Lincoln believed that the South should be:

A.punished harshly and made to suffer for their part in the Civil War.

B.rebuilt as a productive part of the Union.

C.permanently made a separate country.

D.taxed at a higher rate for 5 years to repay war debts.


Answer 1




I think this is the correct answer, pls correct me if I am wrong.

Related Questions

Section 3:
He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union and recommend to their consideration
such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of
them, and in case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time
as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully
executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.
from 'Article 11," The United States Constitution
This excerpt is an example of a Constitutionally-guaranteed example of which of these Presidential tools?
"bully pulpit
"executive order
"checks and balances
"power of appointing
The Executive Branch



"executive order

"checks and balances


bully pit


just did the usa test prep

Was Document D Ahmed Khan trustworthy and why



Yes, I do. He was not just a soldier during this time, but also a sepoy british soldier. If he stayed, I believe he would have a decent grasp on things.


Ahmed Khan's document was trustworthy because he worked with British India company.

Who is Ahmed Khan trustworthy?

Ahmed Khan was a Muslim scholar and philosopher who worked for the British East India Company and was loyal to the British. He published a book in 1858 in Urdu where he explained the revolt of India.

Ahmed's document was said to be trustworthy because he worked as an insider with the British and would have an eye on the happenings there.

Therefore, Ahmed Khan's document was trustworthy because he worked with British India company.

Learn more on Muslim philosopher document  here,

Great Britain increased taxes on its American colonies to pay for wars against France. True or False



That sure is true, and thats the reason why they wanted to break away from Britain!


An excerpt from "The Declaration of Independence"
"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of
these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and
to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles
and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most
likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
This excerpt demonstrates how the founding fathers were influenced
by which idea?
Social Contract
Natural Rights
Limited Government
Limited Monarchy



That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation


What were the two primary accomplishments of Chavez and the United Farm Workers in the 1960s and 70s as described in the article?



What were the two primary accomplishments of Chavez and the United Farm Workers in the 1960s and 70s


The UFW and Chávez had many accomplishments - establishing minimum wage standards, wage contracts, safer working conditions, child labor reform, and advancement in civil rights for Chicanos and other farm workers. Chávez's dedication to farm workers and civil rights grew out of influential childhood experiences.

( Chavez founded the National Farm Workers Association (later the United Farm Workers of America) and won important victories to raise pay and improve working conditions for farm workers in the late 1960s and 1970s)

Wyeast and Klickitat grew jealous of each other and soon began to quarrel. They became so angry that they fought. Their people also took up the quarrel, so that there was much fighting on both sides of the river. Many warriors were killed.

This time the Great Spirit was made angry by the wickedness of the people. He broke down the Bridge of the Gods, the sign of peace between the two tribes, and its rocks fell into the river. He changed the two chiefs into mountains. Some say that they continued to quarrel over Loo-wit even after they were mountain peaks. They caused sheets of flame to burst forth, and they hurled hot rocks at each other. Not thrown far enough, many fell into the river and blocked it. That is why the Columbia is very narrow and the water very swift at The Dalles.

–"The Bridge of the Gods,"

Ella E. Clark

According to this legend, why did the Great Spirit take down the Bridge of the Gods?

to punish the Plateau


Short Answer: He was angered by the wickedness of his people; they were battling, quarreling, and dying, and his action was to both demonstrate his power and to end the fighting.

He was angered by the sinfulness of his people; they were battling, wrangling, and dying, and his action was to both protest his power and end the fighting.

What is protest?

Protest is a public expression of objection, disapproval, or resistance towards an idea or action, typically a political one. Protests can be thought of as acts of group action in which many people cooperate by attending, and sharing the potential costs and risks of doing so. Protesters may organize a protest as a way of publicly making their judgments heard.

This time the Great Spirit was made angry by the wickedness of the people. He was angered by the sinfulness of his people; they were battling, wrangling, and dying, and his action was to both protest his power and end the fighting.

Therefore, his action was to both protest his power and end the fighting.

Learn more about the protest here:


Which statement describes the impact of Upton Sinclair's novel, The Jungle?

A. O It led to the passage of antitrust legislation.

B. It encouraged federal intervention in labor union strikes.

C. It prompted the movement to preserve national lands.

D. It exposed the unsanitary conditions of the meatpacking industry.



C. It prompted the movement to preserve national lands.


The Bill of Rights was added to the US Constitution in order to


protect the individuals/people from the national government from having too much power




sure lol thanks for the points bro i am happy

battle of Lexington:))

What three countries competed for power during the age of exploration?


Answer: Portugal, Spain, France and England.

Explanation: hope this helps

A b c or d help me find this


Answer: I think it's B or D sorry if I'm wrong

Explanation: It can't be A due to the constant hint of this being about the governing, it's not C since the Articles of Confederacy were noticeably weak.

when was the declaration of independence adopted by congress


July 4, 1776 is when the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the congress

Compara breument els dos tipus de presocràtics.


Tales, Anaximandre, Anaxímenes, Heràclit, Diògenes d'Apol·lònia, Xenòfanes, Pitàgores, Parmènides i els seus deixebles d'Elea, Empèdocles, Anaxàgores, Leucip i Demòcrit.

