statistically determined based on data from past flu seasons.

Christine Pearson, a spokeswoman for the CDC, cautions that the definition of an influenza epidemic doesn't apply to other diseases.

Seasonal flu epidemics may sicken millions, but those who die are typically a small number of the elderly, very young children, and people with weak immune systems. That's not the case during the worst influenza pandemics.

There are two main features of an influenza pandemic. First, the virus is a new strain that has never infected people before. Second, it's on a global scale. Sometimes it's also unusually deadly.


A pandemic is when like a virus or something like that gets out and everyone has to stay away from the outside world for a bit until either it’s clear or until it’s down a little bit to there your able to come out and not get sick

This excerpt from the Declaration of Independence best reflects which
Enlightenment idea?
[W]henever any Form of Government becomes destructive
of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to
abolish it, and to institute new Government."
A. Popular sovereignty
B. Social contract
C. Natural rights
D. Separation of powers


in the given statement the right of people over government shows a "Popular sovereignty" . Hence option A is correct principle.

What is Popular Sovereignty ?

Popular sovereignty is a kind of democratic government. The people are the government's source of power, and if it ignores their will, that power is unconstitutional.

The people, who have sovereignty or supreme power, are expected to be served by the government that they freely choose. The idea of popular sovereignty holds that a state's authority and its administration are established and upheld with the permission of its citizens, who are the source of all political power.

Being a principle, popular sovereignty does not require any specific political implementation. Lewis Cass of Michigan, the Democratic candidate, used the term "popular sovereignty" to describe a fresh approach that was starting to take shape. For example  American, Canadian, and Mexican .

Learn more about "popular sovereignty" here

# SPJ 5


c. natural rights


In three sentences and in your own words what do you know about the Roman Empire?



Rome was founded in 735 BCCats are free to Roam in Rome The Use of Urine to wash clothes as well as brush their teeth!


civilization period

Long duration



What did Abigail Adams believe women should receive from the Declaration of Independence?

A.unlimited power and authority over men end to unfair treatment

C.a guarantee that the rights of women would remain the same

D.roles within the new government

(Screenshots for proof would be appreciated, and will be marked brainliest)



The correct anwser should be B



Abigail Adams was one of the first advocates of women's equal education and women's property rights. ... Adams believed that women should educate themselves and use their intellect to manage the household affairs, as well as be a moral guide for the family.

What is one Native American accomplishment or achievement?


Answer:American Indian achievements

Indians cultivated and developed many plants that are very important in the world today. Some of them are white and sweet potatoes, corn, beans, tobacco, chocolate, peanuts, cotton, rubber and gum.


brainliest plzzz

support a boogie


The Natives have raised and grew many plants.


In their time in the United States, the Native Americans have cultivated (raised/grew) many species (types) of plants that are important in our would today! We know plants like Sweet potatoes, white potatoes, chocolate, tobacco, beans, corn, and many more thanks to the Natives!

~i hope this helped




B. The industrial Revolution makes goods cheaper to produce.


This means they can sell it for a lower price, resulting in americans being able to afford mass-produced goods.

D or B now you have to use process of elimination hope this helps

How many years did it take to build Mount Rushmore?



14 years


started 1927 finished in 1941

What was the name of the salts used to dry out the bodies before mummification?





I'm not 100% sure but that what I remember.

Hope this helped :)

According to Chinese legend, Emperor Yu founded the Xia Dynasty shortly before 2000 B.C.E. For which accomplishment was Yu most famous?


inventing printing


cultivating silk worms


inventing gunpowder


controlling river flooding


Answer: its d my friend


D. Controlling river flooding

the east coast in 1800 became



The east coast in 1800 became hot.


Hope this helps! :D

so what is your questions

Can someone help me plz. Its for a project. I will mark you has a brainliest.
I need to find key events, locations and dates for The Safavid Empire from its expansion. The events are for where they took place during the growth.

Oh it doesnt just have to be The Safavid Empire. It can be from The Ottoman Empire and The Mughal Empire.

Thank you to whoever helps



(i was a little confused by the question)

For Safavid Empire timeline:

Safavids take control of Baghdad. 1624. Isfahan still the capital.

Ismail II. 1576 - 1578.

Safavids lose Baghdad. 1638.

Abbas I. 1588 - 1629.

Abbas II. 1642 - 1666.

Nader. 1736 - 1747.

Regain Isfahan. 1729.

Safavid Empire. 1501 - 1722.