Els presocràtics concebien el principal objecte de les seves investigacions filosòfiques -el cosmos- com compost d'elements sensorials corrents: terra, aigua, aire; foc, i d'èter, elements que es convertien recíprocament uns a altres com a resultat de la seva condensació i de la seva enrariment.

What were the political effects of the Reformation?
A. Kings would always listen to the Pope
B. Lead to the collapse of the Church of England
C. Lead to the weakening of the Catholic Church and the increase in power of secular rulers (Kings)
D. Pope became more powerful





that is my answer okkkkkkkkkkkk

Help plz (50 points)

1: how do you define foreign policy?

2: Explain how foreign policy is determined, how foreign policy varies between developed and developing nations.



in foreign policy general objectives that guide the activities and relationships of on state in its interactions with other states.


the development of foreign policy is influenced by domestic considerations the policies or behaviors of other states or plans to advance specific geopolitical design:)

in the ‘90s, what defensive strategy was considered an "illegal defense"?


It was zone defense and the new one is zone defender

What resistance did women's suffrage face? List TWO examples.​




Anti-suffragists argued that most women did not want the vote. Because they took care of the home and children, they said women did not have time to vote or stay updated on politics. Some argued women lacked the expertise or mental capacity to offer a useful opinion about political issues.


Oregon, Kansas, and Arizona adopt woman suffrage. In 1913, suffragists organized a parade down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC. The parade was the first major suffrage spectacle organized by the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA).



Can someone pleasee help me with this!!





Definitely A hope it helps

1. The Constitution assigned the following powers to the president: executive power, military power, diplomatic
power, legislative power, judicial power, and appointment and removal power. Choose three powers and give an
example of how the president exercises that power.



A Silent Voice


Millitary: The president uses the military to wage wars and send missions to protect the USA and many other things

Executive Power: Used to manage and administrate certain organizations ran by the government.

Legislative Power: The ability of creating laws and vetoing laws that are in the process of being made

Hope this helped

Plz mark Brainliest

Dont forget to smash that heart at the bottom <3

Have a great day!


military power : use to protect and defend his people

judicial power : the authority granted to courts and judges by the Constitution and other laws to interpret and decide

diplomatic power : used to make treaties and set standards


hope this helps and feel free to add brainiest

Do you believe that there is still an effort to undermine the voting rights of people of
color? Why or why not?





THeres no point in living it will all end one day anyways and dont even go on about atleast 1 second of joy its cut out in a heardbeat

Drag the responsibility to the correct job title.



this is correct order listed.


How did Ann Judson help her husband on the mission field? (choose all that apply)

1. Visited him while he was in prison

2. Translated the Bible into the language of the natives

3. Saved orphan children

4. Shared the Burma mission to the people of London

5. Read and explained Scripture to the woman of Burma

6. Traveled to China to bring back medicine for the natives



there is the answer in the photo, your welcome


Ann Judson helps her husband on the mission field by visiting him while he was in prison and translating the Bible into the language of the native's saved orphan children and reading and explaining Scripture to the woman of Burma. The correct options are 1, 2, 3, and 5.

While Adoniram Judson was detained in Ava, Burma, Ann Judson did pay him visits. During the First Anglo-Burmese War, the Burmese government imprisoned Adoniram. He received much-needed solace and assistance from Ann's visits during this trying period.

The Bible was translated into Burmese with Ann Judson's assistance. She was a gifted language learner and helped her husband translate the Bible, which was a crucial addition to their missionary work.

Burma's orphanage system was started by Ann Judson. She took good care of these kids, giving them affection, education, and a secure home.

Thus, the ideal selections are options 1, 2, 3, and 5.

Learn more about Judson here:


what did the treaty of paris do?



ended the French and Indian War/Seven Years' War between Great Britain and France, as well as their respective allies.

help me please i really need this right now
MOST IMPORTANT AMENDMENT" and in a 4-5 sentence paragraph, make an argument for which amendment is most important and why?



Perhaps the most famous section of the Bill of Rights is the First Amendment. This right is so important, because it protects our rights to speech, press, petition, religion, and assembly.

The First Amendment is one of the most important amendments for the protection of democracy. Freedom of religion allows people to believe and practice whatever religion they want. Freedom of speech and press allows people to voice their opinions publicly and to publish them without the government stopping them.


What would happen if the 1st Amendment did not exist?

Assembly: With no First Amendment, protest rallies and marches could be prohibited according to official and/or public whim; membership in certain groups could also be punishable by law. Petition: Threats against the right to petition the government often take the form of SLAPP suits

i hope this helps you i just put a little more info tho

why was the mayflower compact important to the growth of representative government during the colonial period?



The Mayflower Compact was important to the growth of representative government during the colonial period because it allowed colonist to create their own laws and government.

how did differences in land cause conflict between the Powhatan and the Virginia colonists



In general, this warfare was caused by cultural differences and conflicts over land.


lmk if im correct

The assassination of a Powhatan chief by colonists sparked a confrontation between the Powhatan and the settlers, and Opecancanough sought retribution against them.