For the ottoman empire timeline:

1299 - Osman I founded the Ottoman Empire.

1389 - The Ottomans conquer most of Serbia.

1453 - Mehmed II captures Constantinople putting an end to the Byzantine Empire.

1517 - Ottomans conquer Egypt bringing Egypt into the empire.

1520 - Suleiman the Magnificent becomes ruler of the Ottoman Empire.

For the Mughal Empire timeline:

The very first Mughal emperor and the founder of the Mughal emperor Babur brought gunpowder to India.

He is known for defeating:

Ibrahim Lodhi in the First Battle of Panipat (AD 1526)

Rana Sanga (Sangram Singh) at battle of Khanwa.

Medini Rai of Chenderi at Battle of Chanderi (AD 1528)

I hope this helped! If not I can help more if needed

Put these words in individual sentences:
1. Imperial

2. Bureaucracy

3. Meritocracy

4. Commerce

5. Inoculate


The Imperial Army laid waste to the countryside, hanging the dissenters and burning down their villages, in a show of force against those who would oppose their rule in the future and rebel.

The bureaucracy of the age has failed to uphold their projected values towards the people, and instead decided to line their own pockets with cash, while the common folk starved and the economy implodes.

Meritocracy sounds good on paper, but there is few people who can fill the role of the position of power and be able to handle all of the tasks to the support of everybody.

The failure of the government to comply to international laws led to the country's global commerce to be disrupted, and for the internal economy to stagger and crash due to the failure of everyday items to appear on the counters of shops.

The opinions on whether to inoculate another person should not be allowed, and that everybody should be able to follow through on their own opinions. Actions, afterall, have their own consequences, prescribed to not only the individual, but also to their activities.

In the early years of human history, people traded goods with one another. This tradition continues in today's world. Many of the goods used every day were acquired as a result of trade. Today, trade remains very important to economic survival.

For this project, you will be asked to make comparisons between trading practices in early empires and trading practices today.

Think about trade in early empires versus trade today.
Jot down your thoughts.
Write a 200-300 word essay comparing and contrasting trade in early empires with trade today.
Here are some questions to answer to help you get started:
How have methods for transporting goods changed over time?
How has industrialization and the production of manufactured goods affected trade?
How do government regulations and trading blocs affect trade?
Have the benefits of trade changed over time?
How has the construction of canals or roads changed trade routes?



OK, I only have answers for the 1st and last one but here we go


The methods for transporting goods have changed a lot over time. Now, we can trade is often done by ships. But back in the ancient days they probably traded mainly by foot and/or horseback.

The construction of roads and canals have affected trade routes a lot. With canals and roads, people looking to trade or trading can go to much farther places in a shorter amount of time. Therefore, trade with roads/canals is much easier than it was without.

~I hope this helps~

How have tribal councils invested monies from casinos into their communities?

(a) They have built retirement homes for elderly members.
(b) They have built a system of dams and levees to protect tribal land from flooding.
(c) They have repaired and replaced roads and bridges throughout Washington State.
(d) They have purchased new lands to expand the size of reservations.

Answer and explanation pls.



A portion of the gaming revenue gets shared with individuals in tribes where the casinos are located. The money also benefit communities — supporting education, buildings and services. And casinos also provide jobs in the thousands, although exactly how many is not clear.

What was the name of the Pilgrims’ ship?



The mayflower:)


The may flower carried pilgrims to America

What is the difference between a primary source and an artifact?
a. Primary sources are studied by archaeologists; artifacts are studied by historians.
b. Primary sources are written sources; artifacts are objects.
c. Primary sources are made by people; artifacts are made by machines.
d. Primary sources are studied by historians; artifacts are not.





the answer is B- Primary Sources are written sources

Which was a result of The French and Indian War? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)
A. Taxes on the colonists were increased
B. The debate over slavery began.
C. Great Britain was in debt.
D. Great Britain tightened its control over the American colonies.



a and b


a and c
taxes increase bc Great Britain was in debt

Which group gave the colonists an advantage during the American Revolution?

a.the Hessians

b.Native Americans

c.the French

d.the Portuguese


The french,the french helped during the American revolution.
C the French how this helps!

Which statements reflect Sumerian religious beliefs?

Select all correct answers.

Religious beliefs played a large role in the Sumerians' daily life.

The Sumerians believed that their gods were the cause of the sometimes frightening, unpredictable workings of nature.

Sumerian religious beliefs were based on science.

The Sumerians believed in many powerful nature gods.


Answer:its actually B A and D

Explanation:took the test earlier, failed and check the review (wont let you make my mistake my man)

Cars are powered by fossil fuels, which come from the remains of ancient living things that were buried and exposed to high temperature and pressure from Earth’s interior.

Which spheres are represented when fossil fuels form?

a.atmosphere and biosphere
b.biosphere and geosphere
c.cryosphere and atmosphere
d.geosphere and hydrosphere



B.) biosphere and geosphere should be the answer to this question!


Jdsjdje5 RF my phone is not going to be a

The Medici family was established in the early 1100s and by the time of the 1400s the Medici established which of these?
A. A church that led individuals freely practice their own religion
B. Their own trading route
C. A bank that was able to handle international trade


C A bank that was able to handle international trade.
C I hope this helps!

The quote below is from olaudah Equiano, as quoted in great slave narratives

“the First Object which saluted my eyes when I arrived on the cost, was the sea, and a slave ship…waiting for its cargo. These filled me with astonishment, which was soon converted to terror, when I was carried on board.”

The quote above most accurately describes which of the following is events?
A. An impressed sailor on Columbus’ voyage.

B. An indentured servant sailing to America.

C. An Enslaved African during the middle passage.

D. A Native Americans First encounter with Europeans.



a native Americans First encounter with Europeans

C or D Is the correct answer.

what does 1 peter 2:24 say in the bible?



He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is rightl By his wounds you are healed.


“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed

Why was the printing press so important to the renaissance?



The printing press made books easier and cheaper to produce, which increased the number of books, and lowered the cost of books so that more people could learn to read and get more reading materials.It made it easier to spread materials through the time of The Renaissance and the Reformation.It spread religious beliefs

The terms representative democracy and republic are used when describing America's government. Choose the THREE features of the type of government these terms are used to describe.

A. The power of the government belongs to the citizens.
B. People must have access to free and fair elections.
C. Every citizen is required to vote for representatives.
D. Limits are placed on government and lawmakers.
E. Every citizen gets a direct vote on every issue.


The three features of the Democracy includes  

People must have access to free and fair elections. Limits are placed on government and lawmakers. Every citizen gets a direct vote on every issue.

The majority political party which includes the Democratic and Republican party are representatives for Democratic style of government.

The Democratic style involves the ability of citizen to participate in decisions-making and providing information for elected representatives.

Therefore, the correct 3 features of the Democratic style includes that people must have access to free & fair elections, limits are placed on government & lawmakers and every citizen gets a direct vote on every issue.

Learn more about this here

1. faith
2. reconciliation
3. natural
4. transgression
5. Gospel
6. lament
7. ridicule
8. repentance
9. conversion
10. inclination

the process of changing from one belief or behavior to another
restored to friendship, harmony or communication
good news concerning Jesus Christ
a turning from sin to god
act of going beyond limit set: sin
to make fun of
inborn trait or character
tendency to a particular action
to cry out in grief
firm belief; complete confidence; trust


Answer: Explanation:

1. Gospel - good news concerning Jesus Christ.  St. Mark's gospel.

2. Conversion - process of changing from one belief or behavior to another. She talked about her conversio to Christianity.

3. Repentence - turning from sin to God. The repentence from sin brings joy.

4. Faith -  firm belief; complete confidence; trust. My faith keeps me going.

5. Transgression - act of going beyond limit set; sin.  Forgive our transgressions.

6. Lament - to cry out in grief.   poem is a lamenting of his death.

7. Ridicule - to make fun of.  He was reidiculed for his ideas.

8. Natural - inborn trait or character. Natural beauty.

9. Reconciliation - restored to friendship. harmony, or communication.  They are in the process of reconciliation.

10. Inclination - tendency to a particular action.  His inclination would be to start a new job.


faith: firm belief; complete confidence; trust

reconciliation: restored to friendship, harmony or communication

natural: inborn trait or character

transgression: act of going beyond limit set: sin

Gospel: good news concerning Jesus Christ

lament: to cry out in grief

ridicule: to make fun of

repentence: a turning from sin to god

conversion: the process of changing from one belief or behavior to another

inclination: tendency to a particular action


These are the words that correlate with eachother.


What conclusions can you make when you review the chart and compare the two maps? Can you place the site on the timeline? Write a short summary of your conclusions.

Then, write a second paragraph in which you compare this site to the other two sites. Be sure to take into consideration differences in climate and the distance between the site and bodies of water.


there is only one map my guy
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