What was the conflict between the Powhatan and the Virginia colonists?

The Virginia Colony and the Powhatan Confederacy's Algonquin Indians engaged in three conflicts known as the Anglo-Powhatan Wars in the early seventeenth century. The first conflict broke out in 1609 and was resolved in 1614. The second conflict took place between 1622 and 1626. They destroyed towns and cornfields (ironic, in that the English were often starving).

Atrocities were committed by both sides against one another. Powhatan was ultimately coerced into a figurative ceasefire. Pocahontas, the beloved daughter of Powhatan, was taken prisoner by colonists and later wed John Rolfe. The English immigrants were welcomed by Powhatan and his people in 1607, and they assisted them in surviving their first winter by teaching them how to cultivate maize and tobacco, giving them medicine, and assisting them in hunting.

Learn more about Anglo–Powhatan Wars, here:


What are two rights or
freedoms from the First



Alright so, first amendment allows right of freedom religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition.

Freedom religion = not forced into a religion practice whatever you want

Expression = mostly mentions allowing to allow different opinions

Assembly = right to gather people and assemble basically such as protests

Right to petition = It's in the name.


what military advantages helped western nations dominate much of the world in the late 1800s?





4. As the 9/11 attacks happened, who were some of the key leaders and agencies that played a
role in determining the U.S. response?


Two weeks after 9/11, the Federal Bureau of Investigation connected the hijackers to al-Qaeda, a militant Salafist Islamist multi-national organization. In a number of video, audio, interview and printed statements, senior members of al-Qaeda have also asserted responsibility for organizing the September 11 attacks.

What was one of the effect of the Columbian Exchange on the New World?
a. European populations decreased because of a shortage of food sources.
b. Native populations gained wealth from cooperation with explorers.
c. Native populations decreased from war and new diseases.
d. Enslaved Africans were given freedoms in the new settlements.



If you give me the wrong answer/incorrect answer I will report you.

Subject : History


The Columbian exchange is a term used to describe all the consequences in terms of biology caused by the discovery of America.
Potatoes and maize were introduced in Europe. So were turkeys and guinea fowls.
Horses and diseases such as smallpox(which killed 90% of the American indigenous population) were also part of the exchange and transfored the American continent.
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A factory in Smyrna, Georgia, would MOST LIKELY transport products to stores in Peachtree City, Georgia, via A the Port of Savannah. B the Interstate Highway System. C Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. D a railroad connection between the cities. 8. I WILL MARK BRAINLIESTListen to the following audio clip and respond to the question: Cmo est el profesor? l est cansado.l est triste.l est enojado.l est nervioso What advice does Martine give Sophie when Sophie asks her about liking someone? Which of the following best describes the slope of the line below?O A. ZeroB. NegativeC. PositiveD Undefined 1. There are many horses grazing on the __________.A. pasture B. grasslandC. street D. Both A & B are correct.2. In my village, people usually graze their __________ on the common land.A. fruitB. cattle. cropD. rice3. If you get up early, try not to __________ everyone else.A. comfort B. destroyC. disturbD. assist4. When Trung was young, he usually helped his mother __________ the buffalo.A. collectB. feedC. checkD. herd5. She __________ some flowers in the garden and arranged them into a beautiful bouquet.A. boughtB. pickedC. plantedD. watered6. When I was a little girl, I usually helped my father __________ chicken eggs every morning.A. collectB. acquireC. pick D. arrange7. His grandfather is very __________. He often buys things for other people.A. braveB. selfishC. confidentD. generous8. A __________ fighter never shrinks from danger in executing an assignment.A. carefulB. strangeC. braveD. violent PLZZZ HELP URGENTLY ASAP ON THESE I NEED THIS NOW Suppose a man pushes a crate with a force of 20 N north. What is the magnitude and direction of the reaction force?A. 20 N southB. 20 N northC. 20 N downD. There is no reaction force in this case. Which is the closest antonym for the word belie?A. augmentB. evinceC. condoneD. malign Please no links will mark brainiest for complete and correct answer.question is in pic below Please help me help please help me please help please Can someone help me please Define :-a). Monomialb). Binomialc). trinomial christ identified with humanity in his baptism. why is this important to you Use the sentence to answer the question.I have 'ta tell ya about this sick new game that just popped up outta nowhere yesterday!!!How can this sentence be written to share the same information using formal language?(1 point)I discovered a new, interesting game that just came out!!!! discovered a new, interesting video game that was just released.I discovered a new, interesting video game that was just released.There's an interesting new game I just found out about.There's an interesting new game I just found out about.I found a sick, new game that just came out yesterday. the product of a number and -3 increased by 8 is no less than 35 how do you know that the gene being transcribed in the animation is in a prokaryote? if you need to evacuate at a facility during a fire, what is the safest action? If prices increase 3% each year for 10 years, then a jacket that costs $70 today will cost $94.07 in 10 years. What is the percentage decrease in the buying power of currency over the 10-year period? (Round your answer to one decimal place.) Can someone pls help me find two websites with reliable information on mediacl health and products. this is the only thing i need help with, there is more but imma try and do it myself. but pls someone help me what is 9,340 x 4/3.